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<H1>Jetty Road Map&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="/jetty/images/roadmap.gif" align=middle></H1>

<H2>Stable Series: Jetty 4.2.x</H2>

The plan for the stable series will continue maintenance tasks while focusing
on integration and extensions such as:<UL>
<LI>JBoss integration.
<LI>Jonas integration.
<LI>JMX extension.
<LI>JettyPlus JNDI and JOTM integration.

The build environment needs to be updated to better support the variosu
integration modules.

<H2>Development Series: Jetty 5.0.x</H2>
The servlet spec 2.4 development series will start Q2 2003.  The 2.4 spec is
pretty incremental on the 2.3 spec, so this will be an evolution rather than
revolution.  Much of the infrastructure needed is already in 4.2.x

<H2>Experimental Series: Jetty 6.0 </H2>
Jetty 6.0 development has started already.  This is focused on the development
of brand new HTTP stack that is designed as blocking-agnostic plus includes
a significant portability layer.  The intent is to get a HTTP stack that can
run on everything from single threaded palm pilot running waba to the latest 
gun JVM with non-blocking io on a SMP engine.
To support non blocking IO, the HttpHandler API will be significantly
redesigned.  Non-servlet programmers will want to look at this API and it
will be available Q4 2003.
Only once the HTTP stack is stable and tested, will servlets be considered
for Jetty6.   As servlets are blocking by design, there is not a lot
they can gain from Jetty5 (other than speed and instability :-).  Jetty 6 
will not be considered for the stable series until at least late 2004.

<H1>Jetty History</H1>
You can't appreciate where you are going unless you understand where you have
been.  So here is jetty's history in a nutshell:

<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=3>
<td valign=top align=right colspan="25%">
<B>November 2002.</B>
Jetty 4.2.0 released with even greater performance.
The buffering and thread pooling were completely reworked.

<td valign=top align=right colspan="25%">
<B>September 2002.</B>
Jetty 4.1.0 released with greater performance and
improved apache integration.
<td valign=top align=right colspan="25%">
<B>June 2002.</B>
Jetty 4.1.x development series starts, focused on improved 
performance and greater simplicity. Also increase support for apache integration.
<td valign=top align=right colspan="25%">
<B>March 2002.</B> 
Jetty 4.0.0 release, supporting 2.3 servlet spec and 
optional JDK 1.4 features.  This release has focused on 2.3 features while
retaining Jetty's performance.
<td valign=top align=right colspan="25%">
<B>October 2001.</B> 
Jetty 4 development starts to support the 2.3
servlet specification.
<td valign=top align=right colspan="25%">
<B>September 2001.</B> 
Jetty 3.1.0 released a change to the org.mortbay package 
names, many performance improvements and a small restructure to support JMX
<td valign=top align=right colspan="25%">
<B>January 2001.</B>
Stability releases of Jetty 3 with increased performance. 
<td valign=top align=right colspan="25%">
<B>October 2000.</B> 
Jetty 3 released for  Java 1.2, Servlet 2.2 and
the HTTP/1.1.  Passes Jakarta/watchdog servlet tests.   The code base 
has been significantly trimmed and refined from Jetty2.
<td valign=top align=right colspan="25%">
<B>December 1999.</B> 
Jetty 3 development started for Java 1.2, Servlet 2.2 and
the latest HTTP/1.1 RFC.
<td valign=top align=right colspan="25%">
<B>July 1999.</B>
Jetty 2.2.0 improved configuration and dynamic servlets.
Many improvements and bug fixes contributed from the Open Source community.
<td valign=top align=right colspan="25%">
<B>January 1999.</B> 
Jetty 2.1.0 upgraded to JSDK 2.1 API.
<td valign=top align=right colspan="25%">
<B>October 1998.</B> 
Jetty 2.0.1 released as <A HREF="">Open Source</A>
<td valign=top align=right colspan="25%">
<B>October 1998.</B>
Jetty 2.0 released with HTTP/1.1 support.
<td valign=top align=right colspan="25%">
<B>December 1997.</B> 
Jetty development finally progressed to a Release 1.0
stage.  The package hierarchy was moved to a org.mortbay structure and
merged with the other software packages of Mort Bay Consulting.
The JSDK versions of the javax.servlets were included in the release
in accordance with JavaSoft licensing requirements.
<td valign=top align=right colspan="25%">
<B>February 1997.</B> 
All involved agreed that MBServler was a terrible name,
so many weeks of effort were put in to remove all references to that name.
In the process the HttpHandler architecture was developed and support for
the beta1.0 javax.servlet API added.  Jetty was picked as the new
name because: <UL>
<LI>it started with a J
<LI>there is a little jetty in the Mort Bay Logo.  
<LI>jetty:// kind of looks like http://
<LI>you can pronounce j-80 or j-'eighty' as in port 80, the HTTP port.
<td valign=top align=right colspan="25%">
<B>December 1996.</B> 
The HTML generation package was used re-implemented and
documented. Release V4.5B of MBServler and IssueTracker were made
<td valign=top align=right colspan="25%">
<B>May 1996.</B>
Mort Bay entered a partnership with
<A href=>Intelligent Switched Systems</A>
to develop telephony and WWW based authenticated service platforms.
MBServler is used extensively in those platforms and was incrementally
improved by the process.
<td valign=top align=right colspan="25%">
<B>March 1996.</B>
<A href=>Mort Bay Consulting Pty. Ltd.</A>
took over the server and tracking application.  The server was
renamed MBServler (a Servlet Serving Server) and ported to
the then release alpha javax.servlet API.
<td valign=top align=right colspan="25%">
<B>December 1995.</B>
<A href=>Greg Wilkins</A>
wrote a HTTP Server and WWW defect tracking
application as an entry to the Sun Microsystems Australia Java programming
contest.  Greg's entry won the contest.  This pre-dated Javasoft's
announcement of Jeeves and the javax.servlet API, so the server defined
its own API.