

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.2 > i586 > by-pkgid > b92d07bcce6b7f2da3b9721b1d9483a1 > files > 51



# Figures 6.15 and 6.16, pages 320 and 325.
# Stochastic and worst-case robust approximation.

from math import pi
from cvxopt import blas, lapack, solvers
from cvxopt import matrix, spmatrix, mul, cos, sin, sqrt, uniform
import pylab, numpy
from pickle import load
solvers.options['show_progress'] = 0

def wcls(A, Ap, b):
    Solves the robust least squares problem

        minimize sup_{||u||<= 1} || (A + sum_k u[k]*Ap[k])*x - b ||_2^2.

    A is mxn.  Ap is a list of mxn matrices.  b is mx1.

    (m, n), p = A.size, len(Ap)

    # minimize    t + v
    # subject to  [ I         *     *  ]
    #             [ P(x)'     v*I  -*  ] >= 0.
    #             [ (A*x-b)'  0     t  ]
    # where P(x) = [Ap[0]*x, Ap[1]*x, ..., Ap[p-1]*x].
    # Variables x (n), v (1), t(1). 

    novars = n + 2
    M = m + p + 1
    c = matrix( n*[0.0] + 2*[1.0])
    Fs = [spmatrix([],[],[], (M**2, novars))]
    for k in xrange(n):
        # coefficient of x[k]
        S = spmatrix([], [], [], (M, M))
        for j in xrange(p):
            S[m+j, :m] = -Ap[j][:,k].T
            S[-1, :m ] = -A[:,k].T
        Fs[0][:,k] = S[:] 
    # coefficient of v
    Fs[0][(M+1)*m : (M+1)*(m+p) : M+1, -2] = -1.0
    # coefficient of t
    Fs[0][-1, -1] = -1.0

    hs = [matrix(0.0, (M, M))]
    hs[0][:(M+1)*m:M+1] = 1.0
    hs[0][-1, :m] = -b.T

    return solvers.sdp(c, None, None, Fs, hs)['x'][:n]

# Figure 6.15

data = load(open('robls.bin','r'))['6.15']
A, b, B = data['A'], data['b'], data['B']
m, n = A.size

# Nominal problem:  minimize || A*x - b ||_2
xnom = +b
lapack.gels(+A, xnom)
xnom = xnom[:n]

# Stochastic problem.
# minimize E || (A+u*B) * x - b ||_2^2 
#          = || A*x - b||_2^2 + x'*P*x
# with P = E(u^2) * B'*B = (1/3) * B'*B

S = A.T * A + (1.0/3.0) * B.T * B
xstoch = A.T * b 
lapack.posv(S, xstoch)

# Worst case approximation.
# minimize max_{-1 <= u <= 1} ||A*u - b||_2^2.

xwc = wcls(A, [B], b)

pylab.figure(1, facecolor='w')
nopts = 500
us = -2.0 + (2.0 - (-2.0))/(nopts-1) * matrix(range(nopts),tc='d')
rnom = [ blas.nrm2( (A+u*B)*xnom - b) for u in us ]
rstoch = [ blas.nrm2( (A+u*B)*xstoch - b) for u in us ]
rwc = [ blas.nrm2( (A+u*B)*xwc - b) for u in us ]
pylab.plot(us, rnom, us, rstoch, us, rwc)
pylab.plot([-1, -1], [0, 12], '--k', [1, 1], [0, 12], '--k')
pylab.axis([-2.0, 2.0, 0.0, 12.0])
pylab.text(us[9], rnom[9], 'nominal')
pylab.text(us[9], rstoch[9], 'stochastic')
pylab.text(us[9], rwc[9], 'worst case')
pylab.title('Robust least-squares (fig.6.15)')

# Figure 6.16

data = load(open('robls.bin','r'))['6.16']
A, Ap, b = data['A0'], [data['A1'], data['A2']], data['b']
(m, n), p = A.size, len(Ap)

# least squares solution:  minimize || A*x - b ||_2^2
xls = +b 
lapack.gels(+A, xls)
xls = xls[:n]

# Tikhonov solution:  minimize || A*x - b ||_2^2 + 0.1*||x||^2_2
xtik = A.T*b
S = A.T*A
S[::n+1] += 0.1
lapack.posv(S, xtik)

# Worst case solution
xwc = wcls(A, Ap, b)

notrials = 100000
r = sqrt(uniform(1,notrials))
theta = 2.0 * pi * uniform(1,notrials)
u = matrix(0.0, (2,notrials))
u[0,:] = mul(r, cos(theta))
u[1,:] = mul(r, sin(theta))

# LS solution 
q = A*xls - b
P = matrix(0.0, (m,2))
P[:,0], P[:,1] = Ap[0]*xls, Ap[1]*xls
r = P*u + q[:,notrials*[0]]
resls = sqrt( matrix(1.0, (1,m)) * mul(r,r) )

q = A*xtik - b
P[:,0], P[:,1] = Ap[0]*xtik, Ap[1]*xtik
r = P*u + q[:,notrials*[0]]
restik = sqrt( matrix(1.0, (1,m)) * mul(r,r) )

q = A*xwc - b
P[:,0], P[:,1] = Ap[0]*xwc, Ap[1]*xwc
r = P*u + q[:,notrials*[0]]
reswc = sqrt( matrix(1.0, (1,m)) * mul(r,r) )

pylab.figure(2, facecolor='w')
pylab.hist(list(resls), numpy.array([0.1*k for k in xrange(50)]), fc='w', 
pylab.text(4.4, 0.4, 'least-squares')
pylab.hist(list(restik), numpy.array([0.1*k for k in xrange(50)]), fc='#D0D0D0', 
pylab.text(2.9, 0.75, 'Tikhonov')
pylab.hist(list(reswc), numpy.array([0.1*k for k in xrange(50)]), fc='#B0B0B0', 
pylab.text(2.5, 2.0, 'robust least-squares')
pylab.axis([0, 5, 0, 2.5])
pylab.title('LS, Tikhonov and robust LS solutions (fig. 6.16)')