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Fedora Multimedia Installation HOWTO

Eric Steven Raymond

[] Thyrsus Enterprises
Revision History                                                             
Revision 1.2           2004-02-03            Revised by: esr                 
Typo fixes.                                                                  
Revision 1.1           2004-01-31            Revised by: esr                 
Dag Wieers's repository is yum-enabled, so drop apt-get out of the picture.  
Add mozilla-acroread installation. Add some attack-lawyer repellant.         
Revision 1.0           2004-01-30            Revised by: esr                 
Initial release.                                                             

How to get various proprietary and restricted multimedia Damned Things
(Flash, MP3, Java, MPEG, AVI, RealMedia, Windows Media, Adobe Acrobat)
working under Fedora Core using your normal package-management tools.
Includes Mozilla-plugin instructions.

Table of Contents
1. Introduction
    1.1. New versions of this document
2. Tools and Repositories
3. Security considerations and other risks
4. The multiple-repository problem
5. Software Installation
    5.1. Macromedia Flash
    5.2. MP3
    5.3. Java
    5.4. Adobe Acrobat
    5.5. Local MPEG and AVI
    5.6. Streaming Web audio and video
6. Other Approaches
7. License and Copyright
8. Acknowledgements

1. Introduction

There are some Damned Things like enabling Java and Flash in Mozilla, playing
MP3 files, playing Quicktime/AVI/RealMedia/Windows Media streams, and playing
encrypted DVDs that the Fedora distro folks won't tell you how to do, either
because they're afraid of being sued under the DMCA or for various other
esthetic and political reasons.

This HOWTO collects the relevant information in one place. It is not a
general multimedia-on-Linux HOWTO; if it were, there are hundreds of nifty
tools and packages it would list (starting with the GIMP and all its kindred
and forks and symbiotes). The packages we'll cover here are just the legal
and political hot potatos, the stuff that threatens monopolies and worries

Good background information on souping up your Fedora system can also be
found at the [] FedoraNEWS website. Mauriat Miranda's 
Personal Fedora Core 1 Installation Guide is also useful. One assumption that
distinguishes this document from these other sources is that you are as lazy
as I am ?? you want to install your Damned Things (and, later, update them)
with your normal package-management tools rather than having to go to special
sites, download source tarballs, or execute unique build procedures.

Legal note: No source code or locations of source code of any software
alleged to be covered by the DMCA is disclosed on this page, you will have to
look on my personal website for that. The DMCA is a bad law rammed down our
throats by fools and villains and the use of it to suppress free speech about
software is a disgrace, but in order to ensure that this HOWTO gets maximum
distribution I have remained in compliance with it here.

One reason I am doing this is that I think I'm a harder target for the attack
lawyers than most hackers; public fame and a reputation for truth-telling are
helpful here. If you are an attack lawyer, be warned that I invariably
respond to attempts at intimidation by fighting back, that I am legally savvy
and very good at working the press, and that I will exert all my considerable
ability to make your and your client's name a public disgrace if you try to
suppress my speech. You have been warned.

1.1. New versions of this document

You can also view the latest version of this HOWTO on the World Wide Web via
the URL []  http:/

Feel free to mail any comments about this HOWTO, or additions or bug fixes,
to Eric S. Raymond, <>. But please don't ask me to
troubleshoot your multimedia or plugin configuration problems; if you do,
I'll just ignore you. Everything I know about this subject is already here.

2. Tools and Repositories

Modern Linuxes are rapidly moving towards a world in which physical media are
used for OS installation only, with updates being fetched and installed by
tools querying Internet repositories. You'll need to know a bit about three
of these tools:

    Grandaddy of the network package installers. Originally from Debian,
    later ported to RPM-based distributions. Not shipped with Fedora Core,
    but sometimes useful to have around because some repositories don't
    support the other tools. The procedures in this HOWTO no longer require
    you to use apt-get, but you should know it's there.
    yim (the Yellow Dog Updater, Modified), comes installed with Fedora Core.
    It will help you download updates from the Fedora repository, and from
    other repositories that carry Damned Things that Fedora won't. I like it
    a bit better than apt-get (a s), as it seems to grab package list updates
    automatically that apt makes you do manually.
    This is a shell around yum/apt (it can also query a local directory on
    your hard drive). Most convenient of the three; watching it is

You also need to know about some repositories:

    A site, located outside the U.S. and beyond the reach of the DMCA, that
    is dedicated to providing Damned Things that Fedora Core won't carry.
    There is no official connection, and in fact the Fedora people won't
    mention livna in their web pages or documentation for fear of being
    slammed with a speech-suppressing lawsuit by the evil shitheads at the
    DVDCCA, but the livna people track what Fedora does very closely.
    Accessible via both yum and apt.
[] FreshRPMs
    Best known of the alternate-RPMs sites. Carries a lot of stuff that
    hasn't yet made it into Fedora Core, but also supports older Red Hat
    distros as well. The main source for apt-get. Accessible via both yum and
    apt. Unfortunately, it's known to have some serious library clashes with
    livna and I do not recommend mixing the two.
    The main source for packaged versions of Macromedia Flash. Accessible via
    both yum and apt.
    The only place I've found pre-cooked Java and Java plugin RPMs.
    Accessible via both yum and apt.

To set up your tools, you need to do the following steps:

 1. To enable up2date, add the following to /etc/sysconfig/rhn/sources:
    yum fedora-us-stable-fc1   
    yum fedora-us-testing-fc1 
    yum livna-stable-fc1                   
    yum flash-plugin                            
    yum dag                                      
    You might have to change "1" to the latest Fedora Core version number, if
    that's 2 or more.
 2. To enable yum, add the following to /etc/yum.conf:
    [livna-stable]                                                       Fedora Compatible Packages (stable)                       
    [livna-unstable]                                                     Fedora Compatible Packages (unstable)                     
    [livna-testing]                                                      Fedora Compatible Packages (testing)                      
    name=Macromedia flash-plugin site                                        
    name=Fedora Core 1 Dag Wieers' repository                                

3. Security considerations and other risks

All the yum and up2date commands I give in this HOWTO have to be run from the
root prompt so the packages they fetch can be installed in your system space.
This means there is a risk that your system could be compromised by a Trojan
Horse RPM, either one inserted in one of the repositories you query or one
slipped to you by a man-in-the-middle attack getting between you and a

To control the latter risk, many repositories cryptographically sign their
RPMs. You need to have a local copy of each repository's public key in order
to integrity-check incoming packages. Therefore, be sure to do this:
rpm --import                          
rpm --import              

If you use freshrpms (which none of my recipes do, because I'm told you can
get in trouble with library-version classes when mixing it with livna) you'll
want to add this:
rpm --import                   

You already have the Fedora public key as part of your Fedora Core

A long-term risk that you accept by using any of the packages in this HOWTO
is that of becoming dependent on the whims of a proprietary software vendor.
It isn't necessary to have that old-time Free Software religion to see that
this is a problem. Some of the software we'll cover here (the Adobe Acrobat
plugin is a good example) is distributed as closed-source freeware ?? which
is all very well, but what happens if the vendor changes its mind in the
future? You could be stranded.

It's unsafe to be dependent on proprietary software and proprietary formats.
When you allow yourself to be dependent, you also harm others by helping
vendors maintain an unhealthy monopoly lock on their market segment. So, if
you must buy into these tools, please find some way to support open-source
replacements ?? donate coding time or cash, or spend effort pressuring
vendors to open up. Rip your CDs to Ogg Vorbis rather than MP3. Write a
letter to your legislator urging repeal of the DMCA. The freedom you save 
will be your own.

4. The multiple-repository problem

You have just set up yum access to four different repositories. Before you go
further, you need to know that mixing RPMs from multiple repositories can be
a chancy business; sometimes they can conflict with each other, or have
different and incompatible dependencies.

The people take particular pains to track what Fedora is doing, so
you should be safe there. The MPLUG site is also pretty safe; they only
supply one piece of software which depends mainly on the rather stable
Mozilla plugin interface, and downloading an out-of-sync version of
flash-plugin probably can't do anything worse than stop you being exposed to
Flash animations (many people would actually consider this a feature).

The FreshRPMs repository, Dag Wieers's site, and any other "outside" sites
are potential trouble. Their maintainers work hard at providing a useful
service, but for various technical and political reasons they don't
coordinate with Fedora as closely as one might wish. To avoid problems, I
recommend the following precautions:

 1. Installing or updating particular named packages with apt-get is OK, but
    don't do a general upgrade using it. Use yum or up2date instead. (None of
    the procedures in this HOWTO use apt-get.)
 2. Disable apt-get access to any site that you have yum or up2date access
    to. This may help avoid database inconsistencies. (None of the procedures
    in this HOWTO use apt-get.)

5. Software Installation

For a fast start after you have gone through the configuration procedure
described above, do this:
up2date flash-plugin xmms-mp3 xine totem mozilla-j2re mozilla-acroread       

will install Flash, MP3, mpeg/AVI/DVD-reading capability (including DeCSS for
encrypted DVDs), and a better plugin for PDFs. If up2date aborts complaining
that RPMs are missing GPG signatures, you can do the following, assuming you
trust your net connection is not being compromised by a man-in-the-middle
up2date --nosig flash-plugin xmms-mp3 xine mozilla-j2re mozilla-acroread     

This won't give you RealMedia; for that, you need to do a little more
dancing. What follows is information about how to install individual
multimedia packages, including Java.

5.1. Macromedia Flash

Fedora won't distribute from their site because Macromedia's license doesn't
permit it, but there are no other legal barriers to using the RPMs at [http:/

With the up2date preparation described above, you can install Flash by
up2date flash-plugin                                                         

5.2. MP3

Fedora won't ship MP3-capable software because the Fraunhofer Institute's
patent license terms are not compatible with the GPL.

Note: If your Fedora distribution is fresh out of the box, you will probably
have to make /dev/dsp be owned by yourself before you can play any sounds at

Assuming you've got your yum configuration pointed at the command
up2date xmms-mp3                                                             

should make your XMMS program mp3-capable.

Installing xmms-mp3 will probably install an ALSA library, which you can
ignore if using a pre-2.6, non-ALSA configuration. To actually enable MP3
playing, you'll need to run xmms. Select Options > Preferences > Audio I/O
Plugins from the menu; this will pop up a window listing plugins. Select
"MPEG Layer 1/2/3 Placeholder Plugin" and uncheck [ ] Enable Plugin. With
this placeholder gone, xmms will plug in xmms-mp3 automatically.

If you want simple MP3 sound editing, I'm a big fan of [http://] Audacity (but be aare that some newer Audacity
releases, after about 9.1, have known problems with ALSA and with the
AC97-compatible sound chips now built into many motherboards). The command
up2date audacity                                                             

will grab and install both Audacity (a very nifty multi-format audio editor)
and the [] lame library that it needs as a plugin
to do MP3s. Audacity has no IP-law problems in itself; lame is affected by
the Fraunhofer Institute patents.

5.3. Java

Java is downloadable and redistributable from Sun, but only for personal and
not-for-profit use. Sun's Javs license is non-open-source, so Fedora and most
other Linux distributions won't carry it.

Assuming your yum configuration points at Dag Wieers's repository, the
following command will Java-enable your browser:
yum install mozilla-j2re                                                     

You can test your Java plugin at Sun's []
Applets page. Note that some of these applets (Escher and Starfield, when I
checked) appear to be broken. BouncingHeads makes a good test.

5.4. Adobe Acrobat

You may have noticed that PDF pages downloaded off the Web often display as
blank pages in Mozilla, though they look fine when viewed locally with xpdf.
I don't know why this is, but in several cases I've been told by the creator
that they were made with Adobe Acrobat. It is therefore a good bet that
Adobe's official Acrobat plugin will help. Install it with
yum install mozilla-acroread                                                 

Adobe's Acrobat plugin is proprietary, so Fedora and other distributions
won't carry it. But there is no known legal problem with the RPM.

5.5. Local MPEG and AVI

MPEG (the format used on DVDs) represents itself as an open standard, but
most Linux distributions won't ship software that read it because of blocking
patents held by MPEGLA. AVI and Apple QuickTime have proprietary codecs
covered by patents, so most Linux distributions won't ship software that
decodes them, either. But with the setup we've described, this command
up2date xine                                                                 

will install or update the xine player that can handle these formats. Doing
this will also install a number of support libraries, including the libdvdcss
plugin that the xine people won't talk about on their site because they are
too frightened of the DVDCCA's attack lawyers.

Test this on any DVD. Remember that you have to either link /dev/dvd with
your physical DVD device or go through xine's impenetrable configuration
dialogue. Also remember that the physical device has to be readable by you.

xine has an elaborate GUI of its own, but most of the guts of the program are
in a callable library and there are several other front ends for it floating
around (none of them shipped with FC1). One of these is gxine, a Gnome front
end which as of January 2004 doesn't have an active maintainer. Another
(which I haven't seen but have been told good things about) is the [http://] kaffeine front end for KDE. Both of these are
carried at But the best of the front ends is probably [http://] totem, available from This is a nice
clean interface that doesn't confuse the eye by trying to look like expensive
stereo equipment.

5.6. Streaming Web audio and video

Here are some test locations to try streaming audio and video clips from:

  *  [] AVI
  *  [] QuickTime
  *  [] Windows Media
  *  [] MPEG
  *  [] RealPlayer

The Netscape folks have a Plug-in Manager web page that's handy for checking
which plugins you have available and which MIME types they interpret (the 
"Show Details" link below each plugin takes you to the associated MIME type

The rest of this section describes several almost complete failures, mainly
so that you will know that they are not due to a misconfiguration on your
part. Linux multimedia streaming is still very, very broken.

5.6.1. Web audio streams via RealPlayer

RealMedia uses a proprietary codec covered by patents, though RealNetworks
ships source code of a reference implementation under a non-open-source
license. Because this license is proprietary, most Linux distributions do not
ship a RealPlayer client.

The Daily xine builds has potentially valuable bits on it. One of the good
bits is a RealPlayer 9 RPM, something I have been unable to find in any apt
or yum repository.

This works under Fedora, even though the Netscape plugin manager page doesn't
detect when it's installed. You will have to fill out a small pop-up form the
first time it runs; beware that the permission-to-spam-you button defaults to
on and you must toggle it off. Because RealNetworks does not have a clean
record when it comes to spam, I recommend giving them a bogus address just to
be on the safe side. Images do not appear within the page, instead the plugin
launches an external program in a separate window.

5.6.2. Web video streams via mplayer-plugin

The command
up2date mplayerplug-in                                                       

should in theory give your Mozilla the ability to stream AVI, QuickTime,
Windows Media, and MPEG audio/video files. As of January 2004 (mplayer-0.92,
mplayerplug-in-1.0, mozilla-1.4.1), however, AVI and QuickTime don't work at
all. Results vary from a hang through putting an unkillable blank window on
the screen to crashing Mozilla. Windows Media works sometimes (watch for the
legend "cache fill" and an increasing percentage in the display window before
the video itself plays) but occasionally it crashes Mozilla. MPEG audio files
load but don't play. MPEG video tests without audio seem to work.

The failure pattern seems to finger mplayerplug-in, as mplayer appears to
handle these file types OK when they're local.

5.6.3. Web video streams via gxine

The command
up2date gxine                                                                

should also in theory give your Mozilla the ability to stream AVI, QuickTime,
Windows Media, and MPEG audio/video files throgh gxine. As of January 2004
(xine-0.9.22, gxine-0.3.3, mozilla-1.4.1), this works about as well as
mplayerplug-in, which is to say not at all well. I've seen some success with
MPEG files, but often with audio dropouts.

The failure pattern seems to finger the gxine plugin, as xine handles its
file types OK when they're local.

5.6.4. Web video streams via the experimental xine plugin

One potentially valuable bit on the Daily xine builds site is the
experimental xine plugin to display streamed video through a xine window
placed within the browser frame. This is currently pre-release software, and
I could not get it to load because of a xine library problem. Here's hoping
it will work someday.

6. Other Approaches

To turn your Fedora Core 1 machine into a low-latency audio workstation, see 
Planet CCRMA. At present their repository is apt-get enabled but not
yum-enabled. If you don't have apt-get,
up2date apt                                                                  

will fix that.

7. License and Copyright

Copyright (c) 2004, Eric S. Raymond.

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under
the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later
version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant
Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the
license is located at []

8. Acknowledgements

Miguel Freitas helped educate me about some of the techicalities of video
formats. Dag Wieers contributed the solution to the Acrobat problem.