

distrib > Fedora > 15 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > bc7dd814ebca8b18e1a081d1ab68fa82 > files > 174


# BRLTTY - A background process providing access to the console screen (when in
#          text mode) for a blind person using a refreshable braille display.
# Copyright (C) 1995-2011 by The BRLTTY Developers.
# This is free software, placed under the terms of the
# GNU Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any
# later version. Please see the file LICENSE-LGPL for details.
# Web Page:
# This software is maintained by Dave Mielke <>.

# BRLTTY Contraction Table - French (uncontracted)

# Définitions pour code braille français international unifié
# Par Nicolas Pitre <>
# Référence:

capsign 46		indicateur de majuscule
begcaps 46-46		succession de majuscules

numsign 6		préfixe pour les chiffres
midnum \s 3		espace entre les chiffres
midnum , 2
midnum . 256
midnum - 36
midnum / 34
midnum : 25
endnum # 56-3456

include letters-latin.cti

always ç 12346		c cédille
always é 123456		e accent aigu
always à 12356		a accent grave
always è 2346		e accent grave
always ù 23456		u accent grave
always â 16		a accent circonflexe
always ê 126		e accent circonflexe
always î 146		i accent circonflexe
always ô 1456		o accent circonflexe
always û 156		u accent circonflexe
always ë 1246		e tréma
always ï 12456		i tréma
always ü 1256		u tréma
always oe 246		oe ligatur

always Ç 12346		C cédille
always É 123456		E accent aigu
always À 12356		A accent grave
always È 2346		E accent grave
always Ù 23456		U accent grave
always  16		A accent circonflexe
always Ê 126		E accent circonflexe
always Î 146		I accent circonflexe
always Ô 1456		O accent circonflexe
always Û 156		U accent circonflexe
always Ë 1246		E tréma
always Ï 12456		I tréma
always Ü 1256		U tréma
always Oe 246		Oe ligatur

always , 2		virgule
always ; 23		point-virgule
always : 25		deux-points
always . 256		point
always ? 26		point d'interrogation
always ! 235		point d'exclamation
always " 2356		guillemet
always ( 236		parenthèse ouvrante
always * 35		astérisque
always ) 356		parenthèse fermante
always ' 3		apostrophe
always / 34		barre oblique
always @ 345		arobas
always % 346		pour cent
always - 36		trait d'union
always # 3456		dièse

always 0 3456		zéro
always 1 16		un
always 2 126		deux
always 3 146		trois
always 4 1456		quatre
always 5 156		cinq
always 6 1246		six
always 7 12456		sept
always 8 1256		huit
always 9 246		neuf

always ÷ 6-256		divisé par
always + 6-235		plus
always = 6-2356		égal
always × 6-35		multiplié par
always < 46-126		inférieur à
always > 46-345		supérieur à

always © 5-14		copyright
always ° 5-135		degré
always & 5-123456	perluète (et commercial)
always ¢ 45-14		cent
always ¤ 45-15		euro
always £ 45-123		livre
always § 45-1234	paragraphe
always $ 45-234		dollar
always ¥ 45-13456	yen
always « 45-2356	guillemet français ouvrant
always » 2356-12	guillemet français fermant
always [ 45-236		crochet droit ouvrant
always ] 356-12		crochet droit fermant
always { 6-236		accolade de gauche
always } 356-3		accolade de droite

always ¹ 4-6-16		exposant 1
always ² 4-6-126	exposant 2
always ³ 4-6-146	exposant 3
always ¼ 6-16-34-1456	un quart
always ½ 6-16-34-126	un demi
always ¾ 6-126-34-1456	trois quarts

always _ 78		souligné

repeatable \s 0		espaces
repeatable \t 0		tabulations
repeatable \xa0 0		espaces insécables

repeatable ... 3-3-3		points de suite
repeatable --- 36-36-36
repeatable ___ 78-78-78

always \s--\s 36-36	tiret