

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.1 > i586 > by-pkgid > a53c27affaa780ec576d5f53901cf6f0 > files > 9


Chanes in 0.78:

 * last minor bugfix in mysql code.
 * all documentation rewriten: README, INSTALL, FAQ, README.Solaris
 	 also versions in Bulgarian.
 * fixed insecure temporary files - Debian - DSA-559-1 (net-acct)
 * moved clear_counters(); in the right place (fix for traffic loss in some
   specific situations)
 * added a lot of error checkings 
 * now works with ppp interface .. pptp vpn patched and tested by Valeri Dachev
 * mysql.c: code optimization by Valeri Dachev
 * mysql.c: changed %li to %ul .. this makes max traffic per write = 4Gb
 * added proper sql indexes
 * kill -HUP now reloads only nacctpeering file
 * compiles on NetBSD 1.6.x, 2.0 still need testing
 * compiles on OpenBSD 3.x
 * autoconf rewritten from scratch. no need to use gmake under *BSD anymore
 * fixed some compilation errors and warnings on FreeBSD (also *BSD i think)
   thanks to Roam (for help) and ThUnDeR (for the FreeBSD 4.8 shell)
 * some changes in mysql.c to store data for 5 minutes rrdtool graphics
 * added Oracle support by Robert Webber! Great work!
 * some code cleanups and most of the code is commented now
 * removed some unused old code
 * little DEBUG fix (never can be used) moved before break; in child_finished()
Changes in 0.76:

* added choice to set or not to set PROMISC mode in cfg file
* Replaced && with || in mysql.c .. it's a minor bugfix that will never
  affect accounting in real life but that's the right way. Thanks to Robert
  Weber <>
* Added bulgarian, and FAQ-bg.txt
* added Solaris startup script Robert Weber <>
* Now it compiles and run on Solaris -  Robert Weber <>
* mysql.c - return 0 - fix for returning correct value
* removed some code for config filename and dumpname
* removed some old code from (HASHSIZE)
* fix for many created files in /tmp/nacctd.write.[pid] on every write in
* fix for error: no filename given on freebsd
* added Ukranian IP space

Changes in 0.75:

* major code changes.
* we now stop supporting full logging .. if you want to use it get 0.73 version.
* new and optimized functions to collect data in memory so updating in sql
  will NOT cause heavy load. (thanx to
* now porting to other sql databases will be much more easier
* removed some code for writing in file/dumpfile
* some documentation updates
* added mysql_free_result() so allocated memory from mysql_store_result()
  can be freed :)
* added russian ip space by Stoyan Lekov <>
* updated bulgarian ip space and added example in readme how to get them
  thanx to Stephan Trajkoff <> :)
* rewritten some code to work with more than 1 interface usings pthreads
* removed mysql_table value from config file
* removed table accounting (full logging)
* removed some unused files
Changes in 0.74rc1:

* patch for netstat web interface, fixed problem when global_vars = off in php
  environment. Added new types of peering traffics direct and local, local 
  traffic have some problem with loging into mysql base. Added different 
  prices for input and output traffic type. 
* added mysql_port in config file, if = 0 use socket. Patch provided by
* added support for more than one interface

Update structure of traffic and users tables, there are a changes.

Changes in 0.73 Final:

* added man pages for nacctd(8) and nacctpeering(8) config file
* bugfix in netstat web interface. Thanx to Kostadin Zlatev <>
* added FreeBSD 4.x start script. Thanx to Andrey A. Tutolmin (
* more detailed reports of netstat, per hour statistics and more .. see NEWS
  file in netstat dir for list of all changes by Boril Yonchev
* mrta2netacct perl script if you want to move from mrta -> nacct, this will
  convert mrta database to netacct - Boril Yonchev
* Documentation

Changes in 0.73rc4:

* RedHat init.d script update, now it supports chkconfig. thanx to XERXES
* some debug/commented code cleanups
* new web interface for compactnet logging by BASHbug (netstat).
* new style of compactnet logging (mrta style) in different table. all
  compactnet logs now goes to table traffic .. everything else in
  accounting. patch by BASHbug <>
* errr ... removed sql query -> syslog, makes syslog very large ;)
* fixed incorrect logged ports on tcp/udp session - missing ntohs(). thanks
  to Michael Gjels <>

Changes in 0.73rc3:

* fixed disable fields in config file. now they are functional
* moved mysql table in config file, added pid file in config file, 
  added duration field (patches by
* added to import data from net-acct-dump.o.x.x.x files
  in mysql (thanks to XERXES)
* added two styles of network mask in nacctpeering file or
* added --with-hashsize=number (to change default hashsize=4096)
* updated some documentation
* fixed nacctd dying when can't connect to mysql, writing is delayed
* fixed memory leak in capture.c
* fixed typing bug in process.c (does not remove data from dump file when 
  write it to mysql)

Changes in 0.73rc2:

* rewrite of autoconf support, libpcap & mysql search, more platforms, allow to
  set different dir for config file (--sysconfdir= option)
* ported original capture-pcap.c which was written for solaris to compile
  on linux and freebsd. now it is capture.c
* netacct-mysql now depends on mysql and libpcap
* fixed some linking errors (-lm and -lz .. for mysql)
* updated INSTALL docs
* added redhat.init script
* successdul compiled and run on Linux , OpenBSD 2.9 and FreeBSD 4.3

Changes in 0.73rc1:

* added compactnet confguration option
* added simple autoconf support
* moved mysql user/pass in config file
* added debian.init script
* added support for choosing mysql or file logging

Changes in 0.73a1:

* added mysql support, now data is written in mysql instead of file
* some compilations warnings fixed