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<h1><a id="x35-380006" name="x35-380006"></a>Advanced use:
Scripting</h1><a id="dx35-38001" name="dx35-38001"></a>

<h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">6.1</span> <a id=
"x35-390006.1" name="x35-390006.1"></a>Introduction to
Scripting</h3><!--l. 9-->

<p class="noindent">All the functions and utilities described so
far were built into T<sub>E</sub>Xworks by default. While some of
them could be configured or customized to a certain extent, they
are intended to suit the most common needs of a general audience.
However, the T<sub>E</sub>X world is very large and diverse. In
order to enable users to address their special needs—from simply
making some text bold to fulfilling special requirements for the
next book or scientific paper you want to publish—, the core
functionality of T<sub>E</sub>Xworks can be extended or modified by
the use of scripts. <!--l. 11--></p>

<p class="indent">Scripts are simple text files that you can open,
read, or modify in any text editor (including T<sub>E</sub>Xworks,
of course). They are written in a specific scripting language that
is essentially a programming language. At the time of writing,
T<sub>E</sub>Xworks supports QtScript<span class=
"footnote-mark"><a href="index36.html#fn1x7"><sup class=
"textsuperscript">1</sup></a></span><a id="x35-39001f1" name=
"x35-39001f1"></a> (built-in), Lua (with a plugin), and Python
(with a plugin). To see which scripting languages are available on
your system, use the <em class="c1">Scripts</em><span class=
"lmsy-10x-x-120">→</span><em class="c1">Scripting
T<sub>E</sub>Xworks</em><span class=
"lmsy-10x-x-120">→</span><em class="c1">About Scripts…</em> menu
item. <!--l. 13--></p>

<p class="indent">Writing scripts<a id="dx35-39002" name=
"dx35-39002"></a> is beyond the scope of this manual, but is
documented elsewhere<span class="footnote-mark"><a href=
"index37.html#fn2x7"><sup class=
"textsuperscript">2</sup></a></span><a id="x35-39003f2" name=
"x35-39003f2"></a>. Here, only the installation and usage of
scripts will be discussed. <!--l. 15--></p>

<p class="indent">T<sub>E</sub>Xworks distinguishes between two
types of scripts: standalone scripts and hook scripts. The primary
purpose of standalone scripts is to add new functionality to the
program. If you need a new function, such as a command to make the
selected text bold, a standalone script is the one to choose. These
scripts get an item in the <em class="c1">Scripts</em> menu, and
you can run them simply by clicking on that menu item (or by using
a keyboard shortcut, if the script provides one). <!--l. 17--></p>

<p class="indent">Hook scripts, on the other hand, are meant to
extend existing T<sub>E</sub>Xworks functions. They are hooked into
the code at specific places, e.g., after the typeset process has
finished or after a file was loaded, and can add or modify whatever
T<sub>E</sub>Xworks is doing. One example for this would be a
script that analyses a newly loaded file and sets the
spell-checking language based on <span class=
"obeylines-h verb ec-lmtt-12">babel</span> commands found in the
document. Thus, hook scripts do not show up in the <em class=
"c1">Scripts</em> menu but are instead run automatically when the
T<sub>E</sub>Xworks function they modify is used. <!--l. 19--></p>

<p class="indent">You can easily determine which type of script you
have by opening the script file. Near the top of the file, you
should find a line similar to</p>

<div class="fancyvrb" id="fancyvrb17">
<a id="x35-39005r1" name="x35-39005r1"></a><span class=
"ec-lmtt-10x-x-109">&nbsp;</span><span class=
"ec-lmtt-10x-x-109">&nbsp;//</span><span class=
"ec-lmtt-10x-x-109">&nbsp;Type:</span><span class=
</div><!--l. 23-->

<p class="noindent">Alternatively—once the script is installed—,
you can use the dialogue available from <em class=
"c1">Scripts</em><span class="lmsy-10x-x-120">→</span><em class=
"c1">Scripting T<sub>E</sub>Xworks</em><span class=
"lmsy-10x-x-120">→</span><em class="c1">Manage Scripts</em> to
display this information.</p>

<h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">6.2</span> <a id=
"x35-400006.2" name="x35-400006.2"></a>Installing
Scripts</h3><a id="dx35-40001" name="dx35-40001"></a> <!--l. 28-->

<p class="noindent">A word of caution first: do not install scripts
from a source you do not trust! Before installing scripts, you
should make sure that the file you are about to install indeed does
what you expect. Scripts are very powerful—they can do almost
everything a normal program can do. So while there are some
security precautions built into T<sub>E</sub>Xworks, you should
still be aware that scripts could potentially harm your computer
and cause (among other things) crashes and data loss. In
particular, scripts can read, create, and modify arbitrary files on
your hard drive. <!--l. 30--></p>

<p class="indent">That said, installing scripts is very simple.
Script files are generally installed in <span class=
"path">&lt;resources&gt;/scripts</span> or subdirectories of it.
These subdirectories are shown as submenus of the <em class=
"c1">Scripts</em> menu, so they can be used to group and categorize
scripts. This is especially useful if you use many different
scripts that would otherwise make the <em class="c1">Scripts</em>
menu very confusing. One easy way to open the <span class=
"path">scripts</span> folder is the <em class=
"c1">Scripts</em><span class="lmsy-10x-x-120">→</span><em class=
"c1">Scripting T<sub>E</sub>Xworks</em><span class=
"lmsy-10x-x-120">→</span><em class="c1">Show Scripts Folder</em>
menu item. <!--l. 32--></p>

<p class="indent">Since scripts are usually simple plain-text
files, they do not come with fancy installers. To install them,
simply copy or decompress (if archived, e.g., in a .zip file) the
script file—and any other required files that you may have
received—into <span class="path">&lt;resources&gt;/scripts</span>
or a subdirectory of it. <!--l. 34--></p>

<p class="indent">After having installed a new script file,
T<sub>E</sub>Xworks needs to become aware of it. It automatically
scans for all scripts during start-up, so you could close all
T<sub>E</sub>Xworks windows and restart the application. An
alternative is provided by the <em class=
"c1">Scripts</em><span class="lmsy-10x-x-120">→</span><em class=
"c1">Scripting T<sub>E</sub>Xworks</em> <span class=
"lmsy-10x-x-120">→</span><em class="c1">Reload Script List</em>
menu item which rescans all scripts without otherwise interfering
with the program. <!--l. 36--></p>

<p class="indent">You can also disable scripts (or whole
directories of scripts) if you want to. This can be useful if you
do not need some scripts for some time and do not want them to
clutter the <em class="c1">Scripts</em> menu, but do not want to
uninstall them entirely. Or if you want to prevent hook scripts
from being run automatically. To do this, open the “Manage Scripts”
dialogue with the <em class="c1">Scripts</em><span class=
"lmsy-10x-x-120">→</span><em class="c1">Scripting
T<sub>E</sub>Xworks</em><span class=
"lmsy-10x-x-120">→</span><em class="c1">Manage Scripts</em><a id=
"dx35-40002" name="dx35-40002"></a> menu item. Simply uncheck the
script you want to disable and it won’t bother you again. 
<!--l. 38--></p>

<p class="noindent"></p>

<h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">6.3</span> <a id=
"x35-410006.3" name="x35-410006.3"></a>Using Scripts</h3><a id=
"dx35-41001" name="dx35-41001"></a> <!--l. 40-->

<p class="noindent">Using scripts is simple. Hook scripts are used
automatically—you don’t need to do anything. Standalone scripts
show up in the <em class="c1">Scripts</em> menu or one of its
submenus. If you cannot find a script you are looking for, or if
you find a script you do not know the purpose of, you can use the
“Manage Scripts” dialogue to get additional information (like the
author, a brief description, etc.) about it. <!--l. 42--></p>

<p class="indent">Some scripts need to run other programs on your
system. One example would be a script that opens the pdf in the
system’s default previewer, e.g., for printing. Since running
arbitrary commands can in some situations be particularly
dangerous, this functionality is disabled by default. You will
notice this when a dialogue pops up informing you of an error in
the script, or a similar message is displayed in the status bar. To
enable scripts to execute system commands, open the preferences
dialogue via the <em class="c1">Edit</em><span class=
"lmsy-10x-x-120">→</span><em class="c1">Preferences…</em> menu
item. There, go to the “Scripts” tab and check the “Allow scripts
to run system commands” option. If you want to disable this
function again later just uncheck the option. Note that this option
applies equally to all scripts—there is currently no way to allow
command execution only for some scripts. <!--l. 5--></p>

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