

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.2 > i586 > media > contrib-backports > by-pkgid > 285a193e16520fe9b5d43da181986761 > files > 6


Qtractor - An Audio/MIDI multi-track sequencer


0.4.9  2011-05-26  The Final Dudette

- Session file format saved on JACK session has
  been reverted to archive/zip bundle one (.qtz)
  now using temporary extraction directory when
  loading an existing JACK session.

- Main toolbar time and tempo widgets get their
  visual extents a bit more theme-friendlier ;).

- Some current working directory trickery is now
  in place avoiding JACK session directories to
  ever be picked as default, as much as possible.

- Ghost-playbacks are now avoided on audio clips
  that are artificially extended beyond their own
  audio file lengths.

- Recording clips now shown in a reddish shade;
  also, it's all now shown a bit more correctly,
  regarding the lead and within looping range.

- Custom tempo spin-box widgets now honoring the
  decimal point cursor positioning for integral
  up/down tempo value stepping.

- Audio recording latency is now compensated via
  automatic clip offsetting.

- Audio peak file generation is now pipelined on
  a single unique thread, instead of old one per
  audio clip file basis.

- MIDI tempo/time-signature map import problem
  has been hopefully fixed (bug #329791).

- Session and track names are now sanitized from
  slashes (bug#

- Mouse wheel effect to sliders is now reversed.

- An appropriate export filename is now suggested
  as default (Track/export Tracks...).

- Follow-playhead automatism is now temporarily
  suspended while mouse cursor hovering prompts
  for any editing action (applies to main track-
  view and MIDI clip editor/piano-roll).

- Audio vs. MIDI time drift correction now takes
  jack_frame_time() as audio time reference.

- Audio buffering internal synchronization logic
  gets it bartered: three bools for a single byte

- Connections are now preserved as possible when
  changing bus properties (View/Buses.../Update).

- A rare audio clip looping out-of-sync condition
  got squared, hopefully the last ;)

- Yet again, the audio clip buffer/disk-streaming
  optimization has been almost completely redrawn:
  now there's one thread per audio track.

- Not replacing a session directory that already
  exists on loading an archive file (.qtz) is now
  fixed with an usable brand new untitled session.

- The major thread optimization has been slightly
  improved: the audio clip buffer/disk-streaming
  thread is now served in a FIFO manner (was LIFO).

- Custom time/tempo spin-box widget change fixup.

- Audio clip filename change segfault/crash fixed.

- Make sure all clips in multiple recording tracks
  start and end at the very same position whenever
  recording is already engaged and rolling.

- Hopeful fix to a potential audio buffering race
  condition, which was a probable cause of random
  muted clips (maybe fixing bug #3290178).

- Avoid recursive observer widget value updates.

- Almost complete rewrite of the main track-view
  selection and redrawing logic, taking advantage
  of the fundamentally static graphical backstore.

- Autonomic resizing of mixer bus splitter sizes.

- Improved timing for monitored MIDI events being
  buffered though MIDI instrument plugins, while 
  playback/transport is rolling.

- Audio peak/waveform is now slightly tweaked from
  the early optimization days (master C++ guru has
  always said that was root of all evil anyway :).

- MIDI controller mapping now with "Invert" value
  option. Also, new "Inputs" and "Outputs" buttons
  have been added as helpers for MIDI control port
  connections access.

- Main left pane vertical splitter resize hack, 
  avoiding some track list update re-entrancy.

- Inserting a LV2 instrument/synth plugin on an
  audio track or bus were causing immediate crash,
  now fixed (give or take some event buffer stub).

- Plugin Activate All/Deactivate All menu fixing.

- Make sure given session directory has all the
  necessary access permission (read/write) while
  on session properties dialog.

- Dedicated audio outputs setting for instrument
  plugins inserted on the MIDI track properties
  dialog were not being honored, now fixed.

- Force update/close of all MIDI clips and their
  respective editors (piano-roll) if open, when
  changing the global session tempo (BPM).

- Removed the misleading "(Any)" special channel
  value while on MIDI controllers/learn dialog.

- Floating tool-tips now being shown also while
  on mouse rubber-banding (drag-select).

- Audio clip pitch-shifting change fixing; also,
  tooltips now showing semitones units instead of
  a clueless percentage.

- Rendering audio wave-forms while recording is
  now a little bit smoother than before.

- New main track-view clip selection tool: invert
  current selection (Edit/Select/Invert). The MIDI
  clip editor (piano-roll) also gets proper range
  selection tool (Edit/Select/Range).

- More eye-candy: muted/non-soloed tracks are now
  slightly shaded on the main track-view.

- A major hidden optimization has been implanted:
  all audio clip buffer/disk-streaming threads are
  finally merged into a single multiplexing thread
  (was one thread per audio clip longer than 3 sec.
  which was quite wasteful and creepy;).

- All plugin list view changes are now properly
  signaled to track properties and bus manager
  dialogs and enable their respective acceptance.

- Two brand new MIDI tools make their appearance:
  Scale-Quantize and Snap-to-Scale. The later may
  be readily accessible from the MIDI clip editor
  toolbar and menu (check View/Toolbars/Scale and

- Mixer track strips are now completely redone
  whenever a track gets moved or re-ordered on
  main track list-view.

- Transport auto-backward option is now honored
  whenever a new session gets loaded.

- LV2 extension headers update.

- Got rid of recent QX11EmbedContainer bloating,
  while introducing gtk_init() as for LV2 GTK UI
  support stabilization.

- Tempo tap helper button was added to View/Tempo
  Map... dialog.

- Executable DSSI plug-in GUI detection fixed.

- Backout default session directory after cleaning
  up extracted archive/zip bundle session (.qtz).

- Files widget item selection feedback/focus fix.

- MIDI editor anchor event floating tool-tip fix.

- Probable fix for GtkStyle usage detection (might
  be gentoo specific).

0.4.8  2011-01-18  The Fiery Demigoddess

- MIDI controller mapping/learn is now possible
  on all mixer controls (monitor, gain, panning,
  record, mute, solo).

- An internal rewrite (aka. refactoring) have been
  carried out, making sure that all track state
  action buttons (R, M, S) are now all under the
  observer pattern umbrella.

- Single track range selection is now available
  on main menu (Edit/Select/Track Range; default
  keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+R); additionally
  to vertical range and horizontal track actions
  (Edit/Select/Range, Track) all these operations
  can now toggle over the previous selection.

- Direct clip selection from Files list item has
  been brute-forcefully implemented (after being
  challenged by Jiri Prochaszka aka Anchakor:).

- Files tree widget sticky "New Group" item fixed.

- A new menu option has been added (View/Tool Tips)
  to show/hide a floating tool-tip while dragging,
  moving, resizing or pasting selected clips or
  events over the main tracks view and MIDI clip
  editor (piano-roll) respectively, displaying
  current target position and status.

- Attempt to reset audio/MIDI time drift compensator
  on every engine start and loop turnaround.

- Moving the punch-out marker over the main track
  time ruler was failing to shrink the punch-in/out
  range, now it does (not).

- MIDI clip tools (quantize, transpose, normalize,
  randomize, resize, rescale and the new timeshift)
  are now all accessible from the main tracks view
  (Edit/Clip/Tools menu) and apply to all events on
  current selected clip(s).

- LV2 Persist extension support is being introduced.

- A new timeshift MIDI tool has been added, after
  an awesome patch by Jiri Prochaszka aka Anchakor;
  applies to selected events between edit markers,
  distorting their time and duration (optionally),
  either slowing down and accelerating, based on
  a given parameter P value.

- Audio clip/buffer pitch-shifting fixes with regard
  to latency correction due on the RubberBand library
  one-pass (real-time) processing mode.

- New Send Gain and Dry/Wet control parameters have
  been implemented for audio Inserts pseudo-plugins.

- MIDI channel/master volume enqueued events are now
  affected by the current track/bus volume (0-100%).

- Prevent old rounding error when resetting to plugin
  parameter default value with the mouse middle-button
  click while hovering a slider widget (observer).

- A quantize percentage has been added to MIDI clip
  editor quantize tool (Tool/Quantize...) for time
  and duration quantization (0% for none; 100% for
  full regular quantization).

- Metronome bus/ports are now created at engine start
  and not when user switches it on anymore.

- Make sure all audio clip buffers are in sync upon
  smooth-ramping going off and playback is rolling.

- Copy-pasting across controller event types is now
  possible on the MIDI clip editor (aka piano-roll).

- Finally indulged, the genuine transport stop button
  makes its appearance on main toolbar and menu.

- Main tracks grid visibility option (View/Snap/Grid).

- Yet another off-by-one (frame) audio buffer bug got
  squashed away: rare symptom was that some audio clips
  were being left dead silent right after playback of
  their first looping period.

- Plugin parameter name/label now a proper attribute
  of its respective MIDI Controller observer instance,
  allowing to be shown on dialog title (MIDI learn).

- Default session file format saved on JACK session
  demand is now the bundle archive/zip one (.qtz).

- Plugin selection dialog now shows whether a plugin
  features its own editor (GUI) and/or external state
  configuration (EXT).

- Help/Shortcuts... window positioning and sizing are
  now preserved.

- All plugin chain changes over the track properties
  dialog now sure counts as a dirty action (possibly
  fixing bug #3104129).

- Newly extracted archive/zip session directories are
  now removed automatically from the file-system on
  session close, prompting the user for confirmation
  (cf. View/Options.../Display/Confirm Removals).

- Ctrl+mouse-wheel is now set for zooming in/out, on
  main track-view and all applicable MIDI clip editor
  views (piano-roll), according to current zoom mode
  (see View/Zoom Horizontal, Vertical or All for both
  ways simultaneously).

- New MIDI clip editor (piano-roll) mouse hovering
  effect (eye-candy++).

- After too many a user request, a brand new session
  archive file type is being introduced (.qtz) which
  tries to bundle in one single zip archive all the
  media and contents of a session.

- Add that to eye-candy: either loop or punch-in/out
  outer ranges are now shaded on the main track-view,
  thumb-view and MIDI clip editor (piano-roll) views.

- LV2 GTK UI plug-in hosting is now roaring its ugly

- Ignore all initial and decremental notifications of
  audio engine's buffer-size changes.

- Internal audio buffer loop points were not being set
  properly for non-zero clip offsets, leaving some as
  severely out-of-sync while rolling over loop turns.
  Now fixed again, hopefully.

- Avoid audio peak file clashing when deriving from
  audio sample files with distinct absolute paths but
  the very same file (base)name.

- A new MIDI editor (piano-roll) tool has been added:
  Rescale event times, durations and/or values by a
  percentage between 1 and 1000% (adapted thanks to
  patch #3081954, by Jesse Lucas).

- Attempt to mitigate audio clip sequencing glitches
  on single-core/single-thread machines.

0.4.7  2010-09-30  The Furious Desertrix

- While moving multi-selected MIDI events around the
  clip editor (aka piano-roll), with help of keyboard
  arrow keys, that is, was not clear which one was the
  so-called "anchor" event, the one which positioning
  gets honored for snap-to-beat business. Not anymore:
  the anchor event now defaults to the earliest in time
  or the one the user's last point(-click)ed.

- MIDI control observer pattern implementation has
  sneaked in, making it ready for the so-called and
  long-awaited "MIDI Learn" feature and arbitrary
  MIDI controller assignment, for plugin parameters
  in particular.

- MMC DEFERRED PLAY doesn't cause transport state to
  stop if currently rolling (mitigating bug #3067264).

- Audio clip merge processing might have been skipping 
  a few initial frame blocks, now fixed.

- Clip selection and plugin parameter hash optimization.

- Anti-glitch audio clip macro fade-in/out fixed again.

- New clip fade-in/out slopes (curves) are introduced,
  partially adapted and refactored from those easing
  equations of Robert Penner's fame.

- Clip fade-in/out non-linear slopes are now shown as
  actual WYSIWYG curves.

- Escape key now closes generic plugin widgets as ever
  found usual elsewhere.

- Picking nits: unselect current track when clicking
  on any gray empty area, also accessible from a new
  menu item: Track/Navigate/None.

- A nasty and deadly MIDI resolution overflow has been
  finally fixed, allowing for long MIDI sequences (1h+)
  to load correctly on 32bit machines from now on (was
  perfectly fine on 64bit though).

- MIDI editor selection hash optimization in face of
  reasonably huge event sequences.

- MIDI controller mapping finally refactored to support
  some other MIDI event types than just CC (0xBn) ones.

- Nitpicking fix: corrected main track-list (left pane)
  display when no track is currently selected.

- libX11 is now being added explicitly to the build link
  phase, as seen necessary on some bleeding-edge distros
  eg. Fedora 13, Debian 6. (fixing bug #3050944).

- New audio metronome bar and beat sample gain options.

- Progressively, the observer pattern is being finally
  introduced, targeting all potentially automation
  controls and widgets as plain ground-zero for the
  (ultra-)long overdue automation feature.

- MIDI controller mapping of still non-existing tracks
  were being implicitly assigned to the last, highly
  numbered, existing track. Now fixed.

- Moving from old deprecated Qt3'ish custom event post
  handling into regular asynchronous signal/slot strategy.

- Muting/soloing tracks while playback is looping was
  leaving current audio clip out-of-sync whenever that
  same track is later un-muted on any other preceding
  clip. Now hopefully fixed.

- MIDI Clock support makes its first appearance.

- All tempo (BPM) calculations are now compliant to the
  MIDI conventional equivalence between beat and quarter
  note (1/4, crotchet) as common standard time division.

- Automatic audio time-stretch option is not enabled by
  default anymore.

- Standard warning Apply button is now only shown when
  dismissing dialog changes are actually valid.

- Make sure non-dedicated metronome and player buses are
  properly reset and reopen when changing regular audio
  buses (hopefully fixing bug item #3021645 - Crash after
  changing audio bus).

- Hopefully, an outrageously old bug got squashed away,
  which was causing random impromptu crashes, most often
  when importing audio clips while looping and play-head
  is any near the loop end point.

- General standard dialog buttons layout is now in place.

- Fixed main track view off-limits play-head positioning.

- Main tool-bar Time and Tempo spin-boxes, may now have
  their colors correct, as for most non-Qt based theme
  engines (ie. Gnome). Green text on black background has
  been and still is the the intended aspect design ;)

- MIDI file import and internal sequence representation has
  been changed to be inclusive on all bank-select (CC#0,32)
  and program-change events which were previously discarded
  while honoring MIDI track properties. Interleaved SysEx
  events are now also preserved on their original sequence
  positions instead of squashing a duplicate into the MIDI
  bus SysEx setup.

- Attempt to include the VeSTige header by default, as for
  minimal VST plugin support.

- JACK transport support has been slightly rewritten, in
  fact the sync callback is now in effect for repositioning.

- The MIDI clip editor (piano roll) widget won't be flagged
  as a tool window anymore.

- A tempo adjustment tool is making inroads from the menu,
  as Edit/Clip/Tempo... (factory shortcut: F7).

- Audio tracks auto-monitoring is now effective on playback.

- Make sure to ask whether a dirty MIDI clip should be saved,
  upon resizing or stretching its edges (fixes bug #3017723).

- Backward and Forward transport commands are now taking
  additional stops on loop points.

- Attempt to optimize track solo/mute redundant transactions,
  in special regard to MIDI track events which were being
  duplicated on soloing and temporarily muted on unsoloing.

0.4.6  2010-05-21  The Funky Deviless

- Introducing a non-painting edit sub-mode on the MIDI clip
  editor's piano-roll (see Edit/Select Mode/Edit Draw menu).

- The MIDI clip editor (aka piano-roll) is now a lot more
  quiet about saving its own dirty content, delegating all
  salvage questions to main session control.

- Don't show session restart message box when changing JACK
  transport mode option anymore.

- Dedicated MIDI control bus switching fixed. Was closing
  the wrong bus eventually and crashing the whole show with
  it (fixes bug #2989590).

- MIDI bank/program backout has been corrected on MIDI track
  properties dialog rejection (ie. user cancellation).

- MIDI bank select method has been corrected for tracks with
  no instrument defined (probably fixing bug #2987071).

- LV2 UI Instance and Data Access extension support added;
  reduce LV2 external UI parameter value update flickering.

- JACK session infrastructure support.

- Initial widget geometry and visibility persistence logic
  has been slightly revised as much to avoid crash failures
  due to wrong main widget hidden state.

- Initial mixer widget extents are now set reasonably larger.

- General source tree layout and build configuration change.

- Ever since smooth-ramping introduction that having at least
  one input-only buses were causing immediate playback crashes,
  now hopefully fixed.

- Refactored for common engine client nomenclature, primarily
  provided by JACK, then secondarily passed to ALSA Sequencer,
  getting rid of the JackUseExactName requirement and lifting
  the unique/single instance restriction in the process.

- Current JACK Transport, MMC Device, and MIDI Song Position
  pointer (SPP) control modes are now saved/loaded as part of
  session option properties.

- MIDI clip editor's context menu crash on Qt >= 4.6 has been
  fixed (resolving bug #2972603).

- An ancient double-free corruption has been finally fixed
  at the audio/MIDI bus connection persistence logic. 

- Improved visibility of track state buttons text (R, M, S)
  when turned on dark colored themes.

- LV2 Save/Restore extension support kicks off.

- MIDI engine read-ahead period has been shortened to half
  than it was since inception--now it's a 500msec cycle.

- MIDI clip editor event list gets its due inline editing,
  for time, note, value/velocity and duration columns, just
  one double-click away over the target cell ;)

- Add-plugin selection dialog position and extent are now
  remembered across invocations and application sessions
  (tipping by Frank Neumann).

- MIDI clip time-stretching is now made available through
  the same gestures as audio ones, by just shift+dragging
  either of the clip edges.

- Drag-and-copying plug-in instances (cloning) is now fixed
  with regard to parameter value replication.

- MIDI clip editor snap-per-beat setting is now independent
  from main multi-track view; File/Save As... dialog fixed;
  the current event selection is now kept floating as long
  as it's possible after editing command actions; finally,
  edit mode has been extended to free-hand event drawing,
  chalking off (piano roll) draw mode from the TODO list.

- Swing-quantize has finally made its overdue debut as an
  additional MIDI clip editor tool (see Tools/Quantize...).

- Almost since its inception, audio inserts were injecting
  garbage random noise when not being activated, now fixed.

- Dedicated audio output ports for MIDI track plugins, now
  have their connection persistence back in business due on
  session load.

0.4.5  2010-01-23  A Friskier Demivierge ;)

- Changing loop points while playback is rolling, with the
  play-head any near, was leaving audio clips out-of-sync.

- MIDI event list view was missing some selected items with
  the very same onset time, now fixed.

- When failing to detect a SSE enabled build, the CFLAGS
  variables are now properly restored to their previous
  sane state, preventing all subsequent dependency tests
  from false positives (bug# 

- MIDI clip editor (aka piano-roll) multiple selection has
  been fixed (again) re. move/paste-snapping consistency.

0.4.4  2010-01-16  The Frisky Demivierge

- For all the DSSI plugins that have output control ports,
  a host feedback/update process cycle is now being finally
  provided: all output control ports are now marshaled to
  their respective GUI process, rather often and when found

- MIDI clip editor (aka piano-roll) snap-to-beat behavior on
  edit mode is now kind of more like 'filling-in-the-blanks'
  (as Frank Neumann et al. wishes ;)

- Fixed MIDI clip editor mistake when reverting to initial
  clip length, before closing and discard changes (thanks
  to Frank Neumann, for spotting this one).

- LADISH Level 1 support has been added: SIGUSR1 signal trap
  just makes it a shortcut to File/Save.

- Avoid parameter value flickering, due to duplicate command
  invocation, most evident when changing values massively on
  native Linux VSTi plugin editor GUIs (thanks to a detailed
  report on this odd behavior, from Mike of

- Another TODO item bites the dust: MIDI event list editor,
  now acessible from the MIDI clip editor menu (View/Events) 

- Last used session directory is now made current on startup
  only when no filename is given on the command line (solving
  bug #2920244).

- Current snap-to-beat setting (time quantization) now affects
  the anchor event only, while dragging, moving and/or pasting
  multiple events over the MIDI clip editor (aka piano-roll).

- Make anti-glitch audio clip micro fade-in/outs independent
  from current buffer size as much as possible.

- Audio/MIDI engine drift correction gets really sophisticated,
  with the help of (now old) ALSA MIDI tempo skew facility.

- Edit/Clip/Import... menu option is now available for expedite
  clip insertion from audio and MIDI file requesters.

- Set default session directory effective to file's location.

- Audio track/clip recording process has been target to special
  refactorization across the internal audio engine process cycle,
  in a late attempt to get self-bounce/recording effective and
  working consistently for all track layouts.

- All session related dialogs are now set to window modality,
  (were set to default application modality before) allowing
  for continued input focus and interaction on all plugin/tool

- An off-by-one nasty old bug fixed in audio clip drawing, was
  causing instant crashes on certain zoom levels of the main
  track view.

- Graphical MIDI clip representation regarding note/pitch range is
  now kept as much as possible across clip edits (cut, copy, paste,
  drag, move, delete, etc.)

- LV2 plug-in hosting has finally come into actual implementation;
  only some and the most basic LV2 plug-in features are supported
  at the moment; probably there's no big advantage against the old
  LADSPA ones; there's some support for external UIs though; also,
  LV2 MIDI/Event bare-bones support is included but chances are it
  won't build nor work right on most of the setups out there. It's
  a WIP host implementation anyways, as is the whole LV2 spec. for
  that matter ;)

- Connections filter is now reset when widget is shown through the
  View/Connections main menu or toolbar button.

- Audio bus auto-connection option is now applied when creating or
  updating, newer or existing buses, respectively.

- Global configuration state is now explicitly saved/committed to
  disk whenever View/Options... dialog changes are applied or when
  a session is loaded or saved.

- Audio ramping spin-locking makes its smooth stuff, in an attempt
  to reduce glitching and crackling when editing (due to its own
  pseudo spin-locking) and toggling playback states.

- JACK Transport, MMC Device, and MIDI Song Position pointer (SPP)
  control modes are now made optional (View/Options...), allowing
  for discretionary configuration: None/Disabled, Slave/Input,
  Master/Output or Full/Duplex (default).

- Session files may now be dragged and dropped over the main track
  view and get loaded for business as usual (once quietly ignored).

- In an attempt to mitigate potential stack corruption and sudden
  crashes, old commented out session pseudo-locks are now back in
  business while executing clip editing commands (cut, paste, drag,
  move, insert, delete) and playback is currently rolling.

- Adjusted first-time application window size to fit into 800x600
  screen size and with reasonable initial dockables layout.

- Avoid duplicate snap-to-grid effect when changing the length of
  MIDI clip editor events across non-zero clip offsets (after a
  glitch reported by Ralf Mardorf).

- Late audio track processing optimization, suppressing all plugin,
  mixer and monitor pass-through activity when given track is muted,
  either explicitly or implicitly (ie. other track is in solo state).

- Entering System Exclusive events (SysEx) on the MIDI clip editor
  (aka matrix/piano-roll widget), yet something not fully supported
  anyway, even though allowed in edit mode, doesn't crash the whole
  damn thing anymore, while saving the clip to a file.

- Strict aliasing avoidance, with plain and demanded use of 'union',
  as much as to stop nagging warnings from gcc >= 4.4.1 (last seen
  on src/qtractorMidiEvent.h hackery).

- Visual correct play-head position while changing zoom levels,
  applicable to both main track and MIDI clip editor views.

0.4.3  2009-10-05  The Fussy Doula

- External preset files are not removed nor deleted from the
  file-system anymore.

- Connections support for UTF-8 encoded client/port names.

- Force track and clip properties dialog widget to be modal
  as it should from their beginning dawn.

- Audio effect send/return aux. inserts are implemented as
  special pseudo-plugins (Plugins/Inserts).

- Reset play-head position on auto-backward and keep playback
  rolling when continue past end transport option is not set.

- MIDI clip editor (aka piano-roll/matrix aditor) gets better
  on the virtual piano keyboard eye-candy side of things ;).

- Plugins are now also referenced by label, avoiding plugin
  index clash/misses eg. when plugin object file/path changes
  or is moved externally.

- Keyboard focus is now cleared/reset from the main toolbar
  time and tempo spin-boxes when editing gets finished (eg.
  Enter key is pressed).

- First audio metronome beat/bar now played back correctly
  (fixes bug #2841437).

- Client to/from port (dis)connections now found consistent
  as good ol'QjackCtl behavior (fixes bug #2834657).

- All dirty open MIDI clip editors are now prompted to save
  before the main application closes (fixes bug #2835516).

- Mixer level meters get their long deserved gradient look.

- Fixed any ghost clip selections that were haunting the
  main track view, specially after undo/redo.

- Increased tolerance on reading corrupt MIDI files (SMF).

- A MIDI SysEx manager is being finally introduced, in some
  primordial rather basic form though. MIDI System Exclusive
  (SysEx) event strings may now be freely assigned to MIDI
  output buses only, allowing for proper setup of external
  outboard MIDI equipment. Each bus may have an unlimited
  SysEx queue that gets sent out on every connection change
  (see View/Buses.../MIDI/SysEx...).

- A default MIDI instrument name may now be assigned to any
  MIDI output bus (see View/Buses.../MIDI).

- More legacy headers, stdio.h and stdlib.h, are yet again
  necessary to build with gcc/g++ >= 4.4 (as patch noted by
  Alexis Ballier on Gentoo bug report #274168, thanks).

- Bus manager dialog (View/Buses...) gets new columns on the
  left pane buses list as for displaying number of channels
  and bus mode.

- Crash when updating bus probably fixed (bug #2811630).

- Fixed glitch displaying beat snap/grid lines on MIDI clip
  editor, incidental to clips located at absolute zero time.

- Overlapped MIDI clips were rendering garbled note events
  to DSSI/VSTi plugins, now fixed.

- New MIDI Playback/Queue timer (resolution) option is now
  available (see View/Options.../MIDI).

- MIDI instrument definitions may now be imported from plain
  SoundFont files.

0.4.2  2009-06-04  The Flaunty Demoness

- The MIDI clip editor (piano-roll/matrix editor), the main
  track view as well, have been subject to usability fixing,
  the most notable avoids clearing current selection as much
  as possible when updating view contents (eg. changing zoom
  levels does not reset current selection anymore).

- MIDI tracks channel bank/program and controller stuff are
  now only issued when the respective bus connections have
  changed, seldom on every playback start.

- MIDI controller mapping infrastructure, with file based
  configuration management (see View/Controllers...), is now
  in place, following an original contribution from gizzmo
  aka Mathias Krause.

- Plugin chain buffer reset on playback start/stop is not
  guarded by a momentary plugin de/activation anymore.

- Clip export may now be applied to multiple clips, sharing
  common refactored code and same semantics as merging of
  current selected clips.

- Improved, may be just fixed yet again, audio track export
  synchronization and reliability.

- Clip merge is now featured both for audio and MIDI tracks
  (see Edit/Clip/Merge...).

- Improved, or better said, fixed (again) the precision of
  multi-clip final positioning as result of drag/move and
  paste operations in main track view (as in bug #2741611).

- MIDI track program number is now listed in 1-128 range,
  in an attempt to be consistent with corresponding MIDI
  track dialog drop-down list.

- MIDI editor snap grid lines get slight different color
  then regular beat divisions.

- Reset local tempo map cursor on newer MIDI file imports
  in a tentative to fix incidental but random crashes.

0.4.1  2009-04-04  The Funky Dominatrix

- MIDI editor command item execution order has been fixed,
  correcting the redo/undo adjustment of overlapping note
  events (probably fixing bug #2723861).

- MIDI clip editor (aka. piano-roll/matrix editor) sees one
  of its most wanted features introduced: visual snap grid,
  now accessible through View/Snap/Grid option toggle.

- Actual non-zero session length gets back to status bar of
  main application window.

- One potential buffer-overflow/memory-corruption crash bug
  has been fixed, long due on most audio (down) sample-rate
  conversions and affecting audio export in particular.

- MIDI track/channel patch information, ie. bank-select and
  program-change events, are now being properly set on MIDI
  track/clip export.

- SSE optimization is back in town after being mysteriously
  disabled since its dawn :/

- Looping and punch-recording now actively mutual exclusive
  states: setting either one unsets the other off and vice-
  versa. Also, punch-in/out is now made an undoable command.

- Moving tracks, any track, up or down, were leaving MIDI
  playback and meter monitoring completely out-of-sync, now

- Automatic crash-dump reports, debugger stack-traces (gdb),
  back-traces, whatever, are being introduced as a brand new
  configure option (--enable-stacktrace) and default enabled
  on debug build targets (--enable-debug).

- Audio/MIDI drift correction is now progressive, taking a
  least significant differential approach, on every read-
  ahead cycle and swallowed on loop turn-arounds, as before.

- Improved Edit/Clip/Normalize and Quantize commands, now
  affecting the whole extended multi-clip selection.

- Playback is now being temporarily suspended while either
  transport rewind or fast-forward rolling is engaged.

- A bad and shame-on-me bug was fixed: this was hideously
  affecting any track/clip playback synchronization, most
  noticeable after toggling solo/mute track states while
  playback is rolling and skipping the play-head backward 
  over more than one clip under the same track.

- A floating-rectangle flip that showed while dragging new
  files beyond the left of main track view is now gone.

- MIDI note event truncation on both track and clip export
  has been fixed.

0.4.0  2009-03-13  The Foxy Dryad

- MIDI (re)connections fix; now caring for the ALSA client
  and port textual names only, avoiding as much as possible,
  any reliance on those volatile client and port numbers.

- Transport/Backward and Forward commands may now reset to
  immediate full start or end of session locations, by just
  pressing the Shift or Ctrl keyboard modifiers and clicking
  their respective toolbar buttons.

- Default session/MIDI resolution has been set to 960 ticks
  per beat (960 TPQN, where a beat equals a quarter-note);
  it is worth of note that the previous default resolution
  was set to one order of magnitude lower, ie. 96 TPQN ;).

- Making (dis)connections now also flags session as dirty.

- Internal Audio/MIDI engines queue/time drift correction
  takes a brand new approach, specially adapted to rolling
  tempo/time-signature changes.

- MIDI monitor refresh-cycle slight internal optimization.

- Converted obsolete QMessageBox forms to standard buttons.

- Transport/Rewind and Fast-forward commands may now be set
  to double-speed, by pressing the Shift or Ctrl modifiers
  while clicking their respective tool buttons.

- MIDI clip editor zoom ratios are now saved and preserved
  across sessions.

- Time-signature is now directly accessible from the main
  tempo spin-box which also reflects current tempo status.

- Time/frame spin-boxes now allow to step change each field
  individually, depending on the cursor beam position.

- Make sure that Transport/Follow playhead option is only
  effective when playback is actually rolling.

- Primordial attempt to include MIDI Song Position Pointer
  (SPP), Song Start, Stop and Continue sequencing support.

- A completely new time-scale infrastructure is now in place,
  with full support for session tempo and time-signature map;
  this long due feature is primarily accessible through the
  main menu, View/Tempo Map...; also by double-clicking on
  the the main window and MIDI clip editor time rulers and
  left-clicking on the main toolbar tempo/signature spin-box.

- Moving and resizing individual clips now cares for track
  proper ordering and overlapping changes, avoiding nasty
  out of sequence clips and other unpredictable effects.

- An expedite MIDI clip quantize command is now available
  from the main track view menu (Edit/Clip/Quantize), which
  simply applies the current snap-to-beat setting to a MIDI
  clip range selection.

- Fixed that hideous bug affecting overlapped audio clips
  when playhead gets moved backward, causing the playback
  of those audio clips in particular, go out of sync.

- Tracks are now limited to their minimum height, specially
  effective in face of vertical zooming.

- Zoom mode option introduced (on menu View/Zoom/Horizontal,
  Vertical, All).

- Tempo beat type is a new session property; however it is
  not yet user modifiable and currently disabled to default
  MIDI quarter note (1/4).

- All open MIDI clip editor time-scales are now updated and
  corrected when the main session time base changes (tempo,
  time-signature, resolution, etc.)

- MIDI metronome fixed, preventing duplicate click events.

- MP3 audio file decoding was broken for way too long and
  falling short for every file with custom frames, ID3 tags
  and comments. Got shamefully fixed.

- Time signature denominator (ie. beat divisor) is now an
  accessible and effective session property.

- Attempt to retain original size (clip length) of all audio
  clips when changing the global session tempo and automatic
  time-stretching is not an option.

0.3.0  2008-12-25  The Fluffy Doll

- Almost complete rewrite of the plugin configuration and
  parameter initialization logic.

- MIDI bank/program selection is now taken into account on
  plugins initialization and replication.

- Fixed initial parameter values for native VST plugins.

- Track form plugin lists are now properly (re)initialized
  when track type changes.

- Generic plugin forms now have the option to show/hide the
  parameter widgets through the new "Params" button.

- New auto-monitor toggle option (menu Track/Auto Monitor):
  the current selected track is now set on monitor and MIDI
  channel omni-mode automagically, as a convenient workflow
  feature (kindly suggested by Holborn).

- MIDI clip editor Tools menu is not disabled anymore when
  there's no selection, drop-down menu items are instead.

- Make all recorded clips to honor either the punch-out or
  play-head accumulated position; resolve all pending MIDI
  sequence note events on record stop/close.

- Major silent move: audio plugins chain are now applied
  in a pre-fader/meter basis as is usually implied from
  the mixer strip layout ie. signal flows from the top to
  the bottom.

- All MIDI buses may now have plugins inserted so that 
  multi-timbral synth/sampler plugins get driven to their

- MIDI track plugin's dedicated audio output bus may now
  be effective, as it seems, good old master audio output
  bus was being used, no matter what.

- Paste-repeat command has been introduced, now allowing to
  replicate and concatenate the clipboard contents over the
  time-line, with a given repeat-count and optional period
  (see menu Edit/Paste Repeat... on the main and MIDI clip
  editor windows).

- Normalize tool on MIDI clip editor got rewritten from its
  previous brain-dead, useless and utterly wrong operation.

- All time offsets and lengths are now zero-bar/beat based
  when displayed in the BBT (bar.beat.ticks) format.

- MMC STEP gets adjusted to current snap-per-beat setting.

- Fixed broken initial buffering that was randomly crippling
  those audio clips that fit integrally in cached and while
  on playback.

- Fix initialization of multiple instances of DSSI plugins
  which implement run_multiple_synths (eg. fluidsynth-dssi),
  preventing an instant crash on activation.

- Exclude deprecated VST elements from compilation.

- Export tracks dialog has new punch in/out range option.

- Somehow realized that looping and punch-recording are two
  mutually exclusive states, at least until loop recording
  (ie. takes) gets real.

- Fixed bug #2249291 - Crash on tempo change; affecting the
  WSOLA based time-stretching on all non-stereo audio clips.

- Incomplete audio peaks were being cached prematurely, fixed.

- Make way for paste/dropping items from the system clipboard
  over the main track view. Cut/Copy/Paste/Delete of file items
  have now this workaround fixed, wrt. Files widget keyboard
  shortcuts, respectively.

- Clip gain/volume propriety is now in place and reflected in
  audio clip waveform drawing in particular.

- A new hideous progress bar is now lurking in the main status
  line, as found convenient to display progress of the also new
  clip tools (normalize, export, etc.).

- Clip normalize tool is now available (Edit/Clip/Normalize).

- Audio and MIDI clip file export is now available as a tool
  (see Edit/Clip/Export...).

- Punch in/out (range) recording is now in experimental shape,
  with minimal settings and functionality, already accessible
  through the main menus, transport toolbars and visible on main
  tracks view and MIDI editors as magenta colored line markers.

- External MIDI control events for channel volume (7) and channel
  panning (10) are now handled properly through session tracks.

- Session file templates make its debut with new usability option,
  on whether new sessions are created based on existing template
  file (see View/Options.../Display/Session/New session template;
  nb. session templates are just regular session files but loaded
  and saved with no media content (no clips nor files).

- Grayed/disabled palette color group fix for dark color themes.

- Implicit attempt to flush all pending notes for some, if not
  most plugin instruments (eg. VSTi), on playback stop.

- Fait-divers: desktop menu file touched to openSUSE conventions.

- Internal refactoring alert: Session and Options instances are
  now being redesigned as singletons, preparing to get out of the
  way from the master GUI/MainForm instance.

- Clip drawing methods refactored so let the fade-in/out handles
  get seen with transparency over the clip graphics content.

- Reset and continue looping even still when continue past end
  transport option is not set and playback is rolling.

0.2.2  2008-10-05  The Flirty Ditz

- Slight optimization in audio and MIDI meters refresh rate.

- Another ancient bug has been squashed: MIDI events were being
  recorded even though recording wasn't rolling; spurious event
  times were being recorded due to an absent started queue.

- Major fix applied to audio track monitor metering, and most
  importantly to plugin processing, correcting tentatively all
  audio buffer offsetting and slicing due on loop turnarounds.

- Fixed a potential crash and/or simple record dismissal when
  changing properties of a track already armed for recording;
  prevent record engaged tracks from editing or removal.

- Lighten up the connections line and highlight colors, as seen
  to fit best on some darker background themes.

- Several icons refined with slight transparent shadowing.

- Send/reset all MIDI buses and track controllers (ie. volume
  and panning) only when main transport playback is started,
  avoiding the pouring on eg. loop, playhead or tempo changes.

- Pressing the Escape key also clears current selection in the
  main track-view and MIDI clip editor; resizing multiple events
  at once doesn't need help from Shift or Ctrl modifiers anymore.

- DSSI and VSTi plugins get all their default parameters values
  reset on MIDI program change.

- Several major fixes have been applied to the MIDI clip editor,
  regarding snap precision and correctness, most specially due
  on clips which weren't located on exact bar boundaries.

- Brand new usability feature introduced: mute, solo and monitor
  toggling may now be applied to all tracks in session at once,
  when issued with either the Shift or Ctrl keyboard modifiers,
  which will set or reverse respectively all other tracks state.

- Audio buses plugin chain may be also accessed and edited from
  the extended bus management dialog (View/Buses...).

- MIDI meter level default color is now set distinct from the old
  lime-green one as in audio level meters.

- MIDI clip editor is now a genuine top-level window, fixing all
  keyboard shortcut ambiguities with main application window.

- Mixer splitter panes are now collapsible and optionally hidden.

- Make MIDI instrument patch management a little more sane, as for
  preventing the accidental insertion of blank instrument names and
  automatic default bank/program selection in track properties.

- All connections are now based exclusively on the textual client
  and port names, effective in particular to match MIDI bus ports
  with disregard to their volatile numerical identification.

- MIDI file (SMF) header endianess fix (PPC users rejoyce:))

- Record armed tracks aren't muted for playback anymore, as this
  was a severe crippling nuisance regarding input monitoring and
  all mighty user experience after recording a simple take; for
  instance, as the bottom line goes, there's no need to un-arm a
  track from its record-enabled state anymore, for just recorded
  material get heard on immediate playback; kick on the jam!

- Playhead position overflow fixed on negative MMC STEP commands.

- Thumb-view width proportions now based on minimal slack session
  length instead of the auto-extending track-view contents width.

- Optimize audio clip drawing, most specially on zoomed-out levels.

- Bring the audio peak frames into some sort of cache, preventing
  recurrent peak frame buffer reallocation and trashing.

0.2.1  2008-08-30  The Fainty Diva

- Gradient eye-candy now featured for clips, tracks and mixer strips
  widget backgrounds, disabled on configure time (--disable-gradient).

- MIDI pitch-bend/wheel events are now captured/recorded properly;
  in fact, there was this ancient bug, now squashed, as all MIDI
  clips weren't being stored at all if there weren't a single note
  event captured.

- MIDI channel translation is finally in effect on monitored tracks,
  specially the ones set in omni-channel input mode.

- MIDI open files dialog gets a few more file filter types now.

- Playhead position is now shown, updated and can be also set on the
  main toolbar session thumb-view (shift-click to set the playhead).

- The floating selection, as shown for a clipboard pasting operation,
  has been corrected regarding time scale (horizontal zoom) changes,
  while in the main track-view. Also fixed final position snapping
  precision (spotted in bug #2055846).

- Current tempo and snap-per-beat setting now survive session cycling.

- DSSI plugins implementing run_multiple_synths (eg. fluidsynth-dssi)
  are now formally supported according to the DSSI spec (hopefully);
  note that previously one could only have one DSSI plugin instance
  loaded in session in any given time, otherwise a sudden crash was
  in sure demand when either plugin got activated (fixes bug #2048198).

- Audio plugin outputs now overrides each other when the number
  of output ports does not match the number of mix-down audio
  channels and thus fixing a nasty crash bug in the process.

- All custom font sizes are now set relative to default global font.

- Changing loop points by dragging on the time rulers is now mapped
  as undoable/redoable commands as it ought to be ever since.

- Drop-span option (View/Options.../Drop multiple audio files
  into the same track) now takes into effect the current session
  snap-per-beat setting when concatenating multiple audio clips.

- All plugins get their default bank/program selected on insertion.

- Make record armed tracks muted for playback, a needed regression
  to let both audio and MIDI tracks behave consistently regarding
  input monitor switching through output.

- Fixed a pretty old and shameless bug regarding MIDI clip recording,
  in which cases the queue start time offset was not taken into account,
  with captured events being recorded with erratic long delays.

- Almost complete refactoring of the clumsy audio peak file classes,
  possibly making it even clumsier but straight neverthless, with the
  noble and final aim to build it in-flight and draw the waveforms
  while recording is rolling.

- Recording clips get their initial name labels drawn while fade-in/out
  handles are dropped as found pretty useless while recording.

- Escape key now closes connections and mixer widgets as found usual.

0.2.0  2008-07-18  The Frolic Demoiselle

- MIDI clip filename revision logic is now introduced, thus avoiding
  the proliferation of several numbered SMF's on each edit/save; some
  lurking bugs were exposed in the MIDI clip externalization method
  but promptly squashed.

- Fixed a mouse release event glitch while in drag-and-drop items in
  the Files tree list widget.

- A dummy plugin type option has been devised, just to bear with some
  troubled behavior of the lovely JUCETICE plugins (View/Options.../
  Plugins/Experimental/Dummy VST plugin scan). Bad news are that all,
  yes all as in every native VST plugins, are indistinguishable from
  being just pure audio effects, either mono or stereo, whatever, and
  thus all being considered full-blown stereo VSTi instruments (which
  are the vast mainstream and rather interesting majority, nevertheless:).

- The plugin selection dialog (Add Plugin...) now features the option
  whether the selected plugins should be activated on insert.

- Mixer strip titles now have distinguishable type icons, either for
  audio or MIDI, and shown on all buses and track strips.

- Major optimization breakthrough: muted audio tracks aren't streamed
  any longer, saving precious CPU cycles from decoding, resampling,
  pitch-shifting, time-stretching, plugin effects, whatever.

- Incredible as it might be, audio/MIDI track record monitoring is
  now mixed (or merged) with rolling playback content, thus not as
  mutually exclusive between record and playback states anymore;
  also, track mute/solo states doesn't apply to recording material

- Main form timer slot gets corrected and now independent of current
  process buffer-size in regard to JACK transport synchronization.

- All file references in session state file are now stored as relative
  paths to main session directory.

- DSSI/VSTi plugin presets can now be explicitly recalled from file
  (ie. Open/load preset) through this new tool button whether visible
  while in the generic plugin form.

- Due to some trouble with newer Qt >= 4.4 applications regarding font
  size configuration, a new global user option is now available to the
  rescue: View/Options... /Display/Base font size (default is no-op).

- Logarithmic scale is now taken into effect by control parameter
  sliders, in the generic plugin editor dialog as provided by LADSPA
  and DSSI plugin types.

- MIDI track bank/program does not default to zero (PC#0) anymore.

- Second attempt for Qt4.4 build support, regarding the bundled
  atomic primitives, now corrected and way more seriously :).

- Long due DSSI/VSTi plugin host implementation has taken shape for
  MIDI instruments (eg. soft-synth plugins); DSSI reached its full
  host implementation and VSTi is already kicking as well.

- DSSI/VSTi plugin presets may now be stored to external XML files,
  which should include all parameter values and configuration data
  chunks, taken as proper state snapshot and subject for recall.

- Dedicated audio output bus option is now also accessible for all
  MIDI instrument plugins, either set globally as a default mode in
  View/Options.../Plugins/Instruments or in the plugin context menu
  for MIDI tracks, as an undoable command.

- Fixed a potential crash-exception due to freeing a null-pointer,
  raised on some ever stringent platforms and while adding tracks
  to empty sessions, which is the same to say this was crashing more
  than always:).

- Loop turn-around is now taken care of, as this has been found
  missing and causing noticeable gapping when un-muting or changing
  MIDI track events while in playback.

- An off-by-one bug was fixed while inside MIDI cursor backward
  seek method, which was missing all other events that have the
  same exact onset timing.

- Attempt to load Qt's own translation support and get rid of
  the ever warning startup message, unless built in debug mode.
  (transaction by Guido Scholz, while on qsynth-devel, thanks).

- Only one application instance is now allowed to be up and running,
  with immediate but graceful termination upon startup iif an already
  running instance is detected, which will see its main widget shown
  up automatically (Qt/X11 platform only).

- Clip fades have now a slight transparency.

- Avoid loop read-ahead on initial audio clip loading.

- Messages file logging makes its first long overdue appearance,
  with user configurable settings in View/Options.../Logging;
  options dialog was slightly rearranged and moved the Plugins
  section into a new tab page.

- Audio/MIDI drifting correction was missing its own correct and
  due (re)initialization whenever playback is (re)started; also,
  MIDI metering synchronization has been fixed once again.

- Fixed session cursor backward seeking, specially applicable
  when playback passes the end of overlapped clips.

- Fixed potential crash when opening bogus audio files.

- Time-stretch FIFO buffer implementation is now made generic,
  as template, fixing a destructor memory leak in the process.

- Include legacy headers, stdlib.h and string.h, where necessary
  to build with stricter gcc/g++ >= 4.3.

0.1.3  2008-05-02  The Frugal Damsel

- As one may find convenient sometimes, the global time display
  format (frames, time or BBT) may now be changed on the main
  transport time spin-box context menu.

- Left-clicking on the track list number column now toggles all
  track content clip selection.

- Prevent audio-buffer initialization mashups when editing short
  audio clips while playback is rolling and within clip region.

- Audio peak files gets a bit simplified, dropping the peak frame
  count from its header; peak waveform graphics are now rendered
  as straight lines when over the end of audio file.

- The drop-span option (View/Options.../Drop multiple audio files
  into the same track) now also applies when importing tracks (as
  in Track/Import Tracks/Audio...) to concatenate multiple audio
  clips into one and the same new track.

- Audio and MIDI meter level colors are now user configurable (as
  global configuration options, View/Options.../Display/Meters) 

- First attempt for Qt4.4 build support, regarding the bundled
  atomic primitives, which have changed upstream as advertised
  (thanks to Paul Thomas, for spotting this one first time).

- Record monitor switch is now an accessible button option on all
  track mixer strips; for visual consistency, the old bus "thru"
  switch button has been renamed to "monitor".

- Force track-view position reset to origin on session close.

- Fixed segfault on inserting an external file into files widget.

- Mixer splitter sizes are now better saved/restored when closed.

- Track record monitoring is now a state option, being toggled
  from the Track/State/Monitor menu; applies both to audio end
  MIDI tracks: when set all input will be pass-through to the
  current assigned output bus, including track plug-ins chain.

- Session dialog gets split in its own tab components, between
  descriptive, time and view configuration ones.

- Drifting correction among audio and MIDI engines is now back,
  but avoided while recording or should it be while looping?

- Time-stretching percent value gets its semantics inverted,
  as thought consistent with ones general sense for relative
  stretching ie., lower to shrink and higher to make longer.
  this is a major up-side-down change and should affect all
  sessions saved with time-stretched audio clips.

- Slack space in main tracks and MIDI clip editor views are now
  proportional to viewport width, leaving enough room for drag
  and moving content past the current session length, specially
  at the lower zoom levels.

- Clip end time is now also shown on tool-tip.

- When armed for recording, MIDI tracks are now monitored and
  filtered through their own output bus, thus having the same
  behavior as audio tracks; this also implies that all record
  armed tracks won't playback their current content material
  when recording is engaged and rolling; track mute and solo
  states are now honored on record monitoring.

- Audio clip pitch-shifting makes its first appearance, with
  the optional help from Chris Cannam's RubberBand library.

- A new MIDI editor tool is available: note/pitch randomize.

- Avoid (re)setting the default session directory if a session
  cannot be open or loaded for some reason.

- Another nastiness bites the dust: a subtle but progressive
  drifting has been swept away from the audio buffer looping;
  zero buffer flushing is now also taken into account, which
  was the cause for serious drifting on time-stretched clips.

- A major digital audio processing bug was tamed: audio clip
  fade-in/outs are now linearly piece-wise applied, even at
  the clip edges, giving a much smoother rendering and thus
  mitigating the nasty click-and-pop artifacts that were in
  fact due to some early design optimization with a poor and
  sloppy implementation.

0.1.2  2008-03-23  The Frantic Dame

- Session length fixed (yet again) while extend recording; also
  improved follow-playhead switching while playback/recording.

- Whitespace sanitization gets leaner for all recorded filenames.

- Run-time SSE optimization detection has been improved while on
  configure; additionally, IEEE 32bit float specific optimizations
  have also sneaked in.

- SSE optimization is now featured over all audio monitoring, and
  most specially on audio bus buffering, lowering the CPU burden a
  bit while doing track and bus gain, pan, metering and mix-down.

- Fixed MIDI clip move into new track, preserving the original
  channel, bank and program whenever possible.

- Fixed session cursor seeking, specially regarding overlapped
  clips, once gain.

- The MIDI editor gets new menu access to current MIDI clip track
  (see File/Track/Inputs, Outputs, Properties); selection of MIDI
  events has also been improved, specially regarding overlapped
  note events.

- Clip split command enters the stage (see Edit/Clip/Split) about
  splitting the current (selected) clip at the current playhead
  position (red cursor line).

- Creating new clips from scratch is now finally permitted (see
  Edit/Clip/New...); additionally, the clip properties dialog is
  now also allowing for changing the filename (and track/channel
  as special to MIDI clips).

- Record armed tracks are now properly monitored and fed through
  their own output audio bus on mix-down, which includes plug-in
  effects processing.

- The files widget get alternating coloured rows.

- VST plug-in preset values are now being restored properly;
  individual parameter changes are now being queued for the
  also convenient undo/redo command pattern.

- Some audio clip buffer-sync tweaks have sneaked in, improving
  and fixing the rendering of full-overlapped, integrally cached
  and/or offset clips altogether.

- Stuffed one primordial shot on XInitThreads() at the main head,
  and let native VST plug-ins start behaving as they should, or
  not; this might be in fact problematic and dangerous for people
  who won't ever try the JUCE based plugins as from JUCETICE
  (, due to some broken locking
  mechanism in xcb; thanks anyway to mighty kRAkEn/gORe@JUCETICE
  for this precious hint and from who knows best.

- True deterministic session length update has due fixed.

- Track menu has new accessible actions:
  Track/Inputs - show current track input bus connections;
  Track/Outputs - show current track output bus connections;
  Track/State/Record - arm current track for recording;
  Track/State/Mute - mute current track;
  Track/State/Solo - solo current track;
  Track/Navigate/First - make current the first track;
  Track/Navigate/Previous - make current the previous track;
  Track/Navigate/Next - make current the next track;
  Track/Navigate/Last - make current the last track;
  Track/Move/Top - move current track to top;
  Track/Move/Up - move current track up;
  Track/Move/Down - move current track down;
  Track/Move/Bottom - move current track to bottom;

- View menus have new accessible actions:
  View/Zoom/In - horizontal and vertical zoom-in (Ctrl +);
  View/Zoom/Out - horizontal and vertical zoom-out (Ctrl -);
  View/Zoom/Reset - reset both zoom levels to default;
  View/Snap - select current snap-per-beat setting;

- Plug-in forms don't auto-open on session reload anymore.

- Keyboard shortcuts icon item (Help/Shortcuts...) sneaks in.

0.1.1   2008-02-16  The Futile Duchess

- After some great user demand, keyboard shortcuts are finally
  configurable, as found provisionally under Help/Shortcuts...,
  for the main application menu and for the MIDI editor as well.

- Debian package gets SSE optimization disabled as default.

- At least some transport actions get to be non auto-repeatable
  when pressed for much too long, as Play and Record, avoiding
  the tumbling imposed from the keyboard.

- For the first time ever, jackd auto-start is now allowed (!).

- OSC service support through liblo gets optional at configure
  time, now leading the way to proper DSSI plug-in hosting.

- All plug-in widget controls count are now capped to one hundred.

- Plugin paths setup is now made available on the options dialog,
  overriding each of respective default settings, as implicit from
  the LADSPA_PATH, DSSI_PATH and VST_PATH environment variables
  (see View/Options.../Display/Plugin Paths).

- Clip fade-in/out lengths are now kept relative to tempo changes
  and also to clip offset and length changes (clip resizes).

- Automatic time-stretching for all audio clips when session tempo
  changes, may now be disabled/enabled as a global session option
  (see View/Options.../Audio/Playback/Automatic time-stretching).

- Double-clicking on an empty area (de)selects all clips on track.

- MIDI capture (record) quantization is now an option, possibly
  handy for some jerky performance musicians, as the one found
  in myself ;) (see View/Options.../MIDI/Capture/Quantize).

- The global options dialog (View/Options...) has seen its Display
  tab page being moved back and to the right.

- Major rewrite of the plug-in infrastructure, adding primordial
  support for DSSI and native VST plug-in flavors.

- Drag-and-drop of plug-in instances are now allowed intra- and
  inter-mixer strip chains, either on tracks or buses.

- Turning track record off while recording is rolling was leaving
  the session in a inconsistent recording status, now fixed.

- A random but instant crash upon audition/pre-listening player
  onset was hopefully fixed.

0.1.0   2008-01-05  The Frivolous Debutante.

- Audio clip time-stretching makes its debut, with code adapted and
  refactored from the SoundTouch library, under the (L)GPL umbrella.

- New "Options.../Audio/Playback/Quick seek time-stretching" global
  option, providing a quick seek mode (hierarchical search) while
  doing all audio buffer time-stretching.

- Changing session tempo will automatically apply the corresponding
  time-stretch percent factor to all in-place audio clips. Audio
  clip dialog also includes a new time-stretch property setting.

- Tempo changes are now affecting clip offsets correctly, keeping
  the clip offset constant in time units (ticks), as are clip start
  and length properties already.

- Mixer splitter sizes are now properly saved/restored when hidden.

- Extended multi-selection is now featured on the files widget; all
  drag and drop functionality has been almost completely rewritten.

- SSE optimization is now enabled where available (via configure).

- Options for having separate dedicated ports for the audition/pre-
  listening player output, audio metronome output, MIDI control
  input/output and MIDI metronome output, are now in place.

- A brand new subtle option sneaks in, affecting the drag-and-drop
  of the main track-view: View/Options.../Drop multiple audio files
  into the same track, whether to drop multiple external files into
  new or existing track as concatenated audio clips.

- The audio metronome makes its debut as an alternative to the MIDI
  existing one; parameters include bar and beat audio sample files,
  accessible from the View/Options.../Audio/Metronome dialog.

- Files widget action refactorization; the files context menu gets
  its due item icons and a new menu item for direct audio player

- MIDI time resolution changes (ppqn, ticks per beat) now tries to
  keep all session MIDI clip times unchanged as far as possible.

- MIDI channel volume and panning control change events, CC#7 and
  CC#10 respectively, are now rendered unfiltered on playback.

- First rendition of the long due implementation of an audition or
  pre-listening audio player is now in place; the files window got
  this new play/stop control button on its lower-right corner.

- Actual instrument definition note (keys) and controller names are
  now in effect on the MIDI editor, whenever applicable.

- Fixed instrument bank selection method, "Bank MSB" (2), which was
  broken enough to never send the correct bank number.

- Mouse-wheel horizontal scrolling is now accessible on every view,
  while pressing a modifier key (Shift or Ctrl).

- New auto-backward transport option: when enabled the playhead will
  be reset backward automatically whenever transport stops playing.

- A suicide-crash has been fixed while invoking the bus dialog from
  the respective mixer bus strip context menu.

- Master (default) buses are always set to Duplex mode, being now
  an enforced update policy while on the Buses dialog.

- A stupid lockup bug (infinite loop) was spotted on the track bus
  assignment method and squashed (thanks, lexridge).

- New keyboard shortcuts for toggling the Connections tool (F8) and
  the mighty Mixer tool (F9) windows.

- Avoid showing a context menu while right-clicking on time rulers.

- Audio clip waveform drawing gets additional closing points.

- It is now possible to change the length/size of a clip by dragging
  its left or right edges, while in the main track-view. Shift+drag
  will also time-stretch to the resulting audio clip length.

- Another off-by-one mistake was corrected, which was causing audio
  clips to go out-of-sync on loop turnover boundary; also changed
  the loop turnaround strategy, now honoring already cached periods.

- A race-condition has been mitigated in the audio-buffer thread,
  that was exposed and lead to sudden application freezing upon
  changing some composite audio clip commands.

- Take absolute audio peak values only, making peak files a little
  bit shorter and hopefully faster to load and draw as waveforms.

0.0.9   2007-11-30  The Adolescence Prime

- Drag-and-dropping of MIDI files without specific track or channel,
  into existing tracks, is now rejected. The drop operation is now
  allowed on the track-view blank area only, meaning the same as the
  complete MIDI file import into session.

- Record actual MIDI clip length to last play-head position,
  instead of time of last event in the recorded sequence.

- Connections item lists gets properly sorted, as intended.

- Clear connection persistance once an explicit discconnection is
  issued on any of the (intrinsic) bus ports.

- MIDI output buses now get the panning slider to spit out some
  GM system master balance (sysex) messages, being now enabled.

- Mouse hovering on the clip fade-in/out handles, while in the
  main track-view, gets its long due cursor pointer feedback.

- Fixed a off-by-one boundary issue on MIDI clip event playback,
  which were enqueuing duplicated MIDI events on every read-ahead
  output thread processing cycle (1 sec).

- Transport menu and toolbar are now featured on the MIDI Editor.

- Use actual session name when asking to save changed session.

- Transport loop setting keyboard shortcuts swapped: Ctrl+L will
  set the loop immediately, and Shift+Ctrl+L will toggle on/off.

- Changing MIDI event duration may now affect MIDI clip duration.

- Alternate sharp-note color lines have returned to MIDI Editor
  canvas, as was the shadow color marking the end of MIDI clip.

0.0.8   2007-11-12  The Twelfth Tight

- Bus context menu is now accessible from respective mixer strip.

- Fixed a subtle crash-suicide issue when invoking the bus dialog
  with a double-click over the corresponding mixer bus strip; also
  fixed the sloppy ganguing mistake when changing mixer bus gain
  (volume) and panning values.

- MIDI Omni mode (sort of) makes its entrance as a new MIDI track
  property, meaning that is now finally possible for the capture of
  any unfiltered MIDI channel event, without regard to the current
  channel assignment, which still applies for playback purposes.

- Audio (pass-)through has been also implemented, now being a common
  and consistent property of both audio and MIDI buses, provided
  those are set in duplex mode (input and output).

- Re-touched follow-playhead and continue-past-end tool icons, again
  to be a bit softer and not so bright as to hurt someones eyes.

0.0.7   2007-10-31  The Eleventh Tower

- Suspend auto-follow-playhead while dragging or moving content over
  the main track and midi editor views; re-touched follow-playhead
  and new continue-past-end tool icons.

- Playback is now forced complete full-stop whenever play-head goes
  behind the current session length and/or loop-end and the newer
  "continue past end" option is enabled from transport menu.

- Tool/child windows position and size preservation fixed.

- MIDI (pass-)through has been finally implemented, after several
  kind requests, it applies as a property of duplex-mode MIDI buses;
  this new setting is configurable from the View/Buses... dialog;
  also from respective new input bus mixer-strip button; when enabled,
  implies all incoming MIDI events at the input bus will pass-through
  unchanged to the corresponding output bus, as found useful just for
  direct monitoring one's performance without the help of any extra
  circumvent or kludgy connections.

- Mouse cursor shape changes accordingly while hovering in header
  time-scale rulers, both in main track-view and MIDI editor.

- Track-view clipboard paste action has been refactored, with the
  user interface consistent with the same functionality featured on
  the MIDI editor: the clipboard selection being pasted now floats
  at the mouse pointer and can be moved around before placed into
  its final position, either with the mouse or keyboard arrow keys.

- A unitialized member variable bug affecting all MIDI clips has
  been discovered and squashed; this one has been lurking for quite
  some time and was causing wrong clip editing results, specially
  when tempo or meter differs between session and the MIDI file.

- Keyboard step-moving is now allowed while pasting in MIDI editor.

- Track-view clip selection can now be drag-moved into the void
  (bottom) view area creating brand new tracks automagically.

- Losing focus resets all current keyboard step-moves in progress,
  affecting the main track-view and all MIDI editor as well.

- As done before on the MIDI editor, the main track-view current
  selection may be step-wise moved using the keyboard arrow keys
  and the enter/insert keys for final placement; horizontal step
  movement is quantized according to current snap setting; vertical
  key-step movement is only allowed to selected clips belonging to
  one single and the same track.

- Immediate session loop settting, accessible from the main menu.

- Track properties dialog gets fixed again in its auto-size treat.

- Another audio-buffer thread bug was scrubbed off, which was
  causing spurious and audible garbage on certain loop workloads.

0.0.6   2007-10-09  The Tenth Commencement

- A bit more of precision is achieved over the metronome regular
  ticking and both the audio and MIDI monitor meters.

- A rudimentary MIDI metronome is now in place; parameters, like
  MIDI channel, bar and beat accent note, velocity and duration,
  are readily configurable from the main menu, View/Options...
  /MIDI/Metronome dialog.

- Track properties dialog now gets tightly auto-sized, depending
  whether its an audio or a MIDI track.

- MIDI clips are now auto-extendable when adding or moving events
  beyond the clip length and while in the MIDI Editor, of course.

- MIDI editor current selection can now be step-wise moved using
  the keyboard arrow keys and the enter/insert keys as for final
  placement; horizontal step movement is subordinated to current
  snap per beat setting, no less than unity; vertical step moves
  are obviously quantized to the next semitone.

- Get configure to try and detect the correct qmake location and
  insert it the search order, so let the qt4 tools take precedence
  when --with-qt option is given and older qt3 ones coexist and
  are found located ahead in the PATH.

- Drifting correction on audio and MIDI engines was seriously
  infected in some kind of snafu conception, as evidence lead
  to even worse drifting being detected to much of great despair,
  specially after recording and/or bouncing audio tracks from
  MIDI sequenced material. Credit must certainly go to Christian
  Schoenebeck on splatting this sloppy one on the face.

- MIDI editing actions while playing now get immediate feedback;
  this was possible to some internal interface redesign of all
  MIDI editor accessory classes, making the MIDI clip now being
  the main editing target object instead of just the MIDI event
  sequence as it was previously.

- Simple as it could ever be, the build executive summary report
  is now given on configure.

- The internal decoded frame list for MPEG 1Audio Layer III (mp3)
  audio files (ie. via libmad) has been made one-time cached as
  global shared objects, benefitting from the fact that the list
  is always completely (re)built during the peak file computation,
  and thus speeding up all frame accurate access operations (seek)
  over this specific audio file format.

- More eye-candy is sneaking in the MIDI editor: there's new view
  options on the View menu: Note Color and Value Color, affecting
  note event colors according to pitch and/or velocity.

- New view option on the MIDI editor: on menu View/Note Duration
  switches whether events are shown proportional to their durations
  or as simple vertical candlesticks.

- New snap-per-beat divisors are now available (Beat/3, 6, 12, 24
  and 48), giving support for triplets for the very first time
  (after a heads-up suggested  patch from Marko, thanks).

0.0.5   2007-09-08  The Ninth Hitch Nail

- MIDI edit tools (quantize, transpose, normalize, randomize,
  resize) are all functional and ready for experimentalism;
  gets in its own top-level menu and form with named preset
  store and recall functionality.

- Main form backward and rewind transport actions are now being
  immediately enabled when playing from the session (zero-time)
  start position.

- Audio and MIDI export sneaks in and in form and accessible
  from the main Track menu.

- MIDI track channel is now properly set on session (re)load;
  track background color changes was missing the alpha setting.

- The mix-down buffering was fixed again, now taking multi-track
  overlapping clips into consideration (was a lot more broken
  since the recent glitch-looping fix).

- Dirty MIDI clip editing control has been fixed but still
  somewhat hacky nevertheless.

- First attempt on solving a nasty MIDI editor bug, which was
  quietly and severely crippling MIDI files while saving offset
  edited clips.

- Session loop (re)setting is finally now an undoable command.

- Yet another insidious bug has been swept away from under the
  carpet: once again on audio looping, some astonishing old and
  crappy session cursor seek-backward statement was lurking to
  be laid off. Gone now, simply as it is, growing old on this :)

- A tremendous bug has been fixed: audio looping is now a little
  more glitch-free as the mix-down buffering was badly broken
  even since its primordial implementation. Rejoice.

- Minor improvements on track-view cursor updates and visual
  tracking while recording.

- MIDI editor windows get their keyboard accelerator/shortcuts
  back in business, whether opted as tools always on top or not.

- The infamous "Keep tool windows always on top" global option
  is now infecting the Connections, Mixer, Plugin and MIDI Editor
  window instances with no probable regrets. To be used with
  discretion, of course.

- Session update/initialization gets it clean on startup.

- Range selection action (Ctrl+R) is now back in business with
  the added bonus of being accessible from all MIDI editor
  instances too.

- Common edit-head and tail cursor positions are now under common
  control and display from all MIDI editor instances; the session
  loop-start/end points are now also shown on every time-line and
  share the same control behavior across all MIDI editor instances.

0.0.4   2007-07-19  The Eighth Wanderer

- Main toolbar tempo spin-box gets loose from keyboard change
  tracking (Qt >= 4.3); custom spin-box compilation fix for
  Qt 4.1.

- Illusive but nasty Connections/Patchbay item tooltip crash bug
  has been hopefully fixed (Qt >= 4.3); QComboBox::editTextChanged()
  signal replaces old QComboBox::textChanged().

- Combo-box setup history has been corrected on restore, which
  was discarding the very initial default (factory) contents.

- Make debian package build depend on libqt4-dev; win32 console
  flag is back to qmake project file.

- MIDI instrument selection (e.g. on track form) gets fixed and

- Sorting method for the connections port list has been refactored;
  potential crash bug fix on connections sorting method.

- Messages class accessor methods constness fix.

- Got rid of some autoconf redundand thingies on configure;
  late debian changelog update.

- Desktop categories update: AudioVideo.

- README correction.

0.0.3   2007-06-23  The Seventh Draught

- Crash fix on the connections widget, was a matter of refactoring
  the refresh/clear slots.

- Help menu added to MIDI editor form (redirected and same to main
  form anyway).

- Clip properties form gets its proper sanity check, querying any
  existing clip editor whether its safe to apply the new settings.

- Mixer sliders get their long due valued correction, hopefully.

- Transport backward and play/stop are now made accessible from
  the MIDI editor widget, through their keyboard accelerator
  shortcuts (backspace and space, respectively).

- Transport actions (play, rec, rew and ffwd) are now kept stable
  on a single point, instead of being scattered all over the main
  form code; transport visual feedback might get affected,
  specially regarding the MMC processing.

- Application icon is now officially installed
  into ${prefix}/share/pixmaps.

- Spec file is now a bit more openSUSE compliant; just made RPM
  requirements as exigent as the new debian ones.

- Paste cursor is now properly preserved after leaving MIDI editor

- Amazingly why this was not spotted before, the main application
  logo-icon has been downscaled to the 32x32 pixel standard icon

- MIDI clip editor clipboard gets singleton status and is now
  shared on all MIDI editor instances. Similarly to the main
  track-view, shift/ctrl-left-clicking on the MIDI editor views
  sets the current session play-head position.

- A desktop entry file has been included on install, at last.

- Clips in main track-view get more info in the form of tooltips.

- Major rounding fix to time-scaling and most specially on all
  those internal MIDI I/O methods.

- Extended range selection from the time-ruler and key-list
  headers is now possible by click-and-drag the mouse pointer.

- Play-head cursor is now also displayed and/or set position
  on all open MIDI clip editors time line view. As in the main
  application form, a new local follow play-head option is also
  featured on the MIDI editor view menu and toolbar.

- All MIDI file save operations are now logged to main messages
  and files are added to the main files list view.

- Initial debianization.

- MIDI capture/record file format (SMF Format 0 or 1) is now
  an user option, introducing the new MIDI tab on the global
  View/Options dialog.

- A bad old-time session cursor glitch has been apparently fixed.

- Make sure the generic clip properties form is modal.

- Major rewrite and adaptation to the session time-scale properties,
  making its way for a brand new command instance: the session-tempo

- Changing the snap-per-beat combobox value on the main window
  toolbar does not make it as an undoable command anymore.

- Long due MIDI clip editor integration has come to reality.

- Major rewrite on the MIDI sequence file read/write methods,
  in preparation to the coming MIDI clip editor.

- Status-bar session length label now gets rightly updated,
  while extended recording, of course.

- Clip properties fade-in/out lengths, gets their old due

- Main transport time display is now an editable custom spin-box;
  the Tempo (BPM) spin-box has seen new colors (green on black).

- Transport time display format option adds the new choice of
  absolute frame number, alternative to previous time and BBT.

- The frame-time based spin-boxes, on the clip properties form,
  were replaced with a new custom one, allowing for alternate
  frame, time and bbt input/display formats.

- Time-scale helper class has been introduced.

0.0.2   2007-05-26  The Sixth Lord

- Audio/MIDI connections gets slightly refactored, contributing
  for whole robustness, specially in case of incidental engine

- Mixer window gets a minimum default height bump.

- Clip fade-in/out type changes have been properly fixed.

- Complete refactoring of the command class pattern, making it
  now derived from QObject and not having a reference to the
  main form anymore.

- Inoperative context menu event handler has been removed from
  the track-view.

- MIDI sequence note-on event tracking now uses faster QHash
  class, instead of original QMap.

- Off-by-one bug fix on MIDI track write method, while parsing
  co-incident note-on/off events in the wrong order and thus
  leaving note events with an invalid (zero) duration; obviously
  affecting MIDI recording in very special circumstances.

- Minor and rather innocuous drop at this time in the MIDI event
  class structure: the flags member field.

- Port connections now get their lines correctly drawn; strangely
  enough, the connection lines were being painted only for the
  parent client items, probably since the Qt4 migration (aka.
  Halloween files).

- Early clip editing is in place (clip name, start, offset and
  length parameters, fade in/out length and type).

- Some menu item text capitalizations.

0.0.1   2007-05-07  The Filthy Fifth

- Newer JACK 0.105.0 seems to bitch, probably correctly, about the
  return value of the process callback. Make it to bitch no more by
  ensuring the JACK client is always issuing the innocuous 0 (zero)
  return value.

- Important fixes have been issued, affecting MIDI recording: MIDI
  sequence zero-time event insertion; MIDI file pending note-off
  processing on write-track method.

- Qt4 migration complete.

0.0.0   2006-10-31  The Halloween Files