

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.2 > i586 > by-pkgid > b92d07bcce6b7f2da3b9721b1d9483a1 > files > 63



# Figures 8.5-7, pages 417-421.
# Centers of polyhedra.
import pylab
from math import log, pi
from cvxopt import blas, lapack, solvers
from cvxopt import matrix, spdiag, sqrt, mul, cos, sin, log
from cvxopt.modeling import variable, op 
solvers.options['show_progress'] = False

# Extreme points (with first one appended at the end)
X = matrix([ 0.55,  0.25, -0.20, -0.25,  0.00,  0.40,  0.55,  
             0.00,  0.35,  0.20, -0.10, -0.30, -0.20,  0.00 ], (7,2))
m = X.size[0] - 1

# Inequality description G*x <= h with h = 1
G, h = matrix(0.0, (m,2)), matrix(0.0, (m,1))
G = (X[:m,:] - X[1:,:]) * matrix([0., -1., 1., 0.], (2,2))
h = (G * X.T)[::m+1]
G = mul(h[:,[0,0]]**-1, G)
h = matrix(1.0, (m,1))

# Chebyshev center
# maximizse   R 
# subject to  gk'*xc + R*||gk||_2 <= hk,  k=1,...,m
#             R >= 0

R = variable()
xc = variable(2)
op(-R, [ G[k,:]*xc + R*blas.nrm2(G[k,:]) <= h[k] for k in xrange(m) ] + 
    [ R >= 0] ).solve()
R = R.value    
xc = xc.value    

pylab.figure(1, facecolor='w')

# polyhedron
for k in xrange(m):
    edge = X[[k,k+1],:] + 0.1 * matrix([1., 0., 0., -1.], (2,2)) * \
        (X[2*[k],:] - X[2*[k+1],:])
    pylab.plot(edge[:,0], edge[:,1], 'k')

# 1000 points on the unit circle
nopts = 1000
angles = matrix( [ a*2.0*pi/nopts for a in xrange(nopts) ], (1,nopts) )
circle = matrix(0.0, (2,nopts))
circle[0,:], circle[1,:] = R*cos(angles), R*sin(angles)
circle += xc[:,nopts*[0]]

# plot maximum inscribed disk
pylab.fill(circle[0,:].T, circle[1,:].T, facecolor = '#F0F0F0')
pylab.plot([xc[0]], [xc[1]], 'ko')
pylab.title('Chebyshev center (fig 8.5)')

# Maximum volume enclosed ellipsoid center
# minimize    -log det B
# subject to  ||B * gk||_2 + gk'*c <= hk,  k=1,...,m
# with variables  B and c.
# minimize    -log det L
# subject to  ||L' * gk||_2^2 / (hk - gk'*c) <= hk - gk'*c,  k=1,...,m
# L lower triangular with positive diagonal and B*B = L*L'.
# minimize    -log x[0] - log x[2]
# subject to   g( Dk*x + dk ) <= 0,  k=1,...,m
# g(u,t) = u'*u/t - t 
# Dk = [ G[k,0]   G[k,1]  0       0        0 
#        0        0       G[k,1]  0        0 
#        0        0       0      -G[k,0]  -G[k,1] ] 
# dk = [0; 0; h[k]] 
# 5 variables x = (L[0,0], L[1,0], L[1,1], c[0], c[1])

D = [ matrix(0.0, (3,5)) for k in xrange(m) ]
for k in xrange(m):
    D[k][ [0, 3, 7, 11, 14] ] = matrix( [G[k,0], G[k,1], G[k,1], 
        -G[k,0], -G[k,1]] )
d = [matrix([0.0, 0.0, hk]) for hk in h]

def F(x=None, z=None):
    if x is None:  
        return m, matrix([ 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ])
    if min(x[0], x[2], min(h-G*x[3:])) <= 0.0:  
        return None

    y = [ Dk*x + dk for Dk, dk in zip(D, d) ]

    f = matrix(0.0, (m+1,1))
    f[0] = -log(x[0]) - log(x[2])
    for k in xrange(m):  
        f[k+1] = y[k][:2].T * y[k][:2] / y[k][2] - y[k][2]
    Df = matrix(0.0, (m+1,5))
    Df[0,0], Df[0,2] = -1.0/x[0], -1.0/x[2]

    # gradient of g is ( 2.0*(u/t);  -(u/t)'*(u/t) -1) 
    for k in xrange(m):
        a = y[k][:2] / y[k][2]
        gradg = matrix(0.0, (3,1))
        gradg[:2], gradg[2] = 2.0 * a, -a.T*a - 1
        Df[k+1,:] =  gradg.T * D[k]
    if z is None: return f, Df
    H = matrix(0.0, (5,5))
    H[0,0] = z[0] / x[0]**2
    H[2,2] = z[0] / x[2]**2

    # Hessian of g is (2.0/t) * [ I, -u/t;  -(u/t)',  (u/t)*(u/t)' ]
    for k in xrange(m):
        a = y[k][:2] / y[k][2]
        hessg = matrix(0.0, (3,3))
        hessg[0,0], hessg[1,1] = 1.0, 1.0
        hessg[:2,2], hessg[2,:2] = -a,  -a.T
        hessg[2, 2] = a.T*a
        H += (z[k] * 2.0 / y[k][2]) *  D[k].T * hessg * D[k]

    return f, Df, H 
sol = solvers.cp(F)
L = matrix([sol['x'][0], sol['x'][1], 0.0, sol['x'][2]], (2,2))
c = matrix([sol['x'][3], sol['x'][4]])

pylab.figure(2, facecolor='w')

# polyhedron
for k in xrange(m):
    edge = X[[k,k+1],:] + 0.1 * matrix([1., 0., 0., -1.], (2,2)) * \
        (X[2*[k],:] - X[2*[k+1],:])
    pylab.plot(edge[:,0], edge[:,1], 'k')

# 1000 points on the unit circle
nopts = 1000
angles = matrix( [ a*2.0*pi/nopts for a in xrange(nopts) ], (1,nopts) )
circle = matrix(0.0, (2,nopts))
circle[0,:], circle[1,:] = cos(angles), sin(angles)

# ellipse = L * circle + c
ellipse = L * circle + c[:, nopts*[0]]

pylab.fill(ellipse[0,:].T, ellipse[1,:].T, facecolor = '#F0F0F0')
pylab.plot([c[0]], [c[1]], 'ko')
pylab.title('Maximum volume inscribed ellipsoid center (fig 8.6)')

# Analytic center.
# minimize  -sum log (h-G*x)

def F(x=None, z=None):
    if x is None: return 0, matrix(0.0, (2,1))
    y = h-G*x
    if min(y) <= 0: return None
    f = -sum(log(y))
    Df = (y**-1).T * G
    if z is None: return matrix(f), Df
    H =  G.T * spdiag(y**-1) * G
    return matrix(f), Df, z[0]*H

sol = solvers.cp(F)
xac = sol['x']
Hac = G.T * spdiag((h-G*xac)**-1) * G

pylab.figure(3, facecolor='w')

# polyhedron
for k in xrange(m):
    edge = X[[k,k+1],:] + 0.1 * matrix([1., 0., 0., -1.], (2,2)) * \
        (X[2*[k],:] - X[2*[k+1],:])
    pylab.plot(edge[:,0], edge[:,1], 'k')

# 1000 points on the unit circle
nopts = 1000
angles = matrix( [ a*2.0*pi/nopts for a in xrange(nopts) ], (1,nopts) )
circle = matrix(0.0, (2,nopts))
circle[0,:], circle[1,:] = cos(angles), sin(angles)

# ellipse = L^-T * circle + xc  where Hac = L*L'
ellipse = +circle
blas.trsm(Hac, ellipse, transA='T')
ellipse += xac[:, nopts*[0]]
pylab.fill(ellipse[0,:].T, ellipse[1,:].T, facecolor = '#F0F0F0')
pylab.plot([xac[0]], [xac[1]], 'ko')

pylab.title('Analytic center (fig 8.7)')