

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.0 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > f9f77ad9125ad5858971f07a63a92bd4 > files > 6


--- initrd/mknbi-set.26	2005-01-21 19:45:38.369598192 +0100
+++ initrd/mknbi-set	2005-01-21 19:45:38.373598313 +0100
@@ -22,12 +22,14 @@
 # Utility function: read modules.pcimap-style file
 # Add modules to modulesets hash, write out dhcpd.conf fragment
-sub read_config_file ($$$$) {
+sub read_config_file ($$$$$) {
   my $configfile = shift;
   my $modulesets = shift;
   my $dhcpfh = shift;
+  my $kernel_ver = shift;
   my $alwaysuse = shift;
+  my @modulepaths;
   print "Scanning through $configfile for network modules...\n" if $verbosity >= 1;
   open CF, $configfile or die "Could not open $configfile: $!\n";
   chomp ( my $tempmodule = `mktemp /tmp/mknbi-set.XXXXXX` );
@@ -41,10 +43,11 @@
     if ( ! exists $modulesets->{$module} ) {
       # Check to see if module is a network module
       # Only do this the first time we encounter a module
-      my @modulepaths = `/sbin/modprobe -l $module.o*` ;
+      @modulepaths = `find /lib/modules/$kernel_ver -name '$module.*'`;      
       chomp ( my $modulepath = $modulepaths[0] );
       if ( $modulepath ) {
-	if ( $modulepath =~ /.o.gz$/ ) {
+	      chomp $modulepath;
+	if ( $modulepath =~ /o.gz$/ ) {
 	  system ( "zcat $modulepath > $tempmodule" );
 	} else {
 	  system ( "cp $modulepath $tempmodule" );
@@ -79,7 +82,8 @@
 my $conffile = '/etc/mknbi-set.conf';
 my $mkinitrd_net = 'mkinitrd-net';
-my $mknbi = 'mknbi-linux --append=devfs=mount';
+my $mknbi = 'mknbi-linux';
+$mknbi .= ' --append=devfs=mount' if `/sbin/pidof -s devfsd` gt 0;
 my $output_dir = '/var/lib/tftpboot';
 my $dhcpfile = '/etc/dhcpd.conf.etherboot-pcimap.include';
 my $use_local;
@@ -124,10 +128,14 @@
 if ($kernel) {
   @kernels = ( $kernel );
 } else {
-  @kernels = glob('/boot/vmlinuz*');
+  die "kernel argument required...\n";
 die "Could not find any kernels in /boot\n" unless @kernels;
+my ($kernel_ver) = ( $kernel =~ /vmlinuz-(.*)$/ );
+$mkinitrd_net .= " --kernel $kernel_ver";
+print "mknbi: $mknbi\n" if $verbosity >= 1;
 # If modules have been specified via --refresh, do not scan for modules or rewrite the
 # dhcpd.conf fragment file
 unless ( %$modulesets ) {
@@ -145,14 +153,12 @@
   # Get set of network modules to build NBIs for
   # Read explicitly-specified module sets from $conffile
-  read_config_file($conffile, $modulesets, $dhcpfh, 1);
+  read_config_file($conffile, $modulesets, $dhcpfh, undef, 1);
   # Obtain list of all network modules from pcimap file
   my $pcimap;
-  foreach ( `/sbin/modprobe -c` ) {
-    $pcimap = $1 if /^pcimap.*?=(.*)$/;
-  }
+  $pcimap = "/lib/modules/$kernel_ver/modules.pcimap";
   if ( $pcimap ) {
-    read_config_file($pcimap, $modulesets, $dhcpfh, 0);
+    read_config_file($pcimap, $modulesets, $dhcpfh, $kernel_ver, 0);
   } else {
     print STDERR "Could not identify pcimap file\n";
--- initrd/include-modules.26	2002-05-26 11:10:59.000000000 +0200
+++ initrd/include-modules	2005-01-21 19:46:07.353378206 +0100
@@ -30,34 +30,58 @@
 # Use modprobe -nav to retrieve locations of modules and their dependencies
 print STDERR "Requested modules ". join (' ', @requested_modules)."\n" unless $quiet;
 my @modules_dups;
+my @module_list;
 foreach my $module ( @requested_modules ) {
-  my @module_list = map { /^\S+\s+(.*)$/ ; $1 } `/sbin/modprobe -nva $module`;
+  @module_list = map { /^\S+\s+(.*)$/ ; $1 } `/sbin/modprobe -nva $module | grep ^insmod`;
+  # some modules (like af_packet), don't respond to -nva under 2.6 kernel
+  # some modules also have name mismatches between 2.4 and 2.6 kernels
+  # try to grab it with find, although we may have issues with dependencies
+  @module_list = `find /lib/modules/$kernel_ver -name '$module.*'` unless @module_list;
   die "Cannot find any modules matching $module\n" unless @module_list;
-  push @modules_dups, @module_list;
+  # still get some empty results that generate errors later
+  push @modules_dups, @module_list if @module_list;
 # Remove duplicates from list
 my %module_basenames = ();
 my @modules = ();
+my @mod_basenames = ();
 foreach my $module ( @modules_dups ) {
   # Ugly hack : assume that dependencies are independent of kernel version
   # This seems to be necessary because we can't run modprobe and specify
   # an alternate modules.dep file; it refuses to understand lines of the 
   # form "depfile=XXX" as documented in modules.conf(5)
-  $module =~ s/$current_kernel_ver/$kernel_ver/ if $kernel_ver;
-  push @modules, $module unless $module_basenames{$module};
-  ( my $basename ) = ( $module =~ /([^\/]+)\.o/ ); 
-  $module_basenames{$module} = $basename;
+  # (sb) if the module was found with "find" this isn't needed  
+  if ($module !~ /$kernel_ver/) {
+    $module =~ s/.ko.gz/.o.gz/ if ($current_kernel_ver =~ /2.6/ && $kernel_ver =~ /2.4/);
+    $module =~ s/.o.gz/.ko.gz/ if ($current_kernel_ver =~ /2.4/ && $kernel_ver =~ /2.6/); 
+  }
+  my $basename;
+  if ($kernel_ver =~ /2.6/) {  
+    ($basename) = ( $module =~ /([^\/]+)\.ko/ ); 
+  } else {
+    ($basename) = ( $module =~ /([^\/]+)\.o/ );   
+  }
+  push @mod_basenames, $basename if ! grep { /$basename$/ } @mod_basenames;
 # Process module list
 print "#!/bin/sh\n";
-foreach my $module ( @modules ) {
-  my $basename = $module_basenames{$module};
+foreach my $basename ( @mod_basenames ) {
+  my $module = `find /lib/modules/$kernel_ver -name '$basename.*'`;
+  chomp $module;
   # Report via stdout
-  print STDERR "Using module $basename from $module\n" unless $quiet;
-  # Copy uncompressed module to current directory
-  system ("gunzip -c $module > $basename.o");
-  # Print insmod line to stdout
-  print "insmod $basename\n";
+  if ($module) {
+    print STDERR "Using module $basename from $module\n" unless $quiet;
+    # Copy uncompressed module to current directory
+    if ($kernel_ver =~ /2.6/) {
+      system ("gunzip -c $module > $basename.ko");
+      # Print insmod line to stdout
+      print "insmod /lib/modules/$kernel_ver/$basename.ko\n";
+    } else {
+      system ("gunzip -c $module > $basename.o");
+      # Print insmod line to stdout
+      print "insmod $basename\n"; 
+    }
+  }