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 <META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="LinuxDoc-Tools 0.9.65">
 <TITLE>BRLTTY Reference Manual: Feature Descriptions</TITLE>
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<H2><A NAME="s5">5.</A> <A HREF="BRLTTY.html#toc5">Feature Descriptions</A></H2>

<H2><A NAME="routing"></A> <A NAME="ss5.1">5.1</A> <A HREF="BRLTTY.html#toc5.1">Cursor Routing</A>

<P>When moving the braille window around the screen
while examining the text, say, in an editor,
you often need to bring the cursor
to a specific character within the braille window.
You'll probably find this to be a rather difficult task for a number of reasons.
One is that you may not know where the cursor is,
and that you may lose your place while trying to find it.
Another is that the cursor may move unrpedictably as the arrow keys are pressed
(some editors, for example, don't allow the cursor to be
more to the right than the end of the line it's on).
Cursor routing provides just such a capability
by knowing where the cursor is,
by simulating the same arrow-key presses which you'd have to enter manually,
and by monitoring the progress of the cursor as it moves.</P>
<P>Some braille displays have a button, known as a routing key, above each cell.
These keys use the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-ROUTE">ROUTE</A> command
to route the cursor right to the desired location.</P>
<P>Cursor routing, while very convenient and effective,
is, strictly speaking, not completely reliable.
One reason for this is that its current implementation assumes
VT100 cursor key escape sequences.
Another is that some applications do non-standard things
in response to detecting that a cursor key has been pressed.
A minor problem found within some editors (like <CODE>vi</CODE>),
as already mentioned above,
is that they throw in some unpredictable horizontal motion
when vertical motion is requested
because they don't allow the cursor to be to the right of the end of a line.
A major problem found within some web browsers (like <CODE>lynx</CODE>)
is that the up- and down-arrow keys are used to move among the links
(which may skip lines and/or move the cursor horizontally,
but which rarely just moves the cursor one line in the desired direction),
and that the left- and right-arrow keys are used to select links
(which has absolutely nothing to do with any form of cursor motion whatsoever,
and which even totally changes the screen content).</P>
<P>Cursor routing may not work very well on a heavily loaded system,
and definitely doesn't work very well when working on a remote system over a slow link.
This is so because of all of the checks which must be made along the way
in order to deal with unpredictable cursor motion
and in order to ensure that any mistake has at least a fighting chance to be undone.
Even  though BRLTTY tries to be fairly clever,
it must still essentially wait to see what happens after each simulated arrow-key press.</P>
<P>Once a cursor routing request has been made,
BRLTTY keeps trying to route the cursor to the desired location until
a timeout expires before the cursor reaches that location,
the cursor seems to be moving in the wrong direction,
or you switch to a different virtual terminal.
An attempt is first made to use virtical motion
to bring the cursor to the right line,
and, only if that succeeds, an attempt is then made
to use horizontal motion to bring the cursor to the right column.
If another request is made while one is still in progress,
then the first one is aborted and the second one is initiated.</P>
<P>A safer but less powerful cursor routing command,
uses just vertical motion to bring the cursor
to anywhere on the top line of the braille window.
It's especially useful in conjunction with applications (like <CODE>lynx</CODE>)
wherein horizontal cursor motion must never be attempted.</P>

<H2><A NAME="cut"></A> <A NAME="ss5.2">5.2</A> <A HREF="BRLTTY.html#toc5.2">Cut and Paste</A>

<P>This feature enables you to grab some text which is already on the screen 
and re-enter it at the current cursor position.
Using it saves time and avoids errors
when a long and/or complicated piece of text needs to be copied,
and even when the same short and simple piece of text needs to be copied many times.
It's particularly useful for things like
long file names,
complicated command lines,
E-mail addresses,
and URLs. Cutting and pasting text involves three simple steps:
<LI>Mark either the top-left corner of the rectangular area
or the beginning of the linear area
on the screen which is to be grabbed (cut).
If your display has routing keys,
then move the braille window so that
the first character to be cut appears anywhere within it, and then:
<LI>invoke the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-CUTBEGIN">CUTBEGIN</A> command
to start a new cut buffer</LI>
<LI>invoke the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-CUTAPPEND">CUTAPPEND</A> command
to append to the existing cut buffer</LI>

by pressing the key(s) associated with it
and then pressing the routing key associated with the character.</LI>
<LI>Mark either the bottom-right corner of the rectangular area
or the end of the linear area
on the screen which is to be grabbed (cut).
If your display has routing keys,
then move the braille window so that
the last character to be cut appears anywhere within it, and then
<LI>invoke the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-CUTRECT">CUTRECT</A> command
to cut a rectangular area</LI>
<LI>invoke the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-CUTLINE">CUTLINE</A> command
to cut a linear area</LI>

by pressing the key(s) associated with it
and then pressing the routing key associated with the character.
Marking the end of the cut area
appends the selected screen content to the cut buffer.
Excess white-space is removed from the end of each line in the cut buffer
so that unwanted trailing spaces won't be pasted back in.
Control characters are replaced with blanks.</LI>
<LI>Insert (paste) the text where it's needed.
Place the cursor over the character where the text is to be pasted,
and invoke the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-PASTE">PASTE</A> command.
You can paste the same text any number of times without recutting it.
This description assumes that you're already in some sort of input mode.
If you paste when you're in some other kind of mode
(like <CODE>vi</CODE>'s command mode),
then you'd better be aware of what the characters in the cut buffer will do.</LI>
<P>The cut buffer is also used by

<H2><A NAME="gpm"></A> <A NAME="ss5.3">5.3</A> <A HREF="BRLTTY.html#toc5.3">Pointer (Mouse) Support via GPM</A>

<P>If BRLTTY is configured with the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-3.html#build-gpm">--enable-gpm</A> build option
on a system where the <CODE>gpm</CODE> application has been installed,
then it'll interact with the pointer (mouse).</P>
<P>Moving the pointer drags the braille window
(see the 
<A HREF="#preference-window-follows-pointer">Window Follows Pointer</A> preference).
Whenever the pointer is moved beyond the edge of the braille window,
the braille window is dragged along (one character at a time).
This gives the braille user another two-dimensional way
to inspect the screen content
or to quickly move the braille window to a desired location.
It also gives a sighted observer an easy way to move the braille window
to something he'd like the braille user to read.</P>
<P><CODE>gpm</CODE> uses reverse video to show where the pointer is.
Underlining of highlighted characters
(see the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-ATTRVIS">ATTRVIS</A> command for details)
should be turned on, therefore, when the braille user wishes to use the pointer.</P>
<P>This feature also gives the braille user access to <CODE>gpm</CODE>'s cut-and-paste capability.
Although you should read <CODE>gpm</CODE>'s own documentation,
here are some notes on how it works.
<LI>Copy the current character to the cut buffer
by single-clicking the left button.</LI>
<LI>Copy the current word (space-delimited) to the cut buffer
by double-clicking the left button.</LI>
<LI>Copy the current line to the cut buffer
by tripple-clicking the left button.</LI>
<LI>Copy a linear region to the cut buffer as follows:
<LI>Place the pointer on the first character of the region.</LI>
<LI>Press (and hold) the left button.</LI>
<LI>Move the pointer to the last character of the region
(all currently selected characters are highlighted).</LI>
<LI>Release the left button.</LI>
<LI>Paste (input) the current contents of the cut buffer
by clicking the middle button of a three-button mouse
or by clicking the right button of a two-button mouse.</LI>
<LI>Append to the cut buffer
by using the right button of a three-button mouse.</LI>

<H2><A NAME="tunes"></A> <A NAME="ss5.4">5.4</A> <A HREF="BRLTTY.html#toc5.4">Alert Tunes</A>

<P>BRLTTY alerts you to the occurrence of significant events
by playing short predefined tunes.
This feature can be activated and deactivated with
either the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-TUNES">TUNES</A> command
or the 
<A HREF="#preference-alert-tunes">Alert Tunes</A> preference.
The tunes are played via the internal beeper by default,
but other alternatives can be selected
with the 
<A HREF="#preference-tune-device">Tune Device</A> preference.</P>
<P>Each significant event is associated, from highest to lowest priority,
with one or more of the following:
<DT><B>a tune</B><DD>
<P>If a tune has been associated with the event,
if the 
<A HREF="#preference-alert-tunes">Alert Tunes</A> preference
(see also the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-TUNES">TUNES</A> command)
is active,
and if the selected tune device
(see the 
<A HREF="#preference-tune-device">Tune Device</A> preference)
can be opened,
then the tune is played.</P>
<DT><B>a dot pattern</B><DD>
<P>If a dot pattern has been associated with the event,
and if the 
<A HREF="#preference-alert-dots">Alert Dots</A> preference is active,
then the dot pattern is briefly displayed on every braille cell.
Some braille displays don't respond quickly enough
for this mechanism to work effectively.</P>
<DT><B>a message</B><DD>
<P>If a message has been associated with the event,
and if the 
<A HREF="#preference-alert-messages">Alert Messages</A> preference is active,
then it is displayed for a few seconds
(see the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#options-message-delay">-M</A> command line option).</P>
<P>These events include:
<LI>When the braille display driver starts or stops.</LI>
<LI>When a lengthy command completes.</LI>
<LI>When a command cannot be executed.</LI>
<LI>When a mark is set.</LI>
<LI>When the start or end of the cut block is set.</LI>
<LI>When a feature is activated or deactivated.</LI>
<LI>When cursor tracking is turned on or off.</LI>
<LI>When the screen image is frozen or unfrozen.</LI>
<LI>When the braille window wraps
either down to the beginning of the next line
or up to the end of the previous line.</LI>
<LI>When identical lines are skipped.</LI>
<LI>When a requested motion cannot be performed.</LI>
<LI>When cursor routing starts, finishes, or fails.</LI>

<H2><A NAME="preferences"></A> <A NAME="ss5.5">5.5</A> <A HREF="BRLTTY.html#toc5.5">Preferences Settings</A>

<P>When BRLTTY starts, it loads a file which contains your preferences settings.
The file doesn't need to exist,
and is created the first time the settings are saved
with the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-PREFSAVE">PREFSAVE</A> command.
The most recently saved settings can be restored at any time
with the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-PREFLOAD">PREFLOAD</A> command.</P>
<P>The name for this file is <CODE>/etc/brltty-</CODE><EM>driver</EM><CODE>.prefs</CODE>.
where <EM>driver</EM> is the two-letter 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-10.html#drivers">driver identification code</A>.</P>

<H3><A NAME="preferences-menu"></A> The Preferences Menu</H3>

<P>The preferences settings are saved as binary data
which, therefore, can't be edited by hand.
BRLTTY, however, has a simple menu from which you can easily change them.</P>
<P>The meny is activated by the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-PREFMENU">PREFMENU</A> command.
The braille display briefly
(see the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#options-message-delay">-M</A> command line option)
shows the menu title,
and then presents the current item and its current setting.</P>

<H3>Navigating the Menu</H3>

<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#menu">Menu Navigation Commands</A> for the full list of
commands which enable you to select items and change settings within the menu.
For backward compatibility with old drivers, the window motion commands,
which have modified meanings in this context, can also be used.
<P>Go to the first/last item in the menu
(same as 
<P>Go to the previous/next item in the menu
(same as 
<P>Decrement/increment the current menu item's setting
(same as 
<LI>The routing keys can also be used to select a setting for the current item.
If the item has numeric settings,
then the entire row of routing keys acts as a scroll bar
which covers the full range of valid values.
If the item has named settings,
then the routing keys correspond ordinally with the settings.</LI>
<LI>Use the <CODE>PREFLOAD</CODE> command to undo all of the changes
which were made since entering the menu.</LI>
<LI>Use the <CODE>PREFMENU</CODE> command (again) to leave the new settings in effect,
exit the menu, and resume normal operation.
If the "Save Settings on Exit" item is set, then, in addition,
the new settings are written to the preferences settings file.
Any command not recognized by the menu system also does these same things.</LI>

<H3>The Menu Items</H3>

<DT><B>Save on Exit
<A NAME="preference-save-on-exit"></A> </B><DD>
<P>When exiting the preferences menu:
<P>Don't automatically save the preferences settings.</P>
<P>Automatically save the preferences settings.</P>

The initial setting is <CODE>No</CODE>.</P>
<DT><B>Text Style
<A NAME="preference-text-style"></A> </B><DD>
<P>When displaying screen content
(see the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-DISPMD">DISPMD</A> command),
show characters:
<P>With all eight dots.</P>
<P>With only dots 1 through 6.
If a contraction table has been selected
(see the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#options-contraction-table">-c</A> command line option
and the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#configure-contraction-table">contraction-table</A> configuration file directive),
then it is used.</P>

This setting can also be changed with the
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-SIXDOTS">SIXDOTS</A> command.</P>
<DT><B>Skip Identical Lines
<A NAME="preference-skip-identical-lines"></A> </B><DD>
<P>When moving either up or down exactly one line with
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-LNUP-LNDN">LNUP/LNDN</A> commands,
as well as the line wrapping feature of
<P>Don't skip past lines which have the same content as the current line.</P>
<P>Skip past lines which have the same content as the current line.</P>

This setting can also be changed with the
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-SKPIDLNS">SKPIDLNS</A> command.</P>
<DT><B>Skip Blank Windows
<A NAME="preference-skip-blank-windows"></A> </B><DD>
<P>When moving either left or right with
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-FWINLT-FWINRT">FWINLT/FWINRT</A> commands:
<P>Don't skip past blank windows.</P>
<P>Skip past blank windows.</P>

This setting can also be changed with the
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-SKPBLNKWINS">SKPBLNKWINS</A> command.</P>
<DT><B>Which Blank Windows
<A NAME="preference-which-blank-windows"></A> </B><DD>
<P>If blank windows are to be skipped:
<P>Skip all of them.</P>
<DT><B>End of Line</B><DD>
<P>Only skip those which are at the end (on the right side) of a line.</P>
<DT><B>Rest of Line</B><DD>
<P>Only skip those which are
at the end (on the right side) of a line when reading forward,
and at the beginning (on the left side) of a line when reading backward.</P>
<DT><B>Sliding Window
<A NAME="preference-sliding-window"></A> </B><DD>
<P>If the cursor is being tracked
(see the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-CSRTRK">CSRTRK</A> command),
and the cursor moves too close to (or beyond)
either end of the braille window:
<P>Horizontally reposition the window such that its left end
is a multiple of its width from the left edge of the screen.</P>
<P>Horizontally reposition the window such that the cursor,
while remaining on that side of the window, is nearer the centre.</P>

This setting can also be changed with the
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-SLIDEWIN">SLIDEWIN</A> command.</P>
<DT><B>Eager Sliding Window
<A NAME="preference-eager-sliding-window"></A> </B><DD>
<P>If the braille window is to slide:
<P>Reposition it whenever the cursor moves beyond either end.</P>
<P>Reposition it whenever the cursor moves too close to either end.</P>

The initial setting is <CODE>No</CODE>.</P>
<DT><B>Window Overlap
<A NAME="preference-window-overlap"></A> </B><DD>
<P>When moving either left or right with
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-FWINLT-FWINRT">FWINLT/FWINRT</A> commands,
this setting specifies how many characters
horizontally adjacent braille windows should overlap each other by.
The initial setting is <CODE>0</CODE>.</P>
<A NAME="preference-autorepeat"></A> </B><DD>
<P>While the key (combination) for a command remains pressed:
<P>Don't automatically repeat the command.</P>
<P>Automatically repeat the command at a regular interval after an initial delay.</P>

The following commands are eligible for autorepeating:
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-LNUP-LNDN">LNUP/LNDN</A> commands.</LI>
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-CHRLT-CHRRT">CHRLT/CHRRT</A> commands.</LI>
<LI>Braille window panning operations
(see the 
<A HREF="#preference-autorepeat-panning">Autorepeat Panning</A> preference).</LI>
<LI>The Page-Up and Page-Down operations.</LI>
<LI>The Cursor-Up and Cursor-Down operations.</LI>
<LI>The Cursor-Left and Cursor-Right operations.</LI>
<LI>The Backspace and Delete operations.</LI>
<LI>Character entry.</LI>

Only some drivers support this functionality,
the primary limitation being that many braille displays
don't signal both key presses and key releases as distinctly separate events.
This setting can also be changed with the
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-AUTOREPEAT">AUTOREPEAT</A> command.
The initial setting is <CODE>Yes</CODE>.</P>
<DT><B>Autorepeat Panning
<A NAME="preference-autorepeat-panning"></A> </B><DD>
<P>When the 
<A HREF="#preference-autorepeat">Autorepeat</A> preference is enabled:
<P>Don't autorepeat braille window panning operations.</P>
<P>Autorepeat braille window panning operations.</P>

This preference affects the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-FWINLT-FWINRT">FWINLT/FWINRT</A> commands.
The initial setting is <CODE>No</CODE>.</P>
<DT><B>Autorepeat Delay
<A NAME="preference-autorepeat-delay"></A> </B><DD>
<P>When a character is to be autorepeated,
this setting specifies the amount of time
(see the note on 
<A HREF="#time-settings">time settings</A> below)
which must pass before autorepeating begins.
The initial setting is <CODE>50</CODE>.</P>
<DT><B>Autorepeat Interval
<A NAME="preference-autorepeat-interval"></A> </B><DD>
<P>When a character is being autorepeated,
this setting specifies the amount of time
(see the note on 
<A HREF="#time-settings">time settings</A> below)
between each reexecution.
The initial setting is <CODE>10</CODE>.</P>
<DT><B>Show Cursor
<A NAME="preference-show-cursor"></A> </B><DD>
<P>When displaying screen content
(see the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-DISPMD">DISPMD</A> command):
<P>Don't show the cursor.</P>
<P>Show the cursor.</P>

This setting can also be changed with the
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-CSRVIS">CSRVIS</A> command.
The initial setting is <CODE>Yes</CODE>.</P>
<DT><B>Cursor Style
<A NAME="preference-cursor-style"></A> </B><DD>
<P>When showing the cursor, represent it:
<P>With dots 7 and 8.</P>
<P>With all eight dots.</P>

This setting can also be changed with the
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-CSRSIZE">CSRSIZE</A> command.</P>
<DT><B>Blinking Cursor
<A NAME="preference-blinking-cursor"></A> </B><DD>
<P>When the cursor is to be shown:
<P>Leave it visible all the time.</P>
<P>Make it alternately visible and invisible
according to a predefined interval.</P>

This setting can also be changed with the
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-CSRBLINK">CSRBLINK</A> command.</P>
<DT><B>Cursor Visible Time
<A NAME="preference-cursor-visible-time"></A> </B><DD>
<P>When the cursor is to be blinked, this setting specifies the length of time
(see the note on 
<A HREF="#time-settings">time settings</A> below)
during each cycle that it is to be visible.
The initial setting is <CODE>40</CODE>.</P>
<DT><B>Cursor Invisible Time
<A NAME="preference-cursor-invisible-time"></A> </B><DD>
<P>When the cursor is to be blinked, this setting specifies the length of time
(see the note on 
<A HREF="#time-settings">time settings</A> below)
during each cycle that it is to be invisible.
The initial setting is <CODE>40</CODE>.</P>
<DT><B>Show Attributes
<A NAME="preference-show-attributes"></A> </B><DD>
<P>When displaying screen content
(see the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-DISPMD">DISPMD</A> command):
<P>Don't underline highlighted characters.</P>
<P>Underline highlighted characters.</P>

This setting can also be changed with the
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-ATTRVIS">ATTRVIS</A> command.</P>
<DT><B>Blinking Attributes
<A NAME="preference-blinking-attributes"></A> </B><DD>
<P>When highlighted characters are to be underlined:
<P>Leave the indicator visible all the time.</P>
<P>Make the indicator alternately visible and invisible
according to a predefined interval.</P>

This setting can also be changed with the
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-ATTRBLINK">ATTRBLINK</A> command.</P>
<DT><B>Attributes Visible Time
<A NAME="preference-attributes-visible-time"></A> </B><DD>
<P>When the highlighted character underline is to be blinked,
this setting specifies the length of time
(see the note on 
<A HREF="#time-settings">time settings</A> below)
during each cycle that it is to be visible.
The initial setting is <CODE>20</CODE>.</P>
<DT><B>Attributes Invisible Time
<A NAME="preference-attributes-invisible-time"></A> </B><DD>
<P>When the highlighted character underline is to be blinked,
this setting specifies the length of time
(see the note on 
<A HREF="#time-settings">time settings</A> below)
during each cycle that it is to be invisible.
The initial setting is <CODE>60</CODE>.</P>
<DT><B>Blinking Capitals
<A NAME="preference-blinking-capitals"></A> </B><DD>
<P>When displaying screen content
(see the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-DISPMD">DISPMD</A> command):
<P>Leave capital letters visible all the time.</P>
<P>Make capital letters alternately visible and invisible
according to a predefined interval.</P>

This setting can also be changed with the
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-CAPBLINK">CAPBLINK</A> command.</P>
<DT><B>Capitals Visible Time
<A NAME="preference-capitals-visible-time"></A> </B><DD>
<P>When capital letters are to be blinked,
this setting specifies the length of time
(see the note on 
<A HREF="#time-settings">time settings</A> below)
during each cycle that they're to be visible.
The initial setting is <CODE>60</CODE>.</P>
<DT><B>Capitals Invisible Time
<A NAME="preference-capitals-invisible-time"></A> </B><DD>
<P>When capital letters are to be blinked,
this setting specifies the length of time
(see the note on 
<A HREF="#time-settings">time settings</A> below)
during each cycle that they're to be invisible.
The initial setting is <CODE>20</CODE>.</P>
<DT><B>Braille Firmness
<A NAME="preference-braille-firmness"></A> </B><DD>
<P>Adjust the firmness (or stiffness) of the braille dots.
It can be set to:

This preference is only available if a driver which supports it is being used.
The initial setting is <CODE>Medium</CODE>.</P>
<DT><B>Braille Sensitivity
<A NAME="preference-braille-sensitivity"></A> </B><DD>
<P>Adjust the sensitivity of the braille dots to touch.
It can be set to:

This preference is only available if a driver which supports it is being used.
The initial setting is <CODE>Medium</CODE>.</P>
<DT><B>Window Follows Pointer
<A NAME="preference-window-follows-pointer"></A> </B><DD>
<P>When moving the pointer device (mouse):
<P>Don't drag the braille window.</P>
<P>Drag the braille window.</P>

This preference is only presented if the
<A HREF="BRLTTY-3.html#build-gpm">--enable-gpm</A> build option was specified.</P>
<DT><B>Highlight Window
<A NAME="preference-highlight-window"></A> </B><DD>
<P>When moving the braille window:
<P>Don't highlight the new screen area.</P>
<P>Highlight the new screen area.</P>

This feature enables a sighted observer to see where the braille window is,
and, therefore, to know what the braille user is reading.
Any motion of the braille window (manual, cursor tracking, etc.),
other than when it moves in response to pointer (mouse) motion
(see the 
<A HREF="#preference-window-follows-pointer">Window Follows Pointer</A> preference),
causes the area of the screen corresponding to
the new location of the braille window to be highlighted.
If the 
<A HREF="#preference-show-attributes">Show Attributes</A> preference is enabled
then only the character corresponding to the upper-left corner of the braille window is highlighted.</P>
<DT><B>Alert Tunes
<A NAME="preference-alert-tunes"></A> </B><DD>
<P>Whenever a significant event with an associated tune occurs
<A HREF="#tunes">Alert Tunes</A>):
<P>Don't play the tune.</P>
<P>Play the tune.</P>

This setting can also be changed with the
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-TUNES">TUNES</A> command.
The initial setting is <CODE>Yes</CODE>.</P>
<DT><B>Tune Device
<A NAME="preference-tune-device"></A> </B><DD>
<P>Play alert tunes via:
<P>The internal beeper (console tone generator).
This setting is supported
on Linux,
on OpenBSD,
on FreeBSD,
and on NetBSD.
It's always safe to use,
although it may be somewhat soft.
This device isn't available if the
<A HREF="BRLTTY-3.html#build-beeper-support">--disable-beeper-support</A> build option was specified.</P>
<P>The digital audio interface on the sound card.
This setting is supported
on Linux (via <CODE>/dev/dsp</CODE>),
on Solaris (via <CODE>/dev/audio</CODE>),
on OpenBSD (via <CODE>/dev/audio0</CODE>),
on FreeBSD (via <CODE>/dev/dsp</CODE>),
and on NetBSD (via <CODE>/dev/audio0</CODE>).
It doesn't work when this device is already being used
by another application.
This device isn't available if the
<A HREF="BRLTTY-3.html#build-pcm-support">--disable-pcm-support</A> build option was specified.</P>
<P>The Musical Instrument Digital Interface on the sound card
This setting is supported
on Linux (via <CODE>/dev/sequencer</CODE>).
It doesn't work when this device is already being used
by another application.
This device isn't available if the
<A HREF="BRLTTY-3.html#build-midi-support">--disable-midi-support</A> build option was specified.</P>
<P>The FM synthesizer on an
AdLib, OPL3, Sound Blaster, or equivalent sound card.
This setting is supported
on Linux.
It works even if the FM synthesizer
is already being used by another application.
The results are unpredictable, and potentially not very good,
if it's used with a sound card which doesn't support this feature.
This device isn't available if the
<A HREF="BRLTTY-3.html#build-fm-support">--disable-fm-support</A> build option was specified.</P>

The initial setting is <CODE>Beeper</CODE> on those platforms which support it,
and <CODE>PCM</CODE> on those platforms which don't.</P>
<DT><B>PCM Volume
<A NAME="preference-pcm-volume"></A> </B><DD>
<P>If the digital audio interface of the sound card
is being used to play the alert tunes,
this setting specifies the loudness
(as a percentage of the maximum)
at which they are to be played.
The initial setting is <CODE>70</CODE>.</P>
<DT><B>MIDI Volume
<A NAME="preference-midi-volume"></A> </B><DD>
<P>If the Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) of the sound card
is being used to play the alert tunes,
this setting specifies the loudness
(as a percentage of the maximum)
at which they are to be played.
The initial setting is <CODE>70</CODE>.</P>
<DT><B>MIDI Instrument
<A NAME="preference-midi-instrument"></A> </B><DD>
<P>If the Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) of the sound card
is being used to play the alert tunes,
this setting specifies which instrument is to be used
(see the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-15.html#midi">MIDI Instrument Table</A>).
The initial setting is <CODE>Acoustic Grand Piano</CODE>.</P>
<DT><B>FM Volume
<A NAME="preference-fm-volume"></A> </B><DD>
<P>If the FM synthesizer of the sound card
is being used to play the alert tunes,
this setting specifies the loudness
(as a percentage of the maximum)
at which they are to be played.
The initial setting is <CODE>70</CODE>.</P>
<DT><B>Alert Dots
<A NAME="preference-alert-dots"></A> </B><DD>
<P>Whenever a significant event with an associated dot pattern occurs
<A HREF="#tunes">Alert Tunes</A>):
<P>Don't display the dot pattern.</P>
<P>Briefly display the dot pattern.</P>

If alert tunes are to be played
(see the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-TUNES">TUNES</A> command
and the 
<A HREF="#preference-alert-tunes">Alert Tunes</A> preference),
if a tune has been associated with the event,
and if the selected tune device can be opened,
then, regardless of the setting of this preference, the dot pattern isn't displayed.</P>
<DT><B>Alert Messages
<A NAME="preference-alert-messages"></A> </B><DD>
<P>Whenever a significant event with an associated message occurs
<A HREF="#tunes">Alert Tunes</A>):
<P>Don't display the message.</P>
<P>Display the message.</P>

If alert tunes are to be played
(see the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-TUNES">TUNES</A> command
and the 
<A HREF="#preference-alert-tunes">Alert Tunes</A> preference),
if a tune has been associated with the event,
and if the selected tune device can be opened,
or if alert dot patterns are to be displayed
(see the 
<A HREF="#preference-alert-dots">Alert Dots</A> preference)
and if a dot pattern has been associated with the event,
then, regardless of the setting of this preference, the message isn't displayed.</P>
<DT><B>Say-Line Mode
<A NAME="preference-sayline-mode"></A> </B><DD>
<P>When using the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-SAY_LINE">SAY_LINE</A> command:
<P>Discard pending speech.</P>
<P>Don't discard pending speech.</P>

The initial setting is <CODE>Immediate</CODE>.</P>
<A NAME="preference-autospeak"></A> </B><DD>
<P>Only speak when explicitly requested to do so.</P>
<P>Automatically speak:
<LI>the new line when the braille window is moved vertically.</LI>
<LI>characters which are entered or deleted.</LI>
<LI>the character to which the cursor is moved.</LI>

This setting can also be changed with the
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-AUTOSPEAK">AUTOSPEAK</A> command.
The initial setting is <CODE>No</CODE>.</P>
<DT><B>Speech Rate
<A NAME="preference-speech-rate"></A> </B><DD>
<P>Adjust the speech rate
(<CODE>0</CODE> is the slowest, <CODE>20</CODE> is the fastest).
This preference is only available if a driver which supports it is being used.
This setting can also be changed with
The initial setting is <CODE>10</CODE>.</P>
<DT><B>Speech Volume
<A NAME="preference-speech-volume"></A> </B><DD>
<P>Adjust the speech volume
(<CODE>0</CODE> is the softest, <CODE>20</CODE> is the loudest).
This preference is only available if a driver which supports it is being used.
This setting can also be changed with
The initial setting is <CODE>10</CODE>.</P>
<DT><B>Speech Pitch
<A NAME="preference-speech-pitch"></A> </B><DD>
<P>Adjust the speech pitch
(<CODE>0</CODE> is the lowest, <CODE>20</CODE> is the highest).
This preference is only available if a driver which supports it is being used.
The initial setting is <CODE>10</CODE>.</P>
<DT><B>Speech Punctuation
<A NAME="preference-speech-punctuation"></A> </B><DD>
<P>Adjust the amount of punctuation which is spoken.
It can be set to:

This preference is only available if a driver which supports it is being used.
The initial setting is <CODE>Some</CODE>.</P>
<DT><B>Status Style
<A NAME="preference-status-style"></A> </B><DD>
<P>This setting specifies the way that the status cells are to be used.
You shuldn't normally need to play with it.
It enables BRLTTY's developers to test status cell configurations
for braille displays which they don't actually have.
<P>Don't use the status cells.
This setting is always safe, but it's also quite useless.</P>
<P>The status cells contain:
<P>The location of the cursor (see below).</P>
<P>The location of the top-left corner of the braille window (see below).</P>
<P>A letter indicating BRLTTY's state.
In order of precedence:
<P>Screen attributes are being shown
(see the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-DISPMD">DISPMD</A> command).</P>
<P>The screen image is frozen
(see the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-FREEZE">FREEZE</A> command).</P>
<P>The cursor is being tracked
(see the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-CSRTRK">CSRTRK</A> command).</P>
<P>Nothing special.</P>

The locations of the cursor and the braille window
are presented in an interesting way.
Dots 1 through 6 represent the line number with a letter
from <CODE>a</CODE> (for 1) through <CODE>y</CODE> (for 25).
Dots 7 and 8 (the extra two at the bottom)
represent the horizontal braille window number as follows:
<DT><B>No Dots</B><DD>
<P>The first (leftmost) window.</P>
<DT><B>Dot 7</B><DD>
<P>The second window.</P>
<DT><B>Dot 8</B><DD>
<P>The third window.</P>
<DT><B>Dots 7 and 8</B><DD>
<P>The fourth window.</P>

In both cases, the indicators wrap:
line 26 is represented by the letter <CODE>a</CODE>, and the fifth horizontal
braille window is represented by no dots at the bottom.</P>
<P>The status cells contain:
<P>The columns (counting from 1) of the cursor
(shown in the top half of the cells)
and the top-left corner of the braille window
(shown in the bottom half of the cells).</P>
<P>The rows (counting from 1) of the cursor
(shown in the top half of the cells)
and the top-left corner of the braille window
(shown in the bottom half of the cells).</P>
<P>Each dot indicates if a feature is turned on as follows:
<DT><B>Dot 1</B><DD>
<P>The screen image is frozen
(see the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-FREEZE">FREEZE</A> command).</P>
<DT><B>Dot 2</B><DD>
<P>Screen attributes are being displayed
(see the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-DISPMD">DISPMD</A> command).</P>
<DT><B>Dot 3</B><DD>
<P>Alert tunes are being played
(see the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-TUNES">TUNES</A> command).</P>
<DT><B>Dot 4</B><DD>
<P>The cursor is being shown
(see the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-CSRVIS">CSRVIS</A> command).</P>
<DT><B>Dot 5</B><DD>
<P>The cursor is a solid block
(see the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-CSRSIZE">CSRSIZE</A> command).</P>
<DT><B>Dot 6</B><DD>
<P>The cursor is blinking
(see the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-CSRBLINK">CSRBLINK</A> command).</P>
<DT><B>Dot 7</B><DD>
<P>The cursor is being tracked
(see the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-CSRTRK">CSRTRK</A> command).</P>
<DT><B>Dot 8</B><DD>
<P>The braille window will slide
(see the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-SLIDEWIN">SLIDEWIN</A> command).</P>
<DT><B>PowerBraille 80</B><DD>
<P>The status cells contain:
<P>The row (counting from 1) corresponding
to the top of the braille window.
The tens digit is shown in the top half of the cell,
and the units digit is shown in the bottom half of the cell.</P>
<P>This setting passes a lot of information to the braille driver,
and the driver itself decides how to present it.</P>
<P>The status cells contain:
<P>The location of the top-left corner of the braille window.
The row (counting from 1) is shown in the top half of the cells,
and the column (counting from 1) is shown in the bottom half of the cells.</P>
<P>The status cells contain:
<P>The row (counting from 1) corresponding to
the top of the braille window (see below).</P>
<P>The row (counting from 1) whereon the cursor is (see below).</P>
<P>If the screen is frozen
(see the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-FREEZE">FREEZE</A> command),
then the letter <CODE>F</CODE>.
If it isn't, then
the column (counting from 1) wherein the cursor is (see below).</P>

Row and column numbers are shown as two digits within a single cell.
The tens digit is shown in the top half of the cell,
and the units digit is shown in the bottom half of the cell.</P>

The initial setting is braille display driver dependent.</P>
<DT><B>Text Table
<A NAME="preference-text-table"></A> </B><DD>
<P>Select the text table.
See section 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-6.html#table-text">Text Tables</A> for details.
See the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#options-text-table">-t</A> command line option for the initial setting.
This preference isn't saved.</P>
<DT><B>Attributes Table
<A NAME="preference-attributes-table"></A> </B><DD>
<P>Select the attributes table.
See section 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-6.html#table-attributes">Attributes Tables</A> for details.
See the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#options-attributes-table">-a</A> command line option for the initial setting.
This preference isn't saved.</P>
<DT><B>Contraction Table
<A NAME="preference-contraction-table"></A> </B><DD>
<P>Select the contraction table.
See section 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-6.html#table-contraction">Contraction Tables</A> for details.
See the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#options-contraction-table">-c</A> command line option for the initial setting.
This preference isn't saved.</P>
<DT><B>Key Table
<A NAME="preference-key-table"></A> </B><DD>
<P>Select the key table.
See section 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-6.html#table-key">Key Tables</A> for details.
See the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#options-key-table">-k</A> command line option for the initial setting.
This preference isn't saved.</P>
<A NAME="time-settings"></A> 
All time settings are in hundredths of a second.
They are multiples of the braille window update interval
(see the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#options-update-interval">-U</A> command line option)
within the range 1 through 100.</LI>

<H2><A NAME="status"></A> <A NAME="ss5.6">5.6</A> <A HREF="BRLTTY.html#toc5.6">The Status Display</A>

<P>The status display is a summary of BRLTTY's current state
which fits completely within the braille window.
Some braille displays have a set of status cells
which are used to permanently display some of this information as well
(see the documentation for your display's driver).
The data presented by this display isn't static, and may change at any time
in response to screen updates and/or BRLTTY commands.</P>
<P>Use the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-INFO">INFO</A> command
to switch to the status display,
and use it again to return to the screen.
The layout of the information contained therein
is dependent on the size of the braille window.</P>

<H3>Displays with 21 Cells or More</H3>

<P>Short pneumonics have been used, even though they're rather cryptic,
in order to show the precise column layout.
<EM>wx</EM>:<EM>wy</EM> <EM>cx</EM>:<EM>cy</EM> <EM>vt</EM> <EM>tcmfdu</EM>

<P>The column and row (counting from 1) on the screen corresponding
to the top-left corner of the braille window.</P>
<P>The column and row (counting from 1) on the screen corresponding
to the position of the cursor.</P>
<P>The number (counting from 1) of the current virtual terminal.</P>
<P>The state of the cursor tracking feature
(see the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-CSRTRK">CSRTRK</A> command).
<P>Cursor tracking is off.</P>
<P>Cursor tracking is on.</P>
<P>The state of the cursor visibility features
(see the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-CSRVIS">CSRVIS</A>
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-CSRBLINK">CSRBLINK</A> commands).
<P>The cursor isn't visible, and won't blink when made visible.</P>
<P>The cursor isn't visible, and will blink when made visible.</P>
<P>The cursor is visible, and isn't blinking.</P>
<P>The cursor is visible, and is blinking.</P>
<P>The current display mode
(see the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-DISPMD">DISPMD</A> command).
<P>Screen content (text) is being displayed.</P>
<P>Screen highlighting (attributes) is being displayed.</P>
<P>The state of the frozen screen feature
(see the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-FREEZE">FREEZE</A> command).
<P>The screen isn't frozen.</P>
<P>The screen is frozen.</P>
<P>The number of braille dots being used to display each character
(see the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-SIXDOTS">SIXDOTS</A> command).
<P>All eight dots are being used.</P>
<P>Only dots 1 through 6 are being used.</P>
<P>The state of the uppercase (capital letter) display features
(see the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-CAPBLINK">CAPBLINK</A> command).
<P>Uppercase letters don't blink.</P>
<P>Uppercase letters blink.</P>

<H3>Displays with 20 Cells or Less</H3>

<P>Short pneumonics have been used, even though they're rather cryptic,
in order to show the precise column layout.
<EM>xx</EM><EM>yy</EM><EM>s</EM> <EM>vt</EM> <EM>tcmfdu</EM>

<P>The columns (counting from 1) on the screen corresponding
to the position of the cursor (shown in the top half of the cells)
and to the top-left corner of the braille window (shown in the bottom half of the cells).</P>
<P>The rows (counting from 1) on the screen corresponding
to the position of the cursor (shown in the top half of the cells)
and to the top-left corner of the braille window (shown in the bottom half of the cells).</P>
<P>The settings of some of BRLTTY's features.
A feature is turned on if its corresponding dot is raised.
<DT><B>Dot 1</B><DD>
<P>Frozen screen image
(see the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-FREEZE">FREEZE</A> command).</P>
<DT><B>Dot 2</B><DD>
<P>Display attributes
(see the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-DISPMD">DISPMD</A> command).</P>
<DT><B>Dot 3</B><DD>
<P>Alert tunes
(see the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-TUNES">TUNES</A> command).</P>
<DT><B>Dot 4</B><DD>
<P>Visible cursor
(see the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-CSRVIS">CSRVIS</A> command).</P>
<DT><B>Dot 5</B><DD>
<P>Block cursor
(see the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-CSRSIZE">CSRSIZE</A> command).</P>
<DT><B>Dot 6</B><DD>
<P>Blinking cursor
(see the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-CSRBLINK">CSRBLINK</A> command).</P>
<DT><B>Dot 7</B><DD>
<P>Cursor tracking
(see the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-CSRTRK">CSRTRK</A> command).</P>
<DT><B>Dot 8</B><DD>
<P>Sliding window
(see the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-SLIDEWIN">SLIDEWIN</A> command).</P>
<P>The number (counting from 1) of the current virtual terminal.</P>
<P>The state of the cursor tracking feature
(see the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-CSRTRK">CSRTRK</A> command).
<P>Cursor tracking is off.</P>
<P>Cursor tracking is on.</P>
<P>The state of the cursor visibility features
(see the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-CSRVIS">CSRVIS</A>
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-CSRBLINK">CSRBLINK</A> commands).
<P>The cursor isn't visible, and won't blink when made visible.</P>
<P>The cursor isn't visible, and will blink when made visible.</P>
<P>The cursor is visible, and isn't blinking.</P>
<P>The cursor is visible, and is blinking.</P>
<P>The current display mode
(see the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-DISPMD">DISPMD</A> command).
<P>Screen content (text) is being displayed.</P>
<P>Screen highlighting (attributes) is being displayed.</P>
<P>The state of the frozen screen feature
(see the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-FREEZE">FREEZE</A> command).
<P>The screen isn't frozen.</P>
<P>The screen is frozen.</P>
<P>The number of braille dots being used to display each character
(see the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-SIXDOTS">SIXDOTS</A> command).
<P>All eight dots are being used.</P>
<P>Only dots 1 through 6 are being used.</P>
<P>The state of the uppercase (capital letter) display features
(see the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-CAPBLINK">CAPBLINK</A> command).
<P>Uppercase letters don't blink.</P>
<P>Uppercase letters blink.</P>

<H2><A NAME="learn"></A> <A NAME="ss5.7">5.7</A> <A HREF="BRLTTY.html#toc5.7">Command Learn Mode</A>

<P>Command learn mode is an interactive way to learn
what the keys on the braille display do.
It can be accessed
either by the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-LEARN">LEARN</A> command
or via the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-3.html#utility-brltest">brltest</A> utility.
This feature isn't available if the
<A HREF="BRLTTY-3.html#build-learn-mode">--disable-learn-mode</A> build option was specified.</P>
<P>When this mode is entered,
the message <CODE>command learn mode</CODE> is written to the braille display.
Then, as each key (or key combination) on the display is pressed,
a short message describing its BRLTTY function is written.
This mode exits immediately if the key (or key combination)
for the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#command-LEARN">LEARN</A> command is pressed.
It exits automatically, and the message <CODE>done</CODE> is written,
if ten seconds elapse without any key on the display being pressed.
Note that some displays don't signal the driver
and/or some drivers don't signal BRLTTY
until all the keys are released.</P>
<P>If a message is longer than the braille display is wide,
then it's displayed in segments.
The length of each segment but the last is one less than the display's width,
with the rightmost character on the display being set to a minus sign.
Each such segment remains on the display
either for a few seconds
(see the 
<A HREF="BRLTTY-4.html#options-message-delay">-M</A> command line option)
or until any key on the display is pressed.</P>

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