

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.2 > i586 > media > contrib-backports > by-pkgid > 8a7aa8b4eb044def48a55448a77937f9 > files > 14


 MEKA Sources
 Short guide to compilation, first-time hacking and various technical notes
 Quick links:
 - Homepage:
 - Forum:
 - SVN:         svn://
 - SVN Trunk:   svn://
 Read the 'TODO.txt' file for a (messy) list of possible improvements.
 In short: the number 1 priority would be to scrap and rewrite the whole 
 sound playback architecture.

 Note to the knowledge-eager person:
 MEKA is an old piece of software, most of which was essentially written
 pre-2000. Although MEKA is still competitive in term of available features, 
 newer emulators are generally more accurate emulation-wise.
 The SMS Power! development Forums and Wiki are generally a good place 
 for sharing up to date knowledge about hardware and emulation.


- Before anything else...
- Introduction
- Technology
- Source repository
- Communication
- License
- How to Compile
- Hope

 Before anything else...

This document is only a quick introduction to some aspect of MEKA development.
For any further discussion, please visit MEKA development forum:
I'd be happy to discuss anything over there, answers questions, and see
how we can all work together in a happy world while holding hands and
playing games using yet another hand.


At some point, I realized that MEKA had all advantage to have its code
sources opened. Letting people tweak the software, improve it, port it, 
learn from it. Benefits for everyone. Here we are, finally.

But here's the catch: MEKA is my pet project and was developped under
closed doors for an eternity (starting summer 1998, my first proper
project using C). It hasn't grown being a community project, and thus
the codebase isn't particularly great and suited to today's development

Had I to rewrite MEKA today it would of course be very different, but 
here we have this thing today and limited time to make it evolve.

So well, this code is unperfect, but it's better than nothing.
May it serves, may we can work together and improve it bit by bit.


See MEKA.TXT documentation, chapter 11, for a summary of the various
librairies and technologies used by MEKA.

 Source repository

MEKA code is hosted on a public Subversion (SVN) repository.

Web viewer      @
SVN repository  @ svn://
SVN trunk       @ svn://

Anonymous login allows read-only access.
Write accesses are still limited, but I am open to it. You can submit 
patches which will be applied if useful, and once becoming a regular 
contributor we can likely setup your own account with write-access.


Please communicate on the dedicated MEKA forum on SMS Power!.

 - Feel free to ask any kind of question. I'll try to help.
 - You can post snippets of code and ask for explanation.
 - Some things may seems weird and not properly commented. 
   Show me and I should be able to say if there's a known reason for doing
   it the way it is done, or if it is just a mistake or unproper coding.
 - Feel free to suggest anything.
If you have an idea of some piece of work in mind, again, please communicate:

 - I may be able to help, provides guidelines, or ideas if I already thought
   about the specific feature you're thinking about.
 - Most important and likely, I may be able to give direction about how to 
   implement certain things given the current constraints in MEKA code.

 MEKA License 1.1

Apply to hq2x.c, hq2x16.asm, hq2x32.asm:

  HQ2X is originally distributed under GPL license, which legally would 
  not fit in MEKA (with its current license). An alternate license has 
  been requested to the author, Maxim Stephin, who answered:

    "Ah, just use it... I don't care much about legal stuff.
     As long as it's not used in a commercial product, of course."

  Overidding GPL terms.
  Maxim Stephin's comments is also a decent reminder about how many
  people who release their product under GPL/LGPL don't actually 
  understand the fundation of those license (both licenses allows
  commercial usage).
Apply to all code not by Omar Cornut: (see MEKA.txt)

  Unlicensed. Gray area. Kernel Panic. Ahah!

Apply to everything else:
 #1 This source code comes free, without any warantee given.
 #2 Any modification of this software must have this license preserved,
    and source code made available under the same condition.

 #3 Reuse of program source code and data authorized for any purpose.

Please contact me ( omar AT miracleworld DOT net ) for any question.

 How to Compile

Note: Several of the libraries belows are patched or compiled with
specific settings on my computer. This is for the main purpose of
linking required libraries along with the executable, while stripping
unused features. You may not need that, just keep in mind that your
executables may be bigger than the ones provided on MEKA homepage.

I. Compile for Microsoft Windows:

 - Requires Microsoft Visual Studio 7.1 with C++ compiler.
   (it's absolutly possible to make it compiles with older version,
    but you'll have to recreate the project or convert it)
   Note: Some version of Allegro may require Visual Studio to be installed
   in a pathname accessible without spacing.
 - Install Allegro library, latest WIP:
   - You can either download a precompiled Win32, or compile Allegro yourself.
   - Download:
   - If using precompiled Win32 package:
     - Download from "Allegro binary package" link.
     - Read 'readme.txt'.
     - Provided binaries are compiled using DLL standard libraries (/MD).
     - Compile MEKA using "Debug" or "Release" targets.
     - This is not fully testing. Seems to work in "Debug" target, but certain
       standard library stuff such as the stdout stream accessed by printf()
       seems to be broken in "Release" target.
   - If compiling yourself:
     - Download "Source code" package.
     - Read 'docs/build/msvc.txt'.
     - Compiling Allegro requires a GCC-based compiler (Mingw, Cygwin, DJGPP).
     - $ set STATICLINK=1
     - $ set STATICRUNTIME=1
     - $ fix.bat msvc
     - $ make
     - $ make install
     - This will compile Allegro using static standard librairies (/MT).
       This is the preferred choice to build official MEKA releases.
     - Compile MEKA using "Debug - No DLL" or "Release - No DLL" targets.
 - Install zlib
   - Download:
   - $ nmake -f win32\Makefile.msc
   - Add ZLIBDIR environment variable, set to ZLIB root directory.
 - Install NASM
   - Add NASM environment variable, set to executable path.
 - Compile !
   - MEKA project is in MsVc\Meka.sln , for MS Visual 7.1.
     (MsVc\Meka.dsw is for 6.0, but outdated. Some tools can convert 7.1 -> 6.0)
   - May require adding some paths to your Visual Studio configuration,
     such as DirectX path, etc.
   - Provided Makefile is outdated but may work if worked to be up to date.   

II. Compile for MS-DOS compatible systems:

 - Install DJGPP compiler and related tools.
   - Add DJGPP bin/ directory to PATH.
 - Install Allegro, latest WIP
   - Apply patches from libs/allegro-msdos-patchs/
   - $ set STATICLINK=1
   - $ fix.bat djgpp
   - $ make
   - $ make install
 - Install zlib
   -> see I. Windows
 - Install libpng
   - Compile static
   - Add LIBPNGDIR environment variable, set to libpng root directory.
 - Install NASM
   -> see I. Windows
 - Compile !
   - Use provided Makefile.
III. Compile for GNU/Linux and other UN*X based systems:

 - You are smart guys, you can figure it out!
 - Install Allegro library, latest WIP.
   - $ ./configure --enable-static
   - $ make
   - $ make install
 - Install NASM
   - Get a package, or
 - Install SEAL
   - Get a package, or
 - Compile !
   - Use provided Makefile.
   - May have to edit some source code (unsure, will need to be worked out)
     - In sound/sound.h, may need to change <seal.h> by <audio.h>.
     - In Makefile, may need to change -lseal by -laudio.
 - Contact me thru the forum for any help. :)


Don't get put down over problems or ugly sources! :)
Let's work and iterate toward the better.
