

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.2 > i586 > media > contrib-backports > by-pkgid > 92ca111f9a602ced2ee0b721862060c5 > files > 5


                   S E A R C H   A N D   R E S C U E

                        V E R S I O N   0.8.4

                             HACKING GUIDE

	For contributors, builders, or those interested in the finer
	details behind the scenes; this document details the source
	files with their related purpose in this program along with
	outlines of non-intuitive areas of the code.

	Note: Version represented in this document may be out of date,
	verify version above with actual version of accompanying source.


	* Submitting Changes
	* Source Layout


	If you have a patch or a change you'd like to submit, please
	send an e-mail to The e-mail shold include

	* Your name, so you can get credit
	* A brief descrption of the change
	* An attachment with the patch

	We prefer small patches with lots of documentation. We respond to
	all received patches, so if you didn't hear back from us within a week,
	the e-mail got lost in a spam filter. Please resubmit or contact us
	via the forum at


	Note, $TOPLEVEL represents this source's toplevel directory.
	Most (not all) .c and .cpp files will have an accompany .h file
	with the same name.

	In $TOPLEVEL/include:

	These file are global include files for most of the general
	globally shared functions.

	In $TOPLEVEL/sar:

	This is the source directory for the program.

	Makefile.*	Makefiles for compiling and installing under

	Makefile.srclist	List of header files and sources for
				other Makefiles.

	cmd.c		SAR Command line front end, passes inputs to
			other functions in cmd*.c sources. See cmd.h
			for a list of command and function pointer

	cmd*.c		SAR Command line handler functions.

	config.h	SAR Globally configurable constants.

	cp.c		Control panel

	cpins*.c	Control panel instruments

	explosion.c	Explosion (and splash) object creation.

	fire.c		Fire object creation.

	gctl.c		Game controller (keyboard, joystick, etc) input
			wrapper, takes input from device specific
			functions and updates the game controller (gctl)
			values which other functions rely on for
			controller values.

	gw.h		GUI wrapper header.

	gww.cpp		MSW GUI wrapper functions.

	gwx.c		X11 GUI wrapper functions.

	gwx_dialog.c	X11 GUI dialog wrapper functions (since Xlib
			does not have a built in dialog system).

	horizon.c	Generates a 1d horizon texture.

	human.c		Human object preset list, manages a preset list of
			values for creation of standard human objects.

	humanio.c	Human object preset list file IO.

	image.c		IO and drawing of images, using the GUI
			wrapper functions to draw them.

	main.c		Program main function and other core
			operations functions (including timming,
			signal handler, GUI wrapper callbacks, etc).
			See sar.h for header info.

	matrixmath.c	Matrix translation and rotation utilities, mostly
			for 3 * 1 or 3 * 3 matrix operations.

	menu.c		SAR menu object (widgets) core.

	menumap.c	SAR map menu object (widget) handler.

	messages.c	Handles and draws messages printed on screen in

	mission.c	Mission handling core.

	missionio.c	SAR .mis mission file IO.

	musiclistio.c	SAR music file referance list IO.

	obj.h		SAR object definations.

	objio.c		SAR .3d object file IO, also has other object
			load from file utils and routines.

	objiocb.c	SAR scene and object file loading progress

	objiopremodeled.c	Creates SAR premodeled objects.

	objsound.c	SAR object sound source management.

	objutils.c	SAR scene and object utility functions,
			including deleting, checking, list io, etc.

	optionio.c	SAR options/preferances file IO.

	sar.h		SAR core header file.

	sarcamp.c	Functions for dealing with random Campaigns.

	sarcamp.h	Headers and definitions for working with Campaigns.

	sardraw.c	SAR in game drawing routines, uses OpenGL
			and a bit of the GUI wrapper code.

	sardrawhelipad.c	SAR helipad drawing (also for drawing map
				icon of helipad).

	sardrawhuman.c	SAR human drawing.

	sardrawpremodeled.c	Supplmentary functions for sardraw.c
				to draw premodeled SAR objects.

	sardrawrunway.c	SAR runway drawing (also for drawing map icon
			of runway).

	sarfio.c	SAR file format (scenery, mission, and log files)
			IO.  This module allocates and deallocates 
			parameters, see sarfioopen.c for actual loading
			of parameters from file and sarfiosave.c for
			actual writing of parameters to file.

	sarfioopen.c	SAR file format loading, loads parameters from

	sarfiosave.c	SAR file format writing, writes parameters to

	sarfps.c	Frames per second tallying functions.

	sarinstall.c		Creates/coppies global program
				configuration and data files/dirs to
				local user's directory.

	sarkey.c	In game keyboard key handling, called from
			functions in main.c. If key input is not
			handled, it will be passed to the gctl.c

	sarmenubuild.c	Creates the menu and their menu objects
			(widgets), then sets up the initial data and

	sarmenucb.c	SAR menu callback handlers.

	sarmenuoptions.c SAR supplmentary callbacks for the options
			menu, also includes options fetch and apply
			to menu objects (widgets) functions. See also
			optionio.c and sarmenucb.c.

	sarsimbegin.c	SAR simulation begin procedure for free flight
			and missions. This is used to switch from menus
			to simulation and load a scenery or mission.

	sarsimend.c	SAR simulation end procedure and tabulation for
			missions. This is used to end a simulation (with
			or without a mission) and switch back to the

	sarsound.c	SAR sound object management, handles things like
			sound object creations, background music updating,
			and engine sound object adjustments. See also
			scenesound.c and sound.c.

	sarsplash.c	Splash screen procedure, called after graphics
			wrapper is just initialized by SARInit().

	sartime.c	SAR time utility functions.

	sarutils.c	SAR primary utility functions that handle SAR
			global and core level things.

	sarreality.h	SAR simulation, reality, and timming constants.

	sceneio.c	SAR .scn scene file loading, subsequently calls
			load object routines in objio.c. The scene
			deallocation function is also in here.

	scenesound.c	Updates SAR scene sound resources, should be
			used after all objects are loaded when sound needs
			to be realized or during simulation when the sound
			level changes.

	sfm*.c		SAR Flight Dynamics Model (SFM) library, called
			by the sim*.c functions.
                        Note that this is really an intigrated library,
                        it may be made into a shared library (so) later

	sfm.c		SFM realm init, shutdown, and management.

	sfmmath.c	SFM math utilities, includes conversions and
			angle calculation functions.

	sfmmodel.c	SFM flight dynamics model IO.

	sfmsimforce.c	SFM flight dynamics model engine, simulates
			forces acted on the fdm.

	sim*.c		SAR simulation functions, calls and manages sfm*.c

	simcb.c		SAR simulation callbacks for the SFM.

	simcontact.c	SAR simulation object to object contact/collision
			checking and handling.

	simmanage.c	SAR simulation core functions, primary
			calling source to the SFM functions.

	simop.c		SAR simulation operations and procedures, mostly
			procedure functions called by simmanage.c.

	simsurface.c	SAR simulation surface checking, checks position
			against landable/walkable ground.

	simutils.c	SAR simulation calculation and simple
			modification utility functions.

	smoke.c		SAR smoke object creation. Simple convience
			function to create a smoke object. See also

	sound.c		Y2 sound wrapper, handles playing and management
			of Y sound play objects. This is the lowest level
			of code which communicates with the sound output
			library and the rest of the program. See also
			sarsound.c and scenesound.c

	stategl.c	Used with gw*.c* sources, manages the state of
			OpenGL so calling functions can enable/disable 
			multiple times without wasting OpenGL bandwidth.

	text3d.c	Generates gl output or a gl list of a 3d text
			using the x3d.c module.

	textinput.c	In game text input prompt handling, handles
			drawing and key events forwarded to the text
			prompt. Calling functions need check if prompt
			is mapped before forwarding key event to it.

	texturelistio.c	Standard textures list IO, loads a list of
			referances to standard textures to be loaded
			for each scene.

	v3d*.c		Vertex 3D (V3D) visual models and textures IO.
			Note that this is really an intigrated library,
			it may be made into a shared library (so) later

	v3dfio.c	V3D visual model file IO.

	v3dhf.c		V3D heightfield image file IO.

	v3dmodel.c	V3D visual model IO.

	v3dmh.c		V3D visual model header items IO, header items
			used in recording the header block items in each
			V3D visual model.

	v3dmp.c		V3D visual model primitives IO, primitives used
			on each V3D visual model.

	v3dtex.c	V3D texture (image) file IO.

	weather.c	Weather preset values initializing, management,
			shutdown, and utilities. Include utility to update
			a given scene structure with a selected preset
			weather data entry.

	weatherio.c	Weather file IO.

	x3d.c		X3D model file format, for loading of compile
			time gl models to gl output or gl list.

	In $TOPLEVEL/sar/fonts:

	Compile time bitmap fonts (used by the gw module).

	In $TOPLEVEL/sar/gwdata:

	Compile time data files for the graphics wrapper (gw module).

	In $TOPLEVEL/sar/gwdemos:

	Demo programs for the graphics wrapper (extra).

	In $TOPLEVEL/sar/runway:

	Compile time X3D models for the SAR runway.

	In $TOPLEVEL/sar/text3d:

	Compile time X3D models for the text3d module.

	In $TOPLEVEL/sar/utils:

	Utility programs used to generate the compile time fonts and
	such (extra).

                                                       SEARCH AND RESCUE