

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.0 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > c27466c2a3fa3cf6008c3a485d00ce04 > files > 83


SECTION: 400-Security
TITLE: ssl
QUESTION: Configuring SSL for Jetty

This is an overview of how to configure SSL for Jetty, which uses Sun's 
reference implementation for the Java Secure Sockets Extension (JSSE).
Configuring SSL can be a confusing experience of keys, certificates,
protocols and formats, thus it helps to have a reasonable understanding
of the basics.  The following links provide some good starting points:
<LI>Certificates: <a href="">HOWTO</a>),
<a href="">Mindprod Java Glossary</a>.
<LI>Keytool: <a href="">unix</a>,
             <a href="">windows</a>.
<LI>Other tools: <a href="">IBM keyman</a>.
<LI>Open SSL: <a href="">HOWTO</a>,
             <a href="">FAQ</a>.

<H2>The Basics</H2>
The following steps are required to configure Jetty for SSL:<UL>
<A href="#step1">Step 1</A>) Generate or obtain a public/private key pair and x509 certificate.<BR>
<A href="#step2">Step 2</A>) Optionally obtain a certificate from a known certificate authority.<BR>
<A href="#step3">Step 3</A>) Load the keys and the certificates into a JSSE Keystore.<BR>
<A href="#step4">Step 4</A>) Configure a JsseListener with the location and passwords for the keystore.<BR>
<h3>OpenSSL Versus Keytool</h3>
For testing, keytool is probably the simplest way to generate the key and
certificate you will need. However, IBMs <a href="">keyman</a> is 
also pretty good and provides a GUI rather than a command line.
The OpenSSL tools can also be used to generate keys and certificates or to
convert ones that have been used with Apache or other servers.
The OpenSSL tool suite is commonly used by other servers such as Apache to
generate manipulate keys and certificates.  So you may already have some keys
and certificates created by openssl, or openssl may be more trusted than
keytool or some certificate authorities for step 2 may also prefer the 
formats produced by ssl.

If you want the option of using the same certificate with Jetty or a
web server such as Apache not written in Java, you may prefer to
generate your private key and certificate with openSSL.  The Java
keytool does not provide options for exporting private keys, and Apache
needs the private key. If you create the key and certificate
with openSSL your non-Java web server will have ready access to it.

<h2><a name="step1">Step 1) Keys and Certificates</a></H2>
The simplest way generate keys and certificates is to use the  keytool
application that comes with the JDK, as it generates keys and certificates 
directly into the keystore. See <A href="#step1a">step 1a</A>

If you already have keys and certificates, please goto <A href="#step3">step
3</A> to load them into a JSSE key store.
If you have a renewal certificate to replace one that is expiring, take
a look at <a href="#renewals">Renewing Certificates</a>.
The commands below only generate minimal keys and certificates.  You should read the
full manuals of the tools you are using if you wish to specify:<UL>
<LI>Key size.
<LI>Certificate expiry.
<LI>Alternate security providers.

<H3><a name="step1a">1a) Generating a certificate with JDK keytool</a></H3>

The following command will generate a key pair and certificate directly into
a keystore:<BR>

<UL><TABLE border=1 cellpadding=5 width="90%"><TR><TD><PRE>
# <b>keytool -keystore keystore -alias jetty -genkey -keyalg RSA</b>

This command will prompt for information about the certificate and for
passwords to protect both the keystore and the keys within it.  The only
mandatory response is to provide the fully qualified host name of the server
at the "first and last name" prompt.  For example:<BR>

<UL><TABLE border=1 cellpadding=5 width="90%"><TR><TD><PRE><small>
# <b>keytool -keystore keystore -alias jetty -genkey -keyalg RSA</b>
Enter keystore password:  <b>password</b>
What is your first and last name?
  [Unknown]:  <b></b>
What is the name of your organizational unit?
  [Unknown]:  <b>Jetty</b>
What is the name of your organization?
  [Unknown]:  <b>Mort Bay Consulting Pty. Ltd.</b>
What is the name of your City or Locality?
What is the name of your State or Province?
What is the two-letter country code for this unit?
Is, OU=Jetty, O=Mort Bay Consulting Pty. Ltd., 
L=Unknown, ST=Unknown, C=Unknown correct?
  [no]:  <b>yes</b>

Enter key password for <jetty>
        (RETURN if same as keystore password):  <b>password</b>
You now have the minimal requirements to run an SSL connection and could
proceed directly to <A href="#step4">step 4</A> to configure an SSL listener.   
However the certificate you have generated will not be trusted by the browser
and the user will be prompted to this effect.  This is often sufficient for 
testing, but most public site will need to <A href="#step2a">step 2a</A> to 
obtain a certificate trusted by most popular clients.
<a name="step1b"></a>
<H3>Step 1b) Keys and Certificates with openssl</H3>

The following command generates a key pair in the file jetty.key:<BR>

<UL><TABLE border=1 cellpadding=5 width="90%"><TR><TD><PRE>
# <b>openssl genrsa -des3 -out jetty.key</b>

You may also wish to use the -rand file argument to provide an arbitrary file
to help seed the random number generator.

The following command generates a certificate for the key into the file jetty.crt:<BR>

<UL><TABLE border=1 cellpadding=5 width="90%"><TR><TD><PRE>
# <b>openssl req -new -x509 -key jetty.key -out jetty.crt</b>

This command will prompt for information about the certificate and for
passwords to protect both the keystore and the keys within it.  The only
mandatory response is to provide the fully qualified host name of the server
at the "Common Name" prompt.  For example:<BR>

<UL><TABLE border=1 cellpadding=5 width="90%"><TR><TD><PRE><small>
# <b>openssl genrsa -des3 -out jetty.key</b>
Generating RSA private key, 512 bit long modulus
e is 65537 (0x10001)
Enter pass phrase for jetty.key:
Verifying - Enter pass phrase for jetty.key:

# <b>openssl req -new -x509 -key jetty.key -out jetty.crt</b>
Enter pass phrase for jetty.key:
You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
into your certificate request.
What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
For some fields there will be a default value,
If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]:.
State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]:.
Locality Name (eg, city) []:.
Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgets Pty Ltd]:<b>Mort Bay Consulting Pty. Ltd.</b>
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:<b>Jetty</b>
Common Name (eg, YOUR name) []:<b></b>
Email Address []:


You now have the minimal requirements to run an SSL connection and could
proceed directly to <A href="#step3">step 3</A> to load these keys and certificates into a
JSSE keystore.   However the certificate you have generated will not be
trusted by the browser and the user will be prompted to this effect.  This is 
often sufficient for testing, but most public site will need to <A href="#step2b">step
2b</A> to obtain a certificate trusted by most popular clients.

<H3><a name="step1c">Step 1c) Keys and Certificates from other sources</a></H3>
If you have keys and certificates from other sources, then you can proceed
directly to <A href="#step3">step 3</A>

<H2><a name="step2">Step 2) Request a trusted certificate</a></H2>
The keys and certificats generated in steps 1a and 1b are sufficient to run
an SSL listener.  However the certificate you have generated will not be
trusted by the browser and the user will be prompted to this effect. 
To obtain a certificate that will be trusted by most common browsers, you
need to request a well known certificate authority (CA) to sign your
key/certificate.  Such trusted CAs include: AddTrust, Entrust, GeoTrust, RSA
Data Security, Thawte, VISA, ValiCert, Verisign, beTRUSTed, among others.
Each CA will have their own instructions which should be followed (look for
JSSE or openssl sections), but all will involved a step to
generate a certificate signing request (CSR). 

<H3><a name="step2a">Step 2a) CSR from keytool</a></H3>
The following commands generates the file jetty.csr using keytool for a
key/cert already in the keystore:<BR>

<UL><TABLE border=1 cellpadding=5 width="90%"><TR><TD><PRE>
# <b>keytool -certreq -alias jetty -keystore keystore -file jetty.csr</b>

<H3><a name="step2b">Step 2b) CSR from openssl</a></H3>
The following commands generates the file jetty.csr using openssl for a
key in the file jetty.key:<BR>

<UL><TABLE border=1 cellpadding=5 width="90%"><TR><TD><PRE>
# <b>openssl req -new -key jetty.key -out jetty.csr</b>
Note that this command only uses the existing key from jetty.key file and not
a certificate in jetty.crt generated by step 1b. The details for the
certificate need to be entered again.

<H2><a name="step3">Step 3) Loading Keys and Certificates</a></H2>
Once a CA has sent you a certificate, or if you generated your own
certificate without keytool, then it will need to be loaded into
a JSSE keystore.  If you did not use keytool to generate the key, then it
will also need to be loaded into the keystore.

<H3><a name="step3a">Step 3a) Loading Certificates with keytool</a></H3>

A certificate in PEM form may be directly loaded into a keystore with
keytool. The PEM format is a text encoding of certificates and is produced by
openssl (as in step 1b) and is returned by some CAs.  An example PEM file is:<BR>

<UL><TABLE border=1 cellpadding=5 width="90%"><TR><TD><PRE><small>
# <b>jetty.crt</b>

The following command will load a PEM encoded certificate in the jetty.crt 
file into a JSSE keystore:<BR>

<UL><TABLE border=1 cellpadding=5 width="90%"><TR><TD><PRE>
# <b>keytool -keystore keystore -import -alias jetty -file jetty.crt \
Depending on the situation you may not require the
<tt>-trustcacerts</tt> option.  Try the operation without it if you
NOTE. That you need both the private key and the certificate in the
keystore. So the certificate should be loaded into the keystore used to
generate the CSR (step 2a).  If your key pair is not in a keystore (eg if
generated as step 1b), then you will need to use the PKCS12 format to
load both key and certificate as in step 3b.
If the certificate your receive from the CA is not in a format that
keytool understands, then the openssl command can be used to convert

<UL><TABLE border=1 cellpadding=5 width="90%"><TR><TD><PRE>
# <b>openssl x509 -in jetty.der -inform DER -outform PEM -out jetty.crt</b>

<H3><a name="step3b">Step 3b) Loading keys and certificates via PKCS12</a></H3>

If you have a key and certificate in separate files, they need to be combined
into a PKCS12 format file to be loaded into a new keystore. The certificate
can be one you generated yourself or one that has been returned from a CA in
response to your CSR.
The following openssl command will combine the keys in jetty.key and the
certificate in the jetty.crt file into the jetty.pkcs12 file:<BR>

<UL><TABLE border=1 cellpadding=5 width="90%"><TR><TD><PRE>
# <b>openssl pkcs12 -inkey jetty.key -in jetty.crt -export -out jetty.pkcs12</b>

If you have a chain of certificates, because your CA is an intermediary,
build the pkcs12 file like this:

# cat example.crt intermediate.crt [intermediate2.crt]... rootCA.crt > cert-chain.txt
# openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey example.key -in cert-chain.txt -out example.pkcs12

The order of certificates must be from server to rootCA, as per RFC2246
section 7.4.2.
OpenSSL is going to ask you for an "export password".  A non-empty
password seems to be required to make the next step work.  The
resulting PKCS12 file may be loaded into a JSSE keystore with the
following jetty utility class:<BR>

<UL><TABLE border=1 cellpadding=5 width="90%"><TR><TD><PRE>
# <b>java -classpath $JETTY_HOME/lib/org.mortbay.jetty.jar \
       org.mortbay.util.PKCS12Import jetty.pkcs12 keystore</b>
This asks for two passphrases.  Give the password from the last step
as the input passphrase and you are set.  The "output passphrase" will
need to appear in your jetty.xml config file as both the Password and
KeyPassword of the SunJsseListener that will use the certificate.

<h2><a name="step4">Step 4) Configure Jetty.</a></h2>

<p>Assuming you already have a functioning Jetty Server and are using the Sun JVM,
add the SunJsseListener as a HttpListeners, e.g. In the jetty.xml file 
you can uncomment the following lines:
  &lt;Call name="addListener"&gt;
      &lt;New class="org.mortbay.http.SunJsseListener"&gt;
        &lt;Set name="Port"&gt;8443&lt;/Set&gt;     
        &lt;Set name="Keystore"&gt;&lt;SystemProperty name="jetty.home" default="."/&gt;/keystore&lt;/Set&gt;

	&lt;Set name="Password"&gt;password&lt;/Set&gt;
	&lt;Set name="KeyPassword"&gt;password&lt;/Set&gt;
<I>Note. If you are using the IBM JSSE implementation, you may us the
org.mortbay.http.IbmJsseListener class from the contrib directory of a Jetty release.</I>
Remember that the default port for https is 443 not 80, so change 8443 to 443
if you want to be able to use URL's without explicit port numbers. For a
production site it normally makes sense to have a HttpListener on port 80 and
a SunJsseListener on port 443. Note that as these are privileged ports, you
may want to use a redirection mechanism to map port 80 to
eg 8080 and 443 to eg 8443. For details on this, see the <a href="User80.html">FAQ</A>.

The keystore file in this example is given relative to the jetty home
directory. For production, choose a private directory with restricted access
to keep your keystore in. Even though it has a password on it, the password
may be configured into the runtime environment so is vulnerable to theft.
Jetty can now be started the normal way (make sure that jcert.jar, jnet.jar
and jsse.jar are on your classpath) and SSL can be used with a URL like:
Note. The most common mistake at this point is to try to access port 8443
with http rather than https.
If CONFIDENTIAL or INTEGRAL security constraints are being used, then you should
also configure the normal HTTP listener which port to use for SSL:<pre>
  &lt;Call name="addListener"&gt;
      &lt;New class="org.mortbay.http.SocketListener"&gt;
        &lt;Set name="Port"&gt;&lt;SystemProperty name="jetty.port" default="8080"/&gt;&lt;/Set&gt;
        &lt;Set name="MinThreads"&gt;10&lt;/Set&gt;
        &lt;Set name="MaxThreads"&gt;100&lt;/Set&gt;
        &lt;Set name="MaxIdleTimeMs"&gt;30000&lt;/Set&gt;
        &lt;Set name="LowResourcePersistTimeMs"&gt;5000&lt;/Set&gt;
        &lt;Set name="ConfidentialPort"&gt;8443&lt;/Set&gt;
        &lt;Set name="IntegralPort"&gt;8443&lt;/Set&gt;


<H2>Password Issues</H2>
If the passwords are not provided in the configuration, they may be provided
as java properties (jetty.ssl.password and jetty.ssl.keypassword) else they
will be prompted for.
Remember that putting your password on the command line is a security risk.
They can also be set as properties within the config file, but
this risks accidental discovery by developers.
If jetty is given a password that begins with &quot;OBF:&quot; it is
treated as an obfuscated password. Passwords can be obfuscated by
running org.mortbay.util.Password as a main class. This can protect passwords
from casual observation.

<h2><a name="renewals">Renewing Certificates</h2></a>
If you are updating your configuration to use a newer certificate, as
when the old one is expiring, just do <a href="#step3">step
3</a>.  If you imported the key and certificate originally using the
PKCS 12 method, use an alias of "1" rather than "jetty", because that is
the alias the PKCS12 process enters into the keystore.