

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.2 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > a8eeeeda8c3aaf17a2af653ab7cd0895 > files > 5


          mod_auth_msfix Installation instructions

Unpack the files:
You will need to have unpack the distribution. If you downloaded
a tar'd+gzip'd file, you would:

	tar xzf mod_auth_msfix-0.2.0.tgz

For a tar'd file, you would execute:
        tar xf  mod_auth_msfix-0.2.0.tar

For a pkzip-compatable archive:

All of these will place the files in the directory:

Build the files:
1. Check the 'makefile' that has come with this package to ensure
   the path is correct for the utility apxs.

2. Type 'make all' to build
    The Apache utility apxs is used to build .
    The library will be placed in the subdirectory '.libs'.
3. Typing 'make install' will then:
    - install into apache modules directory
      using apxs.
    - add this line to your webserver config file (httpd.conf):

	LoadModule auth_msfix_module modules/

      AddModule is not required in Apache 2 but can be used 
      to add information to be displayed by the server-info

NOTE: You will need to have the correct privleges in order to
install the module. Usually root - but your setup may vary.

4. To configure a directory to be to use the header fixes, you
   need to put something like this in your httpd.conf. 

    <Location /path/to/directory>
        AuthName YourAuthName
        AuthType Basic
        require valid-user

	AuthMSFix       on
	AuthMSFixOnHeader User-Agent    "Microsoft.*Webdav"
	AuthMSFixMatch  "^.*\\\\(.*)$"  "$1"


    The "AuthMSFix on" directive tells the authentication handler to
    take effect.  This will have it check the headers. 

	The first parameter is which header to test. If it is '*' it
	will match all headers. (Affects all browsers)

	The second parameter is what to test against. This is a
	standard regular express.

        In this example it will test the 'User-Agent' header to see if 
        it matches the pattern "Microsoft.*anything"

	The first parameter is what to test the User Authorization string
	sent from the client against.

	The second parameter is what to substitute the user ID for. This
	has up to 9 parameters you can match against ($1-$9). ($0 is the
	whole string.)

        In the first part (MATCH), you could have (.*)@(www.)*(.*)$ - 
	this will match the user name if it looks like an email address.
	In the second part (SUBSTITUTE) you could use any of:
            $0 - the whole string
            $1 - The user name
            $2 - The optional 'www.' portion
            $3 - the domain.

        You could either remove the extra information by specifing
        as your SUBSTITUTE or you could make a new one by specifing 
        other strings:

4. Restart the web server for the changes to take effect.