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  <p>Einstein puzzle is cross-platform open source remake of old DOS game Sherlock 
  which was inspired by 
  <a href="">Albert Einstein's puzzle</a>.
  Einstein said that only those with an intelligence quotient of 
  98 percentile and higher should be able to solve it.


  <p><a href="einstein.png"><img src="einstein-small.png" width=361 height=282></a>.
  <h2>Game Rules</h2>
  <p>The game goal is to open all cards in square of 6x6 cards.  When
  every card is open, field looks like this:

  <p><img src="opensquare.png" width=323 height=323>

  <p>Every row of square contains cards of one type only.  For example,
  first row contains arabic digits, second - letters, third - rome digits,
  fouths - dices, fifth - geometric figures, sixs - mathematic symbols.

  <p>Use logic and open cards with method of exclusion.  If card doesn't
  opened, cell contains every possible cards.  For example,  
  <p><img src="closed.png" width=52 height=52>

  <p>means that whis cell may contain every rome digit with exception of 
  III (because card with III image is absent).  To open card click on
  small image with left mouse button.  To exclude card click with right
  mouse button.

  <p>Use tips to solve this puzzle.  There is two types of tips:
  horizontal and vertical.  Vertical tips located at screen bottom.
  For example, vertical tip
  <p><img src="verthint.png" width=52 height=100>

  <p>means that letter "B" and "+" sign located in the same column.

  <p>Horizontal tips located at the right side of the puzzle square.
  There is few type of horizontal tips.  First type of horizontal
  tip says that two cards located at neighbour columns, but it is
  unknown, which one is at the right side and thich is at the left:
  <p><img src="hornearhint.png" width=148 height=52>

  <p>Second tip type means that one cards is at the left of another.
  It says nothing about distance between that cards.  They may be
  neighbour columns or at the opposite sides of puzzle field:
  <p><img src="horposhint.png" width=148 height=52>
  <p>The last type of tip means that one card is located between
  two another cards:
  <p><img src="horbetweenhint.png" width=148 height=52>

  <p>All three cards must be located in neighbour columns, central
  card is always between other two, but it is unknown, which card is located
  at the right side and which at the left.
  <p>If you no longer need some tip, remove it by right mouse button click.
  You can always see removed tips by pressing "Switch" button.

  <h2>Download Einstein 1.0</h2>

  <p>The game is supported on Linux and Windows platform.  It requires
  SDL and SDL_ttf libraries.

    <li>Windows installer <a href="/files/einstein/einstein-1.0-setup.exe">[http]</a></li>
    <li>Sources <a href="/files/einstein/einstein-1.0-src.tar.gz">[http]</a></li>

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<tr><td><i>Copyright (c) 2002-2005 <a href="/en/personal/contact.html">Alexander Babichev</a>.</i></td></tr>
