

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.2 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > c5d5e6a8695b7c37740ae32f97935ab9 > files > 1


    <IfModule !mod_authn_nufw.c>
	LoadModule mod_authn_nufw	extramodules/

<IfModule mod_authn_nufw.c>

    # AuthnNufwMaxLdapUidCachedObjects - Maximum number of UIDs to cache per LDAP connection, per child, for uid resolution

    # AuthnNufwLdapUidCacheEnabled - Set to Off to disable ldap cache in resolution of UIDs grabbed from SQL

    # AuthnNufwMaxLdapUidConns - Maximum number of concurrent LDAP connections with given parameters, per child, for uid resolution

    # AuthnNufwLdapUidEnabled - Set to Off to disable ldap resolution of UIDs grabbed from SQLSet to On to enable resolutions, and set AuthnNufwLdapUid* parameters too

    # AuthnNufwLdapUidHost - Set to the LDAP Host where your UID resolutions will be performed

    # AuthnNufwLdapUidPort - Set to the TCP port the LDAP UID resolution server

    # AuthnNufwLdapUidBinddn - Set to the DN to bind as on the LDAP UID resolver host

    # AuthnNufwLdapUidPassword - Set to the password to use when binding to the Ldap UID resolver host

    # AuthnNufwLdapUidBase - Set to the base DN on the LDAP UID resolver host

    # AuthnNufwMaxSqlConns - Maximum number of concurrent SQL connections, per child. 0 means infinite.

    # AuthnNufwMaxSimilarSqlConns - Maximum number of _similar_ SQL connections with given parameters, per child. 0 means infinite.

    # AuthnNufwAuthnoritative - Set to Off to allow access control to be passed along to lower modules if the UserID cannot be defined by this module

    # AuthnNufwTokensEnabled - Whether to mention NuFW in server tokens

    # AuthnNufwAuthnFrom - 'from' followed by hostnames or IP-address wildcards

    # AuthnNufwEnabled - Set to Off to disable Authn_nufw, even if it's been enabled in a higher tree

    # AuthnNufwTimeWindow - Sets the acceptable time window to identify a connection

    # AuthnNufwSQLHost - Set to the Host where your user tracking SQL base can be reached

    # AuthnNufwProtocolVersion - Set to the Nufw protocol version to use

    # AuthnNufwSQLPort - Set to the TCP port the SQL database can be reached

    # AuthnNufwSQLDatabase - Set to the SQL Database to use

    # AuthnNufwSQLTable - Set to the SQL Table to use

    # AuthnNufwSQLUser - Set to the SQL Database username

    # AuthnNufwSQLPassword - Set to the SQL Database password

    # AuthnNufwSQLSSLEnabled - Set to On to enable SSL wrapping for SQL connections

    # AuthnNufwSQLSSLKeyfile - Set to the private SSL key for encrypting the SQL connections

    # AuthnNufwSQLSSLCertfile - Set to the public SSL certificate for encrypting the SQL connections

    # AuthnNufwSQLSSLCA - Set to the file containing your Certificate Authnority

    # AuthnNufwSQLSSLCAPath - Set to the directory containing your Certificate Authnority files

    # AuthnNufwSQLSSLCypher - Set to the cypher you wish to use for encrypting SQL connections
