

distrib > Mandriva > current > i586 > by-pkgid > ae0a4f27f26602dc31c3bf35e18b5b19 > files > 584


#!/usr/bin/env python
Displays a world map with locations plotted on top. Locations are expected to 
be tuples of latitude, longitude where West and South are expressed as 
negative values.
 - Mousewheel up and down zooms the plot in and out.
 - Pressing "z" brings up the Zoom Box, and you can click-drag a rectangular 
   region to zoom.  If you use a sequence of zoom boxes, pressing alt-left-arrow
   and alt-right-arrow moves you forwards and backwards through the "zoom 

# Standard library imports
import os.path
import urllib

# Major library imports
import numpy

# ETS imports
from enthought.chaco.api import Plot, ArrayPlotData, ImageData
from import ZoomTool
from enthought.enable.component_editor import ComponentEditor
from enthought.traits.api import HasTraits, Instance, Str
from enthought.traits.ui.api import Item, View

class WorldMapPlot(HasTraits):
    ### Public Traits ##########################################################
    # The plot which will be displayed
    plot = Instance(Plot)
    # The URL which points to the world map image to be downloaded
    image_url = Str("")

    ### Private Traits #########################################################

    # The path to where the image exists on the filesystem
    image_path = Str()
    # The view
    traits_view = View(Item('plot', editor=ComponentEditor(),
                            width=800, show_label=False),
    # Public interface

    def __init__(self, **kw):
        super(WorldMapPlot, self).__init__(**kw)
        image = ImageData.fromfile(self.image_path)
        # For now, the locations are hardcoded, though this can be changed
        # eassily to take command line args, read from a file, or by other
        # means
        austin_loc = (30.16, -97.44)
        locations_x = numpy.array([austin_loc[1]])
        locations_y = numpy.array([austin_loc[0]])
        # transform each of the locations to the image data space, including
        # moving the origin from bottom left to top left
        locations_x = (locations_x + 180) *[1]/360
        locations_y = (locations_y*-1 + 90) *[0]/180
        # Create the plott data, adding the image and the locations
        plot_data = ArrayPlotData()        
        plot_data.set_data("imagedata", image._data)
        plot_data.set_data("locations_x", locations_x)
        plot_data.set_data("locations_y", locations_y)
        # Create the plot with the origin as top left, which matches
        # how the image data is aligned
        self.plot = Plot(plot_data, default_origin="top left")
        # Plot the locations as a scatter plot to be overlayed on top
        # of the map
        loc_plot = self.plot.plot(('locations_x',  'locations_y'), 
                                    type='scatter', size=3, color='yellow',
        loc_plot.x_mapper.range.high =[1]
        loc_plot.x_mapper.range.low = 0
        loc_plot.y_mapper.range.high =[0]
        loc_plot.y_mapper.range.low = -0
        # set up any tools, in this case just the zoom tool
        zoom = ZoomTool(component=self.plot, tool_mode="box", always_on=False)

    # Protected interface
    def _download_map_image(self):
        """ Downloads a map from the image_url attribute. This is done
            primarily to keep the redistributable Chaco package as small
            as possible
        example_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
        self.image_path = os.path.join(example_dir, 'data', 
        if not os.path.exists(self.image_path):
            print "Downloading map image"
            urllib.urlretrieve(self.image_url, self.image_path)
# demo object that is used by the application.
demo = WorldMapPlot()

if __name__ == "__main__":