

distrib > Fedora > 16 > x86_64 > media > updates-src > by-pkgid > 72c8a807420a272321e45d7b113505c2 > files > 7


--- a/branches/1.1/turbogears/visit/ 
+++ b/branches/1.1/turbogears/visit/ 
@@ -21,230 +21,244 @@
     from sha import new as sha1
 import threading
 import time
+from Cookie import Morsel
 from random import random
 from datetime import timedelta, datetime
 import cherrypy
 import pkg_resources
 from cherrypy.filters.basefilter import BaseFilter
 from turbogears import config
 from turbogears.util import load_class
 log = logging.getLogger("turbogears.visit")
 # Global VisitManager
 _manager = None
 # Global list of plugins for the Visit Tracking framework
 _plugins = list()
 # Accessor functions for getting and setting the current visit information.
 def current():
     """Retrieve the current visit record from the cherrypy request."""
     return getattr(cherrypy.request, "tg_visit", None)
 def set_current(visit):
     """Set the current visit record on the cherrypy request being processed."""
     cherrypy.request.tg_visit = visit
 def _create_visit_manager(timeout):
     """Create a VisitManager based on the plugin specified in the config file."""
     plugin_name = config.get("visit.manager", "sqlalchemy")
     plugins = pkg_resources.iter_entry_points(
         "turbogears.visit.manager", plugin_name)
     log.debug("Loading visit manager from plugin: %s", plugin_name)
     provider_class = None
     for entrypoint in plugins:
             provider_class = entrypoint.load()
         except ImportError, e:
             log.error("Error loading visit plugin '%s': %s", entrypoint, e)
     if not provider_class and '.' in plugin_name:
             provider_class = load_class(plugin_name)
         except ImportError, e:
             log.error("Error loading visit class '%s': %s", plugin_name, e)
     if not provider_class:
         raise RuntimeError("VisitManager plugin missing: %s" % plugin_name)
     return provider_class(timeout)
 # Interface for the TurboGears extension
 def start_extension():
     global _manager
     # Bail out if the application hasn't enabled this extension
     if not config.get("visit.on", False):
     # Bail out if this extension is already running
     if _manager:
         log.warning("Visit manager already running.")
     # How long may the visit be idle before a new visit ID is assigned?
     # The default is 20 minutes.
     timeout = timedelta(minutes=config.get("visit.timeout", 20))"Visit Tracking starting (timeout = %i sec).", timeout.seconds)
     # Create the thread that manages updating the visits
     _manager = _create_visit_manager(timeout)
     visit_filter = VisitFilter()
     # Install Filter into the root filter chain
     if not hasattr(cherrypy.root, "_cp_filters"):
         cherrypy.root._cp_filters = list()
     if not visit_filter in cherrypy.root._cp_filters:
 def shutdown_extension():
     # Bail out if this extension is not running.
     global _manager
     if not _manager:
         return"Visit Tracking shutting down.")
     _manager = None
 def create_extension_model():
     """Create the data model of the VisitManager if one exists."""
     if _manager:
 def enable_visit_plugin(plugin):
     """Register a visit tracking plugin.
     These plugins will be called for each request.
 class Visit(object):
     """Basic container for visit related data."""
     def __init__(self, key, is_new):
         self.key = key
         self.is_new = is_new
 class VisitFilter(BaseFilter):
     """A filter that automatically tracks visitors."""
     def __init__(self):
         get = config.get
         # Where to look for the session key in the request and in which order
         self.source = [s.strip().lower() for s in
             get("visit.source", "cookie").split(',')]
         if set(self.source).difference(('cookie', 'form')):
-            log.warning("Unsupported 'visit.source' '%s' in configuration.")
+            log.error("Unsupported visit.source in configuration.")
         # Get the name to use for the identity cookie.
         self.cookie_name = get("", "tg-visit")
+        if Morsel().isReservedKey(self.cookie_name):
+            log.error("Reserved name chosen as")
         # and the name of the request param. MUST NOT contain dashes or dots,
         # otherwise the NestedVariablesFilter will choke on it.
         self.visit_key_param = get("", "tg_visit")
         # TODO: The path should probably default to whatever
         # the root is masquerading as in the event of a
         # virtual path filter.
         self.cookie_path = get("visit.cookie.path", "/")
         # The secure bit should be set for HTTPS only sites
         self.cookie_secure = get("", False)
         # By default, I don't specify the cookie domain.
         self.cookie_domain = get("visit.cookie.domain", None)
-        assert self.cookie_domain != "localhost", "localhost" \
-            " is not a valid value for visit.cookie.domain. Try None instead."
+        if self.cookie_domain == "localhost":
+            log.error("Invalid value 'localhost' for visit.cookie.domain."
+                " Try None instead.")
         # Use max age only if the cookie shall explicitly be permanent
         self.cookie_max_age = get("visit.cookie.permanent",
             False) and int(get("visit.timeout", "20")) * 60 or None
+        # Use httponly to specify that the cookie shall only be transfered
+        # in HTTP requests, and shall not be accessible through JavaScript.
+        # This is intended to mitigate some forms of cross-site scripting.
+        self.cookie_httponly = get("visit.cookie.httponly", False)
+        if self.cookie_httponly and not Morsel().isReservedKey('httponly'):
+            # Python versions < 2.6 do not support the httponly key
+            log.error("The visit.cookie.httponly setting"
+                " is not supported by this Python version.")
+            self.cookie_httponly = False"Visit filter initialized")
     def before_main(self):
         """Check whether submitted request belongs to an existing visit."""
         if not config.get("visit.on", True):
         visit = current()
         if not visit:
             visit_key = None
             for source in self.source:
                 if source == 'cookie':
                     visit_key = cherrypy.request.simple_cookie.get(
                     if visit_key:
                         visit_key = visit_key.value
                         log.debug("Retrieved visit key '%s' from cookie '%s'.",
                             visit_key, self.cookie_name)
                 elif source == 'form':
                     visit_key = cherrypy.request.params.pop(
                         self.visit_key_param, None)
                         "Retrieved visit key '%s' from request param '%s'.",
                             visit_key, self.visit_key_param)
                 if visit_key:
                     visit = _manager.visit_for_key(visit_key)
             if visit:
                 log.debug("Using visit from request with key: %s", visit_key)
                 visit_key = self._generate_key()
                 visit = _manager.new_visit_with_key(visit_key)
                 log.debug("Created new visit with key: %s", visit_key)
         # Inform all the plugins that a request has been made for the current
         # visit. This gives plugins the opportunity to track click-path or
         # retrieve the visitor's identity.
             for plugin in _plugins:
         except cherrypy.InternalRedirect, e:
             # Can't allow an InternalRedirect here because CherryPy is dumb,
             # instead change cherrypy.request.object_path to the url desired.
             cherrypy.request.object_path = e.path
     def _generate_key():
         """Return a (pseudo)random hash based on seed."""
         # Adding remoteHost and remotePort doesn't make this any more secure,
         # but it makes people feel secure... It's not like I check to make
         # certain you're actually making requests from that host and port. So
         # it's basically more noise.
         key_string = '%s%s%s%s' % (random(),,
             cherrypy.request.remote_host, cherrypy.request.remote_port)
         return sha1(key_string).hexdigest()
     def clear_cookie(self):
         """Clear any existing visit ID cookie."""
         cookies = cherrypy.response.simple_cookie
         # clear the cookie
         log.debug("Clearing visit ID cookie")
         cookies[self.cookie_name] = ''
         cookies[self.cookie_name]['path'] = self.cookie_path
         cookies[self.cookie_name]['expires'] = ''
         cookies[self.cookie_name]['max-age'] = 0
     def send_cookie(self, visit_key):
         """Send an visit ID cookie back to the browser."""
         cookies = cherrypy.response.simple_cookie
         cookies[self.cookie_name] = visit_key
         cookies[self.cookie_name]['path'] = self.cookie_path
         if self.cookie_secure:
             cookies[self.cookie_name]['secure'] = True
         if self.cookie_domain:
             cookies[self.cookie_name]['domain'] = self.cookie_domain
         max_age = self.cookie_max_age
         if max_age:
             # use 'expires' because MSIE ignores 'max-age'
             cookies[self.cookie_name]['expires'] = '"%s"' % time.strftime(
                 "%a, %d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S GMT",
                 time.gmtime(time.time() + max_age))
             # 'max-age' takes precedence on standard conformant browsers
             # (this is better because it has no time sync issues)
             cookies[self.cookie_name]['max-age'] = max_age
+        if self.cookie_httponly:
+            cookies[self.cookie_name]['httponly'] = True
         log.debug("Sending visit ID cookie: %s",