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Allegro Manual: Palette routines
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<h1><a name="Palette routines">Palette routines</a></h1>

<li><a href="#_set_color">_set_color</a> &mdash; Inline version of set_color().
<li><a href="#black_palette">black_palette</a> &mdash; A palette containing solid black colors.
<li><a href="#default_palette">default_palette</a> &mdash; The default IBM BIOS palette.
<li><a href="#desktop_palette">desktop_palette</a> &mdash; The palette used by the Atari ST low resolution desktop.
<li><a href="#fade_from">fade_from</a> &mdash; Gradually fades the palette between two others.
<li><a href="#fade_from_range">fade_from_range</a> &mdash; Gradually fades a part of the palette between two others.
<li><a href="#fade_in">fade_in</a> &mdash; Gradually fades the palette from black.
<li><a href="#fade_in_range">fade_in_range</a> &mdash; Gradually fades a part of the palette from black.
<li><a href="#fade_interpolate">fade_interpolate</a> &mdash; Calculates a new palette interpolated between two others.
<li><a href="#fade_out">fade_out</a> &mdash; Gradually fades the palette to black.
<li><a href="#fade_out_range">fade_out_range</a> &mdash; Gradually fades a part of the palette to black.
<li><a href="#generate_332_palette">generate_332_palette</a> &mdash; Constructs a fake truecolor palette.
<li><a href="#generate_optimized_palette">generate_optimized_palette</a> &mdash; Generates an optimized palette for a bitmap.
<li><a href="#get_color">get_color</a> &mdash; Retrieves the specified palette entry.
<li><a href="#get_palette">get_palette</a> &mdash; Retrieves the entire palette of 256 colors.
<li><a href="#get_palette_range">get_palette_range</a> &mdash; Retrieves a specific palette range.
<li><a href="#select_palette">select_palette</a> &mdash; Sets the internal palette for color conversion.
<li><a href="#set_color">set_color</a> &mdash; Sets the specified palette entry to the specified RGB triplet.
<li><a href="#set_palette">set_palette</a> &mdash; Sets the entire palette of 256 colors.
<li><a href="#set_palette_range">set_palette_range</a> &mdash; Sets a specific range of the palette.
<li><a href="#unselect_palette">unselect_palette</a> &mdash; Restores the palette before last call to select_palette().

All the Allegro drawing functions use integer parameters to represent 
colors. In truecolor resolutions these numbers encode the color directly as 
a collection of red, green, and blue bits, but in a regular 256-color mode 
the values are treated as indexes into the current palette, which is a table 
listing the red, green and blue intensities for each of the 256 possible 

Palette entries are stored in an RGB structure, which contains red, green 
and blue intensities in the VGA hardware format, ranging from 0-63, and is 
defined as:
<blockquote class="code"><pre>
   typedef struct <a href="alleg001.html#RGB" class="autotype" title="Single palette entry.">RGB</a>
      unsigned char r, g, b;
   } <a href="alleg001.html#RGB" class="autotype" title="Single palette entry.">RGB</a>;
It contains an additional field for the purpose of padding but you should
not usually care about it. For example:
<blockquote class="code"><pre>
   <a href="alleg001.html#RGB" class="autotype" title="Single palette entry.">RGB</a> black = { 0,  0,  0  };
   <a href="alleg001.html#RGB" class="autotype" title="Single palette entry.">RGB</a> white = { 63, 63, 63 };
   <a href="alleg001.html#RGB" class="autotype" title="Single palette entry.">RGB</a> green = { 0,  63, 0  };
   <a href="alleg001.html#RGB" class="autotype" title="Single palette entry.">RGB</a> grey  = { 32, 32, 32 };
The type PALETTE is defined to be an array of PAL_SIZE RGB structures, where
PAL_SIZE is a preprocessor constant equal to 256.

You may notice that a lot of the code in Allegro spells 'palette' as 
'pallete'. This is because the headers from my old Mark Williams compiler on 
the Atari spelt it with two l's, so that is what I'm used to. Allegro will 
happily accept either spelling, due to some #defines in allegro/alcompat.h
(which can be turned off by defining the ALLEGRO_NO_COMPATIBILITY symbol
before including Allegro headers).

<div class="al-api"><b>void <a name="set_color">set_color</a>(int index, const <a class="autotype" href="alleg001.html#RGB" title="Single palette entry.">RGB</a> *p);</b></div><br>
   Sets the specified palette entry to the specified RGB triplet. Unlike the 
   other palette functions this doesn't do any retrace synchronisation, so 
   you should call vsync() before it to prevent snow problems. Example:
<blockquote class="code"><pre>
      <a href="alleg001.html#RGB" class="autotype" title="Single palette entry.">RGB</a> rgb;
      <a href="alleg008.html#vsync" class="autotype" title="Waits for a vertical retrace to begin.">vsync</a>();
      <a href="#set_color" class="autotype" title="Sets the specified palette entry to the specified RGB triplet.">set_color</a>(192, &amp;rgb);</pre></blockquote>

<blockquote class="xref"><em><b>See also:</b></em>
<a class="xref" href="#set_palette" title="Sets the entire palette of 256 colors.">set_palette</a>,
<a class="xref" href="#get_color" title="Retrieves the specified palette entry.">get_color</a>,
<a class="xref" href="#_set_color" title="Inline version of set_color().">_set_color</a>.</blockquote>

<blockquote class="eref"><em><b>Examples using this:</b></em>
<a class="eref" href="alleg046.html#ex12bit" title="How to fake a 12-bit truecolor mode on an 8-bit card.">ex12bit</a>,
<a class="eref" href="alleg046.html#exrgbhsv" title="RGB <-> HSV color space conversions.">exrgbhsv</a>,
<a class="eref" href="alleg046.html#exscroll" title="Mode-X hardware scrolling and split screens.">exscroll</a>.</blockquote>
<div class="al-api"><b>void <a name="_set_color">_set_color</a>(int index, const <a class="autotype" href="alleg001.html#RGB" title="Single palette entry.">RGB</a> *p);</b></div><br>
   This is an inline version of set_color(), intended for use in the
   vertical retrace simulator callback function (retrace_proc, which is now

   If you really must use _set_color from retrace_proc, note that it should
   only be used under DOS, in VGA mode 13h and mode-X. Some SVGA chipsets
   aren't VGA compatible (set_color() and set_palette() will use VESA calls on
   these cards, but _set_color() doesn't know about that).

<blockquote class="xref"><em><b>See also:</b></em>
<a class="xref" href="#set_color" title="Sets the specified palette entry to the specified RGB triplet.">set_color</a>,
<a class="xref" href="alleg008.html#set_gfx_mode" title="Sets a graphic video mode.">set_gfx_mode</a>.</blockquote>

<blockquote class="eref"><em><b>Examples using this:</b></em>
<a class="eref" href="alleg046.html#ex3buf" title="Mode-X triple buffering and retrace interrupt simulation.">ex3buf</a>.</blockquote>
<div class="al-api"><b>void <a name="set_palette">set_palette</a>(const <a class="autotype" href="alleg001.html#PALETTE" title="Stores palette information.">PALETTE</a> p);</b></div><br>
   Sets the entire palette of 256 colors. You should provide an array of 256 
   RGB structures. Unlike set_color(), there is no need to call vsync() 
   before this function. Example:
<blockquote class="code"><pre>
      <a href="alleg001.html#BITMAP" class="autotype" title="Stores the contents of a bitmap.">BITMAP</a> *bmp;
      <a href="alleg001.html#PALETTE" class="autotype" title="Stores palette information.">PALETTE</a> palette;
      bmp = <a href="alleg010.html#load_bitmap" class="autotype" title="Loads any supported bitmap from a file.">load_bitmap</a>(filename, palette);
      if (!bmp)
         abort_on_error("Couldn't load bitmap!");
      <a href="#set_palette" class="autotype" title="Sets the entire palette of 256 colors.">set_palette</a>(palette);</pre></blockquote>

<blockquote class="xref"><em><b>See also:</b></em>
<a class="xref" href="alleg008.html#set_gfx_mode" title="Sets a graphic video mode.">set_gfx_mode</a>,
<a class="xref" href="#set_palette_range" title="Sets a specific range of the palette.">set_palette_range</a>,
<a class="xref" href="#set_color" title="Sets the specified palette entry to the specified RGB triplet.">set_color</a>,
<a class="xref" href="#get_palette" title="Retrieves the entire palette of 256 colors.">get_palette</a>,
<a class="xref" href="#select_palette" title="Sets the internal palette for color conversion.">select_palette</a>,
<a class="xref" href="alleg012.html#palette_color" title="Maps palette indexes into the current pixel format colors.">palette_color</a>.</blockquote>

<blockquote class="eref"><em><b>Examples using this:</b></em>
<a class="eref" href="alleg046.html#Available Allegro examples" title="">Available Allegro examples</a>.</blockquote>
<div class="al-api"><b>void <a name="set_palette_range">set_palette_range</a>(const <a class="autotype" href="alleg001.html#PALETTE" title="Stores palette information.">PALETTE</a> p, int from, int to, int vsync);</b></div><br>
   Sets the palette entries between from and to (inclusive: pass 0 and 255 
   to set the entire palette). If vsync is set it waits for the vertical 
   retrace, otherwise it sets the colors immediately. Example:
<blockquote class="code"><pre>
      <a href="alleg001.html#PALETTE" class="autotype" title="Stores palette information.">PALETTE</a> palette;
      /* Modify the first 16 entries. */
      /* Now update them waiting for <a href="alleg008.html#vsync" class="autotype" title="Waits for a vertical retrace to begin.">vsync</a>. */
      <a href="#set_palette_range" class="autotype" title="Sets a specific range of the palette.">set_palette_range</a>(palette, 0, 15, 1);</pre></blockquote>

<blockquote class="xref"><em><b>See also:</b></em>
<a class="xref" href="#set_palette" title="Sets the entire palette of 256 colors.">set_palette</a>,
<a class="xref" href="#get_palette_range" title="Retrieves a specific palette range.">get_palette_range</a>.</blockquote>

<blockquote class="eref"><em><b>Examples using this:</b></em>
<a class="eref" href="alleg046.html#exzbuf" title="Z-buffered polygons demo.">exzbuf</a>.</blockquote>
<div class="al-api"><b>void <a name="get_color">get_color</a>(int index, <a class="autotype" href="alleg001.html#RGB" title="Single palette entry.">RGB</a> *p);</b></div><br>
   Retrieves the specified palette entry. Example:
<blockquote class="code"><pre>
      <a href="alleg001.html#RGB" class="autotype" title="Single palette entry.">RGB</a> color;
      <a href="#get_color" class="autotype" title="Retrieves the specified palette entry.">get_color</a>(11, &amp;color);</pre></blockquote>

<blockquote class="xref"><em><b>See also:</b></em>
<a class="xref" href="#get_palette" title="Retrieves the entire palette of 256 colors.">get_palette</a>,
<a class="xref" href="#set_color" title="Sets the specified palette entry to the specified RGB triplet.">set_color</a>.</blockquote>
<div class="al-api"><b>void <a name="get_palette">get_palette</a>(<a class="autotype" href="alleg001.html#PALETTE" title="Stores palette information.">PALETTE</a> p);</b></div><br>
   Retrieves the entire palette of 256 colors. You should provide an array 
   of 256 RGB structures to store it in. Example:
<blockquote class="code"><pre>
      <a href="alleg001.html#PALETTE" class="autotype" title="Stores palette information.">PALETTE</a> pal;
      <a href="#get_palette" class="autotype" title="Retrieves the entire palette of 256 colors.">get_palette</a>(pal);</pre></blockquote>

<blockquote class="xref"><em><b>See also:</b></em>
<a class="xref" href="#get_palette_range" title="Retrieves a specific palette range.">get_palette_range</a>,
<a class="xref" href="#get_color" title="Retrieves the specified palette entry.">get_color</a>,
<a class="xref" href="#set_palette" title="Sets the entire palette of 256 colors.">set_palette</a>.</blockquote>
<div class="al-api"><b>void <a name="get_palette_range">get_palette_range</a>(<a class="autotype" href="alleg001.html#PALETTE" title="Stores palette information.">PALETTE</a> p, int from, int to);</b></div><br>
   Retrieves the palette entries between from and to (inclusive: pass 0 and 
   255 to get the entire palette).

<blockquote class="xref"><em><b>See also:</b></em>
<a class="xref" href="#get_palette" title="Retrieves the entire palette of 256 colors.">get_palette</a>,
<a class="xref" href="#set_palette_range" title="Sets a specific range of the palette.">set_palette_range</a>.</blockquote>
<div class="al-api"><b>void <a name="fade_interpolate">fade_interpolate</a>(const <a class="autotype" href="alleg001.html#PALETTE" title="Stores palette information.">PALETTE</a> source, const <a class="autotype" href="alleg001.html#PALETTE" title="Stores palette information.">PALETTE</a> dest,
                      <a class="autotype" href="alleg001.html#PALETTE" title="Stores palette information.">PALETTE</a> output, int pos, int from, int to);</b></div><br>
   Calculates a temporary palette part way between source and dest, 
   returning it in the output parameter. The position between the two 
   extremes is specified by the pos value: 0 returns an exact copy of 
   source, 64 returns dest, 32 returns a palette half way between the two, 
   etc. This routine only affects colors between from and to (inclusive: 
   pass 0 and 255 to interpolate the entire palette).

<blockquote class="xref"><em><b>See also:</b></em>
<a class="xref" href="#fade_in" title="Gradually fades the palette from black.">fade_in</a>,
<a class="xref" href="#fade_out" title="Gradually fades the palette to black.">fade_out</a>,
<a class="xref" href="#fade_from" title="Gradually fades the palette between two others.">fade_from</a>.</blockquote>
<div class="al-api"><b>void <a name="fade_from_range">fade_from_range</a>(const <a class="autotype" href="alleg001.html#PALETTE" title="Stores palette information.">PALETTE</a> source, const <a class="autotype" href="alleg001.html#PALETTE" title="Stores palette information.">PALETTE</a> dest,
                     int speed, int from, int to);</b></div><br>
   Gradually fades a part of the palette from the source palette to the dest 
   palette. The speed is from 1 (the slowest) up to 64 (instantaneous). This 
   routine only affects colors between from and to (inclusive: pass 0 and 
   255 to fade the entire palette).

   Note that this function will block your game while the fade is in effect,
   and it won't work right visually if you are not in an 8 bit color depth

<blockquote class="xref"><em><b>See also:</b></em>
<a class="xref" href="#fade_from" title="Gradually fades the palette between two others.">fade_from</a>.</blockquote>
<div class="al-api"><b>void <a name="fade_in_range">fade_in_range</a>(const <a class="autotype" href="alleg001.html#PALETTE" title="Stores palette information.">PALETTE</a> p, int speed, int from, int to);</b></div><br>
   Gradually fades a part of the palette from a black screen to the 
   specified palette. The speed is from 1 (the slowest) up to 64 
   (instantaneous). This routine only affects colors between from and to 
   (inclusive: pass 0 and 255 to fade the entire palette).

   Note that this function will block your game while the fade is in effect,
   and it won't work right visually if you are not in an 8 bit color depth

<blockquote class="xref"><em><b>See also:</b></em>
<a class="xref" href="#fade_in" title="Gradually fades the palette from black.">fade_in</a>.</blockquote>
<div class="al-api"><b>void <a name="fade_out_range">fade_out_range</a>(int speed, int from, int to);</b></div><br>
   Gradually fades a part of the palette from the current palette to a black 
   screen. The speed is from 1 (the slowest) up to 64 (instantaneous). This 
   routine only affects colors between from and to (inclusive: pass 0 and 
   255 to fade the entire palette).

   Note that this function will block your game while the fade is in effect,
   and it won't work right visually if you are not in an 8 bit color depth

<blockquote class="xref"><em><b>See also:</b></em>
<a class="xref" href="#fade_out" title="Gradually fades the palette to black.">fade_out</a>.</blockquote>
<div class="al-api"><b>void <a name="fade_from">fade_from</a>(const <a class="autotype" href="alleg001.html#PALETTE" title="Stores palette information.">PALETTE</a> source, const <a class="autotype" href="alleg001.html#PALETTE" title="Stores palette information.">PALETTE</a> dest, int speed);</b></div><br>
   Fades gradually from the source palette to the dest palette. The speed is 
   from 1 (the slowest) up to 64 (instantaneous).

   Note that this function will block your game while the fade is in effect,
   and it won't work right visually if you are not in an 8 bit color depth

<blockquote class="xref"><em><b>See also:</b></em>
<a class="xref" href="#fade_in" title="Gradually fades the palette from black.">fade_in</a>,
<a class="xref" href="#fade_out" title="Gradually fades the palette to black.">fade_out</a>,
<a class="xref" href="#fade_interpolate" title="Calculates a new palette interpolated between two others.">fade_interpolate</a>,
<a class="xref" href="#fade_from_range" title="Gradually fades a part of the palette between two others.">fade_from_range</a>.</blockquote>
<div class="al-api"><b>void <a name="fade_in">fade_in</a>(const <a class="autotype" href="alleg001.html#PALETTE" title="Stores palette information.">PALETTE</a> p, int speed);</b></div><br>
   Fades gradually from a black screen to the specified palette. The speed 
   is from 1 (the slowest) up to 64 (instantaneous).

   Note that this function will block your game while the fade is in effect,
   and it won't work right visually if you are not in an 8 bit color depth

<blockquote class="xref"><em><b>See also:</b></em>
<a class="xref" href="#fade_out" title="Gradually fades the palette to black.">fade_out</a>,
<a class="xref" href="#fade_from" title="Gradually fades the palette between two others.">fade_from</a>,
<a class="xref" href="#fade_interpolate" title="Calculates a new palette interpolated between two others.">fade_interpolate</a>,
<a class="xref" href="#fade_in_range" title="Gradually fades a part of the palette from black.">fade_in_range</a>.</blockquote>
<div class="al-api"><b>void <a name="fade_out">fade_out</a>(int speed);</b></div><br>
   Fades gradually from the current palette to a black screen. The speed is 
   from 1 (the slowest) up to 64 (instantaneous).

   Note that this function will block your game while the fade is in effect,
   and it won't work right visually if you are not in an 8 bit color depth

<blockquote class="xref"><em><b>See also:</b></em>
<a class="xref" href="#fade_in" title="Gradually fades the palette from black.">fade_in</a>,
<a class="xref" href="#fade_from" title="Gradually fades the palette between two others.">fade_from</a>,
<a class="xref" href="#fade_interpolate" title="Calculates a new palette interpolated between two others.">fade_interpolate</a>,
<a class="xref" href="#fade_in_range" title="Gradually fades a part of the palette from black.">fade_in_range</a>.</blockquote>

<blockquote class="eref"><em><b>Examples using this:</b></em>
<a class="eref" href="alleg046.html#ex12bit" title="How to fake a 12-bit truecolor mode on an 8-bit card.">ex12bit</a>.</blockquote>
<div class="al-api"><b>void <a name="select_palette">select_palette</a>(const <a class="autotype" href="alleg001.html#PALETTE" title="Stores palette information.">PALETTE</a> p);</b></div><br>
   Ugly hack for use in various dodgy situations where you need to convert 
   between paletted and truecolor image formats. Sets the internal palette 
   table in the same way as the set_palette() function, so the conversion 
   will use the specified palette, but without affecting the display 
   hardware in any way. The previous palette settings are stored in an 
   internal buffer, and can be restored by calling unselect_palette(). If
   you call select_palette() again, however, the internal buffer will be

<blockquote class="xref"><em><b>See also:</b></em>
<a class="xref" href="#set_palette" title="Sets the entire palette of 256 colors.">set_palette</a>,
<a class="xref" href="#unselect_palette" title="Restores the palette before last call to select_palette().">unselect_palette</a>.</blockquote>

<blockquote class="eref"><em><b>Examples using this:</b></em>
<a class="eref" href="alleg046.html#exlights" title="One way to do colored lighting effects in a hicolor video mode.">exlights</a>.</blockquote>
<div class="al-api"><b>void <a name="unselect_palette">unselect_palette</a>();</b></div><br>
   Restores the palette tables that were in use before the last call to 

<blockquote class="xref"><em><b>See also:</b></em>
<a class="xref" href="#select_palette" title="Sets the internal palette for color conversion.">select_palette</a>.</blockquote>
<div class="al-api"><b>void <a name="generate_332_palette">generate_332_palette</a>(<a class="autotype" href="alleg001.html#PALETTE" title="Stores palette information.">PALETTE</a> pal);</b></div><br>
   Constructs a fake truecolor palette, using three bits for red and green 
   and two for the blue. The load_bitmap() function fills the palette
   parameter with this if the file does not contain a palette itself (ie. you
   are reading a truecolor bitmap).

<blockquote class="xref"><em><b>See also:</b></em>
<a class="xref" href="#generate_optimized_palette" title="Generates an optimized palette for a bitmap.">generate_optimized_palette</a>,
<a class="xref" href="alleg008.html#set_color_depth" title="Sets the global pixel color depth.">set_color_depth</a>.</blockquote>

<blockquote class="eref"><em><b>Examples using this:</b></em>
<a class="eref" href="alleg046.html#excolmap" title="Creating graphical effects with color mapping tables.">excolmap</a>,
<a class="eref" href="alleg046.html#exrgbhsv" title="RGB <-> HSV color space conversions.">exrgbhsv</a>,
<a class="eref" href="alleg046.html#extruec" title="Truecolor pixel format conversions.">extruec</a>,
<a class="eref" href="alleg046.html#exupdate" title="Supporting different screen update methods in a single program.">exupdate</a>.</blockquote>
<div class="al-api"><b>int <a name="generate_optimized_palette">generate_optimized_palette</a>(<a class="autotype" href="alleg001.html#BITMAP" title="Stores the contents of a bitmap.">BITMAP</a> *bmp, <a class="autotype" href="alleg001.html#PALETTE" title="Stores palette information.">PALETTE</a> pal,
                               const char rsvd[PAL_SIZE]);</b></div><br>
   Generates a 256-color palette suitable for making a reduced color version 
   of the specified truecolor image. The rsvd parameter points to a table 
   indicating which colors it is allowed to modify: zero for free colors
   which may be set to whatever the optimiser likes, negative values for
   reserved colors which cannot be used, and positive values for fixed
   palette entries that must not be changed, but can be used in the
<p><b>Return value:</b>
   Returns the number of different colors recognised in the provided bitmap,
   zero if the bitmap is not a truecolor image or there wasn't enough memory
   to perform the operation, and negative if there was any internal error in
   the color reduction code.

<blockquote class="xref"><em><b>See also:</b></em>
<a class="xref" href="#generate_332_palette" title="Constructs a fake truecolor palette.">generate_332_palette</a>,
<a class="xref" href="alleg008.html#set_color_depth" title="Sets the global pixel color depth.">set_color_depth</a>.</blockquote>
<div class="al-api"><b>extern <a class="autotype" href="alleg001.html#PALETTE" title="Stores palette information.">PALETTE</a> <a name="default_palette">default_palette</a>;</b></div><br>
   The default IBM BIOS palette. This will be automatically selected 
   whenever you set a new graphics mode. The palette contains 16 basic
   colors plus many gradients between them. If you want to see the values,
   you can write a small Allegro program which saves a screenshot with this
   palette, or open the grabber tool provided with Allegro and create a new
   palette object, which will use this palette by default.

<blockquote class="xref"><em><b>See also:</b></em>
<a class="xref" href="#black_palette" title="A palette containing solid black colors.">black_palette</a>,
<a class="xref" href="#desktop_palette" title="The palette used by the Atari ST low resolution desktop.">desktop_palette</a>.</blockquote>

<blockquote class="eref"><em><b>Examples using this:</b></em>
<a class="eref" href="alleg046.html#exjoy" title="Detecting, calibrating and using joystick input.">exjoy</a>.</blockquote>
<div class="al-api"><b>extern <a class="autotype" href="alleg001.html#PALETTE" title="Stores palette information.">PALETTE</a> <a name="black_palette">black_palette</a>;</b></div><br>
   A palette containing solid black colors, used by the fade routines.

<blockquote class="xref"><em><b>See also:</b></em>
<a class="xref" href="#default_palette" title="The default IBM BIOS palette.">default_palette</a>,
<a class="xref" href="#desktop_palette" title="The palette used by the Atari ST low resolution desktop.">desktop_palette</a>.</blockquote>

<blockquote class="eref"><em><b>Examples using this:</b></em>
<a class="eref" href="alleg046.html#expal" title="Palette effects and color cycling.">expal</a>.</blockquote>
<div class="al-api"><b>extern <a class="autotype" href="alleg001.html#PALETTE" title="Stores palette information.">PALETTE</a> <a name="desktop_palette">desktop_palette</a>;</b></div><br>
   The palette used by the Atari ST low resolution desktop. I'm not quite 
   sure why this is still here, except that the grabber and test programs 
   use it. It is probably the only Atari legacy code left in Allegro, and it 
   would be a shame to remove it :-)

   The contents of this palette are 16 colors repeated 16 times. Color entry
   zero is equal to color entry 16, which is equal to color entry 24, etc.
<blockquote class="text"><pre>
       Index      Color       RGB values
         0     White          63  63  63
         1     Red            63   0   0
         2     Green           0  63   0
         3     Yellow         63  63   0
         4     Blue            0   0  63
         5     Pink           63   0  63
         6     Cyan            0  63  63
         7     Grey           16  16  16
         8     Light grey     31  31  31
         9     Light red      63  31  31
        10     Light green    31  63  31
        11     Light yellow   63  63  31
        12     Light blue     31  31  63
        13     Light pink     63  31  63
        14     Light cyan     31  63  63
        15     Black           0   0   0</pre></blockquote>

<blockquote class="xref"><em><b>See also:</b></em>
<a class="xref" href="#default_palette" title="The default IBM BIOS palette.">default_palette</a>,
<a class="xref" href="#black_palette" title="A palette containing solid black colors.">black_palette</a>.</blockquote>

<blockquote class="eref"><em><b>Examples using this:</b></em>
<a class="eref" href="alleg046.html#Available Allegro examples" title="">Available Allegro examples</a>.</blockquote>
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