

distrib > Fedora > 16 > x86_64 > media > updates-src > by-pkgid > f621d02901663f1a53aebc337f16a7de > files > 3


From 893be9e3f4b5cbd9587a37ac7a96ee7c1815045d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Robert Rati <>
Date: Fri, 6 Jan 2012 10:16:21 -0600
Subject: [PATCH 3/6] Workflow and packaging improvements Added VERSION file

 Makefile               |   92 ++++++--
 VERSION                |    1 +
 condor-wallaby.spec    |  613 ----------------------------------------------- |  616 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 687 insertions(+), 635 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 VERSION
 delete mode 100644 condor-wallaby.spec
 create mode 100644

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 4dbbf2d..843242c 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,37 +1,85 @@
 .PHONY: build condor-wallaby
+null :=
+space := ${null} ${null}
 NAME := condor-wallaby
 SPEC := ${NAME}.spec
-VERSION := $(shell grep -i Version: "${SPEC}" | awk '{print $$2}')
-SOURCE := ${NAME}-${VERSION}.tar.gz
+VER = $(shell cat "VERSION")
+ORIG_VER := $(call VER)
+ORIG_MAJOR := $(shell cat "VERSION" | cut -d '.' -f 1)
+ORIG_MINOR := $(shell cat "VERSION" | cut -d '.' -f 2)
+ORIG_PATCH := $(shell cat "VERSION" | cut -d '.' -f 3)
+SOURCE := ${PREFIX}.tar.gz
+bump_and_commit_version = \
+  $(eval NEW_VER := $(1).$(2).$(3)) \
+  sed -i "s/${ORIG_VER}/${NEW_VER}/" VERSION; \
+  git commit -m "bumping VERSION from ${ORIG_VER} to ${NEW_VER}" VERSION; \
+  git tag ${NEW_VER}; \
+  git push origin master ${new_ver}
+create_patch_lines = \
+Patch${PATCH_NUM}: ${file} \
+$(eval APPLY_LINES += %patch${PATCH_NUM} -p1)\
+$(eval PATCH_NUM := $(shell expr ${PATCH_NUM} + 1))
 build: condor-wallaby
-condor-wallaby: SPECS/${SPEC} SOURCES/${SOURCE}
+condor-wallaby: rpmdirs gen_patches SPECS/${SPEC} SOURCES/${SOURCE}
 	rpmbuild --define="_topdir ${PWD}" -ba SPECS/${SPEC}
-	mkdir -p SPECS
+bump_major: VERSION
+	$(eval MAJOR := $(shell expr ${ORIG_MAJOR} + 1))
+	$(call bump_and_commit_version,${MAJOR},0,0)
+bump_minor: VERSION
+	$(eval MINOR := $(shell expr ${ORIG_MINOR} + 1))
+	$(call bump_and_commit_version,${ORIG_MAJOR},${MINOR},0)
+bump_patch: VERSION
+	$(eval PATCH := $(shell expr ${ORIG_PATCH} + 1))
+	$(call bump_and_commit_version,${ORIG_MAJOR},${ORIG_MINOR},${PATCH})
+SPECS/${SPEC}: rpmdirs ${SPEC}.in
+	sed "s/#VERSION#/${ORIG_VER}/" ${SPEC}.in > ${SPEC}
+	sed -i "s/#RELEASE#/${RELEASE}/" ${SPEC}
+	$(eval PATCH_FILES := $(sort $(shell ls SOURCES/*.patch)))
+	$(eval PATCH_LINES := $(strip $(foreach file,$(notdir ${PATCH_FILES}),$(create_patch_lines))))
+	$(eval PATCH_LINES := $(subst patch${space},patch\n, ${PATCH_LINES}))
+	$(eval APPLY_LINES := $(subst -p1${space},-p1\n, ${APPLY_LINES}))
+	echo "${PATCH_LINES}"
+	sed -i 's/#PATCHES#/${PATCH_LINES}/' ${SPEC}
+	sed -i 's/#APPLY_PATCHES#/${APPLY_LINES}/' ${SPEC}
 	cp -f ${SPEC} SPECS
-	mkdir -p SOURCES
-	rm -rf ${DIR}
-	mkdir ${DIR}
-	mkdir ${DIR}/doc
-	cp -f condor_configure_pool ${DIR}
-	cp -f condor_configure_store ${DIR}
-	cp -f condor_configd ${DIR}
-	cp -Rf module ${DIR}
-	cp -f config/* ${DIR}
-	cp -f LICENSE-2.0.txt README ${DIR}
-	cp -f doc/* ${DIR}/doc
-	tar -zcf ${SOURCE} ${DIR}
+SOURCES/${SOURCE}: rpmdirs pristine
+	@git archive --format=tar ${ORIG_VER} --prefix=${PREFIX}/ | gzip -9nv > ${SOURCE} 2> /dev/null
+upload_pristine: pristine
+	@echo "Please set FH_USERNAME" 
+gen_patches: rpmdirs
+	$(eval SIMPLE_NAMES := --numbered-files)
+	$(eval SIMPLE_NAMES := )
+	git format-patch ${SIMPLE_NAMES} -o SOURCES ${ORIG_VER}
+	mkdir -p ${RPMBUILD_DIRS}
-	rm -rf ${RPMBUILD_DIRS} ${DIR}
diff --git a/VERSION b/VERSION
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d0dcda
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/condor-wallaby.spec b/condor-wallaby.spec
deleted file mode 100644
index a7a802a..0000000
--- a/condor-wallaby.spec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,613 +0,0 @@
-%{!?python_sitelib: %define python_sitelib %(%{__python} -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib()")}
-%if (0%{?fedora} == 0 && 0%{?rhel} <= 5)
-%global building_for_el5 1
-%global building_for_el5 0
-Name: condor-wallaby
-Summary: Condor configuration using wallaby
-Version: 4.1.2
-Release: 1%{?dist}
-Group: Applications/System
-License: ASL 2.0
-Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
-%if %{building_for_el5}
-BuildRoot: %(mktemp -ud %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-XXXXXX)
-BuildArch: noarch
-BuildRequires: python >= 2.3
-The condor wallaby package provides a means to quickly and easily
-configure machines running Condor by providing tools to define configurations
-and apply them to nodes using wallaby.
-%package client
-Summary: Wallaby configuration client for condor
-Group: Applications/System
-Requires: condor >= 7.4.4-0.9
-Requires: python >= 2.3
-Requires: python-qmf >= 0.9.1073306
-Requires: python-condorutils >= 1.5-4
-Requires: python-wallabyclient = %{version}-%{release}%{?dist}
-%if 0%{?fedora} == 0
-Obsoletes: condor-remote-configuration
-%description client
-This package provides a means to quickly and easily configure machines
-running Condor by providing tools to define configurations in wallaby and
-apply them to nodes.
-This package provides the tools needed for managed clients
-%if 0%{?rhel} != 4 && 0%{?fedora} == 0
-%package tools
-Summary: Wallaby configuration tools for configuring condor
-Group: Applications/System
-Requires: python >= 2.4
-Requires: python-qmf >= 0.9.1073306
-Requires: python-wallabyclient >= %{version}-%{release}%{?dist}
-Requires: PyYAML
-Requires: vim-minimal
-%if 0%{?fedora} == 0
-Obsoletes: condor-remote-configuration-server
-%description tools
-This package provides a means to quickly and easily configure machines
-running Condor by providing tools to define configurations in wallaby and
-apply them to nodes.
-This package provides tools to configure condor pools and wallaby
-%package -n python-wallabyclient
-Summary: Tools for interacting with wallaby
-Group: Applications/System
-BuildRequires: python-devel
-Requires: python >= 2.3
-Requires: python-condorutils >= 1.5-4
-%if 0%{?rhel} != 4
-Requires: PyYAML
-%description -n python-wallabyclient
-Tools for interacting with wallaby
-%setup -q
-rm -rf %{buildroot}
-mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{python_sitelib}/wallabyclient
-mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%_sbindir
-mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%_sysconfdir/condor/config.d
-mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%_mandir/man1
-%if 0%{?rhel} != 4 && 0%{?fedora} == 0
-cp -f condor_configure_pool %{buildroot}/%_sbindir
-cp -f condor_configure_store %{buildroot}/%_sbindir
-cp -f condor_configd %{buildroot}/%_sbindir
-cp -f 99configd.config %{buildroot}/%_sysconfdir/condor/config.d
-cp -f module/*.py %{buildroot}/%{python_sitelib}/wallabyclient
-%if 0%{?rhel} != 4 && 0%{?fedora} == 0
-cp -f doc/*.1 %{buildroot}/%_mandir/man1
-%if 0%{?rhel} == 4
-rm -f %{buildroot}/%{python_sitelib}/wallabyclient/
-%if %{building_for_el5}
-rm -rf %{buildroot}
-%files client
-%if %{building_for_el5}
-%doc LICENSE-2.0.txt
-%if 0%{?rhel} != 4 && 0%{?fedora} == 0
-%files tools
-%if %{building_for_el5}
-%doc LICENSE-2.0.txt README
-%doc %_mandir/man1/*
-%files -n python-wallabyclient
-%doc LICENSE-2.0.txt
-%defattr(0644, root,root,-)
-%if 0%{?rhel} != 4
-* Thu Oct 27 2011  <rrati@redhat> - 4.1.2-1
-- Fixed issues in condor_configure_pool manpage
-* Wed Oct 12 2011  <rrati@redhat> - 4.1.1-1
-- Added CONFIGD_WALLABY_CONNECT_TIMEOUT to control how long the configd
-  waits to contact wallaby on start up
-- Fixed reading of backoff param values
-* Tue Sep 13 2011  <rrati@redhat> - 4.1-5
-- Added man pages for store and pool tools
-- Tools now support names with a comma in them
-- Allow "Internal Default Group" as a valid target for the default group
-- Fixed typoes in tool help
-- Added dependency on vim-minimal
-* Mon Jul 25 2011  <rrati@redhat> - 4.1-4
-- Fixed issue with ccs and ccp group objects steping on each other
-* Fri Jul 22 2011  <rrati@redhat> - 4.1-3
-- Updated dep on python-condorutils
-- Fixed exception when  removing invalid params from list of params to ask
-  for default values
-* Thu Jul  7 2011  <rrati@redhat> - 4.1-2
-- Added editing of group memberships to condor_configure_store
-- Fixed issue editing nodes/groups in condor_configure_pool
-* Thu Jun 23 2011  <rrati@redhat> - 4.1-1
-- Added monitoring of timers and restart if they exit
-- Added robustness for interval for windows shutdown
-- Handle communication disruption when checking in with the store
-- Fixed issue where ccs would prompt for default values for unknown params
-  that were not added to the store
-- Fixed issues adding/removing params when using --qmfbroker or --schedds with
-  other features/params
-* Mon Apr 25 2011  <rrati@redhat> - 4.0-6
-- Fix permissions in 99configd.config for ALLOW_ADMINISTRATOR
-- The list_* methods return 0 for success, 1 for failure.
-- Failure cases in the pool/store tools correctly return non-zero values
-* Tue Apr  5 2011  <rrati@redhat> - 4.0-5
-- Fixed issue with configd clean shutdown on windows when QMF_BROKER_HOST set
-  incorrectly
-* Wed Mar 30 2011  <rrati@redhat> - 4.0-4
-- Removed API version check
-- Fixed EC2E configuration for use with ec2_gahp
-* Mon Mar 14 2011  <rrati@redhat> - 4.0-3
-- Removed setting write permissions for user/group on the file written by
-  the configd.
-- Set the perms on windows machines so Everyone has read access
-- Handle SIGHUP on *nix
-* Fri Feb 25 2011  <rrati@redhat> - 4.0-2
-- Fixed syntax error
-* Fri Feb 25 2011  <rrati@redhat> - 4.0-1
-- Updated dep on python-qmf
-- Fixed issue with --schedds and --qmfbroker adding params during a delete
-  operation.
-- condor_configure_pool will now prompt for must_change params on included
-  features
-* Tue Feb  8 2011  <rrati@redhat> - 3.9-4
-- Updated dep on python-condorutils to 1.5
-- Fixed help for broker user name for ccp and ccs
-- The configd no longer exits if QMF_BROKER_HOST isn't set.  Instead, it
-  will look for a broker on localhost
-- Improved broker connection/disconnection messages
-* Mon Jan 31 2011  <rrati@redhat> - 3.9-3
-- Fixed issue running the configd on python2.3
-- Fixed error if DAEMON_LIST isn't in the configuration pulled from the
-  configuration store
-* Fri Jan 21 2011  <rrati@redhat> - 3.9-2
-- Added mention of the edit command to condor_configure_pool help
-* Thu Jan 20 2011  <rrati@redhat> - 3.9-1
-- Added -v to help of store and pool tools
-- Changed subsystem name from QMF_CONFIGD to CONFIGD
-- Added support for CONFIGD.QMF_BROKER_*
-- Always send reconfig when a new configuration is received
-* Thu Jan 13 2011  <rrati@redhat> - 3.8-9
-- Fixed wallabyclient dep to make ver and release
-- Fixed upper bound on backoff.  Backoff is bounded by
-- Clarified question asking to use default value in store tool
-- Fixed deleting value for strings and maps that resulted in the value being
-  "None" instead of '' in the store tool
-* Wed Jan  5 2011  <rrati@redhat> - 3.8-8
-- If there's a failure to update the node object, redo the qmf connections
-* Wed Jan  5 2011  <rrati@redhat> - 3.8-7
-- Fixed issue with node.update debug code causing a configd crash
-* Thu Dec 23 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 3.8-6
-- Removed 99configd_security.config
-- Perform a node.update before accessing any node object info in get_config
-- Issue condor commands with the current running configuration rather
-  than with the new config from the store
-* Thu Dec  2 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 3.8-5
-  99configd_security.config.  Both are set to optional
-- Fixed issue with exception handling when obj.update fails
-- Fixed api versions in condor_configure_store
-- Added 3DES to list of crypto methods
-* Thu Dec  2 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 3.8-4
-- Updated to store api version support
-* Mon Nov 29 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 3.8-3
-- Added CLAIMTOBE to authentication methods
-* Mon Nov 22 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 3.8-2
-- Fixed issue listing node information from condor_configure_store
-* Thu Nov 18 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 3.8-1
-- Changes to reduce change of condor security changes preventing configd from
-  operating
-- Reconfig events are only sent to master
-- Added defaults to some methods in python module
-- Fixed issues with adding/removing params
-* Thu Oct 28 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 3.7-1
-- QMF authentication method can now be specified
-- Reset backoff factor/constants to default if they are < 0
-- Added edit command to the pool tool which will dump the group/node data into
-  a file in YAML format and open an editor similar to how the store tool works
-- Added insert command to pool tool which will insert features at the highest
-  priority
-- The configd will not print qmf related errors when it has been told to
-  shutdown
-- Listing of a node will no longer list the node's configuration.  Added
-  -v|--verbose option to list configuration
-- When listing a node, the parameter's explicitly set on the node are now
-  explicitly listed
-- Print warning message before deleting entities from the store.
-- Print deletion message for each entity removed from the store if the user
-  decides to continue the deletion process
-- Remove PyYYAML file/dependencies for RHEL 4
-* Sat Oct  2 2010  <matt@redhat> - 3.6-6
-- Fixed crash in, appeared as crash listing a group (BZ638992)
-- Fixed condor_configd's failure to send any reconfig signals since 3.5-1 (BZ639352)
-* Thu Sep 16 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 3.6-5
-- Fixed API version check in configd
-* Thu Sep 16 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 3.6-4
-- Updated API version check
-* Wed Sep 15 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 3.6-3
-- Fixed description
-* Wed Sep 15 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 3.6-2
-- Fixed race condition in the configd when restarting condor
-- Added logging during shutdown
-* Fri Sep 10 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 3.6-1
-- Faster error commandline error reporting
-- Fixed issue with pool tool removing must_change params when it shouldn't
-- Added hostname into the log
-- Fixed issue installing invalid configuration files.  Uses exponential
-  backoff now.
-- Batter handling of errors when communicating with the store
-- Increased activation timeout to 10 minutes
-* Thu Aug 26 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 3.5-1
-- Improved reconnection time to the configuration store
-- The node checkin method call timeout set to 20 seconds
-- Only latest configuration version is processed
-- Reduce performance hit when qmf broker is backed up
-- must_change params won't display a default value
-- Fixed issue changing param from must_change to not being one
-- Cast user input strings/booleans
-* Wed Aug 11 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 3.4-1
-- Updated dependency versions
-- Fixed issue in error log message
-- Fixed issues with pool param verification
-- New configuration file system
-- pool command line error cases reported before attempting to contact store
-* Tue Aug 03 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 3.3-1
-- Added API version check
-- Cleaned up some error messages reported from the store
-* Tue Jul 27 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 3.2-1
-- Store detection performance improvements
-- Improved detection of parameters that much be changed
-- Fixed multiple additions of unknown entities when using the store tool
-- The configd drops perms on linux, sets perms of config file to 664
-- Changed wording when asking to use the default value in store tool
-* Tue Jul 13 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 3.1-1
-- Updated dependency versions 
-- Improved error handling
-- Added support for broker user/password in configd
-- Fixed crash/deadlock issue in the configd
-- Group membership is handled as part of a node object, allowing for priorities
-* Wed Jun 23 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 3.0-1
-- Transitioned to new NodeUpdatedNotice
-- Fixed error messages on tool exits
-- Initial checkin will restart/reconfig daemons as well as pull config
-- Moved some logging to DEBUG level
-- Special casing of non-daemoncore daemons
-- special casing of SC_DAEMON_LIST
-- Minor bug fixes
-* Mon Jun 15 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 2.9-0.2
-- Fixed issues raising WallabyValidateError event
-* Fri Jun 11 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 2.9-0.1
-- Changes to event handling
-* Thu Jun 10 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 2.8-0.1
-- Shutdown/restart fixes in configd on Windows
-- Special handling of ConsoleCollector in condor_configure_pool
-- API transition: get methods replaced with properties
-* Tue Jun 08 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 2.7-0.6
-- Fixed issue with configd's default configuration file
-- Fixed issue using parameter default values when configuring features with
-  condor_configure_store
-* Thu Jun 03 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 2.7-0.5
-- Fixed an issue with the configd asking for a configuration version when a
-  node has never been configured
-- If the configd fails to contact the Store or configure itself, it will
-  result in the configd exiting
-- Only set SIG_QUIT and other signals that would cause a core dump on
-  non-win32 OSes
-- Cleaned up shutdown cases in configd
-* Tue May 25 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 2.7-0.4
-- Only events the configd cares about will be received.
-* Mon May 24 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 2.7-0.3
-- Catch more signals for clean shutdown
-* Fri May 21 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 2.7-0.2
-- condor_configure_pool will prompt the user to use a value for a param
-  set elsewhere in the pool configuration if a must_change param is not
-  given a value
-* Fri May 21 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 2.7-0.1
-- Increased config logging
-- Fixed issues with condor security disallowing the configd to
-  restart/reconfig condor in some cases
-- --schedds and --qmfbroker can now be used in a remove operation
-- Improved VMUniverse and EC2E special case handling
-- Corrected errors in condor_configure_store help message
-- The configd now acts upon the WallabyConfigEvent
-- Support for versioned configurations
-- condor_configure_store will not allow setting a default value for
-  a parameter if the MustChange is True
-- Listing default group will not show the Members field anymore
-- The configd now checkins in with the store after random wait between 0-10
-  seconds instead of waiting another $UPDATE_INTERVAL to do so
-- Fixed issue where the config would always be retrieved even if the version
-  hadn't changed
-- Fixed issues handling user inputed values that contain spaces
-- Fixed issues with qmfbroker and schedds options would step on each other
-- Improved error handling
-- A successful activation will cause an automatic snapshot to be taken
-- If an invalid port is given with -o, an error message is printed
-- Changed how date is displayed for a node's 'Last Check-in Time'
-- Gracefully handle broker/store going away
-- Do not perform final checkin when the configd exits
-- Poll the node's status before checking configuration versions
-- Removed explicit subsystems from Features
-- The metadata for a wallaby type is now presented with important
-  information first.
-- Better handling of unicode strings
-- Moved to the com.redhat.grid.config namespace
-- Added lock mechanism to prevent preiodic checkin and event config
-  retrieval from clashing
-* Wed Apr 14 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 2.6-0.5
-- Added python-devel dep to python-wallabyclient
-- Fixed issue in configd moving new config file across file systems
-- Prevent configd from exiting if it is in the middle of installing the
-  new configuration file
-- Added --take-snapshot to condor_configure_pool
-- Fixed syntax error in condor_configure_store when adding nodes from a
-  configuration that added nodes the store didn't know about
-* Fri Apr  9 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 2.6-0.4
-- Logging message cleanup in configd
-- Fixed error when applying configuration w/o features supplied on the
-  commandline
-- Disallowed entering blank name for a saved snapshot
-- Removed --fast option
-* Thu Apr  8 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 2.6-0.3
-- Removed the python-wallabyclient dep from the client package
-* Thu Apr  8 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 2.6-0.2
-- Added dep for PyYAML
-* Thu Apr  8 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 2.6-0.1
-- UI revamp.  Metadata is now entered through an editor rather than by being
-  prompted.  $EDITOR is used if set, otherwise vi is used.
-- Removed, added new submodules
-- Specfile description updates
-- The tools package now depends on python-qmf instead of python-qpid
-- Updated calls to condorutils.run_cmd
-- Updated to new wallaby protocol.  No more fake lists/sets, function
-  call renames.
-* Wed Mar 31 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 2.5-0.1
-- Changed package name to condor-wallaby
-- Switched to condorutils & wallabyclient modules
-* Tue Mar 09 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 2.4-0.2
-- Removed handling of HUP and ALRM signals.
-* Tue Mar 09 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 2.4-0.1
-- Changed logging method in configd from syslog to native logging to a file
-- Updated configuration file to configure logging
-- Change hostname retrieval method to a more cross platform implementation
-- Fixed issue with unconfigured nodes not retrieving configurations from the
-  store
-- Fixed error laying down configuration file
-- Added support for processing warning messages into pool
-- Fixed issue with pool prompting for param values when no params have been
-  specified on the command line
-- Updated API calls for RemoveFeature and RemoveGroup
-* Thu Mar 04 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 2.3-0.2
-- Fixed revision history dates
-* Thu Mar 04 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 2.3-0.1
-- Updated to version 2.3
-* Wed Feb 24 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 2.2-0.1
-- Updated to version 2.2
-* Tue Feb 23 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 2.1-0.1
-- Updated to version 2.1
-* Fri Feb 19 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 2.0-0.3
-- Added README to the tools package
-- Configurations can now be activated in the store
-- Nodes checkin with the store after receiving the configuration
-- The eventd check interval wasn't always an integer
-- Last Checkin Time is displayed in a more readable format
-- Node objects are no longer created in the store if the tools ask about a
-  node that doesn't exist
-- Fixed detection of which parameters must be asked for when a configuration
-  is changed
-* Wed Feb 17 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 2.0-0.2
-- Fixed issues relating to prompting for params that must be set by the
-  user when adding features to groups/nodes
-- Fixed issues setting features on groups/nodes
-- Fixed issues setting parameters on groups/nodes
-- Setting of schedulers and QMF info will no long overwrite other parameters
-  on the group/node
-- Improved performance and accuracy of determining parameters that the user
-  must set
-* Mon Feb 08 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 2.0-0.1
-- Initial packaging of 2.0, which uses QMF to communicate to a configuration
-  store
-* Thu Oct 15 2009  <rrati@redhat> - 1.0-22
-- Removed triggerd entries from startd configuration
-* Fri Oct  9 2009  <rrati@redhat> - 1.0-21
-- Configure low-altency through condor_config (BZ527908)
-* Wed Oct  6 2009  <rrati@redhat> - 1.0-20
-- Remove prompting for VM_VERSION
-* Wed Sep 30 2009  <rrati@redhat> - 1.0-19
-- Removed prompting for AMQP exchange when configurating low-latency
-* Fri Sep 25 2009  <rrati@redhat> - 1.0-18
-- Removed DC_DAEMON_LIST definition (BZ525746)
-- Moved create of the feature config directory and added better
-  error handling (BZ525749)
-* Thu Sep 17 2009  <rrati@redhat> - 1.0-17
-- Added support for configuring VM universe (BZ491237)
-- Removed all files from /opt (BZ493767)
-- Removed configuration of Trigger Service (BZ522531)
-- Fixed conflict with schedd and startd on same node (BZ495685)
-- Correct HA Schedd lock period (BZ496227)
-- HA Schedd name is now prompted for (BZ493340)
-- Fixed EC2E configuration for use with multiple hook keywords (BZ502879)
-* Thu May 28 2009  <rrati@redhat> - 1.0-16
-- Triggerd will start correctly (BZ503051)
-* Mon Mar  2 2009  <rrati@redhat> - 1.0-15
-- Fixed reporting of duplicate HA Schedulers (BZ486484)
-- Added configuration of condor trigger service
-* Fri Feb 13 2009  <rrati@redhat> - 1.0-14
-- Rebuild bump
-* Fri Feb 13 2009  <rrati@redhat> - 1.0-13
-- Change source tarball name
-* Fri Jan 30 2009  <rrati@redhat> - 1.0-12
-- Default y/n answers clearly indicated (BZ481584)
-- Changed 'collector name' to 'pool description' (BZ481583)
-- Provide method to list nodes being managed and node/feature configs (BZ481582)
-- Update EC2 Enhanced configuration for BZ480841
-* Tue Jan  6 2009  <rrati@redhat> - 1.0-11
-- Fix dependency parsing issue when removing features (BZ478894)
-- Removed HAD and Replication log levels for HA Central Managers
-* Wed Dec 17 2008  <rrati@redhat> - 1.0-10
-- Remove shutdown delay for Amazon AMIs in EC2E routes
-- Handle unrecognized features
-* Thu Dec 11 2008  <rrati@redhat> - 1.0-9
-- Allow all nodes administrative rights for themselves
-- Add shutdown delay for Amazon AMIs in EC2E routes
-* Wed Dec 10 2008  <rrati@redhat> - 1.0-8
-- Fixed race condition with EC2E (BZ475865)
-* Thu Dec  4 2008  <rrati@redhat> - 1.0-7
-- Force FS authentication for the job router
-- Change amazon-gahp to amazon_gahp in configs
-* Thu Dec  4 2008  <rrati@redhat> - 1.0-6
-- Only build the server package if not on EL4
-- Moved python and perl deps to server package
-* Thu Dec  4 2008  <rrati@redhat> - 1.0-5
-- Fixed Low-Latency configuration so only Low-Latency jobs will be acted upon
-* Mon Dec  1 2008  <rrati@redhat> - 1.0-4
-- Added configuration of sesame
-- Added condor-qmf-plugins to packages to be installed
-* Tue Nov 25 2008  <rrati@redhat> - 1.0-3
-- Corrected missed tool name changes in the README
-- Corrected missed dependencies for concurrency_limits and dynamic_provision
-- Fixed bug where concurrency_limits were not prompted for
-- Changed plugin locations to be relative to $(LIB)
-- Fixed configuration problem with dynamic provisioning.  SLOT_TYPE must use
-  lowercase letters
-- Set default Negotiator Interval to 20 seconds
-- Condor reload is used to tell condor to re-read config files
-- Added TRANSFERER_LOG to ha_central_manager to avoid core dump
-- QMF_BROKER_PORT won't be listed in a config if it is not provided
-* Fri Nov  4 2008  <rrati@redhat> - 1.0-2
-- Add changelog
-- Fixed rpmlint issues
-- Fixed puppet version dependency
-- Added facter dependency
-* Fri Nov  4 2008  <rrati@redhat> - 1.0-1
-- Initial packaging
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..67a56ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,616 @@
+%{!?python_sitelib: %define python_sitelib %(%{__python} -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib()")}
+%if (0%{?fedora} == 0 && 0%{?rhel} <= 5)
+%global building_for_el5 1
+%global building_for_el5 0
+Name: condor-wallaby
+Summary: Condor configuration using wallaby
+Version: #VERSION#
+Release: #RELEASE#%{?dist}
+Group: Applications/System
+License: ASL 2.0
+%if %{building_for_el5}
+BuildRoot: %(mktemp -ud %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-XXXXXX)
+BuildArch: noarch
+BuildRequires: python >= 2.3
+The condor wallaby package provides a means to quickly and easily
+configure machines running Condor by providing tools to define configurations
+and apply them to nodes using wallaby.
+%package client
+Summary: Wallaby configuration client for condor
+Group: Applications/System
+Requires: condor >= 7.4.4-0.9
+Requires: python >= 2.3
+Requires: python-qmf >= 0.9.1073306
+Requires: python-condorutils >= 1.5-4
+Requires: python-wallabyclient = %{version}-%{release}%{?dist}
+%if 0%{?fedora} == 0
+Obsoletes: condor-remote-configuration
+%description client
+This package provides a means to quickly and easily configure machines
+running Condor by providing tools to define configurations in wallaby and
+apply them to nodes.
+This package provides the tools needed for managed clients
+%if 0%{?rhel} != 4 && 0%{?fedora} == 0
+%package tools
+Summary: Wallaby configuration tools for configuring condor
+Group: Applications/System
+Requires: python >= 2.4
+Requires: python-qmf >= 0.9.1073306
+Requires: python-wallabyclient >= %{version}-%{release}%{?dist}
+Requires: PyYAML
+Requires: vim-minimal
+%if 0%{?fedora} == 0
+Obsoletes: condor-remote-configuration-server
+%description tools
+This package provides a means to quickly and easily configure machines
+running Condor by providing tools to define configurations in wallaby and
+apply them to nodes.
+This package provides tools to configure condor pools and wallaby
+%package -n python-wallabyclient
+Summary: Tools for interacting with wallaby
+Group: Applications/System
+BuildRequires: python-devel
+Requires: python >= 2.3
+Requires: python-condorutils >= 1.5-4
+%if 0%{?rhel} != 4
+Requires: PyYAML
+%description -n python-wallabyclient
+Tools for interacting with wallaby
+%setup -q
+rm -rf %{buildroot}
+mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%{python_sitelib}/wallabyclient
+mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%_sbindir
+mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%_sysconfdir/condor/config.d
+mkdir -p %{buildroot}/%_mandir/man1
+%if 0%{?rhel} != 4 && 0%{?fedora} == 0
+cp -f condor_configure_pool %{buildroot}/%_sbindir
+cp -f condor_configure_store %{buildroot}/%_sbindir
+cp -f condor_configd %{buildroot}/%_sbindir
+cp -f config/99configd.config %{buildroot}/%_sysconfdir/condor/config.d
+cp -f module/*.py %{buildroot}/%{python_sitelib}/wallabyclient
+%if 0%{?rhel} != 4 && 0%{?fedora} == 0
+cp -f doc/*.1 %{buildroot}/%_mandir/man1
+%if 0%{?rhel} == 4
+rm -f %{buildroot}/%{python_sitelib}/wallabyclient/
+%if %{building_for_el5}
+rm -rf %{buildroot}
+%files client
+%if %{building_for_el5}
+%doc LICENSE-2.0.txt
+%if 0%{?rhel} != 4 && 0%{?fedora} == 0
+%files tools
+%if %{building_for_el5}
+%doc LICENSE-2.0.txt README
+%doc %_mandir/man1/*
+%files -n python-wallabyclient
+%doc LICENSE-2.0.txt
+%defattr(0644, root,root,-)
+%if 0%{?rhel} != 4
+* Thu Oct 27 2011  <rrati@redhat> - 4.1.2-1
+- Fixed issues in condor_configure_pool manpage
+* Wed Oct 12 2011  <rrati@redhat> - 4.1.1-1
+- Added CONFIGD_WALLABY_CONNECT_TIMEOUT to control how long the configd
+  waits to contact wallaby on start up
+- Fixed reading of backoff param values
+* Tue Sep 13 2011  <rrati@redhat> - 4.1-5
+- Added man pages for store and pool tools
+- Tools now support names with a comma in them
+- Allow "Internal Default Group" as a valid target for the default group
+- Fixed typoes in tool help
+- Added dependency on vim-minimal
+* Mon Jul 25 2011  <rrati@redhat> - 4.1-4
+- Fixed issue with ccs and ccp group objects steping on each other
+* Fri Jul 22 2011  <rrati@redhat> - 4.1-3
+- Updated dep on python-condorutils
+- Fixed exception when  removing invalid params from list of params to ask
+  for default values
+* Thu Jul  7 2011  <rrati@redhat> - 4.1-2
+- Added editing of group memberships to condor_configure_store
+- Fixed issue editing nodes/groups in condor_configure_pool
+* Thu Jun 23 2011  <rrati@redhat> - 4.1-1
+- Added monitoring of timers and restart if they exit
+- Added robustness for interval for windows shutdown
+- Handle communication disruption when checking in with the store
+- Fixed issue where ccs would prompt for default values for unknown params
+  that were not added to the store
+- Fixed issues adding/removing params when using --qmfbroker or --schedds with
+  other features/params
+* Mon Apr 25 2011  <rrati@redhat> - 4.0-6
+- Fix permissions in 99configd.config for ALLOW_ADMINISTRATOR
+- The list_* methods return 0 for success, 1 for failure.
+- Failure cases in the pool/store tools correctly return non-zero values
+* Tue Apr  5 2011  <rrati@redhat> - 4.0-5
+- Fixed issue with configd clean shutdown on windows when QMF_BROKER_HOST set
+  incorrectly
+* Wed Mar 30 2011  <rrati@redhat> - 4.0-4
+- Removed API version check
+- Fixed EC2E configuration for use with ec2_gahp
+* Mon Mar 14 2011  <rrati@redhat> - 4.0-3
+- Removed setting write permissions for user/group on the file written by
+  the configd.
+- Set the perms on windows machines so Everyone has read access
+- Handle SIGHUP on *nix
+* Fri Feb 25 2011  <rrati@redhat> - 4.0-2
+- Fixed syntax error
+* Fri Feb 25 2011  <rrati@redhat> - 4.0-1
+- Updated dep on python-qmf
+- Fixed issue with --schedds and --qmfbroker adding params during a delete
+  operation.
+- condor_configure_pool will now prompt for must_change params on included
+  features
+* Tue Feb  8 2011  <rrati@redhat> - 3.9-4
+- Updated dep on python-condorutils to 1.5
+- Fixed help for broker user name for ccp and ccs
+- The configd no longer exits if QMF_BROKER_HOST isn't set.  Instead, it
+  will look for a broker on localhost
+- Improved broker connection/disconnection messages
+* Mon Jan 31 2011  <rrati@redhat> - 3.9-3
+- Fixed issue running the configd on python2.3
+- Fixed error if DAEMON_LIST isn't in the configuration pulled from the
+  configuration store
+* Fri Jan 21 2011  <rrati@redhat> - 3.9-2
+- Added mention of the edit command to condor_configure_pool help
+* Thu Jan 20 2011  <rrati@redhat> - 3.9-1
+- Added -v to help of store and pool tools
+- Changed subsystem name from QMF_CONFIGD to CONFIGD
+- Added support for CONFIGD.QMF_BROKER_*
+- Always send reconfig when a new configuration is received
+* Thu Jan 13 2011  <rrati@redhat> - 3.8-9
+- Fixed wallabyclient dep to make ver and release
+- Fixed upper bound on backoff.  Backoff is bounded by
+- Clarified question asking to use default value in store tool
+- Fixed deleting value for strings and maps that resulted in the value being
+  "None" instead of '' in the store tool
+* Wed Jan  5 2011  <rrati@redhat> - 3.8-8
+- If there's a failure to update the node object, redo the qmf connections
+* Wed Jan  5 2011  <rrati@redhat> - 3.8-7
+- Fixed issue with node.update debug code causing a configd crash
+* Thu Dec 23 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 3.8-6
+- Removed 99configd_security.config
+- Perform a node.update before accessing any node object info in get_config
+- Issue condor commands with the current running configuration rather
+  than with the new config from the store
+* Thu Dec  2 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 3.8-5
+  99configd_security.config.  Both are set to optional
+- Fixed issue with exception handling when obj.update fails
+- Fixed api versions in condor_configure_store
+- Added 3DES to list of crypto methods
+* Thu Dec  2 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 3.8-4
+- Updated to store api version support
+* Mon Nov 29 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 3.8-3
+- Added CLAIMTOBE to authentication methods
+* Mon Nov 22 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 3.8-2
+- Fixed issue listing node information from condor_configure_store
+* Thu Nov 18 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 3.8-1
+- Changes to reduce change of condor security changes preventing configd from
+  operating
+- Reconfig events are only sent to master
+- Added defaults to some methods in python module
+- Fixed issues with adding/removing params
+* Thu Oct 28 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 3.7-1
+- QMF authentication method can now be specified
+- Reset backoff factor/constants to default if they are < 0
+- Added edit command to the pool tool which will dump the group/node data into
+  a file in YAML format and open an editor similar to how the store tool works
+- Added insert command to pool tool which will insert features at the highest
+  priority
+- The configd will not print qmf related errors when it has been told to
+  shutdown
+- Listing of a node will no longer list the node's configuration.  Added
+  -v|--verbose option to list configuration
+- When listing a node, the parameter's explicitly set on the node are now
+  explicitly listed
+- Print warning message before deleting entities from the store.
+- Print deletion message for each entity removed from the store if the user
+  decides to continue the deletion process
+- Remove PyYYAML file/dependencies for RHEL 4
+* Sat Oct  2 2010  <matt@redhat> - 3.6-6
+- Fixed crash in, appeared as crash listing a group (BZ638992)
+- Fixed condor_configd's failure to send any reconfig signals since 3.5-1 (BZ639352)
+* Thu Sep 16 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 3.6-5
+- Fixed API version check in configd
+* Thu Sep 16 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 3.6-4
+- Updated API version check
+* Wed Sep 15 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 3.6-3
+- Fixed description
+* Wed Sep 15 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 3.6-2
+- Fixed race condition in the configd when restarting condor
+- Added logging during shutdown
+* Fri Sep 10 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 3.6-1
+- Faster error commandline error reporting
+- Fixed issue with pool tool removing must_change params when it shouldn't
+- Added hostname into the log
+- Fixed issue installing invalid configuration files.  Uses exponential
+  backoff now.
+- Batter handling of errors when communicating with the store
+- Increased activation timeout to 10 minutes
+* Thu Aug 26 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 3.5-1
+- Improved reconnection time to the configuration store
+- The node checkin method call timeout set to 20 seconds
+- Only latest configuration version is processed
+- Reduce performance hit when qmf broker is backed up
+- must_change params won't display a default value
+- Fixed issue changing param from must_change to not being one
+- Cast user input strings/booleans
+* Wed Aug 11 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 3.4-1
+- Updated dependency versions
+- Fixed issue in error log message
+- Fixed issues with pool param verification
+- New configuration file system
+- pool command line error cases reported before attempting to contact store
+* Tue Aug 03 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 3.3-1
+- Added API version check
+- Cleaned up some error messages reported from the store
+* Tue Jul 27 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 3.2-1
+- Store detection performance improvements
+- Improved detection of parameters that much be changed
+- Fixed multiple additions of unknown entities when using the store tool
+- The configd drops perms on linux, sets perms of config file to 664
+- Changed wording when asking to use the default value in store tool
+* Tue Jul 13 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 3.1-1
+- Updated dependency versions 
+- Improved error handling
+- Added support for broker user/password in configd
+- Fixed crash/deadlock issue in the configd
+- Group membership is handled as part of a node object, allowing for priorities
+* Wed Jun 23 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 3.0-1
+- Transitioned to new NodeUpdatedNotice
+- Fixed error messages on tool exits
+- Initial checkin will restart/reconfig daemons as well as pull config
+- Moved some logging to DEBUG level
+- Special casing of non-daemoncore daemons
+- special casing of SC_DAEMON_LIST
+- Minor bug fixes
+* Mon Jun 15 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 2.9-0.2
+- Fixed issues raising WallabyValidateError event
+* Fri Jun 11 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 2.9-0.1
+- Changes to event handling
+* Thu Jun 10 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 2.8-0.1
+- Shutdown/restart fixes in configd on Windows
+- Special handling of ConsoleCollector in condor_configure_pool
+- API transition: get methods replaced with properties
+* Tue Jun 08 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 2.7-0.6
+- Fixed issue with configd's default configuration file
+- Fixed issue using parameter default values when configuring features with
+  condor_configure_store
+* Thu Jun 03 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 2.7-0.5
+- Fixed an issue with the configd asking for a configuration version when a
+  node has never been configured
+- If the configd fails to contact the Store or configure itself, it will
+  result in the configd exiting
+- Only set SIG_QUIT and other signals that would cause a core dump on
+  non-win32 OSes
+- Cleaned up shutdown cases in configd
+* Tue May 25 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 2.7-0.4
+- Only events the configd cares about will be received.
+* Mon May 24 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 2.7-0.3
+- Catch more signals for clean shutdown
+* Fri May 21 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 2.7-0.2
+- condor_configure_pool will prompt the user to use a value for a param
+  set elsewhere in the pool configuration if a must_change param is not
+  given a value
+* Fri May 21 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 2.7-0.1
+- Increased config logging
+- Fixed issues with condor security disallowing the configd to
+  restart/reconfig condor in some cases
+- --schedds and --qmfbroker can now be used in a remove operation
+- Improved VMUniverse and EC2E special case handling
+- Corrected errors in condor_configure_store help message
+- The configd now acts upon the WallabyConfigEvent
+- Support for versioned configurations
+- condor_configure_store will not allow setting a default value for
+  a parameter if the MustChange is True
+- Listing default group will not show the Members field anymore
+- The configd now checkins in with the store after random wait between 0-10
+  seconds instead of waiting another $UPDATE_INTERVAL to do so
+- Fixed issue where the config would always be retrieved even if the version
+  hadn't changed
+- Fixed issues handling user inputed values that contain spaces
+- Fixed issues with qmfbroker and schedds options would step on each other
+- Improved error handling
+- A successful activation will cause an automatic snapshot to be taken
+- If an invalid port is given with -o, an error message is printed
+- Changed how date is displayed for a node's 'Last Check-in Time'
+- Gracefully handle broker/store going away
+- Do not perform final checkin when the configd exits
+- Poll the node's status before checking configuration versions
+- Removed explicit subsystems from Features
+- The metadata for a wallaby type is now presented with important
+  information first.
+- Better handling of unicode strings
+- Moved to the com.redhat.grid.config namespace
+- Added lock mechanism to prevent preiodic checkin and event config
+  retrieval from clashing
+* Wed Apr 14 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 2.6-0.5
+- Added python-devel dep to python-wallabyclient
+- Fixed issue in configd moving new config file across file systems
+- Prevent configd from exiting if it is in the middle of installing the
+  new configuration file
+- Added --take-snapshot to condor_configure_pool
+- Fixed syntax error in condor_configure_store when adding nodes from a
+  configuration that added nodes the store didn't know about
+* Fri Apr  9 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 2.6-0.4
+- Logging message cleanup in configd
+- Fixed error when applying configuration w/o features supplied on the
+  commandline
+- Disallowed entering blank name for a saved snapshot
+- Removed --fast option
+* Thu Apr  8 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 2.6-0.3
+- Removed the python-wallabyclient dep from the client package
+* Thu Apr  8 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 2.6-0.2
+- Added dep for PyYAML
+* Thu Apr  8 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 2.6-0.1
+- UI revamp.  Metadata is now entered through an editor rather than by being
+  prompted.  $EDITOR is used if set, otherwise vi is used.
+- Removed, added new submodules
+- Specfile description updates
+- The tools package now depends on python-qmf instead of python-qpid
+- Updated calls to condorutils.run_cmd
+- Updated to new wallaby protocol.  No more fake lists/sets, function
+  call renames.
+* Wed Mar 31 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 2.5-0.1
+- Changed package name to condor-wallaby
+- Switched to condorutils & wallabyclient modules
+* Tue Mar 09 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 2.4-0.2
+- Removed handling of HUP and ALRM signals.
+* Tue Mar 09 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 2.4-0.1
+- Changed logging method in configd from syslog to native logging to a file
+- Updated configuration file to configure logging
+- Change hostname retrieval method to a more cross platform implementation
+- Fixed issue with unconfigured nodes not retrieving configurations from the
+  store
+- Fixed error laying down configuration file
+- Added support for processing warning messages into pool
+- Fixed issue with pool prompting for param values when no params have been
+  specified on the command line
+- Updated API calls for RemoveFeature and RemoveGroup
+* Thu Mar 04 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 2.3-0.2
+- Fixed revision history dates
+* Thu Mar 04 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 2.3-0.1
+- Updated to version 2.3
+* Wed Feb 24 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 2.2-0.1
+- Updated to version 2.2
+* Tue Feb 23 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 2.1-0.1
+- Updated to version 2.1
+* Fri Feb 19 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 2.0-0.3
+- Added README to the tools package
+- Configurations can now be activated in the store
+- Nodes checkin with the store after receiving the configuration
+- The eventd check interval wasn't always an integer
+- Last Checkin Time is displayed in a more readable format
+- Node objects are no longer created in the store if the tools ask about a
+  node that doesn't exist
+- Fixed detection of which parameters must be asked for when a configuration
+  is changed
+* Wed Feb 17 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 2.0-0.2
+- Fixed issues relating to prompting for params that must be set by the
+  user when adding features to groups/nodes
+- Fixed issues setting features on groups/nodes
+- Fixed issues setting parameters on groups/nodes
+- Setting of schedulers and QMF info will no long overwrite other parameters
+  on the group/node
+- Improved performance and accuracy of determining parameters that the user
+  must set
+* Mon Feb 08 2010  <rrati@redhat> - 2.0-0.1
+- Initial packaging of 2.0, which uses QMF to communicate to a configuration
+  store
+* Thu Oct 15 2009  <rrati@redhat> - 1.0-22
+- Removed triggerd entries from startd configuration
+* Fri Oct  9 2009  <rrati@redhat> - 1.0-21
+- Configure low-altency through condor_config (BZ527908)
+* Wed Oct  6 2009  <rrati@redhat> - 1.0-20
+- Remove prompting for VM_VERSION
+* Wed Sep 30 2009  <rrati@redhat> - 1.0-19
+- Removed prompting for AMQP exchange when configurating low-latency
+* Fri Sep 25 2009  <rrati@redhat> - 1.0-18
+- Removed DC_DAEMON_LIST definition (BZ525746)
+- Moved create of the feature config directory and added better
+  error handling (BZ525749)
+* Thu Sep 17 2009  <rrati@redhat> - 1.0-17
+- Added support for configuring VM universe (BZ491237)
+- Removed all files from /opt (BZ493767)
+- Removed configuration of Trigger Service (BZ522531)
+- Fixed conflict with schedd and startd on same node (BZ495685)
+- Correct HA Schedd lock period (BZ496227)
+- HA Schedd name is now prompted for (BZ493340)
+- Fixed EC2E configuration for use with multiple hook keywords (BZ502879)
+* Thu May 28 2009  <rrati@redhat> - 1.0-16
+- Triggerd will start correctly (BZ503051)
+* Mon Mar  2 2009  <rrati@redhat> - 1.0-15
+- Fixed reporting of duplicate HA Schedulers (BZ486484)
+- Added configuration of condor trigger service
+* Fri Feb 13 2009  <rrati@redhat> - 1.0-14
+- Rebuild bump
+* Fri Feb 13 2009  <rrati@redhat> - 1.0-13
+- Change source tarball name
+* Fri Jan 30 2009  <rrati@redhat> - 1.0-12
+- Default y/n answers clearly indicated (BZ481584)
+- Changed 'collector name' to 'pool description' (BZ481583)
+- Provide method to list nodes being managed and node/feature configs (BZ481582)
+- Update EC2 Enhanced configuration for BZ480841
+* Tue Jan  6 2009  <rrati@redhat> - 1.0-11
+- Fix dependency parsing issue when removing features (BZ478894)
+- Removed HAD and Replication log levels for HA Central Managers
+* Wed Dec 17 2008  <rrati@redhat> - 1.0-10
+- Remove shutdown delay for Amazon AMIs in EC2E routes
+- Handle unrecognized features
+* Thu Dec 11 2008  <rrati@redhat> - 1.0-9
+- Allow all nodes administrative rights for themselves
+- Add shutdown delay for Amazon AMIs in EC2E routes
+* Wed Dec 10 2008  <rrati@redhat> - 1.0-8
+- Fixed race condition with EC2E (BZ475865)
+* Thu Dec  4 2008  <rrati@redhat> - 1.0-7
+- Force FS authentication for the job router
+- Change amazon-gahp to amazon_gahp in configs
+* Thu Dec  4 2008  <rrati@redhat> - 1.0-6
+- Only build the server package if not on EL4
+- Moved python and perl deps to server package
+* Thu Dec  4 2008  <rrati@redhat> - 1.0-5
+- Fixed Low-Latency configuration so only Low-Latency jobs will be acted upon
+* Mon Dec  1 2008  <rrati@redhat> - 1.0-4
+- Added configuration of sesame
+- Added condor-qmf-plugins to packages to be installed
+* Tue Nov 25 2008  <rrati@redhat> - 1.0-3
+- Corrected missed tool name changes in the README
+- Corrected missed dependencies for concurrency_limits and dynamic_provision
+- Fixed bug where concurrency_limits were not prompted for
+- Changed plugin locations to be relative to $(LIB)
+- Fixed configuration problem with dynamic provisioning.  SLOT_TYPE must use
+  lowercase letters
+- Set default Negotiator Interval to 20 seconds
+- Condor reload is used to tell condor to re-read config files
+- Added TRANSFERER_LOG to ha_central_manager to avoid core dump
+- QMF_BROKER_PORT won't be listed in a config if it is not provided
+* Fri Nov  4 2008  <rrati@redhat> - 1.0-2
+- Add changelog
+- Fixed rpmlint issues
+- Fixed puppet version dependency
+- Added facter dependency
+* Fri Nov  4 2008  <rrati@redhat> - 1.0-1
+- Initial packaging