

distrib > Fedora > 15 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > bc7dd814ebca8b18e1a081d1ab68fa82 > files > 151


# BRLTTY - A background process providing access to the console screen (when in
#          text mode) for a blind person using a refreshable braille display.
# Copyright (C) 1995-2011 by The BRLTTY Developers.
# This is free software, placed under the terms of the
# GNU Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software
# Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any
# later version. Please see the file LICENSE-LGPL for details.
# Web Page:
# This software is maintained by Dave Mielke <>.

# BRLTTY Contraction Table - German (contracted - 1998 standard)
# Created by Mario Lang <>.

include de-vollschrift.ctb

# Ausnahmen für Vokalgruppen aus de-vollschrift.ctb
always barrier 12-356-1235-24-12456 shouldn't use the ie-contraction
always bankier 12-235-13-24-12456 shouldn't use the ie-contraction
midendword iell 24-15-12345 shouldn't use the ie-contraction
always indien 35-145-24-14 shouldn't use the ie-contraction
always propriet 12345-1234-1235-24-15-2345 proprietär shouldn't use the ie-contraction

class e e
class g g
class r r
class st st
class konsonant bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz

# Due to their low usage frequency in typical german text the letters
# c, q, x and y are reused for the en-, ll-, ex/mm/nis- and el-contractions.
# Therefore they need a proceding letsign to disambiguate them.
always c 6-14
always C 6-14
always q 6-12345
always Q 6-12345
always x 6-1346
always X 6-1346
always y 6-13456
always Y 6-13456

# Lautgruppenkürzungen
midendword ach 56
begmidword al 25
begmidword an 235
begmidword ar 356
begmidword be 23
midendword ck 46
midword eh 2356
always ein 1246
always lateinisch 123-1-2345-1246-1345-24-156
always el 13456
always em 12356
always en 14
always er 12456
always es 123456
always ge 12346
midendword ich 3456
midendword ig 45
always in 35
midendword lich 456
midendword ll 12345
always holland 125-135-123-123-235-145 shouldn't use the ll-contraction
always holländer 125-135-123-123-345-1345-145-12456 shouldn't use the ll-contraction
always hollaender 125-135-123-123-345-1345-145-12456 shouldn't use the ll-contraction
midendword mm 1346
begmidword or 26

after konsonant midword ss =
after konsonant midendword ssatz 234-234-1356
after konsonant midendword ssätz 234-5-234-1356
after konsonant midendword ssaetz 234-5-234-1356
after konsonant midword ssch 234-156
always sschicht 234-156-3456-2345
always sschlag 234-156-1245
always sschläg 234-5-156-1245
always sschlaeg 234-5-156-1245
always sschließ 234-156-2346
always sschmuck 234-156-134-136-46
always sschnur 234-156-1345-136-1235 shouldn't use the nur-contraction
always sschool 234-234-1456-135-135-123 foreign word, sch-contraction not allowed
always sschreib 234-156-12
always sschrieb 234-2-156
always sschrift 234-156-2345
always sschwierig 234-156-45
always sselbst 234-234-23456
always sselbständ 234-234-13456-12-5-23456 shouldn't use the selbst-contraction
always sselbstaend 234-234-13456-12-5-23456 shouldn't use the selbst-contraction
after konsonant always ssetz 234-2-15
after konsonant midendword ssesam 234-234-123456-1-134 shouldn't use the sam-contraction
after konsonant always ssitz 234-2-24
always ssolch 234-234-1456
after konsonant midendword ssoll 234-2-234
always ssondern 234-234-1345
always ssozial 234-234-123
always sspiel 234-2-346
always ssprach 234-234-1234
always sspräch 234-5-234-1234
always sspraech 234-5-234-1234
always ssprech 234-2-2346
after konsonant midendword sst 234-23456
always sstaat 234-23456-2345
after konsonant midendword sstand 234-2-23456
after konsonant midendword sständ 234-5-23456
after konsonant midendword sstaend 234-5-23456
after konsonant midendword sstell 234-2-13456
always ssteiger 234-23456-146-1245-12456
before e always sstund 234-23456-256-145 shouldn't use the und-contraction
midendword ss 2346

midendword te 236
always un 256

midendword tei 2345-146

always all 1-12345
always ell 15-12345
always emm 15-1346
always esch 15-156
always ess 15-2346
always est 15-23456

endword tel 2345-13456
endword tels 2345-13456-234
endword ten 2345-14
endword tenem 2345-14-12356
endword tenen 2345-14-14
endword tener 2345-14-12456
endword tenes 2345-14-123456
endword tens 2345-14-234
endword ter 2345-12456
always liter 123-24-2345-12456
endword tern 2345-12456-1345
endword tes 2345-123456

endword bel 12-13456 shouldn't use the be-contraction
endword beln 12-13456-1345 shouldn't use the be-contraction
endword belns 12-13456-1345-234 shouldn't use the be-contraction
endword bels 12-13456-234 shouldn't use the be-contraction
midword belläng 12-13456-5-123-1245 kabellänge shouldn't use the ll-contraction
midword bellaeng 12-13456-5-123-1245
midendword belung 12-13456-136
before st midendword belungs 12-13456-136-234
always belveder 12-13456-1236-15-145-12456 shouldn't use the be-contraction
always wirbel 2456-24-1235-12-13456 shouldn't use the be-contraction
endword ben 12-14 shouldn't use the be-contraction
endword bend 12-14-145 shouldn't use the be-contraction
endword bende 12-14-145-15 shouldn't use the be-contraction
endword bendem 12-14-145-12356 shouldn't use the be-contraction
endword benden 12-14-145-14 shouldn't use the be-contraction
endword bender 12-14-145-12456 shouldn't use the be-contraction
endword bendes 12-14-145-123456 shouldn't use the be-contraction
endword benem 12-14-12356 shouldn't use the be-contraction
endword benen 12-14-14 shouldn't use the be-contraction
endword bens 12-14-234 shouldn't use the be-contraction
endword ber 12-12456 shouldn't use the be-contraction
endword berei 12-12456-146 shouldn't use the be-contraction
endword bereien 12-12456-146-14 shouldn't use the be-contraction
endword berin 12-12456-35 shouldn't use the be-contraction
endword berinnen 12-12456-35-1345-14 shouldn't use the be-contraction
endword bern 12-12456-1345 shouldn't use the be-contraction
endword bers 12-12456-234 shouldn't use the be-contraction
always ober 135-12-12456 shouldn't use the be-contraction
endword bes 12-123456 shouldn't use the be-contraction

always umgeht 136-134-1245-2356-2345 shouldn't use the ge-contraction
always geig 1245-146-1245 should use the ei-contraction
always geisel 1245-146-234-13456 shouldn't use the ge-contraction
always geist 1245-146-23456
prfword gel 1245-13456 shouldn't use the ge-contraction
midendword gelhaft 1245-13456-125-124
midword gelläng 1245-13456-5-123-1245
midword gellaeng 1245-13456-5-123-1245
prfword geln 1245-13456-1345
prfword gelns 1245-13456-1345-234
prfword gels 1245-13456-234
midendword gelung 1245-13456-136
before st midendword gelungs 1245-13456-136-234
prfword gen 1245-14 shouldn't use the ge-contraction
midendword gend 1245-14-145 shouldn't use the ge-contraction
endword gens 1245-14-234 shouldn't use the ge-contraction
midendword ger 1245-12456 should use er-contraction if not part of a word intro
begword abge 1-12-12346
begword unange 256-235-12346
begmidword aufger 2-16-12346-1235
begmidword ausger 34-12346-1235
before r begmidword einge 1246-12346
begword unger 256-12346-1235
sufword ungerecht 256-12346-1235-2345
sufword zuge 2-1356-12346
endword ges 1245-123456 shouldn't use the ge-contraction
midendword ien 24-14 shouldn't use the ie-contraction
midendword iene 346-1345-15 should use the ie-contraction
midendword ienen 346-1345-14 should use the ie-contraction
endword tel 2345-13456 should use the el-contraction
endword ten 2345-14 should use the en-contraction
endword ter 2345-12456 should use the er-contraction
endword tes 2345-123456 should use the es-contraction
always trigraph = shouldn't use the ig-contraction

# Vorsilbenkürzungen
begword aus 34
begword ent 2346
begmidword entwickl 2346-2456-24-46-123
begword ex 1346
begword pro 12345
begword ver 36

begword auspiz 16-234-1234-24-1356 shouldn't use the aus-contraction
word ente 14-236 shouldn't use the ent-contraction
sufword enten 14-2345-14 shouldn't use the ent-contraction
begword veranda 1236-12456-236-145-1 shouldn't use the ver-contraction
begword vertikal 1236-12456-2345-24-13-25 shouldn't use the ver-contraction
word vertikal 1236-12456-2345-24-13-1-123 shouldn't use the ver-contraction

# Nachsilbenkürzungen
endword falls 124
midendword heit 125
before s midword heits 125-234
midendword keit 13
before s midword keits 13-234
midendword mal 134
midendword nis 1346
always nisier 1345-24-234-346-1235 technisierung shouldn't use -nis
midendword sam 2346
midendword schaft 156
midendword ung 136
midendword terung 2345-12456-136
before cst midword ungs 136-234 Bindungscharakter, Regierungschef
midendword wärts 2456

midendword ation 5-1345
before s midword ations 5-1345-234
midendword ativ 5-1236
after st always ion 245
after st before s always ions 245-234
endword ismus 5-24
midendword istisch 5-156
endword nismus 1345-5-24 shouldn't use the nis-contraction
midendword nistisch 1345-5-156
midendword ität 5-345
midendword itaet 5-345
before s midword itäts 5-345-234
before s midword itaets 5-345-234
midendword mität 134-5-345 shouldn't use the mit-contraction

sufword anis 235-24-234 shouldn't use the nis-contraction
before st midword ations 5-1345-234
sufword barschaft 12-356-156-1-124-2345 shouldn't use the shaft-contraction
always blumensamen 12-123-136-134-14-234-1-134-14 shouldn't use the sam-contraction
prfword dezimal = if we use the mal-contraction here, we get a new word dezim
begmidword dezimal 145-15-1356-24-134-25
sufword small 234-134-1-12345 shouldn't use the mal-contraction
word beaufort 12-15-16-124-26-2345 shouldn't use the auf-contraction
sufword erheiter 12456-125-146-2345-12456 shouldn't use the heit-contraction
prfword formal 124-26-134-1-123 shouldn't use the mal-contraction
begword formal 124-26-134-25 shouldn't use the mal-contraction
word firnis = shouldn't use the nis-contraction
begword gesam 12346-234-1-134 shouldn't use the sam-contraction
always herrschaft 1235-1235-156-1-124-2345 can not use the shaft-contraction
always hoheit 125-135-125-146-2345 shouldn't use the heit-contraction
always kuhdung 13-136-125-145-256-1245 shouldn't use the ung-contraction
always hunger 125-256-1245-12456 shouldn't use the ung-contraction
always lunge 123-256-12346 shouldn't use the ung-contraction
prfword maximal = shouldn't use the mal-contraction
begmidword maximal 134-1-6-1346-24-134-25 shouldn't use the mal-contraction
always tennis 2345-14-1345-24-234 shouldn't use the nis-contraction
midendword ungscharakter 136-234-1456-13
before st midendword ungs 136-234 shouldn't use the ss/st-contraction
midendword zung 1356-136 auseinandersetzung shouldn't use the zu-contraction
begword zung 1356-256-1245 shouldn't use the ung-contraction

# Einformige Kürzungen, nur alleinstehend
word als 146
word auch 34
word eu =
word das 145
word dass 2346
word den 15
word der 1235
word des 3
word die 346
word ihm 236
word im 36 not allowed when used in hyphenated words like Hans-im-Glück-Gefühl
after letter literal -im-
word ist 23456
word kann 13
word lässt 123
word laesst 123
word man 134
word oder 135
word schon 156
word sich 14
word sie 234
word was 2456

# Einformige Kürzungen, alleinstehend oder in Wortverbindungen
word aber 1
begword aber 2-1
word auf 16
always auf 2-16
word bei 12
always bei 2-12
word dem 12356
always dem 2-12356
word durch 1456
always durch 2-1456
word für 124
always für 2-124
word gegen 1245
always gegen 2-1245
word gewesen 12346
always gewesen 2-12346
word immer 1346
always immer 2-1346
word jetzt 245
always jetzt 2-245
word mehr 2356
always mehr 2-2356
word mit 2345
always mit 2-2345
word nicht 1345
always nicht 2-1345
word so 1234
always so 2-1234
always cursor = shouldn't use the so-contraction
begword		absol		=
begword		absorb		=
begword		absorp		=
always		aerosol		1-12456-135-234-135-123
always		amtsober	1-134-2345-234-135-12-12456
always		anthroposo	235-2345-125-1235-135-1234-135-234-135
always		iso		=
always		konson		=
begmidword	sensor		234-14-234-26
endword		sensor		234-14-234-135-1235
word		soda		=
always		soft		=
always		soldat		=
always		sommer		234-135-1346-12456
always		sonder		234-135-1345-145-12456
always		sonogra		=
always		sonn		=
always		sonst		234-135-1345-23456
always		sorg		234-26-1245
always		source		=
sufword		south		=
always		sowjet		=
always		soziolo		=
word über 1256
word ueber 1256
always über 2-1256
word und 136
always und 2-136
word unter 256
always unter 2-256
word voll 12345
always voll 2-12345
word von 1236
always von 2-1236
word vor 26
always vor 2-26
word wie 126
always wie 2-126
word zu 1356
always zu 2-1356

# Einformige Kürzungen, alleinstehend oder am Wortanfang
sufword ihr 24
sufword sein 246
sufword war 356
sufword wär 5-356

# Einformige Kürzungen, alleinstehend, mit Endungen oder in Wortverbindungen
always hatt 125
always hätt 345
always haett 345
always welch 13456

word adonis = shouldn't use the nis-contraction
always aktuell 1-13-2345-136-15-12345 should use the ll-contraction
always all 1-12345
sufword alle 1-15
always allegor 1-12345-15-1245-26 Allegorie shouldn't use the ae-contraction
always allein 1-1246
word allem 1-12356
always allen 1-14
always aller 1-12456
always allerg 1-12345-12456-1245 Allergiker
word alles 1-123456
always allesamt 1-12345-15-234-1-134-2345 shouldn't use the es-contraction
always alphabet 25-1234-125-1-12-15-2345 shouldn't use the hab-contraction
word also 1-135
always ander 2-12456
always änder 5-12456
always aender 5-12456
always arbeit 356-12
before s always arbeits 356-12-234
always arben 356-12-14
always kauf 13-16-124
begword aussprech 16-2-2346
midendword aussprech 16-234-2-2346
midendword ausstell 16-234-2-13456
always australi 16-23456-1235-25-24 shouldn't use the aus-contraction
always austria 16-23456-1235-24-1 shouldn't use the aus-contraction
#begword äuß 5-34 FIXME: how to deal with äußerst?

always ähnlich 345-456
always aehnlich 345-456

word balsam 12-25-234-1-134
word been 12-15-15-1345 english word shouldn't use be- or en-contraction
always beere 12-15-15-1235-15
always beeren 12-15-15-1235-14
always behr 12-2356-1235 entbehren
begword beid 12-145 beiderseits
always berg 12-12456-1245 shouldn't use the be-contraction
always berge 12-12456-12346 shouldn't use the be-contraction
always bergen 12-12456-1245-14 shouldn't use the be-contraction
always berger 12-12456-1245-12456 shouldn't use the be-contraction
always berges 12-12456-1245-123456 shouldn't use the be-contraction
always besonder 23
always besser 234-234
contraction ss
word beim 12-134
contraction bm
always bis 12-234
always bison =
always bist 12-23456
always bleib 12-12
contraction bb
always blind 12-123
contraction bl
always brauch 2-34
always bräuch 5-34
always braeuch 5-34
always brief 12-124
contraction bf
always bring 12-1245
contraction bg

always charakter 1456-13
sufword chor 1456-135-1235 shouldn't use the or-contraction
always comput 6-14-135-134-1234-136-2345 computer should use the er-contraction

always dabei 145-12
contraction db
always dadurch 145-145
contraction dd
always dafür 145-124
contraction df
always dagegen 145-1245
contraction dg
always daher 145-125
contraction dh
always damit 145-134
contraction dm
always dank 145-13
contraction dk
always davon 145-1236
contraction dv
always dazu 145-1356
contraction dz
always dazubleib 145-1-2-1356-12-12 shouldn't use the dazu-contraction
always dazumal 145-1-2-1356-134
always deuten 145-126-2345-14 shouldn't use the te-contraction
always deal = dealer
word dei = Agnus Dei
always demokrat 145-2345
contraction dt
word denen 15-14
word dnister 145-1345-24-234-2345-12456 shouldn't use the nis-contraction
word denn 145-1345
word dennschon 145-1345-156-135-1345
always dessen 145-2346
always deutsch 145-156
word diem 145-24-12356 we shouldn't use the ie-contraction here
word diese 346-15
word diesen 346-14
word dieser 346-12456
word dieses 346-123456
sufword diesmal 346-134
word dir 145-1235
word doch 145-1456
always druck 145-46
always drück 5-145-46
always dürfen 2-145-14
always dürfnis 2-145-1346
always dürft 2-145-2345

always eben 15-12-14
word ebenso 15-135
contraction eo
sufword ehemal 15-125-15-134
word ei 6-146
always eigen 146-1245-14 Eigennutz shouldn't use the ge-contraction
always einander 2-1246
word en 15-1345 en passant
always enig 14-45
always erkenn 12456-13-14-1345
sufword etwa 15-1
contraction ea
word etwas 2345-2456
contraction tw

always fahr 2-1235
always fahrtsst 2-1235-2345-234-23456 shouldn't use the ss-contraction
always fahrtsstell 2-1235-2345-234-2-13456
always fähr 5-1235
always faehr 5-1235
always fall 124-12345
always fäll 5-124-12345
always faell 5-124-12345
always fertig 124-45
always fest 124-15-23456 should use the st-contraction
always film =
always folgen 124-135-123-1245-14 shouldn't use the ge-contraction
always frag 124-1235
contraction fr
always fragil =
always fragment 124-1235-1-1245-134-14-2345
always freund 124-145
contraction fd
always führ 124-125
contraction fh
always fürcht 124-1256-1235-1456-2345 shouldn't use the für-contraction

always ganz 1245-1356
contraction gz
always gänz 5-1245-1356
always gaenz 5-1245-1356
always garnison 1245-356-1345-24-234-135-1345 shouldn't use the nis-contraction
word gegend 12346-1245-14-145 shouldn't use the gegen-contraction
always gegenüber 1245-1256
contraction gü
always gegenwart 1245-2456
contraction gw
always gegenwärt 5-1245-2456
always gegenwaert 5-1245-2456
always gelb 1245-13456-12 should use the el-contraction
always geld 1245-13456-145 should use the el-contraction
always gelegen 1245-1245
contraction gg
begword gelt 1245-13456-2345 gelten shouldn't use the ge-contraction
prfword gene 1245-14-15
prfword genen 1245-14-14
prfword gener 1245-14-12456
prfword genes 1245-14-123456
always geogra = Geographie shouldn't use the ge-contraction
prfword gern 1245-12456-1345
midendword gerlich 1245-12456-456 bürgerlich shouldn't use the ge-contraction
always gern 1245-12456-1345 we shouldn't use the ge-contraction here
always geschäft 1245-124
always geschaeft 1245-124
contraction gf
always gesellschaft 1245-156
always geworden 12346-2456
always gibt 1245-12
contraction gb
always gleich 1245-1456
always glück 1245-46
always groß 1245-2346
contraction gß
always größ 5-1245-2346
always grund 1245-145
contraction gd
always gründ 5-1245-145

always hab 2-125
always haft 125-124
contraction hf
always häft 5-125-124
always haeft 5-125-124
word hain =
always hamburger 125-1-134-12-136-1235-1245-12456 shouldn't use the ge-contraction
always hand 125-145
always händ 5-125-145
always haend 5-125-145
always halten 125-25-2345-14 shouldn't use the te-contraction
always hast 125-23456
always hat 125-2345
contraction ht
word hattest 125-15-23456 shouldn't use the es-contraction
word hattrick 125-1-2345-2345-24-46 shouldn't use the hatt-contraction
always haupt 125-1234
contraction hp
always häupt 5-125-1234
always herr 1235-1235
contraction rr
always hier 125-1235
contraction hr
always hierar 125-24-12456-356 hierarchie
always hoff 124-124
contraction ff

word ich 3456
sufword ihn 24-125
always immersion 24-1346-12456-234-245 shouldn't use the immer-contraction
always interess 2-35
always irgend 24-1245 irgendetwas
contraction ig

always jahr 245-1235
contraction jr
always jähr 5-245-1235
always jaehr 5-245-1235
always jahrhundert 245-125
contraction jh
always jahrtausend 245-2345
contraction jt
always jahrzehnt 245-1356
contraction jz
sufword jed 245-145
word jedoch 245-1456
sufword jetzig 245-45
always johannisberg 245-135-125-235-1345-24-234-12-12456-1245 shouldn't use the nis-contraction
always jung 245-256-1245 shouldn't use the ung-contraction

word kannst 13-23456
always kapital 13-1234
contraction kp
always kapitäl 5-13-1234
always kapitael 5-13-1234
always klemm 13-123-15-1346 eingeklemmt shouldn't use the em-contraction
always knoch 13-1345-135-1456 Knochen shouldn't use the noch-contraction
always komm 13-1346
contraction kx
always kömm 5-13-1346
always konnt 13-2345
contraction kt
always könn 2-13
always kräft 5-13-124
always kraeft 5-13-124
always kulturell 13-136-123-2345-136-1235-15-12345 should use the ll-contraction
always kürz 5-13-1356

always lang 123-1245
contraction lg
always läng 5-123-1245
always laeng 5-123-1245
always jahrelang 245-1235-15-123-1245 shouldn't use the el-contraction
always jahrhundertelang 245-125-15-123-1245 shouldn't use the el-contraction
always jahrzehntelang 245-1356-15-123-1245 shouldn't use the el-contraction
always jahrtausendelang 245-2345-15-123-1245 shouldn't use the el-contraction
before s always jahres 245-1235-123456
before g always jahresta 245-1235-123456-2345-1
always langobard 123-235-1245-135-12-356-145 shouldn't use the lang-contraction
always lass 2-123
always läss 5-123
always laess 5-123
always class = shouldn't use the lass-contraction
sufword klass 13-123-1-2346 shouldn't use the lass-contraction
always laich 123-1-24-1456 shouldn't use the ich-contraction
always lasagne = shouldn't use the sag-contraction
always lasso 123-1-2346-135 shouldn't use the lass-contraction
always länd =
always laend =
always leb 123-12
contraction lb
always leicht 123-1456
always letzt 123-2345
contraction lt
always lieb 123-346-12

always mann 134-1345
contraction mn
always männ 5-134-1345
always maenn 5-134-1345
word manna = shouldn't use the mann-contraction
always mannequin 134-235-1345-15-6-12345-35 shouldn't use the mann-contraction
always maschin 134-156
always material 134-123
contraction ml
always materiell 134-12345
word mir 134-1235
always mittel 134-2345
contraction mt
always moldawien 134-135-123-145-1-2456-24-14 shouldn't use the wie-contraction
sufword moor = shouldn't use the or-contraction
always möchte 1456-15
word möchten 1456-14
always mög 2-246
always möglich 134-456
always musik 134-13
contraction mk
always muss 134-2346
always müss 2-134

word nachdem 1345-145
always nahm 1345-134 Annahme
contraction nm
always natur 1345-2345
contraction nt
always natürlich 1345-456
always nächst 1345-23456
always naechst 1345-23456
always nehm 1345-125
contraction nh
endword nisch 1345-24-156 shouldn't use the nis-contraction
endword nische 1345-24-156-15 shouldn't use the nis-contraction
endword nischen 1345-24-156-14 shouldn't use the nis-contraction
endword nischer 1345-24-156-12456 shouldn't use the nis-contraction
endword nisches 1345-24-156-123456 shouldn't use the nis-contraction
always nichtig 1345-45
always nichts 1345-234
contraction ns
always nichtsehend 2-1345-234-2356-14-145 shouldn't use the nichts-contraction
always noch 1345-1456
always nommen 1345-1346
contraction nx
always notwendig 1345-2456
contraction nw
always normal 1345-26-134-1-123 shouldn't use the mal-contraction
always anim 235-24-134 animal shouldn't use the mal-contraction
always nur 1345-1235
contraction nr
always nutz 1345-1356
contraction nz
always nütz 5-1345-1356

sufword ohne 135-15
contraction oe
endword ommen 1346

always öffentlich 246-456

always paar = shouldn't use the ar-contraction
always paragraph 1234-1245
contraction pg
always person 1234-1345
contraction pn
always philosoph 1234-125
contraction ph
always platz 1234-1356
always plätz 5-1234-1356
always plaetz 5-1234-1356
always plötzlich 1234-456
always ploetzlich 1234-456
always politik 1234-13
contraction pk
always politisch 1234-156
always punkt 1234-2345
contraction pt

always recht 1235-2345
contraction rt
before s always rechts 1235-2345-234
always regier 1235-1245
contraction rg
before s always regierungs 1235-1245-136-234
always rehabilit 1235-125
contraction rh
always republik 1235-13
contraction rk
sufword rest 1235-15-23456 should use the st-contraction
always richt 2-3456
always rück 1235-46
always rueck 1235-46

always sag 234-1245
contraction sg
always saal = shouldn't use the al-contraction
word samen 234-1-134-14 shouldn't use the sam-contraction
always satz 234-1356
contraction sz
always sätz 5-234-1356
always saetz 5-234-1356
always schnur 156-1345-136-1235 shouldn't use the nur-contraction
always school 234-1456-135-135-123 foreign word, sch-contraction not allowed
always schlag 156-1245
always schläg 5-156-1245
always schlaeg 5-156-1245
always schließ 156-2346
always schreib 156-12
always schrift 156-2345
always schrieb 2-156
always schwierig 156-45
always schwillt 156-2456-24-12345-2345 shouldn't use the will-contraction
always schwoll 156-2456-135-12345 geschwollen shouldn't use the woll-contraction
word sehr 234-1235
sufword versehr 36-234-1235
sufword unversehr 256-1236-12456-234-1235
always selbst 234-23456
always selbständig 234-13456-12-5-23456-45 shouldn't use the selbst-contraction
always selbstaendig 234-13456-12-5-23456-45 shouldn't use the selbst-contraction
always setz 2-15
sufword sesam 234-123456-1-134 shouldn't use the sam-contraction
always sind 234-145
contraction sd
always sitz 2-24
always solch 234-1456
always soll 2-234
always sondern 234-1345
contraction sn
always sozial 234-123
contraction sl
always spiel 2-346
always sprach 234-1234
contraction sp
always spräch 5-234-1234
always spraech 5-234-1234
always sprech 2-2346
always staat 23456-2345
always stand 2-23456
always ständ 5-23456
always staend 5-23456
always stell 2-13456
always sstell 234-2-13456 shouldn't use the ss-contraction
word stets 23456-234
always strahier 23456-1235-1-125-346-1235 abstrahieren

word taiga = shouldn't use the ig-contraction
always täter 2345-345-2345-12456 shouldn't use the er-contraction
always technik 2345-13
contraction tk
always stechnik 234-2345-13
always technisch 2345-156
always stechnisch 234-2345-156
sufword test 2345-15-23456 shouldn't use the es-contraction
sufword töricht 2345-246-1235-3456-2345 shouldn't use the richt-contraction
sufword toericht 2345-246-1235-3456-2345 shouldn't use the richt-contraction
always trag 2345-1245
contraction tg
always träg 5-2345-1245
always train = training shouldn't use the first possible in-contraction
always treff 2345-124
contraction tf
always trinitro = shouldn't use the in-contraction
always trotz 2345-1356
contraction tz
always trüb = trüber shouldn't use the über-contraction

always unbeirr 256-23-24-1235-1235 unbeirrt shouldn't use the bei-contraction
always kund 13-256-145 shouldn't use the und-contraction
always mund 134-256-145 shouldn't use the und-contraction
always wund 2456-256-145 shouldn't use the und-contraction
sufword under 256-145-12456 shouldn't use the und-contraction

word überhaupt 1256-125
word ueberhaupt 1256-125
always übrig 1256-45

always verhältnis 1236-125
contraction vh
always verhaeltnis 1236-125
always viel 1236-123
contraction vl
word vielleicht 1236-2345
always volk 1236-13
contraction vk
word vom 1236-134
contraction vm

always wahr 2456-125
contraction wh
always währ 5-2456-125
always während 345-145
contraction äd
always waehrend 345-145
sufword warm 2456-356-134 shouldn't use the war-contraction
always weg 2456-1245
contraction wg
always weis 2-146 Anweisung
always weit 2456-2345
always wenig 2456-45
sufword wenn 2456-1345
contraction wn
always werd 2-2456
always wesentlich 2456-456
always wiegend 2456-346-1245-14-145 shouldn't use the wie-contraction
always wieder 346-145
always wien 2456-346-1345 shouldn't use the wie-contraction
always will 2456-12345
word wir 2456-1235
word wird 2456-145
always wirk 2456-13
contraction wk
word wirst 2456-23456
always wirtschaft 2456-156
always wiss 2456-2346
contraction wß
always wohl 2456-123
contraction wl
always woll 2-135
word worden 135-14
sufword wurd 136
sufword würd 1256

always young 6-13456-135-136-1345-1245 shouldn't use the u-contraction

always zahl 1356-123
contraction zl
always zähl 5-1356-123
always zeit 1356-2345
contraction zt
before st midendword zug =
word zum 1356-134
word zunächst 1356-1345
word zunaechst 1356-1345
word zur 1356-1235
sufword zurschau 1356-1235-156-16
sufword zurück 1356-46
sufword zurueck 1356-46
always zusammen 1356-234
always zwischen 1356-2456
contraction zw

# exceptions
always aachen 1-1-1456-14 shouldn't use the ach-contraction
always abbauf 1-12-12-16-124 Abbaufortschritt, Abbaufront
sufword abend 1-12-14-145
always abenteuer 1-12-14-2345-126-12456
always abenteurer 1-12-14-2345-126-1235-12456
always aberkann 1-12-12456-13-235-1345 shouldn't use the aber-contraction
always aberkenn 1-12-12456-13-14-1345 shouldn't use the aber-contraction
always abgaben 1-12-1245-1-12-14 shouldn't use the be-contraction
always abgelt 1-12-1245-13456-2345 shouldn't use the ge-contraction
sufword ablageraum 1-12-123-1-12346-1235-16-134
always ablageräum 1-12-123-1-12346-1235-34-134
always ablageraeum 1-12-123-1-12346-1235-34-134
always ablauf 1-12-123-16-124 shouldn't use the auf-contraction
always ablösesumm 1-12-123-246-234-15-234-136-1346 shouldn't use the es-contraction
always abloesesumm 1-12-123-246-234-15-234-136-1346 shouldn't use the es-contraction
always abnormität 1-12-1345-26-134-5-345 shouldn't use the mit-contraction
always abnormitaet 1-12-1345-26-134-5-345 shouldn't use the mit-contraction
always abrund 1-12-1235-256-145 shouldn't use the und-contraction
begword abschieds 1-12-156-346-145-234 Abschiedsschmerz
always achteck 1-1456-2345-15-46 shouldn't use the te-contraction
always asocia 1-234-135-6-14-24-1 asociación shouldn't use the so-contraction
always afrikarefer 1-124-1235-24-13-1-1235-15-124-12456 shouldn't use the ar-contraction
sufword agent 1-1245-14-2345 shouldn't use the ge-contraction
always akadem 1-13-1-145-12356 shouldn't use the dem-contraction
always akteur 1-13-2345-126-1235 shouldn't use the te-contraction
always alarm 25-356-134 Alarmmeldung shouldn't use the mm-contraction
always albern 25-12-12456-1345 shouldn't use the be-contraction
always albert 25-12-12456-2345 shouldn't use the be-contraction
always alexander 25-15-6-1346-235-145-12456 shouldn't use the ander-contraction
always algerier 25-1245-12456-24-12456 shouldn't use the ie-contraction
sufword allee 1-12345-15-15 shouldn't use the alle-contraction
word alleen 1-12345-15-14 shouldn't use the alle-contraction
before st always alltags 1-12345-2345-1-1245-234
begword alm 25-134
before s begword alters 25-2345-12456-234
always amateur 1-134-1-2345-126-1235 should use the eu-contraction
before r always amerika 1-134-12456-24-13-1
always amtschines 1-134-2345-234-1456-35-123456 shouldn't use the sch-contraction
always amtsstub 1-134-2345-234-23456-136-12 shouldn't use the ss-contraction
always andalusier 235-145-25-136-234-24-12456 shouldn't use the ie-contraction
midendword anebel 1-1345-15-12-13456 Andromedanebel shouldn't use the an-contraction
before st always anfangs 235-124-235-1245-234
before st always angriffs 235-1245-1235-24-124-124-234
always anklage 235-13-123-1-12346 Anklagerede shouldn't use the er-contraction
always anklang 235-13-123-235-1245 shouldn't use the lang-contraction
always ankläng 235-13-123-345-1345-1245 shouldn't use the läng-contraction
begword anlagen 235-123-1-1245-14
always anlauf 235-123-16-124 shouldn't use the auf-contraction
class m m
before m always anleihe 235-123-146-125-15 Anleihemarkt shouldn't use the em-contraction
class egn egn
before egn begword anti 235-2345-24
always antichrist 235-2345-24-1456-1235-24-23456 shouldn't use the ich-contraction
always anästh 235-345-234-2345-125 Anästhesie
always augen 16-1245-14 shouldn't use the ge-contraction
midendword austausch 16-234-2345-16-156 shouldn't use the st-contraction
always beilstein 12-146-123-23456-1246 shouldn't use the bei-contraction
word bein 12-146-1345 shouldn't use the bei-contraction
word beine 12-146-1345-15 shouldn't use the bei-contraction
word beinen 12-146-1345-14 shouldn't use the bei-contraction
word beines 12-146-1345-123456 shouldn't use the bei-contraction
always bauform 12-16-124-26-134 shouldn't use the auf-contraction
always beteuer 23-2345-126-12456 shouldn't use the te-contraction
always beute 12-126-236 should use the eu-contraction
always beutel 12-126-2345-13456 should use the eu-contraction
always bssy 12-234-234-6-13456 shouldn't use the ss-contraction
always bundes 12-256-145-123456 shouldn't use the und-contraction
prfword chemikalie 1456-12356-24-13-25-24-15
always donnerstag 145-135-1345-1345-12456-234-2345-1-1245 shouldn't use the st-contraction
sufword eheinstitut 15-125-15-35-23456-24-2345-136-2345
begword eheleu 15-125-15-123-126
before g begword eherin 15-125-15-1235-35 Ehering(e) shouldn't use the er-contraction
midword ehilfs = Analysehilfsmittel shouldn't use the eh-contraction
midendword emethod = Analysemethode shouldn't use the eh-contraction
midendword enorm 15-1345-26-134 Aussprachenorm shouldn't use the en-contraction 
always eschatolog 123456-1456-1-2345-135-123-135-1245 shouldn't use the sch-contraction
always esther 123456-2345-125-12456 shouldn't use the st-contraction
always ästhe 345-234-2345-125-15 ästhetisch
midendword erecht 15-1235-2345
midendword ericht 15-2-3456
always erepublik 15-1235-13
midendword emann 15-134-1345
midendword emänn 15-5-134-1345
midendword emaenn 15-5-134-1345
midendword estand 15-2-23456
midword estell 15-2-13456
always found 124-135-256-145 Foundation shouldn't use the und-contraction
always geben 12346-12-14
always gebunden 12346-12-256-145-14 shouldn't use the und-contraction
always geier 1245-146-12456 should use the ei-contraction
midendword geingang 1245-1246-1245-235-1245
midendword geingän 1245-1246-1245-345-1345
always gelungen 12346-123-256-1245-14
always generat 1245-14-12456-1-2345
always generier 1245-14-12456-346-1235
always gerät 12346-1235-345-2345 should use the ge-contraction
always geraet 12346-1235-345-2345 should use the ge-contraction
always geräusch 12346-1235-34-156 should use the ge-contraction
always geraeusch 12346-1235-34-156 should use the ge-contraction
always gerecht 12346-1235-2345
always gericht 12346-2-3456
begword german 1245-12456-134-235 shouldn't use the ge-contraction
always gewiesen 12346-2456-346-234-14 shouldn't use the wie-contraction
prfword hallen 125-1-12345-14 shouldn't use the allen-contraction
always hauf 125-16-124 shouldn't use the auf-contraction
always hotel 125-135-2345-13456 shouldn't use the te-contraction
always installer 35-23456-1-12345-12456 shouldn't use the aller-contraction
always internet 35-2345-12456-1345-15-2345 shouldn't use the te-contraction
always interview 35-2345-12456-1236-24-15-2456 shouldn't use the ie-contraction
after st always ionstrieb 245-234-2345-1235-346-12
after st always ionstrupp 245-234-2345-1235-136-1234-1234
always jubel 245-136-12-13456 shouldn't use the be-contraction
always komponist 13-135-134-1234-135-1345-24-23456 shouldn't use the nis-contraction
always liechtenstein 123-346-1456-2345-14-23456-1246 shouldn't use the te-contraction
prfword linie 123-35-24-15 shouldn't use the ie-contraction
prfword materie 134-1-2345-12456-24-15 shouldn't use the ie-contraction
always metallen 134-15-2345-1-12345-14 shouldn't use the allen-contraction
always regel 1235-15-1245-13456
always release = shouldn't use the el-contraction
always round 1235-135-256-145 shouldn't use the und-contraction
sufword rund 1235-256-145 shouldn't use the und-contraction
word räson = shouldn't use the so-contraction
word röschen 1235-246-234-1456-14 should use the ch-contraction
midendword sammel 234-1-1346-13456 shouldn't use the sam-contraction
midendword samml 234-1-1346-123 shouldn't use the sam-contraction
endword schef 234-1456-15-124
endword schefin 234-1456-15-124-35
endword schefins 234-1456-15-124-35-234
endword schefinnen 234-1456-15-124-35-1345-14
endword schefs 234-1456-15-124-234
endword eschef 123456-1456-15-124
endword eschefin 123456-1456-15-124-35
endword eschefins 123456-1456-15-124-35-234
endword eschefinnen 123456-1456-15-124-35-1345-14
endword eschefs 123456-1456-15-124-234
always schueler 156-1256-123-12456 should use the ue-symbol
always schwung 156-2456-256-1245 shouldn't use the ung-contraction
always september 234-15-1234-2345-12356-12-12456 should use the em-contraction
before s always sichts 234-3456-2345-234 Ansichtssache shouldn't use the ss-contraction
always silber 234-24-123-12-12456 shouldn't use the be-contraction
always sprung 234-1234-1235-256-1245 shouldn't use the ung-contraction
always ssitz 234-2-24 shouldn't use the ss-contraction
always ssonntag =
always sspiel 234-2-346
always ssprach 234-234-1234
always sstand 234-2-23456
midendword stitel 234-2345-24-2345-13456
always studien 23456-136-145-24-14 shouldn't use the ie-contraction
always stunde 23456-256-145-15 shouldn't use the und-contraction
always stunden 23456-256-145-14
always esystem 15-234-6-13456-23456-12356 shouldn't use the es-contraction
always sturz 23456-136-1235-1356 Absturzursache shouldn't use the zu-contraction
always tagesstät 2345-1-1245-123456-23456-345-2345 shouldn't use the ss-contraction
always tagesstaet 2345-1-1245-123456-23456-345-2345 shouldn't use the ss-contraction
always team = shouldn't use the te-contraction
midendword termin 2345-12456-134-35 shouldn't use the te-contraction
always wagen 2456-1-1245-14 shouldn't use the ge-contraction
always weiber 2456-146-12-12456 shouldn't use the be-contraction
sufword verbund 36-12-256-145 shouldn't use the und-contraction
midendword verbund 1236-12456-12-256-145 shouldn't use the und-contraction
midword versamm 1236-12456-234-1-1346 shouldn't use the sam-contraction
always viertel 1236-346-1235-2345-13456 shouldn't use the te-contraction
before g always zeitsta 1356-2345-234-2345-1

# names
always daniel 145-235-24-13456 shouldn't use the ie-contraction
always gerlind 1245-12456-123-35-145 should use the er-contraction

# 8-Punkte-Plan