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				         Created: Mon Dec 31 17:39:29 EST 2001
					 Updated: Sun Jun 12 08:25:16 EDT 2005

Jim Seymour's suggestions/examples for Postfix anti-UCE configuration.
                    (Aka: Postfix Anti-UCE Cheat Sheet)


            Note that *my* configuration may not be suitable for
            *your* purposes.  That is one reason I put lots of
            comments and so-forth in here.  Read it, understand
	    it, and formulate a stance that best suits *your*

The "general flow" of the smtp_recipient_restrictions in is as
follows (and yes: the order *is* important):

    1. (1st 6 statements): ensure the HELO/EHLO and smtp envelope stuff
       are "sane."  Prohibit verification checks of recipient addresses.
    2. Dis-allow command "pipelining."  (Generally only spamware tries
       to pipeline--particularly during dictionary attacks.)
    3. Permit anything that passes the above restrictions and is from my
       network.  (Destination doesn't matter.)
    4. Out-right reject anything from outside that's not destined for my
    5. Check certain recipient addresses before any local blacklisting
       or DNSbl checks.
    6. Check the local black-lists, white-lists and combined black-/white-
       lists (HELO/EHLO, sender [envelope from] and client [sending server]
    7. Check the DNSbls and RHSbls

Check the Postfix docs for what it all means, in detail.  If you're in
doubt: join the postfix-users mailing list and ask.

For 1.x versions of Postfix:


	smtpd_helo_required = yes
	disable_vrfy_command = yes

	maps_rbl_domains =,,,,,

	smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
	    check_recipient_access pcre:/etc/postfix/recipient_checks.pcre,
	    check_helo_access dbm:/etc/postfix/helo_checks,
	    check_sender_access dbm:/etc/postfix/sender_checks,
	    check_client_access dbm:/etc/postfix/client_checks,
	    check_client_access pcre:/etc/postfix/client_checks.pcre,

For 2.x versions of Postfix:


	smtpd_helo_required = yes
	disable_vrfy_command = yes

	smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
	    check_recipient_access pcre:/etc/postfix/recipient_checks.pcre,
	    check_helo_access dbm:/etc/postfix/helo_checks,
	    check_sender_access dbm:/etc/postfix/sender_checks,
	    check_client_access dbm:/etc/postfix/client_checks,
	    check_client_access pcre:/etc/postfix/client_checks.pcre,

	smtpd_data_restrictions =

    # "dbm" or "hash" depends on your system.  The above is for my Sun
    # SPARC Solaris boxen.  Linux usually uses "hash".
    # You need to have PCRE support built into Postfix at compile time to
    # use the "pcre:" types.
    # If it's necessary that the mail server accept SMTP connections
    # from internal machines that don't HELO properly, you'll have to
    # move at least reject_non_fqdn_hostname, and possibly also
    # reject_invalid_hostname, to *after* permit_mynetworks.  There's no
    # harm in doing this, should you find it necessary.  See FAQ items
    # 2-4 for more on this topic.
    # The trailing "permits" aren't necessary, strictly speaking, because
    # there's an earlier "permit_mynetworks."  I just put them there
    # because it makes clear that whatever passes the earlier "check" and
    # "reject" tests will be permitted.  I like "self-documenting ``code''".
    # Lastly: You'll observe that all of my anti-UCE checks are under
    # smtpd_recipient_restrictions, instead of having a separate
    # smtpd_client_restrictions, etc.  This is because, unless you have
    # set smtpd_delay_reject = no (default is "yes"), no rejecting takes
    # place until after RCPT TO anyway.  It's easier, cleaner and more
    # predictable when all of the anti-UCE stuff is under recipient
    # restrictions.  (Except for reject_unauth_piplining under Postfix
    # 2.x.  See FAQ Q16/A16.  There are also possible performance issues
    # doing things this way.  See "Understanding The Order In Which
    # Restrictions Are Applied" for more info.)


    # Note: You must have PCRE support support built in to Postfix at
    # compile time to use this.  (Tho I've been told the following are
    # valid POSIX RE's ["regexp:" map type], as well.)
    # Postfix doesn't relay by default.  But it may *appear* to do so
    # to some testers.  The first two statements below remove all
    # doubt.

    /^\@/		550 Invalid address format.
    /[!%\@].*\@/	550 This server disallows weird address syntax.

    # Let email to the following destinations bypass all the remaining
    # "reject" and "check" tests.  We always want to let email for these
    # recipients in.

    /^postmaster\@/	OK
    /^hostmaster\@/	OK
    /^abuse\@/	OK

	# Note: The "OK"s above, for postmaster, etc., will *not*
	# bypass header and body checks.  There is currently no way
	# to do so with Postfix :(
	# Remember where I said, at the very beginning, about how
	# order is important?  Whatever you do, do *not* place an
	# access map like this one before the "permit mynetworks"
	# and "reject_unauth_destination" statements.  Not unless
	# you want to be an open relay, anyway.


    # This file has to be "compiled" with "postmap"

    # Reject anybody that HELO's as being in our own domain(s)
    # (Note that if you followed the order suggested in the
    # examples, above, that machines in mynetworks will be okay.)

    example.tld			REJECT You are not in example.tld
    foobarbaz.tld		REJECT You are not in foobarbaz.tld

    # Somebody HELO'ing with our IP address?			REJECT You are not

    # Somebody HELO'ing as "localhost?"  Impossible, we're "localhost"
    localhost			REJECT You are not me


    # Note: You must have PCRE support support built in to Postfix at
    # compile time to use this.
    # No, you won't find this entry in my "smtpd_recipient_restrictions,"
    # above.  I'm not doing this check (at this time).

    # If you want to be really picky about it: HELO'ing with an IP
    # address is RFC-compliant - *if* it's enclosed in square-brackets
    # ("[]"s).  (One would think "reject_invalid_hostname" checks for
    # this, but it does not.)
    # Somebody HELO'ing with a non-RFC-compliant dotted-quad IP
    # address?  For shame!  (I don't do this check, btw.)
    /^[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+){3}$/	REJECT Invalid hostname


    # This file must be "compiled" with "postmap"

    # Using a domain name
    example.tld			554 Spam not tolerated here

    # Maybe example2.tld is on a DNSbl, but we want to let their
    # email in anyway.
    example2.tld		OK

    # We get lots of spam from example3.tld, but we have somebody
    # there from which we do want to hear
    someuser@example3.tld	OK
    example3.tld		REJECT


    # This file must be "compiled" with "postmap"

    # Using a domain name
    example.tld			554 Spam not tolerated here

    # Maybe example2.tld is on a DNSbl, but we want to let their
    # email in anyway.
    example2.tld		OK

    # Checking by IP address
    10				554 Go away!

    # 172.16/16
    172.16			554 Bugger off!

    # 192.168.4/24 is bad, but is okay		OK
    192.168.4			554 Take a hike!


    # Postfix' dbm/hash files don't allow CIDR notation, netmasks
    # or address ranges, but you can achieve the same end with
    # regular expressions.
    # Again: these are in PCRE notation.  But you could accomplish
    # the same with POSIX RE's.  (I just don't know how.)

    # -
    /10\.9\.[89]\.\d+/		REJECT

    # - is generally no good, but is OK
    /10\.9\.8\.7/		OK
    /10\.9\.([89]|10)\.\d+/	554 Go away. We don't want any!

    # A much more complex example of listing a (CIDR) IP range
    # (If this makes your eyes cross, just ignore it for now)
    # = -         
    /^10\.33\.((19[2-9])|(2(0[0-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-3])))\.\d{1,3}$/    REJECT

    # Postfix experimental release 20030706 contains experimental
    # support for CIDR-based lookup tables, so the regexp-type lookups
    # for address ranges may soon no longer be necessary.  To see if
    # your version of Postfix supports CIDR-based maps, do a "man
    # cidr_table" and look for "cidr" in the output of "postconf -m".

General Notes On "hostname," "helo," "client," "sender" and "recipient"
Access Lists and Restrictions

    What "hostname," "helo," "sender" and "client" mean

	HELO/EHLO is what the sending machine *tells* your machine it
	is.  It is easily spoofed and frequently mis-configured.
	Thus it may have no basis in reality.

	    HELO/EHLO is checked with the "helo" and "hostname"
	    smtpd restrictions and checks.

	"Sender" is the envelope-sender address (SMTP "MAIL FROM"), not
	the client machine's IP address or host name, or the "From:"
	field in the headers.  (Though envelope-sender may well match
	"From:" in the headers.)

	    "Sender" is checked with the smtpd sender restrictions
	    and checks.

	"Client" is the sending machine's IP address--and possibly host
	name (if one can be derived from a reverse lookup of the IP

	    "Client" is checked with the smtpd client restrictions
	    and checks.

    "Recipient" refers to the email address passed in the SMTP RCPT TO,
    not the "To:," "Cc:" or other fields in the header.

	"Recipient" is checked with the smtpd recipient restrictions
	and checks.

    If you put access lists *before* the DNSbl checks, as shown in the
    "" examples, above, they can serve as combined whitelists and

	WARNING: You must be very careful with white-listing!  For
	example: If you "OK" something in smtpd_recipient_restrictions
	*before* reject_unauth_destination, you can turn your server
	into an open mail relay for whatever you "OK"d or whomever
	spoofs it (if it's spoof-able).

	See: "Understanding The Order In Which Restrictions Are Applied"
	for more detail.

    If you want smtpd access map entries to match hosts and sub-domains
    on just the domain part (e.g.: "" matches ""
    and "," you must specify:

	parent_domain_matches_subdomains = smtpd_access_maps

    in  Otherwise, you have to do things like:	REJECT	REJECT

    The "parent_domain_matches_subdomains" parameter became available in
    Postfix versions as of 20011119.  Prior to that, you must use the
    "multiple/leading-dot entry" solution.

    Postfix experimental release 20030706 contains experimental support
    for CIDR-based lookup tables, so the regexp-type lookups for address
    ranges may soon no longer be necessary.  To see if your version of
    Postfix supports CIDR-based maps, do a "man cidr_table" and look for
    "cidr" in the output of "postconf -m".

    See the FAQ regarding "null senders."  (Aka: Empty MAIL FROM or empty
    envelope sender.)

Understanding The Order In Which UCE Checks Are Applied

    Anti-UCE/Anti-Virus processing is applied in the following order:

	1. SMTPD Restrictions
	2. Header/body Checks
	3. Content Filters

Understanding The Order In Which SMTPD Restrictions Are Applied

    There are three parts to restrictions:

	restriction "stages"
	access lists (or maps)

    Postfix' restriction stages are as follows, and are processed in the
    following order:


    regardless of the order in which they're listed in

    Processing *within* a restriction stage ends on the first match,
    with the exception of a "DUNNO" result.

	What means "DUNNO?"  "DUNNO" means "I don't know, somebody
	else decide."  DUNNO is covered in more detail, later.

    Each restriction stage must evaluate to "OK" or "DUNNO" for processing
    to continue with the next stage.

    The default value of the smtpd_recipient_restrictions stage is the
    result of "permit_mynetworks, reject_unauth_destination".  The default
    for every other stage is empty--the default action for which is

    Individual restrictions (within a restriction stage) are evaluated in
    the order in which they're listed.

    Items in an access list are are matched depending on the type of
    access list.  Regular expression tables, such as pcre and regexp, are
    checked in the order in which entries are listed.  Indexed table
    map types such as hash, dbm, btree, etc., use the value being checked
    as an index key.

    Here are some simple (and *not* fully-functional!) examples to
    demonstrate the principles described above:


	    We'll assume /etc/postfix is Postfix' configuration

	    "mumble:" refers to an indexed map type, such as
	    "hash:," "dbm:," etc.

    Suppose you have client_checks and sender_checks access maps that look
    like this:

	    # Block most clients in 10.*
	    # But not, specifically    DUNNO
	    10          REJECT
	    # We specifically white-list  OK
	    # We specifically black-list REJECT

	/etc/postfix/sender_checks:  OK  REJECT

    If placed in separate restriction stages:

	/etc/postfix/ (partial):

	    smtpd_client_restrictions =
		<first client restriction>,
		check_client_access mumble:/etc/postfix/client_checks,
		<third client restriction>,

	    smtpd_sender_restrictions =
		<first sender restriction>,
		check_sender_access mumble:/etc/postfix/sender_checks,
		<third sender restriction>,


    A client address of will result in a REJECT, and that's
    it.  If Joe's email was coming from that address, he's out of luck.
    Processing will never reach smtpd_sender_restrictions.

    A client address of will stop further processing of
    additional client checks - so "<third client restriction>" will not be
    processed.  But since that restriction stage evaluated to "OK,"
    smtpd_sender_restrictions will still be processed.  A sender of will result in a REJECT.

    If instead you were to put client_checks and sender_checks in the same
    restriction stage, something like this:

	/etc/postfix/ (partial):

	    smtpd_sender_restrictions =
		<first restriction>,
		check_client_access mumble:/etc/postfix/client_checks,
		check_sender_access mumble:/etc/postfix/sender_checks,
		<fourth restriction>,


    The "OK" of would stop further processing of the sender
    restrictions stage, and good ol' Bob would get through.

    What do you mean, "DUNNO?"

	It was noted earlier that a match stops further processing of an
	access list, and of the restriction stage that "called" it.  But
	what does a restriction return when there's no match?  Well, it
	returns "DUNNO."  ("I don't know, somebody else decide.")

	It can be handy to explicitly specify DUNNO in certain
	circumstances, such as to suppress further lookups in an access
	list, but where you don't necessarily want to "OK" something.
	Postfix lets you do this.

	In the examples above, a client address of would halt
	further checks in the client_checks access map, just as if an OK
	or REJECT were specified, but processing would resume with the
	next restriction check in that stage.

	How might this come in handy?

	    Well, let's say:

		You don't want to accept connections from 10.* IPs

		Except for, at, which you do want

		But you don't want to hear from Bob.

	    Using the *second* example of smtpd_sender_restrictions, above:

		Everything in 10.*.*.* except will result in a
		REJECT because of the first two client_checks entries.

		Since resulted in a DUNNO, rather than an OK,
		processing will resume with the sender checks.

		Bob will get REJECTed by the entry in the sender checks

    In summary:

	"REJECT" stops processing entirely.

	"OK" stops processing of an access list and the restriction stage
	that contains it.  Processing resumes with the next restriction
	stage (if any).

	"DUNNO" stops processing of an access list.  Processing resumes
	with the next item in the restriction stage (if any).

    Finally, remember that unless you have set smtpd_delay_reject = no
    (default is "yes"), no actual rejecting takes place until after RCPT
    TO in the SMTP exchange.  In fact...

    You can put all restrictions under one restriction class?

	Yes.  As Liviu Daia notes:

	    Any of the smtpd restrictions may contain checks
	    referring to a preceding SMTP stage
	    (check_sender_access may appear [for example] in
	    smtpd_recipient_restrictions), with the exception of
	    smtpd_data_restrictions, which, as a rule of thumb,
	    should not refer to restrictions specific to
	    recipient checks.

        Victor Duchovni added:

	    With "smtpd_delay_reject = yes" (that is by
	    default), *all* the built-in restriction lists other
	    than "smtpd_data_restrictions" are evaluated for
	    every recipient. So if possible expensive checks on
	    the client ip or name, HELO name, or sender address
	    that are independent of the recipient address should
	    be moved to the "data" restrictions.  In this
	    scenario smtpd_recipient_restrictions can be used
	    for just relay control!

	    Note that results of RBL lookups are cached, so
	    these are cheap to evaluate multiple times.

	So, for performance reasons, one might be tempted to put all
	restrictions in smtpd_data_restrictions.  But note also this
	comment by Victor Duchovni:

	    Multi-recipient messages do not have a "distinguished"
	    recipient. So all restrictions that look at recipient
	    addresses evaluate to "DUNNO" when used in the data
	    restrictions. This is why they are not generally useful
	    in that context.

	There's another possible danger with putting all restrictions
	under smtpd_recipient_restrictions.  You must be very careful with
	white-listing!  For example: If you "OK" something in
	smtpd_recipient_restrictions *before* reject_unauth_destination,
	you can turn your server into an open mail relay for whatever you
	"OK"d or whomever spoofs it (if it's spoof-able).

	Lastly: For Postfix 2.x versions, reject_unauth_pipelining should
	always be placed in smtpd_data_restrictions, even if it's the only
	one you put there.  See FAQ Q16/A16.


	This section was created from contributions by Noel Jones,
	Liviu Daia, Victor Duchovni and Wietse Venema in the
	postfix-users mailing list.

Understanding Header and Body Checks

    Header and body checks files are not access maps.  You *don't*
    "postmap" them.  Nor do you "postmap" any other regexp or pcre file.
    (You do have to do a "postfix reload" after changing them, however.)

    Header checks regular expressions are applied in the order in which
    they are listed in your header checks file.  First match wins.   They
    are applied to each header in the email in the order in which the
    headers are seen.  Body checks work similarly, except against the
    email body, line-by-line.

    You cannot whitelist a sender or client in an access list to bypass
    header or body checks.  Header and body checks take place whether you
    explicitly "OK" a client or sender, in access lists, or not.

    Also, as Noel Jones noted in reply to a question in postfix-users:

	The FILTER action isn't performed until after the mail
	has been fully accepted stored in the queue.  Therefore,
	you cannot bypass header/body checks using the FILTER

    You cannot "OK" an entire set of headers based on one header.

    For example:  One might be tempted to try:

	/^To: postmaster@yourdom.ain/	OK
	/^To: abuse@yourdom.ain/	OK
	/^From: .*		REJECT

    in an attempt to block everything from, except if it's
    sent to "postmaster" or "abuse" at your end.

    This will not work.  Postfix header checks are header-by-header.  Even
    if you "OK" one header, the other headers will be checked
    independently.  Even were that not so: You have no way of knowing in
    what order headers will be present.  So, in the example above, if the
    "From:" is seen before the "To:", you'd be out-of-luck anyway.

    What *will* work is the following:

	/^From:	OK
	/^From: .*		REJECT

    to reject everything from users in except Joe.

	Note: The above are not functional regular expressions.
	They're for demonstration purposes only.  Proper regular
	expression construction is beyond the scope of this

    Body checks are likewise: Evaluated line-by-line.

    Postfix presents multi-line text headers, e.g.:

	Received: from ( [])
	    by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 157B64304
	    for <>; Sun, 31 Aug 2003 09:20:55 -0400 (EDT)

    and (if it's a newer, "MIME-aware" version of Postfix):

	Content-Disposition: attachment;
    to header_checks as a single text string, with embedded newlines.

    Conditional Header Checks

	People often ask if they can check one kind of header based on the
	existence of something, or the lack thereof, in a different

	For example:

	    if !/^To:.*postmaster@example\.com/
		/^Subject: .*Make Money Fast!/ REJECT

	The goal above obviously being to check for headers with "Make
	Money Fast!" in the Subject only if the recipient is *not* the

	This won't work!  Remember: Header (and body) checks process one
	header (or line, with body checks) at a time.  Since it's
	impossible for the "To:" header to be "on the same line" as the
	"Subject:" header, the example above does nothing interesting.

	By the way, there's another problem with the example above: Do not
	indent lines within "if" conditionals.  Start all lines in header
	and body checks at the left margin.

Understanding DNSbl's and RHSbl's

    A DNSbl (DNS BlockList) works for IP addresses only.  Thus one can
    check client IP address' against DNSbl's, but not sender addresses.

    An RHSbl (Right-Hand Side BlockList - so-called because they are
    primarily meant to check the "right-hand side" of sender addresses)
    works on host and domain names.  Postfix 2.x supports the use of these
    for client host and domain names, as well, but the check is meaningful
    only *if* the client address has a hostname associated with it.


	reject_rbl_client      valid - check client IP
						address' against the
						SpamHaus DNSbl

	reject_rhsbl_sender     valid - check the RHS of
						sender addresses against
						the SORBS RHSbl

	reject_rhsbl_client     valid - check the client's
						domain against the SORBS
						RHSbl.  Doesn't work if
						client is "unknown"

	reject_rbl_client       INVALID - attempt to check
						client IP address' against
						an RHSbl

	reject_rhsbl_sender    INVALID - attempt to check
						sender domain names against
						a DNSbl

	reject_rhsbl_client    INVALID - attempt to check
						client domain names
						against SpamHaus DNSbl

    See Also: "A Note About DNS BlackLists (DNSbl's and RHSbl's)," later
    in this document.

    If you're unclear on what's meant by "client" and "sender," see the
    section ``What "helo," "sender" and "client" mean,'' under ``General
    Notes On "recipient," "helo," "sender" and "client" Access Lists,''

    Lastly: Postfix 1.x versions support DNSbls *only*, via the
    "maps_rbl_domains" list and the "reject_maps_rbl" restriction.

Stopping Forged Freemail

    In, create an smtpd restriction class and, to that restriction
    class, add a client checks that lists all the "OK" hosts, followed by
    a reject.  Add a check_sender_access rule that checks against a list
    of freemail hosts.

	smtpd_restriction_classes = from_freemail_host
	from_freemail_host = check_client_access dbm:/etc/postfix/freemail_hosts,

	smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
	    check_sender_access dbm:/etc/postfix/freemail_access

    In the check_sender_access file, list all the freemail hosts you wish
    to check, and have the check defer to the from_freemail_host
    restriction class.

    /etc/postfix/freemail_access:	from_freemail_host	from_freemail_host	from_freemail_host

    In the restriction class' check_client_access list (file), "OK"
    freemail hosts only.

    /etc/postfix/freemail_hosts:		OK		OK		OK	OK

    What happens is: client host connects and attempts to deliver email.
    If the senders domain is listed in the freemail_access file, the
    restriction class causes the client host to be checked to see if it,
    too, is one of the freemail hosts.  If it is, it's "OK".  If it's not
    (e.g.: sender claims to be from and the client host is
    really in, the terminating reject rule kills it.

    It should go without saying: Users that are in the habit of mailing
    through their ISP's SMTP server, but with a freemail sender address,
    will be rejected by restriction classes such as this unless they're
    whitelisted before-hand.

    As noted under the "" examples at the beginning: "dbm" or
    "hash" depends on your system.  The above is for my Sun SPARC
    Solaris boxen.  Linux usually uses "hash".

    See also: FAQ Q1/A1 and Q15/A15.

When Anti-Spam Measures Collide: Sender Address Verifications Rejected

    I recently found myself unable to email anybody with a Verizon
    email address.  After a bit of investigating, I figured-out it
    was because Verizon uses a form of Sender Address Verification
    (SAV), spam from Verizon space had caused much of it to be
    blacklisted on my mailserver, so Verizon's servers' SAV probes
    were being rejected, resulting in even legitimate email addresses
    on my mail server looking to Verizon as if they weren't.

    Restriction classes to the rescue!

	smtpd_restriction_classes = from_verizon_sav
	from_verizon_sav = check_client_access pcre:/etc/postfix/verizon_sav_client.pcre,

	smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
	    check_sender_access pcre:/etc/postfix/verizon_sav_sender.pcre,

	/^s[cv]\d+pub\.verizon\.net$/          OK

	/^antispam\d+@\S+\.verizon\.net$/   from_verizon_sav

    Basically, this simply says: If the (envelope) sender is
    "" *and* the client hostname is
    "" or "," OK it.  If it's
    "" and it's *not* a valid host, reject

    Make sure to put the smtpd_recipient_restrictions entry before any of
    the anti-UCE checks you want to skip, but *after* the
    "permit_mynetworks" and "reject_unauth_destination" pair.

    This actually neatly kills two birds with one stone: Not only can it
    enable Verizon's SAV-like mechanism to work (with your mail server)
    again, but it'll also reject attempts to spoof a Verizon "antispam..."
    email address.

    Note: It would *appear* Verizon caches the results of its SAV tests.
    If Verizon has recently rejected an email from your server due to it
    rejecting the SAV test message, there will be an unknown (to me,
    anyway) delay before they'll accept email from it again.

Compensating For Verisign's Abuse Of The Domain Name System (DNS)

    (And other uses for check_*_mx_access.)

    On or about September 16th, 2003, Verisign put in wildcard records for
    the .com and .net top-level domains, causing lookups on non-existent
    domains, or even domains that simply have no DNS, to return a DNS
    record pointing to one of their own servers.  The result of this, from
    a mail server administrator's perspective, is that checks for valid
    sender and recipient domains (reject_unknown_sender_domain and
    reject_unknown_recipient_domain, respectively, in Postfix) wouldn't
    work for the .com and .net TLDs any more, because now *all* .com and
    .net domains would appear to be "valid."  Say "Thank you, Verisign."

    Wietse quickly released a new Postfix snapshot to address this
    problem.  You use it like this:

	    smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
		check_sender_mx_access dbm:/etc/postfix/mx_access,
		check_recipient_mx_access dbm:/etc/postfix/mx_access,

	    # IP address Verisign returns for otherwise invalid
	    # .com and .net domains	REJECT Verisign hijacked domain

    Then "postmap" the mx_access file, "postfix reload" and you're all

	Remember: "dbm" or "hash" depends on your system.  The
	above is for my Sun SPARC Solaris boxen.  Linux usually
	uses "hash".

    If you wanted to *really* make sure, change the map types to "cidr:"
    and make the mx_access file look like this, for example:

            # Netblock returned by Verisign domain hijacking
	    # .com and .net domains
	    64.94.110/24        REJECT Verisign hijacked domain

    Support for this requires snapshot release postfix-2.0.16-20030917,
    or later.

	While you're at it, you might wish to consider doing:

	    route add -net -netmask 1

	as well.  Just to show Verisign you really care ;).

    Here are some other things you can do with check_*_mx_access (this is
    a "cidr:" map type):	REJECT Domain MX in broadcast network	REJECT Domain MX in RFC 1918 private network	REJECT Domain MX in loopback network	REJECT Domain MX in link local network	REJECT Domain MX in RFC 1918 private network	REJECT Domain MX in TEST-NET network
	192.168.0/16	REJECT Domain MX in RFC 1918 private network	REJECT Domain MX in class D multicast network	REJECT Domain MX in class E reserved network	REJECT Domain MX in reserved network

    The point here being: Why accept email from senders, or attempt to
    deliver it to recipients, whose MX resolve to machines you can't
    possibly contact?

    One caution is in order: If you're running "split horizon" (aka:
    "split namespace") DNS, where hosts on your LAN, including your mail
    server, have a different view of IP addresses than hosts outside your
    LAN, and your LAN addressing is RFC 1918, you can end up rejecting all
    email to your own mail server.  (Yes, I'm sad to say, this author did
    this to himself!)  To work around this you need to either put
    "check_recipient_mx_access," and perhaps "check_sender_mx_access,"
    *after* permit_mynetworks, or whitelist the IP addresses in question.

    It has come to my attention that some "anti-spammers" have taken to
    listing and the like as one of their domain MX' in the
    belief that it stops or reduces spam.  (For those whom are interested
    in my opinion: No, I don't think doing this is a particularly good
    idea--for a variety of reasons.  See FAQ Q18/A18.)  The configuration
    detailed above will cause email from such domains to be rejected.

Some Common Anti-UCE-Related Postfix Logfile Messages

    Here's a sub-set of logfile entries you might see, resulting from some
    of the anti-UCE measures discussed here.  This is *not* a comprehensive
    list!  Such a list would be impractical.

    Client host rejected: cannot find your hostname


	(See FAQ Q7/A7)

    Client host rejected: <reason>

	check_client_access maptype:mapname

	If a custom reject message is specified in the access list, that
	will be <reason>, else the generic "Access denied" will be

    Client host [ip address] blocked using ...

	reject_rbl_client (Postfix 2.x) or
	reject_maps_rbl + maps_rbl_domains (Postfix 1.x).

    Helo command rejected: Host not found


	(See FAQ Q7/A7)

    Helo command rejected: Invalid name


    Helo command rejected: need fully-qualified hostname


    Helo command rejected: <reason>

	check_helo_access maptype:mapname

	If a custom reject message is specified in the access list, that
	will be <reason>, else the generic reason will be logged.

    Recipient address rejected: Domain not found


    Recipient address rejected: Improper use of SMTP command pipelining


    Recipient address rejected: need fully-qualified address


    Relay access denied


    Sender address rejected: Domain not found


    Sender address rejected: need fully-qualified address


    Sender address rejected: <reason>

	check_sender_access maptype:mapname

	If a custom reject message is specified in the access list, that
	will be <reason>, else the generic "Access denied" will be

    Sender address [user@some.domain] blocked using...

	reject_rbl_client (Postfix 2.x only)

A Note About DNS BlackLists (DNSbl's and RHSbl's)

    This bit's non-technical.  I put it in here, not so much for the
    experienced mail admin., but for those new to the game.  And because,
    as with the info above, I've been asked repeatedly for my opinion.

    Think about your use of DNSbl's carefully.  If you use a DNSbl to
    block/reject email, you are effectively giving some outside party
    control over your mail server.  This is not *necessarily* a Bad
    Thing--it's just something to keep in mind.  Choose wisely.

    Another thing that's *absolutely* critical, if you're going to use
    a DNSbl or RHSbl, is that you keep up-to-date on its status.
    Sometimes, when a blocklist goes out-of-service, you can end-up
    rejecting *all* email.

    That being said...

    DNSbl's I Currently Use (in alphabetical order)

    Currently Under Evaluation

	I currently am not evaluating any new DNSbls or RHSbls.

    DNSbl's and RHSbl's I Specifically Recommend Against (And Why) - Out-of-service since Aug. 26, 2003.
	    Announced to multiple forums and mailing lists at the time.

	SPEWS - I used to use SPEWS, but became concerned about its
	    policies after a couple of what I felt to be "questionable"
	    listings, so I stopped using it.  I don't have a big problem
	    with SPEWS, per se (in fact: I generally support its listing
	    policies and methodology), I just don't use it nor recommend
	    others do so.  My thanks to SPEWS for the use of its list in
	    the past. - Out-of-service since Monday, Sep.
	    22nd, 2003.  Announced to, at
	    least.  Thanks to its maintainer for his contributions.

	    Update: Announced to (and
	    elsewhere?), on Tuesday, Feb. 10, 2004, that
	    * nameservers would be decommissioned,
	    thus resulting in future lookups going unanswered.

	    Update: As of 15 March, 2004, appears to be
	    returning positive responses for all addresses. - This sorry excuse for a DNSbl has my IP
	    netblock listed because it's a DSL netblock?  A business class
	    DSL netblock with static, routable IP address assignments?
	    Heh.  If you bounce me because you're using this abomination,
	    I will locally, permanently blacklist your domain at - Out-of-service since Monday, Nov. 10th, 2003.
	    Announced to and, at least.

	DRBL - Allegedly "Distributed Realtime Blocking List".  Appears
	    to be operated by Russian ISPs and administrators?  Hard to
	    say, being as every web site I went to that referred to this
	    "organization" was down or displayed a default Apache
	    installation page.  Anyway, they have all of the DSL space in
	    which I'm located blackholed.  That's their prerogative.  It's
	    also my prerogative to permanently locally blacklist anybody
	    that bounces my email because they're using it. - Technically a Right-Hand Side blocklist
	    (RHSbl), rather than a DNSbl.  RFCI's listing criteria takes
	    RFC requirements far too literally, in my opinion, and, some
	    argue, interprets them incorrectly. - Dead since May, 2003.  Announced to, at least.  Wasn't set to
	    purposefully return "hits" on everything when it was
	    de-commissioned, but when Verisign pulled its recent .com and
	    .net hijack stunt, that's what happened. - On Friday, November 21, 2003, the admin of the DNSbl and RHSbl zones announced their retirement.
	    They have been discontinued as of December 1, 2003.  Ben:
	    Thanks for your contributions. - Wirehub was purchased by and all wirehub
	    DNSbl zones were renamed to easynet zones.  This change was
	    announced back on May 25, 2003.  Subsequent to this, the DNSbl's and RHSbl's were discontinued.  (See

    See Also: "Understanding DNSbl's and RHSbl's," earlier in this

When There's No Point To A Secondary MX

    This doesn't relate directly to anti-UCE measures, per se, but the
    question often comes up "How do I reject spam relayed via my secondary
    MX?" - when the secondary MX isn't one under the user's control.

    Admins often configure things to specify their ISP's mail server, or
    some other mail server not under their control, as their domain's
    secondary MX.  One imagines the thinking is that this secondary MX
    will collect email destined for their domain if the primary MX is down
    or unreachable, and forward it on when the primary again becomes

    There's really no advantage to be gained by specifying such a
    host as a secondary MX, and, in fact, there are two distinct
    disadvantages to doing so.

    A backup MX that isn't under your control, where you can enforce
    the same anti-UCE restrictions as you do on your primary MX, only
    provides a way for spammers to get around your anti-UCE
    restrictions.  And spammers *will* exploit it.  Anti-UCE HELO and
    client checks can't be enforced at all on email relayed from such
    a secondary MX.

    The second disadvantage is that recipient, sender, header and body
    checks, and any other content checks (e.g.: anti-virus filters) at
    your mail server, on email relayed from the secondary MX, *will*
    result in rejects, but, since the email has already been accepted on
    your domain's behalf by the secondary MX, it will be bounced by your
    secondary MX--probably to a spoofed, innocent 3rd party.  At this
    point you become part of the Internet's problem.

    Most any modern MTA will queue email for delivery for 3-5 days
    anyway, so a backup MX that only ends-up delivering to your
    primary MX doesn't do anything actually useful for you.

    The only time a secondary MX makes sense is if it's a mail server
    under *your* control, where you can enforce rules consistent
    between it and your primary MX, it's on an independent network
    connection, and that can relay incoming email via an independent,
    usually private, connection.  E.g. (simplified):

	Internet --- primary MX -----------+
		      gateway              | lan
					   +----- internal mail
					   |         server
	Internet --- secondary MX ---------+
		      gateway      lan/wan

    Or perhaps:

		     Internet --- primary MX and mail server ---- lan
	Internet --- secondary MX ------------+

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Q1. Is there any reason why the "freemail senders" checks can't be
        extended to check other hosts that are commonly spoofed for UCE
        purposes?  AOL, for example, is commonly spoofed.

    A1. Not at all.  But understand what's really happening with the
        "freemail senders" check.  All it's doing is checking that if it's
        any of the listed freemail senders, the host is any of the listed
        freemail senders.  It does *not* check to make sure that the sender
        domain and host are consistent with one another.  To accomplish
	the latter, precisely, you'd have to have separate restriction
	classes for each domain you wanted to check.

	See also: FAQ Q15/A15.

    Q2. Regarding your checks "reject_invalid_hostname,"
        "reject_non_fqdn_hostname" and "check_helo_access": Isn't rejecting
        on HELO/EHLO not being a valid and FQDN'd hostname a violation of
        the RFC's?

    A2. Why yes, yes it is.  Doing so is a judgement call.  In *my*
        experience: it stops more spam than it does result in "false
        positives."  And in the few cases where it has resulted in false
        positives, I've found that a friendly dialog with the offending
        mail server's owner got it straightened out.  Your mileage may

	Machines outside "mynetworks" should *never* HELO/EHLO as being in
	your domain.  So even if you want to forego
	"reject_invalid_hostname" and "reject_non_fqdn_hostname," it seems
	to me perfectly reasonable to still do the "check_helo_access"

    Q3. But MUAs under Microsoft Windows send HELO with only the
        hostname part, no domain name!  Apple Mail sets it to only
	the domain part from the client email address!

    A3. For internal machines (i.e.: on your LAN) this is a non-issue
        *if* "permit_mynetworks" precedes "reject_invalid_hostname" and
        "reject_non_fqdn_hostname."   (The examples I give above are
        primarily designed for Internet email gateways.)  Likewise
	"permit_sasl_authenticated," if you're using it.

    Q4. But a lot of people use Microsoft mail clients!

    A4. With regards to that point, I am guided by this philosophy:

	"If fifty million people say a stupid thing,
	 it is still a stupid thing."
				   - Anatole France

        Simply substitute "do" for "say" ;)

    Q5. Couldn't one do the same thing with check_sender_access
        (envelope-sender) as with the check_helo_access with regards to
        checking for somebody spoofing ones own domain?

    A5. Dangerous.  There are a number of scenarios where a sender from
        outside mynetworks might legitimately have an envelope-sender
        address in (one of) your domain(s).  E.g.:

	fred@yourdom.ain sends mail to

	But has, unknown to fred, a .forward pointing
	to jim@yourdom.ain

	That results in's mailserver legitimately sending
	that email with yourdom.ain in the envelope-sender

        (Thanks a tip o' the hat to Andrew of SuperNews for pointing
	 this gotcha out.)

    Q6. Why are all of your restrictions under recipient restrictions?

    A6. You didn't read the comments below those examples, did you?
        Please go back and do so.  See also: "Understanding The Order In
	Which Restrictions Are Applied"

    Q7. Why don't you use reject_unknown_hostname or

    A7. Too many "false positives" (that is: rejects too much non-spam
        email), in my experience.

	(By the way, Derrick 'dman' Hudson brought up a very
	good point in the postfix-users mailing list: If you're
	going to use reject_unknown_hostname anyway, you
	probably want to put it *after* reject_non_fqdn_hostname
	to prevent an unqualified hostname from matching one in
	your own domain.)

    Q8. Do you use header and body checks?

    A8. Yes

    Q9. Why don't you put header and body checks suggestions on a web

    A9. Two reasons: 1) I don't feel the need to show spammers how to get
        around them and 2) They change too frequently for anything
        published to stay up-to-date.  Sorry.  I do, however, have some
	of my anti-virus/worm/trojan header and body checks expressions
	shown here:

    Q10. I notice you have both *and* in your list of DNSbls.  Since the latter
	 includes the former: What's the point?

    A10: You'll observe in my examples that I check the SBL before  I do this so I can track SBL "hits"
	 separately.  There's no particular reason for this.  I just like
	 to do it.

	 Update: As of August 6, 2003, Steve Linford of the Spamhaus
	 Project announced that the SBL will no longer be available via
	 other DNSbls.  If you want to use the SBL, you'll have to use

	 Update: As of Friday, November 21, 2003, the administrator of
	 the DNSbl and RHSbl zones announced they would be
	 discontinued as of December 1, 2003.

    Q11. Why do you use the DNSbl's/RHSbl's you use?

    A11. The main criteria is my personal determination, based in part on
	 the opinions of people I know and trust, as to whether I feel I
	 can trust the honesty, integrity, competence, consistency and,
	 well...  "sanity" of the list maintainer(s).  Then, of course,
	 what the list's published listing policy is.  (The latter is
	 meaningless w/o the former.)

	 In many cases: I've had one-on-one interaction with the
	 maintainer(s) of the DNSbl's I use.

	 Please note that a particular DNSbl's absence on my "uses" list
	 is NOT a condemnation.  It more likely means that the DNSbls I'm
	 using seem sufficient.  It might also mean that I've tried a
	 particular DNSbl and found that it doesn't catch anything that
	 the others I'm already using don't catch--so there's no point.

    Q12. Shouldn't "reject_unknown_sender_domain" reject email with an
	 empty envelope sender (empty MAIL FROM or "null sender")?

    A12. No!  The null sender (<>) is used to send bounces.  According to
	 RFCs, "An empty reverse path MUST be supported."  (Ref: RFC1123,
	 section 5.2.9)

    Q13. Is there a way to get Postfix to do DNSbl or RHSbl checks on
         "Received:" headers?

    A13. Not "natively."  That is: Not without an add-on of some type,
         such as SpamAssassin.

	 If you're trying to do this because you have a secondary MX
	 that's not under your control: I recommend you consider doing
	 away with the secondary MX.  See "When There's No Point To A
	 Secondary MX," above, for a detailed discussion.

    Q14. When I issue "postmap header_checks" command I get things like
	 ``postmap: warning: header_checks, line 2: record is in "key:
	 value" format; is this an alias file?"  What is wrong?

    A14: You don't "postmap" header or body checks files, nor any other
	 "regexp:" or "pcre:" type file.  However you must "postfix
	 reload", after changing these, if you want your changes to take
	 effect immediately.

    Q15. As regards your "Stopping Forged Freemail" section, and FAQ
	 Q1/A1: Other than complexity of the configuration, what prevents
	 you from setting a from_freemail_host_yahoo,
	 from_freemail_host_excite, from_freemail_host_netscape, et al and
	 then having your /etc/postfix/freemail_access reference the
	 appropriate matching list for each one.

    A15: Nothing at all.  Feel free :)

	 See also: FAQ Q1/A1

    Q16. Why, for the Postfix 2.x version of your smtpd_*_restrictions,
	 have you moved reject_unauth_piplining to the new
	 smtpd_data_restrictions stage?

    A16. Because it's more effective there.  For more information, search
	 the postfix--users mailing list archives for the thread subject
	 "Where Goes reject_unauth_pipelining?," during the month of
	 November, 2003.

    Q17. Something got through body_checks that shouldn't have.  But when
	 I forwarded it, *then* it got rejected.  What's up?

    A17. Most likely the original was in base-64 or some other encoding
	 scheme that your email client application decoded for you.
	 Postfix' body_checks code doesn't decode these.

    Q18. What have you got against listing, or some equally
	 non-deliverable-to IP address, as ones lowest-priority MX?  It
	 reduces spam!

    A18. Many things: 1) It breaks DNS MX.  2) It's a short-term "cure,"
	 at best.  3) It's of questionable efficacy.  In any event: If
	 you're going to purposefully break your DNS configuration, don't
	 complain when people don't accept your email *because* you have a
	 broken DNS configuration.

    Q19. How can I show my appreciation for your contributions?

    A19. A simple "thanks" would be sufficient :).  Really.  But if you
	 wish to do something more concrete, and can afford to do so,
	 please consider making a tax-deductible donation to the SpamCon
	 Foundation Legal Fund at:


Other Resources

    Some other stuff I've tripped across that's related to what's on this
    page.  In no particular order.  Mention here does not necessarily
    constitute endorsement.

    Advosys White Papers: Filtering malware and spam with Postfix

    Security Sage Support Guides

    Ralf Hildebrandt: Mailhub Configuration Mailhub

    River of Stars: Spam Block List Implementation

    Fairly-Secure Anti-SPAM Gateway Using OpenBSD, Postfix, Amavisd-new,
    SpamAssassin, Razor and DCC

    My Understanding Of How UCE Actually Works

    Postfix: Anti-Spam Utilities

    And, of course...

    Postfix Documentation, Howtos and FAQs

Change History (in reverse-chronological [latest first] order)

    Sun Jun 12 08:25:16 EDT 2005

	Updated "When Anti-Spam Measures Collide: Sender Address
	Verifications Rejected" to include Verizon's "svNNNpub..."
	hosts.  Added note about VZ apparently caching SAV test

    Wed Mar 16 06:53:58 EST 2005

	Added note to "Stopping Forged Freemail" about users that send via
	their ISPs' mailservers using a freemail sender address.  Expanded
	slightly on FAQ item Q1/A1.

    Tue Dec 14 13:03:31 EST 2004

	Added "When Anti-Spam Measures Collide: Sender Address
	Verifications Rejected" section.

    Wed Jul 14 07:38:41 EDT 2004

	Added note about "permit_sasl_authenticated" and Apple Mail to
	FAQ Q3/A3.  (Thanks to Steve Sisak)

    Mon Mar 15 14:57:25 EST 2004

	Added note about how was now returning positive
	responses for all queries.

    Tue Feb 10 15:41:29 EST 2004

	Note about nameservers being decommissioned.

    Sat Jan  3 10:42:18 EST 2004

	Added to my "recommended" list of DNSbls.

    Sun Dec 28 12:15:09 EST 2003

	Minor updates to "A Note About DNS BlackLists (DNSbl's and
	RHSbl's)" section.

    Sat Dec 20 00:25:54 EST 2003

	Expanded on the " MX" discussion.  Added FAQ Q18/A18.

    Fri Dec 19 12:08:47 EST 2003

	Added a note check_blurfl_mx_access discussion about how some
	"anti-spammers" have listed as one of their domain MX'.

    Wed Dec  3 18:31:05 EST 2003

	Started this section.  Added short "Understanding The Order In
	Which UCE Checks Are Applied" section.  Renamed "Understanding The
	Order In Which SMTPD Restrictions Are Applied."

    Fri Dec  5 17:03:27 EST 2003

	Added FAQ about why things that apparently shouldn't sometimes get
	through body_checks.