

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.2 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 39c2a7f4920787801643807b4deb05f1 > files > 83


DB2 Universal Database Version 8.2 for Linux HOWTO

Ian Hakes

Rory Hinton

Dan Scott

Revision History                                                             
Revision 1.1.6           2005-11-09           Revised by: dbs                
Minor updates for Ubuntu installation steps.                                 
Revision 1.1.5           2005-10-31           Revised by: idmh               
Updated user setup instructions for non-DB2 created users.                   
Revision 1.1.4           2005-07-13           Revised by: dbs                
Added Ubuntu instructions.                                                   
Revision 1.1.3           2005-04-20           Revised by: idmh               
Added Red Hat Enterprise 4 instructions. Corrected minor cross-reference link
Revision 1.1.2           2005-02-07           Revised by: idmh               
Updated non-RPM install instructions. Minor updates to clarify audience and  
add some late breaking information.                                          
Revision 1.1.1           2005-01-25           Revised by: idmh               
Added Gentoo install instructions (provided by Dan Scott)                    
Revision 1.0.1           2005-01-06           Revised by: idmh               
Fixed typos in Red Hat 2.6 Enhancements section                              
Revision 1.0.0           2004-12-09           Revised by: idmh               
Initial release of DB2 V8.2 HOWTO.                                           

 This HOWTO is intended for anyone interested in installing and using 32-bit
IBM DB2® Universal Database on Linux®. If you're interested in 64??bit or
other architectures, we refer you to the official documentation sources (see 
Resources for a link).

Table of Contents
1. Introduction
    1.1. Who should read this HOWTO
    1.2. Disclaimer
    1.3. Copyright and license
    1.4. Credits
    1.5. About the authors
2. Prerequisites
    2.1. Hardware requirements
    2.2. Software requirements
3. Installation considerations and planning
    3.1. Installation methods
    3.2. Storage planning
    3.3. User and group setup
4. Installing DB2 UDB Version 8.2
    4.1. db2setup installation
5. Installing DB2 Version 8.2 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 3
    5.1. Pre-installation notes
    5.2. Installation notes
    5.3. Post-installation notes
6. Installing DB2 Version 8.2 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 4
    6.1. Pre-installation notes
    6.2. Installation notes
    6.3. Post-installation notes
7. Installing DB2 Version 8.2 on SuSE Linux Enterprise (SLES) 9
    7.1. Pre-installation notes
    7.2. Installation Notes
    7.3. Post-installation notes
8. Installing DB2 Version 8.2 on SuSE Linux Enterprise (SLES) 8
    8.1. Pre-installation notes
    8.2. Installation notes
9. Installing DB2 Version 8.2 on SuSE Linux Professional 9.1
    9.1. Pre-installation notes
    9.2. Installation notes
10. Installing DB2 Version 8.2 on SuSE Linux Personal 9.1
    10.1. Pre-installation notes
    10.2. Installation notes
11. Installing DB2 Version 8.2 on Fedora Core 2
    11.1. Pre-installation notes
    11.2. Install Notes
    11.3. Post-installation notes
12. Installing DB2 Version 8.2 on Mandriva Linux 10.1 (Community)
    12.1. Pre-installation notes
    12.2. Installation notes
    12.3. Post-installation notes
13. Installing DB2 Version 8.2 on Gentoo (2005-01-17)
    13.1. Pre-installation notes
    13.2. Installation notes
    13.3. Post-installation notes
14. Installing DB2 Version 8.2 on Ubuntu 5.04 'Hoary Hedgehog'
    14.1. Pre-installation notes
    14.2. Installation notes
    14.3. Post-installation notes
15. Installing the DB2 UDB Information Center
    15.1. Installing the Information Center locally
    15.2. The Information Center daemon
    15.3. Accessing an installed Information Center
16. Removing DB2 UDB Version 8.2
17. DB2 UDB and the 2.6 kernel
18. Using DB2 UDB
    18.1. DB2 UDB Control Center
    18.2. DB2 UDB Information Center
    18.3. DB2 UDB CLP
19. Resources
    19.1. Newsgroups
    19.2. Web sites
20. GNU Free Documentation License
    20.1. PREAMBLE
    20.10. TERMINATION
21. Trademarks

1. Introduction

1.1. Who should read this HOWTO

This HOWTO is intended for anyone interested in installing and using 32-bit
IBM DB2® Universal Database on Linux®. If you're interested in 64??bit or
other architectures, we refer you to the official documentation sources (see 
Resources for a link).

The information found in this document is based on our experiences installing
and configuring DB2 UDB Version 8.2.

1.2. Disclaimer

No liability for the contents of this document can be accepted. Use the
concepts, examples and information at your own risk. There may be errors and
inaccuracies, that could be damaging to your system. Proceed with caution,
and although it is highly unlikely that accidents will happen because of
following advice or procedures described in this document, the authors do not
take any responsibility for any damage claimed to be caused by doing so.

All copyrights are held by their by their respective owners, unless
specifically noted otherwise. Use of a term in this document should not be
regarded as affecting the validity of any trademark or service mark. Naming
of particular products or brands should not be seen as endorsements.

This HOWTO is not official IBM documentation, and cannot be construed as
such. IBM accepts no responsibility, liability or coverage for the material
or instructions contained in this HOWTO. The views expressed in this document
are those of the authors and not IBM Corporation.

1.3. Copyright and license

Copyright (c) 2004 IBM Corporation.

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under
the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later
version published by the Free Software Foundation; with the Invariant
Sections being "Disclaimer" and "About the Authors". This document is
distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
without ebaseven the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled
"GNU Free Documentation License".

1.4. Credits

Ian Hakes is the current owner and maintainer of this HOWTO. Please send all
suggestions for improvement, criticisms or questions to
(remove the REM).

Big thanks to Dan Scott, who kindly handed this project over with his
blessing, and even found time to handle the DocBook conversion for this
version. Dan is responsible for getting both of us interested in DB2 UDB on
Linux throughout the past four years. His work on the original DB2 UDB
Version 7.1 for Linux HOWTO, published by the LDP, stands as a testament to
his hard work and dedication and we hope this document can live up to those
high standards.

We'd also to thank: Rav Ahuja, Grant Hutchison, Ryan Chase, and Darin McBride
for their input and patience in answering our endless stream of questions.

Most of all, we must thank our wives and children for allowing us to spend
weeknights and weekends clattering away on our laptops and servers to get
this document together. We couldn't have done it without their love and

1.5. About the authors

Ian Hakes, R.H.C.E., has worked for IBM in DB2 UDB Information Development
since 1999. Currently, he is the team lead for the DB2 UDB Information
Development Infrastructure team, developing solutions to improve writers
lives as they put together the official documentation. Before that, he was
the writer responsible for the DB2 UDB SQL Reference manual. His free time is
spent mainly on computers, thinking about how much nicer it would be to be
outside sailing or hiking.

Rory A.A. Hinton, Ph.D., is presently employed at ATI Technologies. He works
in Application Engineering, writing BIOS development and register programming
reference guides. In his spare time, he cuts his lawn, drinks Ricard with ice
and water, and hosts a weekly talk radio show on CIUT 89.5 FM in Toronto. He
tries to live by the motto: "I want to work, provide for my family, and die
quietly without pain."

2. Prerequisites

Prerequisites are the elements required on your system before you can install
and use DB2 UDB Version 8.2. These elements include hardware, software, and
communication pieces required for DB2 UDB Version 8.2 to run successfully.
This section covers:

  * Hardware requirements:
      + Supported processors
      + Disk space requirements
      + Memory requirements
  * Software requirements:
      + Linux distribution
      + Kernel levels and libraries requirements
      + Additional software requirements
      + The IBM Developer Kit (SDK) for Java??

2.1. Hardware requirements

2.1.1. Supported processors


  * x86 (Intel® Pentium®, Intel Xeon, and AMD Athlon)
  * x86??64 (Intel EM64T and AMD64)
  * IA64 (Intel Itanium 2 or later)
  * POWER?? (any iSeries?? or pSeries® that supports Linux)
  * zSeries

2.1.2. Disk space requirements

Take into account the disk space requirements before you install and
configure DB2 UDB on your distribution:

Table 1. Disk space requirements
|Install type            |Description             |Required disk space     |
|Typical                 |DB2 UDB is installed    |450 to 500 MB           |
|                        |with most features and  |                        |
|                        |functionality, including|                        |
|                        |graphical tools such as |                        |
|                        |the Control Center and  |                        |
|                        |the Development Center. |                        |
|Compact                 |DB2 UDB is installed    |350 to 400 MB           |
|                        |with basic features and |                        |
|                        |functionality, without  |                        |
|                        |the graphical tools.    |                        |
|Custom                  |This option allows you  |350 to 700 MB           |
|                        |to select the features  |                        |
|                        |and functionality that  |                        |
|                        |you want to install.    |                        |

It's important to allocate enough disk space for the required software
prerequisites, along with the product documentation (if desired) and the
databases you create. For example, in Version 8.2, DB2 UDB product
documentation is accessed through the DB2 UDB Information Center. This is a
separately installable product that requires at least 100 MB when installing
the core English language files. Additional space is required for additional
languages. However, if disk space is an issue, you can configure DB2 UDB to
access the Information Center from the Web. More detail about this great
feature is provided in Installing the DB2 UDB Information Center.

2.1.3. Memory requirements

You should allocate a minimum of 256 MB of RAM for a product like the DB2 UDB
Enterprise Server Edition, but additional memory should be allocated for
other software and communication processes. When determining memory
requirements, consider the following points:

  * Your SWAP space should be at least twice as much as your RAM.
  * Additional memory should be allocated for any non-DB2 UDB software that
    may be running on your system.
  * Additional memory is required to support database clients and database
  * These memory requirements will be affected by the size and complexity of
    your database system, as well as specific performance requirements.

2.2. Software requirements

2.2.1. Distribution levels that are supported by DB2 UDB Version 8.2

In DB2 UDB Version 6, only 32-bit Intel architectures were supported. With
the release of DB2 UDB Version 8.2, IBM has demonstrated its support for the
Linux platform by validating on a much broader range of architectures. For
the sake of convenience, this table lists the recommended and validated
distributions that DB2 UDB officially supports in Version 8.2.

Table 2. Recommended and validated distributions
| Distributions |                        Platforms                         |
|               +------+---------------+-------+--------------+------------+
|               | x86  |    x86_64     | IA64  |    POWER     |  zSeries®  |
|               |      +-------+-------+       |              |            |
|               |      | AMD64 | EM64T |       |              |            |
|               +------+-------+-------+-------+-------+------+-----+------+
|               | 32?? |64??bit|64??bit|64??bit|32??bit| 64?? |31?? | 64?? |
|               | bit  |       |       |       |       | bit  | bit | bit  |
|Red Hat        |  x   |   x   |   x   |   x   |   x   |  x   |  x  |  x   |
|Enterprise     |      |       |       |       |       |      |     |      |
|Linux (RHEL) 3 |      |       |       |       |       |      |     |      |
|SuSE Linux     |  x   |   x   |       |   x   |   x   |      |  x  |  x   |
|Enterprise     |      |       |       |       |       |      |     |      |
|Server (SLES) 8|      |       |       |       |       |      |     |      |
|SuSE Linux     |  x   |   x   |   x   |   x   |   x   |  x   |  x  |  x   |
|Enterprise     |      |       |       |       |       |      |     |      |
|Server (SLES) 9|      |       |       |       |       |      |     |      |
For a list of all of the distributions that are officially supported, as well
as the latest information about kernels, libraries, integrated cluster
environments, and papers, visit the [
linux/validate/]  DB2 UDB for Linux validation Web site listed in Resources.

2.2.2. Required kernel levels and libraries Kernel parameter values

To successfully run DB2 UDB on your Linux distribution, you may be required
to update some of the default kernel parameter settings. For example, the
2.4.x series kernel message queue parameter msgmni has a default value that
allows only a limited number of simultaneous connections to DB2 UDB.

These are the recommended values for DB2 UDB to run optimally:

  * kernel.shmmax=268435456 for 32-bit
  * kernel.shmmax=1073741824 for 64-bit
  * kernel.msgmni=1024
  * fs.file-max=8192
  * kernel.sem="250 32000 32 1024"

Fortunately, DB2 UDB Version 8.2 has a new feature that checks the values of
the kernel.semmni, kernel.msgmni, and kernel.shmmax parameters when you enter
the db2start command, and changes them for you if the current values are not
optimal. This new feature makes these changes:

  * The semmni kernel parameter is changed to 1024
  * The msgmni kernel parameter is changed to 1024
  * The shmmax kernel parameter is changed to 268435456 (32-bit) or
    1073741824 (64-bit)

For example, after you issue the db2start command for the first time, you
should receive output like the following messages in your db2diag.log file:
ADM0506I DB2 has automatically updated the "semmni" kernel                   
parameter from "128" to the recommended value "1024".                        
2004-07-31- Instance:db2inst1                                 
PID:15996(db2sysc) TID:8192 Appid:none                                       
base sys utilities sqlesysc_main Probe:9                                     
ADM0506I DB2 has automatically updated the "msgmni" kernel                   
parameter from "16" to the recommended value "1024".                         
2004-07-31- Instance:db2inst1                                 
PID:15996(db2sysc) TID:8192 Appid:none                                       
base sys utilities sqlesysc_main Probe:9                                     
ADM0506I DB2 has automatically updated the "shmmax" kernel                   
parameter from "33554432" to the recommended value "268435456".              
2004-07-31- Instance:db2inst1                                 
PID:15994(db2star2) TID:8192 Appid:none                                      
base sys utilities startdbm Probe:911                                        
ADM7513W Database manager has started.                                       

Notice that db2start did not update the fs.file-max parameter. Any kernel at
2.4.18 and later automatically updates this parameter. Because of this new
feature, it is no longer necessary for you to manually update the
kernel.shmmax, kernel.msgmni, and kernel.sem parameters prior to installing
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Manually updating kernel parameters

If, for some reason, you need to change these default settings, you can
update them manually. To check your current shared memory segment, semaphore
array, and message queue limits, enter the ipcs -l command. Your output
should look something like this:
        ------ Shared Memory Limits --------                                 
        max number of segments = 4096                                        
        max seg size (kbytes) = 32768                                        
        max total shared memory (kbytes) = 8388608                           
        min seg size (bytes) = 1                                             
        ------ Semaphore Limits --------                                     
        max number of arrays = 1024                                          
        max semaphores per array = 250                                       
        max semaphores system wide = 32000                                   
        max ops per semop call = 32                                          
        semaphore max value = 32767                                          
        ------ Messages: Limits --------                                     
        max queues system wide = 1024                                        
        max size of message (bytes) = 8192                                   
        default max size of queue (bytes) = 16384                            

For example, here are instructions on how to modify the kernel.shmmax,
kernel.sem, and the kernel.msgmni parameters on Red Hat Linux 8, and how to
keep them set after a reboot.

 1. Log on as a user with root authority
 2. Open up /etc/sysctl.conf in a text editor and add entries:
    kernel.sem="250 32000 32 1024"                                           
 3. Enter the sysctl -p command to load in sysctl settings from /etc/
 4. Enter the ipcs -l to view the updated kernel parameters in sysctl.

To view all sysctl settings, enter: sysctl -a. You can also temporarily
update the kernel parameters (during run time) by using the sysctl -w
command. For example, to change the kernel.msgmni parameter to 1024, enter
the command:
sysctl -w kernel.msgmni=1024                                                 
These settings will not remain after the next reboot unless they are saved in
the /etc/sysctl.conf file.

Again, consider the same procedure on SuSE Linux. Modifying kernel parameters
on SuSE Linux is a little different from the method on Red Hat Linux. These
instructions will explain how to update the kernel.shmmax, kernel.sem, and
the kernel.msgmni parameters, and how to set them for reboot.

 1. Log in as a user with root authority.
 2. Some SuSE Linux distributions do not have a /etc/sysctl.conf file. If so,
    you need to create one manually using a text editor.
 3. In the /etc/sysctl.conf file, add entries:
            kernel.sem="250 32000 32 1024"                                   
 4. Enter the sysctl -p command to load in sysctl settings from /etc/
 5. Add sysctl -p to a system initialization file to set kernel parameters
    after each reboot. To do this, write a script and configure it to run
    automatically at runlevel 5. Specifically, you need to create an
    executable file in /etc/init.d/, and then add pointers to this script in
    /etc/init.d/rc5.d. For example, in /etc/init.d create an executable file
    named kerneldb2 that contains the script:
    #! /bin/sh                                                               
    # /etc/init.d/kerneldb2                                                  
    ### END INIT INFO                                                        
    touch /var/lock/subsys/kerneldb2                                         
    /sbin/sysctl -p >> /var/lock/subsys/kerneldb2                            
    Then in /etc/init.d/rc5.d, we added pointers to the kerneldb2 script by
    entering the commands:
    cd /etc/init.d/rc5.d                                                     
    ln -s ../kerneldb2 S99kerneldb2                                          
    ln -s ../kerneldb2 K99kerneldb2                                          
    Like Red Hat Linux, you can temporarily update the kernel parameters
    (during run time) by using the sysctl -w command. For example, to change
    the kernel.sem parameter, enter the command:
    sysctl -w kernel.sem="250 32000 32 1024"                                 
    Again, these settings will not remain after the next reboot unless they
    are saved in the /etc/sysctl.conf file.

2.2.3. The IBM Developer Kit for Java (SDK), Version 1.3.1 and 1.4.1

If the IBM SDK for Java is required by a component being installed, and it's
not already installed on your computer, the SDK for Java will be installed if
you use either the DB2 UDB Setup wizard or a response file to install the
product. If you use the db2_install utility to install DB2 UDB, the SDK won't
get installed. In that case, you must install the rpm file manually.

You require the appropriate level of IBM Software Development Kit for Java
(SDK) to use Java-based tools like the Control Center and the Development
Center, and to create and run Java applications, including stored procedures
and user-defined functions.

Table 3. SDK levels by operating system
|         Operating system         |        SDK for Java level        |
|Linux x86                         |SDK 1.4.1 Service Release 2       |
|Linux IA64                        |SDK 1.4.1 Service Release 2       |
|Linux x86-64 (hybrid)             |32-bit SDK 1.4.1 Service Release 2|
|Linux 390                         |SDK 1.4.1 Service Release 2       |
|                                  +----------------------------------+
|                                  |SDK 1.4.1 Service Release 2       |
|Linux PPC (hybrid)                |SDK 1.4.1 Service Release 2       |

To manually install the SDK rpm file:

 1. Run one of these rpm commands appropriate for your Linux operating system
    from the /cdrom/db2/linux/Java-1.4 directory:
    Table 4. RPM commands
    |   Operating system    |            Command             | Destination Directory |
    |Linux IA32             |rpm -ivh                        |/opt/IBMJava2-141      |
    |                       |IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.1-2.0.i386.rpm |                       |
    |Linux IA64             |rpm -ivh                        |/opt/IBMJava2-141      |
    |                       |IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.1-2.0.ia64.rpm |                       |
    |Linux 390              |rpm -ivh                        |/opt/IBMJava2-s390-141 |
    |                       |IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.1-2.0.s390.rpm |                       |
    |Linux 390 64-bit       |rpm -ivh                        |/opt/IBMJava2-s390-141 |
    |                       |IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.1-2.0.s390x.rpm|                       |
    |Linux PPC 32-bit       |rpm -ivh                        |/opt/IBMJava2-ppc-141  |
    |                       |IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.1-2.0.ppc.rpm  |                       |
    |Linux PPC 64-bit       |rpm -ivh                        |/opt/IBMJava2-ppc64-141|
    |                       |IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.1-2.0.ppc64.rpm|                       |
 2. Set up the Java environment for all users by adding these lines to your /
    etc/profile file:
    export PATH=$PATH:/opt/dest-dir/jre/bin                                  
    where dest-dir corresponds to the destination directory listed in the
    table above.

When you install DB2 UDB on Linux, the RPM-based installation attempts to
install IBM's version of Java (IBM SDK 1.4.1 SR2). If a later installed level
of the RPM, such as IBM SDK 1.5.1 SR1, is detected, the back-level RPM is not

However, in this case, the installation leaves the JDK_PATH database
configuration parameter pointing to the back-level path. As a result, none of
the Java-dependent functionality, including the installation of the DB2 UDB
Tools Catalog, will work.

To solve this problem, run the following commands as the instance owner (for
example, db2inst1):
db2 UPDATE DBM CFG USING JDK_PATH existing SDK path                          
db2 UPDATE ADMIN CFG USING JDK_PATH existing SDK path                        
where existing SDK path points to the previous Java path. These changes will
point DB2 UDB to the correct IBM Developer Kit for the Java-based tools.

2.2.4. Additional software requirements

Depending on your DB2 UDB requirements, you may be required to install
additional software packages for DB2 UDB to function properly. Make sure that
these software packages are installed prior to using DB2 UDB.

  * X Window System software, capable of rendering a graphical user
    interface. You need this if you want to use the DB2 UDB Setup wizard
    graphical installer, or any of the DB2 UDB graphical tools.
  * A Web browser, to view topics in the DB2 UDB Information Center.
  * If you are using NIS or NIS+ for security authentication on your system,
    you must create DB2 UDB user accounts before installing DB2 UDB.
  * Additional packages, as outlined in the following table:
    Table 5. Package requirements
    |Package    |RPM name          |Description                             |
    |name       |                  |                                        |
    |pdksh      |pdksh (version 5.2|Korn Shell. Required for                |
    |           |or later)         |multiple-partition database             |
    |           |                  |environments.                           |
    |rsh-server |rsh (version 0.17 |Contains a set of programs that allow   |
    |           |or later)         |users to run commands on a remote       |
    |           |                  |computer. Required for                  |
    |           |                  |multiple-partition environments.        |
    |nfs-utils  |nfs-utils (version|Network File System support package. It |
    |           |1.0 or later)     |allows access for local files to remote |
    |           |                  |machines. Required for systems utilizing|
    |           |                  |NFS mounted drives.                     |
    To check whether you have these packages installed, use the rpm -q
    rpm -qa | grep pdksh                                                     
    rpm -qa | grep rsh                                                       
    rpm -qa | grep nfs                                                       
    For each command, if you have these packages installed, your system
    should return the following output:
    To install these packages on Red Hat Linux, use the Red Hat Linux
    installation CDs, or the up2date utility, and the rpm command. For
    example, to install pdksh on from the Red Hat Linux CD, mount the Red Hat
    Linux CD #3, and enter this command as root:
    rpm -ivh /mnt/cdrom/RedHat/RPMS/pdksh-5.2.14-19.i386.rpm                 
    To install using the up2date package, run this command as root:
    up2date pdksh                                                            
    To install these packages on SuSE Linux, you can also use rpm or use the
    handy YaST (Yet another Setup Tool) utility. For example, to install
    pdksh on SuSE Linux Pro 8 using YaST:
     1. Log on as root
     2. From the YaST Control Center, select Software -> Install or Remove
        Software, then choose the appropriate packages.

3. Installation considerations and planning

After verifying that your system meets the basic requirements, you need to
plan your installation by considering installation methods, storage planning,
and the creation of users and groups:

  * Installation choices:
      + db2setup installation
      + db2_install installation
      + response file installation
      + RPM command installation
  * Storage planning:
      + Raw devices versus file systems
          o Raw device configuration
          o File system configuration
      + Log storage
      + Temporary table space storage
  * User and group setup:
      + User and group requirements
      + Creating users - single-partition
      + Creating users - multiple-partition
          o DAS user considerations for a multiple-partition environment

3.1. Installation methods

You can use four methods to install DB2 UDB:

  * db2setup utility
  * db2_install utility
  * A DB2 response file
  * Linux rpm command

Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. The preferred method
often depends on your level of expertise and type of environment, but in
general, if a graphical terminal is available, using db2setup is recommended.

3.1.1. db2setup installation

The db2setup command starts the DB2 UDB Setup wizard, a Java-based graphical
tool that installs DB2 UDB. It lays down the DB2 UDB filesets, the IBM SDK
for Java, and allows you to create DB2 UDB instances, create new users and
groups, configure existing users, configure communications, create the tools
catalog database, and set up notification. The DB2 UDB Setup wizard also
allows you to create a response file.

Using db2setup is the best method for less experienced users, because most of
the configuration is automatically performed during the installation. Again,
you require X Window System software capable of rendering a graphical user
interface, to use db2setup successfully.

3.1.2. db2_install installation

The db2_install command starts the db2_install script. This script installs
all DB2 UDB packages on your Linux system using the RPM installation utility.
This method is reliable and commonly used by expert users for installing DB2
UDB on larger, more complex multiple-partition systems. However, tasks such
as setting up users and groups, creating instances, tools catalog database
creation, and notification setup need to be performed manually after the
installation is completed.

A limitation to db2_install is that it only installs user assistance (like
help, messages, and tool interfaces) in English, whereas db2setup installs
support for one or more different languages. Also, a db2_install installation
can take longer (considering the higher number of manual configuration
tasks), it requires a higher level of knowledge and skill, and it cannot
create response files.

3.1.3. Response file installation

A response file can be created using the DB2 UDB Setup wizard or by editing a
sample response file. It allows you to install DB2 UDB across multiple
machines with consistent installation and configuration settings. A response
file installation is fast, because it bypasses the graphical wizard and does
the configuration for you. Another advantage of using a response file is that
it creates a Database Administration Server (DAS) on each machine, while with
db2_install the DAS must be created manually after installation.

The sample response file can be used to install DB2 UDB, configure users,
create instances, set up notification, create the tools catalog, and
configure a large number of DBM parameters. This is the quickest installation
method if you already have all the information you need. Unlike db2setup, the
response file installation is not interactive, and it takes longer to prepare
the response file.

3.1.4. RPM command installation

The Red Hat Package Manager (RPM) is a Linux software installation command.
The various DB2 UDB installation methods use RPM to lay down the appropriate
files on the system. Using the RPM command to install DB2 UDB allows you to
select specific DB2 UDB files. However, the RPM installation method will only
install the DB2 UDB code. It will not create instances, user IDs, or response
files during DB2 installation. Please note that this installation method is
not officially supported or recommended.

3.2. Storage planning

In this section these storage considerations are discussed:

  * Log storage
  * Temporary table space storage

3.2.1. Log storage

By default, DB2 UDB sets the log path to the default database path during
database creation.

You should store both the primary copy of the logs and the mirror logs each
on a physically separate disk, preferably one that is also on a different
disk controller.

Mirror logs are created using the MIRRORLOGPATH configuration parameter. Log
mirroring allows the database to write an identical second copy of log files
to a different path. For example, you can change the primary log path from
the default to /db2log1, and set the mirror log path to /db2log2 by issuing
these commands:
db2 update db cfg for db_name using NEWLOGPATH /db2log1                      
db2 update db cfg for db_name using MIRRORLOGPATH /db2log2                   

Note These changes will only take place after you deactivate and activate    
     your database, using the db2stop and db2start commands.                 

3.2.2. Temporary table space storage

DB2 UDB uses system temporary table spaces for many SQL operations, such as
JOIN and SORT. The temporary table space, TEMPSPACE1, is one of the three
default table spaces (SYSCATSPACE, TEMPSPACE1, and USERSPACE1) that gets
created during database creation. By default, TEMPSPACE1 gets placed in the
database path. For larger systems, we recommend that your temporary tables
paces are located on a separate file system and disk.

In a multiple-partition database environment, the catalog node should contain
all three default table spaces, and the other database partitions should each
contain only TEMPSPACE1 and USERSPACE1.

The following example shows how to create a system temporary table space on
multiple nodes in the /db2temp file system:
connect to db_name;                                                          
create temporary tablespace TEMPSPACE01 in IBMTEMPGROUP                      
managed by SYSTEM                                                            
using ('/db2temp/$INSTANCE/db_name/n001tmp/tempspace01') on \                
    dbpartitionnum (1)                                                       
using ('/db2temp/$INSTANCE/db_name/n002tmp/tempspace01') on \                
    dbpartitionnum (2)                                                       
using ('/db2temp/$INSTANCE/db_name/n003tmp/tempspace01') on \                
    dbpartitionnum (3)                                                       
using ('/db2temp/$INSTANCE/db_name/n004tmp/tempspace01') on \                
    dbpartitionnum (4)                                                       
extentsize 32                                                                
prefetchsize 128                                                             
bufferpool IBMDEFAULTBP                                                      
overhead 24.1                                                                
transferrate 0.9;                                                            
drop tablespace                                                              

3.3. User and group setup

DB2 UDB requires user IDs and groups. This section discusses these IDs and
groups and how to create them.

3.3.1. User and group requirements

DB2 UDB requires a minimum of three users and groups: the instance owning
user, the fenced user, and the Database Administration Server (DAS) user. You
may use the default names provided by the setup utilities, or specify your
own user and group names. For example, consider the following default user
IDs and group names produced by the DB2 UDB Setup wizard:

Table 6. Default user IDs and group names
|  Required user   |    User name     |    Group name    |   Description    |
|Instance owner    |db2inst1          |db2iadm1          |Administers the   |
|                  |                  |                  |instance          |
|Fenced user       |db2fenc1          |db2fadm1          |Responsible for   |
|                  |                  |                  |executing fenced  |
|                  |                  |                  |user defined      |
|                  |                  |                  |functions, such as|
|                  |                  |                  |JDFs and stored   |
|                  |                  |                  |procedures.       |
|DAS user          |dasusr1           |db2asgrp          |Administers the   |
|                  |                  |                  |DB2 UDB           |
|                  |                  |                  |Administration    |
|                  |                  |                  |Server            |

3.3.2. Creating users - single-partition

You must have root authority to create users and groups. There are three ways
in which you can create a DB2 UDB user ID:

  * DB2 UDB Setup Wizard. The DB2 UDB Setup Wizard creates all of the
    required users and groups for you during installation. The default users
    and groups that get created are displayed in the previous table. DB2 UDB
    Setup also gives you an option to specify your own user and group names.
  * Response file. Users can also be created during a response file
    installation if you specify user and group information in the response
    file. For example, consider the following entries in a response file that
    create the three required users and groups for DB2 UDB:
    * DAS user                                                               
    DAS_USERNAME = dasusr1                                                   
    DAS_GROUP_NAME = dasadm1                                                 
    DAS_HOME_DIRECTORY = /home/dasusr1                                       
    DAS_PASSWORD = ******                                                    
    * Instance-owning user                                                   
    inst1.NAME = db2inst1                                                    
    inst1.GROUP_NAME = db2grp1                                               
    inst1.HOME_DIRECTORY = /db2home/db2inst1                                 
    inst1.PASSWORD = ******                                                  
    inst1.AUTOSTART = YES                                                    
    inst1.AUTHENTICATION = SERVER                                            
    inst1.SVCENAME = db2c_db2inst1                                           
    inst1.PORT_NUMBER = 50001                                                
    inst1.FCM_PORT_NUMBER = 60000                                            
    inst1.MAX_LOGICAL_NODES = 4                                              
    * Fenced user                                                            
    nst1.FENCED_USERNAME = db2fenc1                                          
    inst1.FENCED_GROUP_NAME = db2fgrp1                                       
    inst1.FENCED_HOME_DIRECTORY = /db2home/db2fenc1                          
    inst1.FENCED_PASSWORD = ******                                           
  * Manually using command line. To use this method, follow these steps:
     1. Log on to your machine as root.
     2. Create groups for the instance owner, the fenced user and the DAS
        user by using these commands:
        groupadd db2iadm1                                                    
        groupadd db2fadm1                                                    
        groupadd db2asgrp                                                    
        Linux will create the groups using the first available group ID (GID)
        numbers available over 500. You can specify GID numbers if you
     3. Create a user that belongs to each group and specify the home
        directory. For example, you can choose to place all home directories
        in /db2home by entering these commands:
        useradd -g db2iadm1 -m -d /db2home/db2inst1 db2inst1 -p password1    
        useradd -g db2fadm1 -m -d /db2home/db2fenc1 db2fenc1 -p password2    
        useradd -g db2asgrp -m -d /db2home/dasusr1 dasusr1 -p password3      

3.3.3. Creating users - multiple-partition

In a multiple-partition database environment, you only need to create one
shared home directory for the instance owner and fenced user (but remember to
create users on each computer). When creating users in a multiple-partition
environment, make sure that the user and group IDs are the same on each
machine. Consider the following setup:

  * A shared home directory, /db2home, on the instance-owning machine, which
    is NFS-mounted on the remaining machines in the cluster. In this
    directory are found the home directories for the instance-owning user and
    fenced user: db2inst1 and db2fenc1.
  * A local home directory for the DAS user on each computer, dasusr1, which
    is stored in the /home directory.

The DB2 Administration Server (DAS) has changed significantly in DB2 UDB
Version 8. Therefore, you should take note of the following DAS user
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- DAS user considerations for a multiple-partition environment


  * A DAS must be running on each physical machine in the multiple-partition
    database for the graphical administration tools (for example, Control
    Center) to work.
  * You can only have one Version 8 DAS on each machine (although a V7 and V8
    DAS can co-exist on one machine).
  * Just like an instance, each DAS must be created under a user ID. It does
    not matter whether a different user ID is used for each DAS in the
    environment, or whether the same user ID is used and that the user ID's
    home directory is not shared.
  * If the same user ID is to be used on each machine, then that user ID's
    home directory cannot be shared with the other machines.
  * If a different user ID is used for each DAS, then the home directories of
    the user IDs that are used can be shared.
  * If an existing user is used as the DAS user, this user must also exist on
    all the participating computers before installation.
  * For response file installations: If your response file specifies to
    create a new DAS user on each machine in the cluster, and that user
    already exists on any of the participating computers, then that user must
    have the same primary group as the new DAS user.

3.3.4. Adding existing users as DB2 users

To enable existing system users to act as DB2 administrators, you must make a
few modifications to the user accounts:

  * Add your user to the db2grp1 group. The database manager SYSADM_GROUP
    configuration parameter controls who has that level of access for all
    databases in the that instance. You can determine what group is set as
    the SYSADM group by entering:
    db2 get dbm cfg | grep SYSADM_GROUP                                      
    By default, DB2 sets this as the db2grp1 group. To add the user to the
    SYSADM group, modify the /etc/groups file (as root), adding the user
    account ID to the line for the DB2 system admin group. For example:
  * Update the user's profile by adding the following lines to the .bashrc
    file in the home directory
    # The following three lines have been added by the DB2 SYSADM.           
    if [ -f /home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2profile ]; then                         
        . /home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2profile                                   
  * If you want to add desktop icons for the user account, run the command:
    /opt/IBM/db2/V8.1/bin/db2icons username                                  
    where username is replaced by the user account you wish to enable.
  * After installation, if you wish to grant or revoke access to databases
    (or other objects), use the "User and Groups" section of the Control
    Center or the GRANT and REVOKE SQL statements.) For example, by default,
    the sample database grants a number of privileges to "PUBLIC".

4. Installing DB2 UDB Version 8.2

4.1. db2setup installation


  * Ensure that your system meets the installation, memory, and disk
    requirements outlined in Section 3.
  * Review the installation considerations for IBM Developer Kit for Java
  * You require root authority to perform the installation.
  * The DB2 UDB Setup wizard is a graphical installer. You must have X Window
    System software capable of rendering a graphical user interface for the
    DB2 UDB Setup wizard to run on your machine.
  * For 2.6 kernels, ensure that Asynchronous I/O (AIO) has been installed.
    To use AIO you must install libaio-0.3.96 or later, and have a kernel
    that supports AIO. AIO can be enabled and disabled at run time by issuing
    the db2set command. To enable AIO for DB2 UDB after installation, execute
    the command db2set DB2LINUXAIO=true and restart DB2 UDB.
    For additional 2.6 kernel performance enhancements, see DB2 UDB and the
    2.6 kernel.

Procedure. To install DB2 UDB ESE (single-partition):

 1. Log on to the system as a user with root authority.
 2. Enter the command to mount the DB2 UDB installation CD:
    mount /mnt/cdrom                                                         
 3. Change to the /mnt/cdrom directory.
 4. Run the db2setup command.
 5. When the IBM DB2 UDB Launchpad opens, select Install Products.
 6. Select the DB2 UDB Enterprise Server Edition button on the next window.
    Click Next. The DB2 Information Management Software splash screen will
    appear as the DB2 UDB installer prepares your system for the installation
    of DB2 UDB.
 7. When the Welcome to the DB2 Setup Wizard window appears, click Next.
 8. On the Software License Agreement window, read the license agreement and
    select the Accept button if you accept the terms (the Decline button is
    selected by default). Click Next.
 9. On the Select the installation type window, select the kind of
    installation you want to perform. You have three installation options:
      + Typical: 370??480 MB. This option installs most of the DB2 UDB
        components, using a typical configuration with default values. This
        option includes all of the required features, ODBC support, and
        commonly used tools such as the Control Center. This option does not
        install the Application Development and Business Intelligence tools.
        If you want to install these tools, then you should choose the Custom
        installation type. You can select the View Features button to see
        what components get installed with this option.
      + Compact: 320??390 MB. This option installs only the basic DB2 UDB
        components, with minimal configuration performed on your computer.
        With this option you get server support, client support, and getting
        started functionality. The DB2 UDB Setup wizard creates an instance
        and customizes it to use the communication protocols that are
        detected on your system. Click the View Features button for more
      + Custom: 320??890 MB. This option allows you to install only those
        components that you select, and to create and customize an instance
        to use communication protocols that are detected on your system.
    Click Next. (The rest of these instructions are based on the Custom
    installation option).
10. On the Select the installation action window, select the Install DB2 UDB
    Enterprise Server Edition on this computer check box. You can also choose
    to save your installations settings in a response file by selecting the 
    Save your settings in a response file check box. You should choose this
    option if you plan to install DB2 UDB, with these same settings, on other
    computers in your environment.
11. Select the features you want installed on the Select the features to
    install window. You can preview each component by selecting it and
    reading the corresponding description in the Description section on the
    window. Once you have decided what features you want to install, click 
12. Select what languages you want installed on your computer on the 
    Languages window. English is selected by default in the Selected
    languages section of the window. Click Next.
13. In the Specify the location of the DB2 Information Center window, select
    how you want to access the DB2 UDB Information Center. The DB2 UDB
    Information Center contains documentation for DB2 UDB and other related
    DB2 products. The On the IBM Web site button is selected by default. By
    choosing this option DB2 UDB is configured to access documentation on the
    Web using your browser. However, if you want to install a copy of the DB2
    UDB Information Center on your local computer, then select the Install
    the DB2 Information Center separately after this DB2 product installation
    button (refer to the section on Installing the DB2 UDB Information Center
    in this HOWTO for more information). If you have a copy of the DB2 UDB
    Information Center installed elsewhere on an intranet server, you can
    choose the On the following intranet server button to gain access to DB2
    UDB documentation. Specify the values in the Host name and Port number
    text fields (the default value for the port number is 51000). Click the
    Help button for more information. Click Next.
14. Fill out the information for the user that will administer the Database
    Administration Server on the Set user information for the DB2
    Administration Server window. Select either the New user button, or the 
    Existing user button. The Password and Confirm password text boxes are
    outlined in red indicating required fields that must be filled in for the
    installation to continue. Click Next.
15. If you want to create a new DB2 UDB instance, then select the Create a
    DB2 instance button on the Set up a DB2 instance window. Otherwise,
    select the Do not create a DB2 instance button. If you select this
    option, you will need to create a new instance after the installation by
    using the db2icrt command. Click Help for more information. Click Next.
16. If your installation is a single-partition installation, as in this
    example, select the Single-partition instance button on the Select how
    the instance will be used window. Choosing this option means that this
    instance will only reside on your local computer and will not be used in
    a partitioned environment. Click Next.
17. Fill out the information for the DB2 UDB instance owner on the Set user
    information for the DB2 instance owner window. Select either the New user
    button, or the Existing user button. The Password and Confirm password
    text boxes are outlined in red indicating required fields that must be
    filled in for the installation to continue. Click Next.
18. Fill out the information for the fenced user on the Set user information
    for the fenced user window. Select either the New user button, or the 
    Existing user button. The Password and Confirm password text boxes are
    outlined in red indicating required fields that must be filled in for the
    installation to continue. For more information on fenced users, and how
    fenced users relate to fenced and non-fenced user-defined functions
    (UDFs) and stored procedures, click Help. Click Next.
19. Configure the DB2 UDB instance for TCP/IP communications on the Configure
    DB2 instance TCP/IP communication window. Either accept the default
    values found in the Service name and Port number fields, or select your
    own. If you choose to configure the instance at a later time, select the 
    Do not configure at this time button. Click Next.
20. In the Set instance properties window, select an instance authentication
    type that will apply to all of the databases that are owned by the
    instance. There are three authentication types:
      + Server: this type specifies that authentication occurs on the server
        using the local operating system security.
      + Server Encrypt: this type specifies that the server accepts encrypted
        server authentication schemes.
      + Client: this type specifies that authentication occurs on the
        database partition where the application is invoked using operating
        system security.
    Select the Autostart the instance of system startup button if you want
    the instance to start when you start up your system. Click Next.
21. On the Prepare the DB2 tools catalog window select the Use a local
    database button if you plan on using the Task Center or scheduler. This
    option creates a database on your local computer that stores task
    metadata. If you do not have this repository, the scheduler will not
    function. If you want to create a DB2 UDB tools catalog after you finish
    the installation, select the Do not prepare the DB2 tools catalog on this
    computer button. You can create the DB2 UDB tools catalog manually by
    using the CREATE TOOLS CATALOG command. Click Next.
22. If you decide to create a DB2 UDB tools catalog, you can specify the
    required information for the local database on the Specify a local
    database to store the DB2 tools catalog window. You can specify which
    instance, which database, and which schema in which to store the DB2 UDB
    tools catalog. The DB2 UDB tools catalog will be placed in the home
    directory of the instance owner. Click Next.
23. Specify the administration contact list on the Set up the administration
    contact list window. This list stores administrator contact information
    that is used for notifying administrators if and when a database requires
    attention. Either create a new contact list that is stored locally, or
    use an existing global contact list that resides on a remote DB2 UDB
    server. If you check the Enable notification button, your system will
    search for an available SMTP server and set it to be used for e-mail
    notifications. Click Next.
24. On the Specify a contact for health monitor notification window select
    the health monitor that will run on the DB2 UDB instance you are setting
    up. The DB2 UDB health monitor will send a notification e-mail to the
    person you specify in the Name and Email address fields, if and when a
    health indicator threshold is breached. You can choose to have this
    notified by a pager by selecting the Address is for a pager check box.
    Select the Defer this task until after installation is complete button if
    you want to specify health notification contacts later on. You can use
    the Task Center or the Control Center to create these contacts. Click 
25. Click Finish on the Start copying files window to complete the
    installation. The Current settings section provides a summary of your
    installation and configuration settings.

While the files are being copied to your computer you will see two status
bars on the Installing DB2 UDB Enterprise Server Edition window, indicating
the installation task progress and the overall installation progress. When
the installation is finished the Setup Complete window indicates what
post-installation steps need to be taken, along with a status report of the
installation. Click Finish to exit the DB2 UDB Setup wizard.

5. Installing DB2 Version 8.2 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 3

  Before proceeding, please ensure that you have read Section 3 and Section 4

These installation notes are based on a single-partition installation using
the 2.4.21??20 kernel (September 20, 2004).

5.1. Pre-installation notes

The pdksh package required for a multiple-partition environment setup is
installed by default on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.

RHEL 3 has backported the asynchronous I/O kernel capabilities of the 2.6
kernel into their 2.4 kernel, but you will need to download and install the
libaio RPM package to take advantage of this.

To check for the pdksh or libaio RPM packages, run the commands:
rpm -qi pdksh                                                                
rpm -qi libaio                                                               
If either package needs to be installed, you can add it to your system with
the Red Hat up2date utility (this requires registration for a Red Hat Network
account). Just run:
up2date pdksh                                                                
up2date libaio                                                               

No Java package is installed by default, so there are no conflicts with the
Java 2 SDK from IBM that DB2 UDB installs.

5.2. Installation notes

The installation on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 completed successfully, with
no problems getting the GUI tools or installer working, and no errors during
the install. This smooth installation isn't surprising, given that RHEL 3 is
an officially supported platform for Version 8.2

5.3. Post-installation notes

Initialize the Asynchronous I/O so DB2 UDB can take advantage of this new
kernel feature. As the instance owner:
db2set DB2LINUXAIO=TRUE                                                      

6. Installing DB2 Version 8.2 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 4

  Before proceeding, please ensure that you have read Section 3 and Section 4

These installation notes are based on a single-partition installation using
the 2.6.9-5.0.5 EL kernel (April 20, 2005).

6.1. Pre-installation notes

The pdksh package required for a multiple-partition environment setup is
installed by default on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.

The java-1.4.2-gcj-compat Java package is installed by default, but there are
no conflicts with the Java 2 SDK from IBM that DB2 UDB installs.

6.2. Installation notes

The installation on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 completed successfully, with
no problems getting the GUI installer or tools working, and no errors during
the install. This smooth installation isn't surprising, given that RHEL 4 is
an officially supported platform for Version 8.2

6.3. Post-installation notes

Initialize the Asynchronous I/O so DB2 UDB can take advantage of this new
kernel feature. As the instance owner:
db2set DB2LINUXAIO=TRUE                                                      

7. Installing DB2 Version 8.2 on SuSE Linux Enterprise (SLES) 9

  Before proceeding, please ensure that you have read Section 3 and Section 4

SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 was released in August 2004 to great
anticipation. It is currently the only Enterprise level Linux distribution
certified by DB2 UDB that runs on the 2.6 kernel by default.

These notes are based on the 2.6.5-7 kernel (the SuSE Linux kernel update as
of September 10, 2004), and installing a single-partition environment.

7.1. Pre-installation notes


 1. The pdksh package is installed in a default setup (required for
    multiple-partition and high availability installations)
 2. The IBMJava2-JRE-1.4.2 rpm package is also installed by default
 3. The kernel parameters (ipcs -l) before DB2 UDB installation:
            max number of segments:         4096                             
            max segsize:                    32768                            
            max number of arrays:           128                              
            max queues system wide:         16                               
            default max size of queue:      16384                            
 4. Asynchronous I/O package (libaio) is also installed by default.

7.2. Installation Notes

I received an error during start up of the db2setup utility:
line 131: 3474 Segmentation fault                                            
$JAVA_PATH/$JAVA_INTERPRETER $JAVA_OPTIONS \                                 
    -cp $JAVA_CLASSPATH $DB2SetupRun "$@" 2>/tmp/db2setup.err.running        
The solution here is to run
export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL="2.4.19"                                             
from the terminal where you launched the db2setup utility, then run db2setup
again. This change will only affect the Java installer, not the kernel

7.3. Post-installation notes

The kernel parameters (ipcs -l) after installation look like:
        max number of segments:         4096                                 
        max segsize:                    262144 (updated)                     
        max number of arrays:           1024 (updated)                       
        max queues system wide:         1024 (updated)                       
        default max size of queue:      16384                                

Initialize the Asynchronous I/O so DB2 UDB can take advantage of this new
kernel feature. As the instance owner:
db2set DB2LINUXAIO=TRUE                                                      

Optional: update the DB2 UDB JDK_PATH parameters so DB2 UDB uses SLES's
installed Java 2 package. As the instance owner:
db2 UPDATE DBM CFG USING JDK_PATH /opt/IBMJava2-142                          
                db2 UPDATE ADMIN CFG USING JDK_PATH /opt/IBMJava2-142        

Surprisingly, my installation didn't have Mozilla installed by default. To
have the DB2 UDB help display properly, Mozilla should be installed using

8. Installing DB2 Version 8.2 on SuSE Linux Enterprise (SLES) 8

  Before proceeding, please ensure that you have read Section 3 and Section 4

These installation notes are based on the 2.4.21 kernel (SLES kernel on
September 20, 2004)

8.1. Pre-installation notes

The pdksh package is installed in the default setup (required for
multiple-partition and high availability installations).

Also, SLES 8 installs the IBMJava2??SDK-1.3.1 rpm package in a typical

8.2. Installation notes

SuSE Linux Professional installs its own 1.3.1 Java JRE by default (the
"IBMJava2-SDK-1.3.1" rpm package). During the DB2 UDB installation, this will
cause a warning to be generated:
Command to be run: "/bin/rpm -ivh \                                          
Warning: there may be a version of this package already installed.           
Since this package was supplied by SuSE Linux, it will have been installed
into a different directory tree than the JDK from IBM that DB2 UDB installs.
Therefore, there are 3 options you can choose to deal with this issue:

 1. Uninstall the Java2-1.3.1 package before installing, using either the
    YaST tool, or with the command line:
    rpm -e IBMJava2-SDK-1.3.1                                                
    After installation, this will leave the IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.1 package as the
    only Java installation on the system.
 2. Leave both Java packages installed. By default, DB2 UDB will use the
    1.4.1 JRE that it installs. The fact that SuSE Linux's Java package
    installs to a different directory means that the two packages will not
 3. Remove the IBM package (either with YaST or with rpm -e
    IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.1) after the installation completes. Update the DB2 UDB
    JDK_PATH configuration parameters to use the package installed by SuSE
    db2 UPDATE DBM CFG USING JDK_PATH /usr/lib/java                          
    db2 UPDATE ADMIN CFG USING JDK_PATH /usr/lib/java                        

Other than that one minor issue, DB2 UDB installed cleanly and setup was
problem free.

9. Installing DB2 Version 8.2 on SuSE Linux Professional 9.1

  Before proceeding, please ensure that you have read Section 3 and Section 4

Note that IBM does not officially support this distribution for DB2 UDB V8.2.
Any problems you encounter using this distribution must be replicated on a
supported distribution before IBM Support will help you resolve the issue.

These notes are based on a single-partition installation on the 2.4.21 kernel
(September 20, 2004).

9.1. Pre-installation notes

If you want to run a multiple-partition environment, you will need to install
the pdksh package found on CD 4.

9.2. Installation notes

SuSE Linux Professional installs its own 1.4.2 Java JRE by default (the
"java2-jre-1.4.2" package). During the DB2 UDB installation, this will cause
a warning to be generated:
Command to be run: "/bin/rpm -ivh \                                          
Warning: there may be a version of this package already installed.           
Since this package was supplied by SuSE Linux, it will have been installed
into a different directory tree than the JDK from IBM that DB2 UDB installs.
Therefore, there are 3 options you can choose to deal with this issue:

 1. Uninstall the java2-jre-1.4.2 package before installing, using either the
    YaST tool, or with command line rpm erase command. This will leave the
    IBMJava2-SDK package as the only Java installation on the system.
 2. Leave both Java packages installed. By default, DB2 UDB will use the
    1.4.1 JRE that it installs. The fact that SuSE Linux's Java package
    installs to a different directory means that the two packages will not
 3. Remove the IBM package (either with YaST or with rpm -e IBMJava2-SDK)
    after the installation completes. Update the DB2 UDB JDK_PATH
    configuration parameters to use the package installed by SuSE Linux:
    db2 UPDATE DBM CFG USING JDK_PATH /usr/lib/java                          
    db2 UPDATE ADMIN CFG USING JDK_PATH /usr/lib/java                        

Other than that one minor issue, DB2 UDB installed cleanly and setup was
problem free.

10. Installing DB2 Version 8.2 on SuSE Linux Personal 9.1

  Before proceeding, please ensure that you have read Section 3 and Section 4

Note that IBM does not officially support this distribution for DB2 UDB V8.2.
Any problems you encounter using this distribution must be replicated on a
supported distribution before IBM Support will help you resolve the issue.

These notes are based on the 2.6.4-52-default kernel and installing to a
single-partition environment.

10.1. Pre-installation notes

The pdksh package is not installed by default. If you want to install a
multiple-partition environment on SuSE Linux Personal, you will have to
install pdksh.

The installer may complain about being unable to use the SMTP server even
though postfix is installed and sendmail is available in the path. Make sure
that postfix has been started before installation.

10.2. Installation notes

The usual trick of adding an xhost entry for localhost and then exporting the
DISPLAY=localhost:0 when installing (so that the graphical utilities are
displayed on a non-root user's desktop) didn't seem to work here. Instead,
execute the following command to log in as root and forward the X server:
ssh -X root@localhost                                                        

11. Installing DB2 Version 8.2 on Fedora Core 2

  Before proceeding, please ensure that you have read Section 3 and Section 4

Note that IBM does not officially support this distribution for DB2 UDB V8.2.
Any problems you encounter using this distribution must be replicated on a
supported distribution before IBM Support will help you resolve the issue.

Fedora Core 2 is a release of the Fedora Project (the Red-Hat-sponsored and
community-supported open source project). The Fedora Project is a source for
new technologies and enhancements that may be incorporated into Red Hat
Enterprise Linux (RHEL) in the future.

These notes are based on both the default 2.6.5-1 and the update 2.6.8-1
kernels (the Fedora Core 2 kernel update on September 13, 2004 was 2.6.8-1),
and installing to a single-partition environment.

11.1. Pre-installation notes

The kernel parameters (ipcs -l) before DB2 UDB installation:
        max number of segments:             4096                             
        max segsize:                        32768                            
        max number of arrays:               128                              
        max queues system wide:             16                               
        default max size of queue:          16384                            

The asynchronous I/O package (libaio) is also required to take advantage of
the 2.6 kernel improvements. Install the libaio package from the Fedora Core

11.2. Install Notes

The default 2.6.5 kernel had no installation issues with the db2setup GUI

On the 2.6.8 kernel, however, I received an error when running the db2setup
utility (the error may not display to the terminal; instead, if the db2setup
command seems to fail without error, check the /tmp/db2setup.err file) :
JVMDG080: Cannot find class com/ibm/jvm/Trace                                
JVMXM012: Error occurred in diagnostics initialization(2)                    
Could not create the Java virtual machine.                                   
The workaround for this error is to install Sun's Java 2 Platform Standard
Edition 5.0 RC (Fedora Core 2 doesn't install a Java package by default). The
rpm file is available from [] After installing Java, set the
environment variables in the terminal where you execute the db2setup utility:
export DB2USELOCALJRE=TRUE                                                   
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jre1.5.0/                                         
/usr/java/jre1.5.0/ is the location where Java is installed by default in the
rpm from Sun.

The last step to making this work ?? and this is very important ?? is to add
in a link named "jre" in Sun's Java folder so that db2setup works properly
with the directory:
cd /usr/java/jre1.5.0/                                                       
mkdir jre                                                                    
cd jre                                                                       
ln -s ../bin bin                                                             

After making these changes, the db2setup GUI installer works properly.

Alternatively, you can avoid the Java-based problems by installing on Fedora
Core 2 using
./db2setup -r db2ese.rsp                                                     
where db2ese.rsp is a slightly modified response file (the sample response
files are found in the "db2/linux/samples/ directory)

11.3. Post-installation notes

The kernel parameters (ipcs -l) after installation look like:
        max number of segments:         4096                                 
        max segsize:                    262144 (updated)                     
        max number of arrays:           1024 (updated)                       
        max queues system wide:         1024 (updated)                       
        default max size of queue:      16384                                

Initialize the Asynchronous I/O so DB2 UDB can take advantage of this new
kernel feature. As the instance owner, run:
db2set DB2LINUXAIO=TRUE                                                      

For the GUI tools (DB2 UDB Control Center, DB2 UDB Configuration Assistant,
DB2 UDB First Steps) to work properly under the 2.6.8-1 kernel, you'll need
to tell DB2 UDB to use the Sun JRE. As the instance owner, execute these
db2 UPDATE DBM CFG USING JDK_PATH /usr/java/jre1.5.0/                        
db2 UPDATE ADMIN CFG USING JDK_PATH /usr/java/jre1.5.0/                      
With that update, the DB2 UDB Java-based tools will work properly.

12. Installing DB2 Version 8.2 on Mandriva Linux 10.1 (Community)

  Before proceeding, please ensure that you have read Section 3 and Section 4

Note that IBM does not officially support this distribution for DB2 UDB V8.2.
Any problems you encounter using this distribution must be replicated on a
supported distribution before IBM Support will help you resolve the issue.

These notes are based on the kernel and installing to a
single-partition environment.

12.1. Pre-installation notes

The pdksh package is not installed by default. If you want to install a
multiple-partition environment on Mandriva Linux, you will have to install it
using drakconf (it's on CD3). Also, no Java package is installed by default,
so we don't have to worry about any conflicts arising from that.

12.2. Installation notes

The GUI based installation went smoothly, with no reported problems or
issues. If you do experience a hang with the Java installer, try the Sun Java
workaround described in the Fedora Core 2 section.

12.3. Post-installation notes

Be careful of the Mandriva Linux security msec utility ?? it can prevent DB2
from functioning correctly by changing the permissions on directories like /
home/db2inst1/sqllib/ that must be world-readable for DB2 UDB to non-world
readable. If you find that DB2 UDB is not working properly, investigate your
security settings.

13. Installing DB2 Version 8.2 on Gentoo (2005-01-17)

  Before proceeding, please ensure that you have read Section 3 and Section 4

Note that IBM does not officially support this distribution for DB2 UDB V8.2.
Any problems you encounter using this distribution must be replicated on a
supported distribution before IBM Support will help you resolve the issue.

These notes are based on a single-partition installation on the
2.6.9-gentoo-r13 kernel (2005-01-17). Following the [http://] manual install instructions in the
DB2 Information Center, we use the RPM method of installing DB2 UDB V8.2,
through a modified db2_install script. This is just one of many ways you
could accomplish this task, but this method has been tested (at least once)
and it works.

13.1. Pre-installation notes

Emerge the rpm package and any of its pre-requisites:
emerge rpm                                                                   
If you want to run a multiple-partition environment, you will need to emerge
either the pdksh or ksh package.

13.2. Installation notes

 Gentoo uses the latest version of the GNU coreutils package of utilities,
which includes the tail command. The DB2 install script (db2_install) and
several instance administration shell scripts rely on deprecated command line
arguments to tail that have been removed entirely from the latest GNU
coreutils version of tail. Therefore, you must copy the contents of the
install CD and modify the db2_install script before you can successfully run
the install.

 The RPM packages supplied with the DB2 install CD contain dependency
listings that cannot be satisfied inside a Gentoo environment, because Gentoo
does not use RPM as a native packaging method. To overcome these
dependencies, you also need to modify the db2_install script to ignore
dependencies and force the installation of DB2 onto your system.

 Perform the following steps to modify the db2_install script for the
required tail and rpm changes and install the product:

 1. (Skip this step if you downloaded a tarball containing the DB2 install
    code.) Assuming you want to copy the contents of the DB2 install CD to a
    subdirectory named "cdrom" in your home directory, issue the following
    cp -r /mnt/cdrom/* ~/cdrom                                               
 2. Open the ~/cdrom/db2/linux/db2_install script in your text editor and
    modify the following lines
    output_df="`df -k ${dirname2?} | tail -1`"                               
    output_df="`df -k ${dirname2?} | tail -n -1`"                            
    ( rpm -ivh  ${INSTDEV?}/${pkg?}${RPMEXTN?} 2>&1; \                       
       echo $? > ${TMPRC?} ) | tee -a ${DB2INSTLOG?}                         
    ( rpm --force --nodeps -ivh  ${INSTDEV?}/${pkg?}${RPMEXTN?} 2>&1; \      
       echo $? > ${TMPRC?} ) | tee -a ${DB2INSTLOG?}                         
 3. Change to the ~/cdrom directory and issue the following command as root:
 4. The DB2 installer prompts you to enter the keyword of the product you
    want to install. for example, issuing the db2_inst command for the DB2
    UDB Express Edition for Linux install displays the following screen:
    Specify one or more of the following keywords,                           
    separated by spaces, to install DB2 products.                            
     Keyword        Product Description                                      
     DB2.EXP        DB2 UDB Express Edition for LINUX                        
    Enter "help" to redisplay product names.                                 
    Enter "quit" to exit.                                                    

 The DB2 installer will now install many RPM packages into the /opt/IBM/db2/
V8.1/ directory.

13.2.1. Installing DB2 UDB FixPaks on a non-RPM distribution

When installing a DB2 FixPak onto an existing DB2 installation, the RPM
utility is used, which will cause problems on a distribution that does not
use the RPM installation method by default. Since Gentoo is one of those
distributions, you must make the following changes to the installFixPak

In the installFixPak script, change this line:
                echo "Updating to ${fullfsname?} ... "                       
                rpm -ivh ${fullfsname?}                                      
to read:
                echo "Updating to ${fullfsname?} ... "                       
                rpm --force --nodeps --ivh ${fullfsname?}                    

13.3. Post-installation notes

Now that you have installed DB2, you need to create the groups, users, DB2
Administration Server instance, and database instance for your database. The
following instructions create users and groups with the default names used in
the DB2 documentation (dasadm1, db2inst1, db2fenc1).

 1. As root, create the required groups:
    groupadd -g 999 db2iadm1                                                 
    groupadd -g 998 db2fadm1                                                 
    groupadd -g 997 dasadm1                                                  
 2. As root, create the required users and assign them to their corresponding
    useradd -u 1004 -g db2iadm1 -m -d /home/db2inst1 db2inst1                
    useradd -u 1003 -g db2fadm1 -m -d /home/db2fenc1 db2fenc1                
    useradd -u 1002 -g dasadm1 -m -d /home/dasusr1 dasusr1                   
 3. Before you can create the DB2 Administration Server and database
    instance, you have to modify the db2iutil library to update calls to the 
    tail command to the current GNU syntax. As root, open the /opt/IBM/db2/
    V8.1/instance/db2iutil file in an editor and make the following changes
    (or apply the changes to the file using the patch utility):
    --- db2iutil.orig       2005-01-17 07:05:58.000000000 -0500                      
    +++ db2iutil    2005-01-17 07:06:32.000000000 -0500                              
    @@ -327,7 +327,7 @@                                                              
         # Get output of the "df" command                                            
    -    output_df="`df -k  ${dirname2?} | tail -1`"                                 
    +    output_df="`df -k  ${dirname2?} | tail -n 1`"                               
         # On some platforms, the filesystem is on the previous line causing us      
         # one less token for awk to find.                                           
         free_space_in_fs=`echo ${output_df?} | awk '{if ($4 !~ /%/) {print $4} else 
     {print $3}}'`                                                                   
    @@ -382,7 +382,7 @@                                                              
         rm -f ${TMPFILE3?}                                                          
         # Get the name of the filesystem where dir $dirname2 resides.               
    -    df -k ${dirname2?} | tail +2 > ${TMPFILE3?}                                 
    +    df -k ${dirname2?} | tail -n +2 > ${TMPFILE3?}                              
         # There must be only one line in TMPFILE3 file                              
         lcount=`wc -l ${TMPFILE3?} | awk '{print $1}'`                              
    @@ -394,7 +394,7 @@                                                              
                 chk_fsystype 22                                                     
             stop_prog 1                                                             
    -    fsname=`awk '{print $NF}' ${TMPFILE3?} | tail -1`                           
    +    fsname=`awk '{print $NF}' ${TMPFILE3?} | tail -n 1`                         
         rm -f ${TMPFILE3?}                                                          
    @@ -879,7 +879,7 @@                                                              
                 # Dir of DB2 V2 instances                                           
                 if [ -f ${DB2V2ILIST?} ]; then                                      
    -                tail +2 ${DB2V2ILIST?} > ${TMPFILE3?}                           
    +                tail -n +2 ${DB2V2ILIST?} > ${TMPFILE3?}                        
                     if [ -s ${TMPFILE3?} ]; then                                    
                         for iname in `cat ${TMPFILE3?}`; do                         
                             db2ilist=${db2ilist?}" ${iname?}"                       
    @@ -891,7 +891,7 @@                                                              
                 # Dir of DB2 V2 instances                                           
                 if [ -f ${DJV211ILIST?} ]; then                                     
    -                tail +2 ${DJV211ILIST?} > ${TMPFILE3?}                          
    +                tail -n +2 ${DJV211ILIST?} > ${TMPFILE3?}                       
                     if [ -s ${TMPFILE3?} ]; then                                    
                         for iname in `cat ${TMPFILE3?}`; do                         
                             db2ilist=${db2ilist?}" ${iname?}"                       
 4. Create the DB2 Administration Server:
    /opt/IBM/db2/V8.1/instance/dascrt -u dasusr1                             
    Create the DB2 database instance:
    /opt/IBM/db2/V8.1/instance/db2icrt -a server -u db2fenc1 db2inst1        

13.3.1. Enabling remote connections

When you perform a manual install of DB2, the installer does not
automatically set up the communication protocols for your DB2 server. To
enable connections to your DB2 server from remote clients, perform the
following steps:

 1. Set the port on which DB2 should communicate. Ensure that you select a
    port that is not blocked by a firewall or used by another service defined
    in the /etc/services file. To set the communications port, update the DB2
    database manager configuration variable SVCENAME. For example, to set the
    communications port to 50055, issue the following command as the instance
    user ("db2inst1", if you've been using the defaults):
    db2 update dbm cfg using svcename 50055                                  
 2. Set the DB2 communications protocol registry variable to define the
    protocol supported by the server. Typically the only protocol you would
    use is TCP/IP, so issue the following command as the instance user
    ("db2inst1" if you've been using the defaults):
    db2set DB2COMM=tcpip                                                     
 3. Restart the database instance to enable the settings to take effect.

 You should now be able to catalog and connect to your Gentoo server from a
remote client.

13.3.2. Running the DB2 Control Center and other DB2 GUI tools

To run the DB2 Control Center or other DB2 GUI tools, you must install the
IBM Software Developers' Kit for Java. This RPM is included in the DB2
install CD-ROM in the /db2/linux/Java-1.4/ directory. To install the IBM
Software Developers' Kit for Java, change to the root directory of the CD-ROM
and issue the following command as root:
rpm --force --nodeps -ivh db2/linux/Java-1.4/IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.1-2.0.i386.rpm  

 Log in as the db2inst1 and invoke the DB2 Control Center:

14. Installing DB2 Version 8.2 on Ubuntu 5.04 'Hoary Hedgehog'

  Before proceeding, please ensure that you have read Section 3 and Section 4

These notes are based on a single-partition installation on Ubuntu 5.04. As
Ubuntu uses .deb packages, we use the alien package conversion utility to
convert and install the DB2 RPM packages directly.

14.1. Pre-installation notes

Ensure that you have installed alien:
sudo apt-get install alien                                                   
If you want to run a multiple-partition environment, you will need to install
the pdksh package.

14.2. Installation notes

 The RPM packages supplied with the DB2 install CD contain dependency
listings that cannot be satisfied inside a Ubuntu environment, because Ubuntu
does not use RPM as a native packaging method. To overcome these
dependencies, you need to modify the db2_install script to ignore
dependencies and force the installation of DB2 onto your system using alien.

 Perform the following steps to modify the db2_install script and install the

 1. Open the ~/db2/linux/db2_install script in your text editor and modify
    the following lines
    ( rpm -ivh  ${INSTDEV?}/${pkg?}${RPMEXTN?} 2>&1; \                       
       echo $? > ${TMPRC?} ) | tee -a ${DB2INSTLOG?}                         
    ( alien -dic  ${INSTDEV?}/${pkg?}${RPMEXTN?} 2>&1; \                     
       echo $? > ${TMPRC?} ) | tee -a ${DB2INSTLOG?}                         
 2. Issue the following command to begin installing DB2:
    sudo ./db2_install                                                       
 3. The DB2 installer prompts you to enter the keyword of the product you
    want to install. for example, issuing the db2_inst command for the DB2
    UDB Express Edition for Linux install displays the following screen:
    Specify one or more of the following keywords,                           
    separated by spaces, to install DB2 products.                            
     Keyword        Product Description                                      
     DB2.EXP        DB2 UDB Express Edition for LINUX                        
    Enter "help" to redisplay product names.                                 
    Enter "quit" to exit.                                                    

 The DB2 installer will now install many RPM packages into the /opt/IBM/db2/
V8.1/ directory.

14.3. Post-installation notes

Now that you have installed DB2, you need to create the groups, users, DB2
Administration Server instance, and database instance for your database. The
following instructions create users and groups with the default names used in
the DB2 documentation (dasadm1, db2inst1, db2fenc1).

 1. Create the required groups:
    sudo groupadd -g 999 db2iadm1                                            
    sudo groupadd -g 998 db2fadm1                                            
    sudo groupadd -g 997 dasadm1                                             
 2. Create the required users and assign them to their corresponding groups:
    sudo useradd -u 1004 -g db2iadm1 -m -d /home/db2inst1 db2inst1           
    sudo useradd -u 1003 -g db2fadm1 -m -d /home/db2fenc1 db2fenc1           
    sudo useradd -u 1002 -g dasadm1 -m -d /home/dasusr1 dasusr1              
 3. Create the DB2 Administration Server:
    sudo /opt/IBM/db2/V8.1/instance/dascrt -u dasusr1                        
    Create the DB2 database instance:
    sudo /opt/IBM/db2/V8.1/instance/db2icrt -a server -u db2fenc1 db2inst1   

14.3.1. Enabling remote connections

When you perform a manual install of DB2, the installer does not
automatically set up the communication protocols for your DB2 server. To
enable connections to your DB2 server from remote clients, perform the
following steps:

 1. Set the port on which DB2 should communicate. Ensure that you select a
    port that is not blocked by a firewall or used by another service defined
    in the /etc/services file. To set the communications port, update the DB2
    database manager configuration variable SVCENAME. For example, to set the
    communications port to 50055, issue the following command as the instance
    user ("db2inst1", if you've been using the defaults):
    db2 update dbm cfg using svcename 50055                                  
 2. Set the DB2 communications protocol registry variable to define the
    protocol supported by the server. Typically the only protocol you would
    use is TCP/IP, so issue the following command as the instance user
    ("db2inst1" if you've been using the defaults):
    db2set DB2COMM=tcpip                                                     
 3. Restart the database instance to enable the settings to take effect.

 You should now be able to catalog and connect to your Ubuntu server from a
remote client.

14.3.2. Running the DB2 Control Center and other DB2 GUI tools

To run the DB2 Control Center or other DB2 GUI tools, you must install the
IBM Software Developers' Kit for Java. This RPM is included in the DB2
install CD-ROM in the /db2/linux/Java-1.4/ directory. To install the IBM
Software Developers' Kit for Java, change to the root directory of the CD-ROM
and issue the following command:
sudo alien -dic db2/linux/Java-1.4/IBMJava2-SDK-1.4.1-2.0.i386.rpm           

 Log in as the db2inst1 user and invoke the DB2 Control Center:

15. Installing the DB2 UDB Information Center

The new DB2 UDB Information Center is a new initiative from IBM to improve
the documentation delivery system in Version 8.2. It's based on the
open-source Eclipse architecture help system, and provides a better way to
serve up the DB2 UDB documentation.

15.1. Installing the Information Center locally

In this example, we'll install the Information Center on Red Hat Enterprise
Linux (RHEL) 3, just because the DB2 UDB installation was so smooth.

To begin, mount the CD in the drive, or expand the tarball containing the
installation utilities. Since the DB2 UDB Information Center has it's own
Java based installer, any Java issues that you experienced above while
installing DB2 UDB will likely recur here. However, the fixes we've provided
for the DB2 UDB install should work for the DB2 UDB Information Center
install too.

After mounting, run the db2setup utility from the base directory. This will
launch the Java-based setup wizard. You can also use the other setup methods
we've talked about, but since the GUI installation sets up and configures
everything for you, that's the method we recommend.

Installation Steps:

 1. Select the "Install Products" option from the launcher, and then the "DB2
    UDB Information Center" from the next panel, and click "Next".
 2. Read the description and click "Next".
 3. Read the license agreement, and if you agree, select "Accept" and click
 4. If you want to keep your installation settings in a response file (for
    installing on a different machine with identical settings), check the
    empty box, otherwise click "Next".
 5. Add any additional languages that you want to have installed. English is
    installed by default and cannot be deselected. Each additional language
    will add anywhere from 5 MB to 50 MB to the installation size. Click
 6. The next panel is where things get a little interesting. Here you can
    specify the service name that the Information Center will run under. An
    entry will be added to the /etc/services file for this service. You
    probably don't need to change this, unless you have another service
    running as "db2icserver".
    Also, this panel is where you specify the system port that the
    Information Center will use to serve up the documentation. By default,
    this is port 51000.
    The check box on this page will change the configuration for all DB2 UDB
    products installed on the local system, so that their help system will
    use the parameters you define here. Click "Next".
 7. Read the summary of what will be done, then click "Finish" to start the
    file installation

15.1.1. Troubleshooting

After installation, there are a couple of minor gotchas that you might run

First of all, there is a bug in the CD installation that won't unlock the CD
mount. When you try to unmount the CD, you'll get the dreaded "device is
busy" message from the OS. The solution here is to restart the Information
Center daemon with the commands:
cd /tmp                                                                      
/etc/init.d/db2icd restart                                                   
After the restart is complete, you can unmount the CD cleanly. This
information is covered in an technote ([

Another configuration change that you can make is to change what directory
the Information Center uses as a temporary working directory. To do this,
modify the DB2_ECLIPSEIC_DATA parameter in the db2ic.conf file found in the /
var/db2/v81/ directory. This temporary directory can be anywhere where the
"bin" user can write to.

Also in this file, you can change the port used to serve up the Information
Center, in case you change your mind later on about the one you set up during
the install. Just change the DB2_ECLIPSEIC_PORT parameter to the new number
(though it must be under 65535).

After making any changes, do a
/etc/init.d/db2icd restart                                                   
to have your changes picked up by the Information Center (see below for more
details on the db2icd daemon).

15.2. The Information Center daemon

The Information Center daemon is set up during installation and is used to
launch the background process that runs the Information Center. The daemon
script, named db2icd is installed to the /etc/init.d/ directory, and start up
symbolic links are added to the /etc/init.d/rc.X/ run-level folders. By
default, the daemon is turned on for run-levels 2, 3 and 5. You can modify
these run-levels with any system init utility (chkconfig, ntsysv, or any of
the X-based variants).

There are 5 commands you can pass to the daemon:

 1. start ?? Starts the Information Center, using the configuration
    parameters set in the /var/db2/v81/db2ic.conf file.
 2. stop ?? Brings down the Information Center.
 3. restartor reload?? A combination command that stops, then starts the
    daemon again.
 4. reload ?? Same as restart.
 5. status ?? Provides information on whether the Information Center is
    running, and if it is running, what the process IDs (PID) are.

15.3. Accessing an installed Information Center

There are three places where you can access the DB2 UDB Information Center
from your client:

 1. Access the Web site (this is the default set
    during a client installation)
 2. Access an intranet machine that is hosting the DB2 UDB Information Center
    within your own organization
 3. Access an Information Center that is set up on your local machine

You can configure the access points during the installation (only by
specifying a "Custom" installation) or afterwards either in the tools
configuration panel (in the GUI tools), or from the command line.

For the GUI tools (Control Center), open the Tools menu, select Tools
Settings, and then the Documentation tab. On this panel, you can specify a
host URL and port where an Information Center can be found. When putting a
hostname in, do not add the "http://" prefix, or any subdirectories ?? just
type in the hostname, and the internal code will do the rest.

To change the access points from the command line, execute these commands:
db2set DB2_DOCHOST=host_URL                                                  
db2set DB2_DOCPORT=host_port                                                 
where host_URL is the location hostname of the Information Center. This could
be: or localhost (for a local installation), and
host_port is the port number where the Information Center was installed.

By default, these DB2 UDB environment settings are blank, which means that
DB2 UDB defaults to the Web

To invoke the DB2 UDB Information Center from the GUI tools, click on the "?"
icon in the toolbar, any of the "Help" hyperlinks or buttons, or by selecting
any of the menu items in the "Help" menu.

To invoke the DB2 UDB Information Center from the command line, issue the
db2icdocs or db2helpcommands.

16. Removing DB2 UDB Version 8.2

 1. Remove the DAS by issuing the /opt/IBM/db2/V8.1/instance/dasdrop command
    as root.
 2. Remove the instance by issuing the /opt/IBM/db2/V8.1/instance/db2idrop
    db2 instancecommand as root, where db2 instance refers to the actual
    instance you want to drop (for example, /opt/IBM/db2/V8.1/instance/
    db2idrop db2inst1).
 3. Mount the DB2 UDB installation CD and run the /mnt/cdrom/db2_deinstall
    command as root. This will remove DB2 UDB from your system.
 4. Remove the users that were created during the installation of DB2 UDB ESE
    by entering these commands as root:
    userdel -r db2inst1                                                      
    userdel -r dasusr1                                                       
    userdel -r db2fenc1                                                      
    (If you created different user names during installation, substitute as

Optionally, you can remove IBM's version of the Java 2 package that DB2 UDB
rpm -e IBMJava2-SDK                                                          

17. DB2 UDB and the 2.6 kernel

DB2 UDB Version 8.2 can take advantage of a number of performance
enhancements introduced in the 2.6 kernel. There is a good paper by Rav
Ahuja, Dan Behman and John Keenleyside that goes in depth on the specific
enhancements of DB2 UDB V8.2 (see Resources); we'll cover a few of the
highlights and how to implement them.

Note Note that these enhancements are for advanced users only. Implement each
     with care and be sure to thorougly test each change individually before 
     moving on to the next enhancement.                                      

  * Asynchronous I/O handling
    Asynchronous I/O is a kernel processing enhancement that allows
    applications to submit I/O requests, and then continue working without
    having to wait for the I/O request to be completed.
    As mentioned in a few of the distribution-specific instructions, this
    requires the installation of the libaio package, and the setting of the
    DB2LINUXAIO DB2 UDB configuration parameter.
  * Direct I/O caching
    Direct I/O is a different cache writing policy. Instead of using buffered
    I/O writes, direct I/O caching eliminates the file copying from the file
    cache to user buffer, thus reducing CPU utilization.
    To enable Direct I/O cache on a database, you specify the NO FILE SYSTEM
    DATABASE commands.
  * Vector I/O
    Vector (or scatter/gather) I/O allows a number of I/O buffers to be used
    instead of one contiguous buffer, thus avoiding additional copying during
    To enable Vector I/O, set the DB2_SCATTERED_IO configuration parameter to
  * Large page support
    Large page support allows the application to force the kernel into using
    larger memory pages, thus reducing the memory overhead required to track
    the pages, boosting the overall available memory.
    Enabling large page support requires both a 2.6 kernel (or a backported
    2.4 kernel like the one in RHEL), and installation of the libcap RPM.
    Turning on large page support is distribution dependent.
    For SuSE Linux Enterprise 8:
      + During boot-up, add the parameter bigpages=xxxM to the kernel boot
        command, where xxx is the desired large page size in MB
      + After boot, log in as root and run
        echo 1 > /proc/sys/kernel/shm-use-bigpages                           
        This will dynamically enable the large page support in the kernel
      + Before running db2start, execute this command to tell DB2 UDB to use
        the large page configuration:
        db2set DB2_LGPAGE_BP=YES                                             
    For Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3
      + As root, run:
        echo XXX > /proc/sys/vm/hugetlb_pool                                 
        where XXX is a numerical value equivalent to the number of "huge
        pages" desired. (Red Hat Linux uses "huge" pages instead of large
        pages). Note also that the size you enter must be available in a
        contiguous block of memory, otherwise the large page limit will be
        restricted by the largest block that is available.
      + Check the large page usage by running the command:
        cat /proc/meminfo | grep -i huge                                     
      + Before running db2start, execute this command to tell DB2 UDB to use
        the large page configuration:
        db2set DB2_LGPAGE_BP=YES                                             
    For Distributions using 2.6 kernel
      + As root, run:
        echo XXX > /proc/sys/vm/nr_hugepages                                 
        where XXX is a numerical value equivalent to the number of "huge
        pages" desired
      + Check the large page usage by running the command:
        cat /proc/meminfo | grep -i huge                                     
      + Before running db2start, execute this command to tell DB2 UDB to use
        the large page configuration:
        db2set DB2_LGPAGE_BP=YES                                             

18. Using DB2 UDB

This section gives you the basic information you need to start working with
DB2 UDB on Linux. It includes instructions on issuing DB2 UDB commands and
SQL statements from the command line, as well as the commands you need to
start the DB2 UDB Control Center and the DB2 UDB Information Center.

18.1. DB2 UDB Control Center

The left side of the DB2 UDB Control Center provides an object-oriented view
of the database objects that you have catalogued, including DB2 UDB instances
and databases on other DB2 UDB servers. One way to add, edit, or drop
database objects is to right-click on an object to bring up a menu.

To start the DB2 UDB Control Center

 1. Ensure you are logged on to your Linux workstation using either the DB2
    UDB Administration Server user ID or the DB2 UDB instance user ID. If you
    use the su command to become the user, ensure you include the -l
    parameter to initialize the environment for the user.
 2. Start the X server, if it is not already started.
 3. Issue the db2cc command to start the DB2 UDB Control Center.

18.2. DB2 UDB Information Center

As mentioned above, the new DB2 UDB Information Center is a revamped
documentation display system that now encapsulates the task, concept and
reference information required to properly run DB2 UDB. It can be installed
locally, on an intranet server, or accessed directly from an hosting

To start the DB2 UDB Information Center:

 1. Ensure you are logged on to your Linux workstation using either the DB2
    UDB Administration Server user ID or the DB2 UDB instance user ID. If you
    use the su command to become the user, ensure you include the -l
    parameter to initialize the environment for the user.
 2. Ensure that the X server is started, because the Information Center
    requires a Web browser.
 3. Issue one of these launch commands:
      + db2help
      + db2ic
      + db2cc -ic

Alternatively, you can launch the Information Center from within the Control
Center (or any of the other GUI tools), by clicking an item under the "Help"
menu, or by clicking on the "?" icon.

If you did not install the DB2 UDB Information Center, or have not configured
your tools to use a different server, these commands will launch a detected
browser, and take you directly to the IBM hosted DB2 UDB Information Center
at [] http://

18.3. DB2 UDB CLP

If you are logged on to your Linux workstation using either the DB2 UDB
Administration Server user ID or the DB2 UDB instance user ID, you can issue
DB2 UDB commands and SQL statements from the command line.

If this is your first time using DB2 UDB, I would suggest creating the sample
database that ships with DB2 UDB. The sample database is used throughout the
DB2 UDB documentation and is required by most of the sample applications.

To create the sample database, you can either select the Create the sample
database option from the DB2 UDB First Steps launchpad, or by issuing the
db2sampl command.

Before you can issue an SQL statement, you have to connect to a database. To
connect to a database, enter the command:
db2 CONNECT TO database USER userID USING password                           

To connect to a database, and have DB2 UDB prompt you for the password, issue
the command:
db2 CONNECT TO database USER userID                                          

To connect to a database using the default user ID, issue the command:
db2 CONNECT TO database                                                      

Once you have connected to a database, you can then issue SQL statements or
DB2 UDB commands against that database. For example, to select all of the
columns from the EMPLOYEE table in the SAMPLE database, issue this command:
db2 "SELECT * FROM employee"                                                 

You can avoid typing db2 as the prefix for every SQL statement and DB2 UDB
command by issuing DB2 UDB commands using the Command Line Processor (CLP).
To start the CLP, issue the db2 command by itself. DB2 UDB provides the
following prompt:
You can issue database manager commands and SQL statements from the          
command prompt. For example:                                                 
    db2 => connect to sample                                                 
    db2 => bind sample.bnd                                                   
For general help, type: ?.                                                   
For command help, type: ? command, where command can be                      
the first few keywords of a database manager command. For example:           
 ? CATALOG DATABASE for help on the CATALOG DATABASE command                 
 ? CATALOG          for help on all of the CATALOG commands.                 
To exit db2 interactive mode, type QUIT at the command prompt. Outside       
interactive mode, all commands must be prefixed with 'db2'.                  
To list the current command option settings, type LIST COMMAND OPTIONS.      
For more detailed help, refer to the Online Reference Manual.                
db2 =>                                                                       

Some users prefer to avoid the CLP because it prevents using the command line
history features of the shell.

Some users claim that running the CLP within an Emacs shell gives them the
best of both worlds: they get command line history, and they don't have to
escape commands that contain lots of quotation marks and brackets.

19. Resources

This section lists available additional resources for information on using
DB2 UDB 8.2 for Linux:

19.1. Newsgroups

    Covers the use of DB2 on all platforms, including Linux and UNIX,
    Windows, z/OS, iSeries, and pSeries. This forum is quite active.
    Similar to, but handles questions specific to the
    DB2 Universal Database product only.
    Although this newsgroup was meant to serve users trying out the DB2 UDB
    V8.2 "Stinger" beta code, there are a lot of general questions about DB2
    UDB on Linux that might help you. Now that the final release is
    available, activity on this forum has slowed down significantly.

19.2. Web sites

  * DB2 Universal Database for Linux
    The home portal for DB2 UDB information on Linux.
  * DB2 UDB Version 8.2 Information Center
    [] http://
    The DB2 UDB Information Center is the most current source of official DB2
    UDB documentation in 29 different languages. Set your browser language
    preference and the site will return the translated version of a given
    page if it is available, falling back to English content if not. Access
    to the information is offered via search, navigation tree, or a
    comprehensive [] master index.
  * DB2 UDB Version 8.2 Linux validation site
    Information regarding IBM recommended and validated Linux distributions
    for the current version of DB2 UDB.
  * DB2 UDB Online Support
    [] http://
    The official support channel for DB2 Universal Database for Linux, UNIX
    and Windows. Contains information and downloads regarding Fixpaks, APARs,
    Technotes, DB2 UDB Flashes, and more.
  * DB2 UDB Version 8.2 PDF Manuals
    [] http://
    The place to get the official DB2 UDB manuals in PDF format.
  * DB2 UDB for Linux white papers
    [] http://
    White papers typically provide overviews or introductions to new
    technology or new releases of a product. Includes the DB2 UDB "Stinger"
    Enhancements on Linux white paper.
  * DB2 Magazine
    This Web site is the online version of DB2 Magazine, which publishes
    articles about using DB2 UDB on Linux and other platforms. You can also
    sign up for a free subscription to the print version of the magazine.
  * IBM DeveloperWorks for DB2
    A great resource for tutorials, learning resources, help and tips for
    improving DB2 UDB and developing DB2 UDB-based applications.
  * International DB2 Users Group (IDUG)
    IDUG holds a number of international conferences on DB2 and has regional
    user groups. While IDUG has traditionally focused on DB2 for z/OS and
    iSeries, they have increasingly included information on DB2 UDB for
    Linux, UNIX, and Windows. The IDUG Web site includes online discussion
    forums and links to other DB2 resources.
  * Red Hat Linux
    Home to the Red Hat Linux distribution.
    Also see []
    software/rhn/ (the Red Hat Network) for more information on system
    updates and kernel information.
  * SuSE Linux
    A Novell business, this site is the home for the SuSE Linux distribution.
    Also see [] http:// for more information on system updates and
    kernel information.
  * Fedora Project
    Home to the Fedora Project Linux distribution.
    The Fedora Project is a Red-Hat-sponsored and community-supported open
    source project. It is not a supported product of Red Hat, Inc.
  * Mandriva Linux
    Home to the Mandriva Linux distribution.
    Their current slogan is "A Linux for everyone".

20. GNU Free Documentation License

Copyright (C) 2000,2001,2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA

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 1. Use in the Title Page (and on the covers, if any) a title distinct from
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 2. List on the Title Page, as authors, one or more persons or entities
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 3. State on the Title page the name of the publisher of the Modified
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 4. Preserve all the copyright notices of the Document.
 5. Add an appropriate copyright notice for your modifications adjacent to
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 6. Include, immediately after the copyright notices, a license notice giving
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 7. Preserve in that license notice the full lists of Invariant Sections and
    required Cover Texts given in the Document's license notice.
 8. Include an unaltered copy of this License.
 9. Preserve the section Entitled "History", Preserve its Title, and add to
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11. For any section Entitled "Acknowledgements" or "Dedications", Preserve
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12. Preserve all the Invariant Sections of the Document, unaltered in their
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15. Preserve any Warranty Disclaimers.

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You may add a section Entitled "Endorsements", provided it contains nothing
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You may add a passage of up to five words as a Front-Cover Text, and a
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The combined work need only contain one copy of this License, and multiple
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parentheses, the name of the original author or publisher of that section if
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In the combination, you must combine any sections Entitled "History" in the
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Translation is considered a kind of modification, so you may distribute
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If a section in the Document is Entitled "Acknowledgements", "Dedications",
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21. Trademarks

DB2, DB2 UDB,, DB2 Universal Database, IBM, iSeries, pSeries, zSeries, and z/
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