

distrib > Fedora > 15 > i386 > by-pkgid > c8254e68e0f8ba1a1ec8b25303d8a444 > files > 2


diff -up enscript- enscript-
--- enscript-	2009-01-24 21:59:34.000000000 +0100
+++ enscript-	2010-05-20 15:28:08.148580599 +0200
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ state changelog extends HighlightEntry
   /* File descriptions without function names. */
-  /(^\t\* )([^ :]+)(:)/ {
+  /(^\t\* )([^:]+)(:)/ {
     language_print ($1);
     function_name_face (true);
diff -up enscript- enscript-
--- enscript-	2010-05-20 15:28:08.148580599 +0200
+++ enscript-	2010-05-20 15:28:08.148580599 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+ * Name: dylan
+ * Description: Dylan Programming Language template for Enscript.
+ * Author: Brent Fulgham <>
+ * (based on the Scheme version by Markku Rossi <>)
+ */
+dylan_mod_re =
+/* Definition Modifiers
+  (build-re '(abstract block concrete constant class domain exception exclude
+  export function functional generic handler import inherited inline
+  instance interface library macro method open primary sealed sideways
+  singleton slot subclass variable virtual))
+  */
+  /\b(subclass|abstract|block|c(on(crete|stant)|lass)|domain\
+state dylan extends HighlightEntry
+  BEGIN {
+    /*
+     * Modify regexp character syntax so that we can distinguish all
+     * dylan symbols.
+     */
+    extras = list ('!', '$', '%', '&', '*', '/', ':', 
+		   '=', '?', '~', '^', '.', '+', '-');
+    for (i = 0; i < length (extras); i = i + 1)
+      regexp_syntax (extras[i], 'w');
+  }
+  /* Modifiers */
+  dylan_mod_re {
+    reference_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    reference_face (false);
+  }
+  /* Types */
+  /<\w+>/ {
+    type_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    type_face (false);
+  }
+  /* Symbols */
+  /#\"/ {
+    string_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    call (c_string);
+    string_face (false);
+  }
+  /* Comments. */
+  /\/\// {
+    comment_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    call (eat_one_line);
+    comment_face (false);
+  }
+  /\/\*/ {
+    comment_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    call (eat_one_line);
+    comment_face (false);
+  }
+  /* String constants. */
+  /\"/ {
+    string_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    call (c_string);
+    string_face (false);
+  }
+  /* Character constants. */
+  /'.*'/ {
+    string_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    string_face (false);
+  }
+  /* Keywords.
+     "=>" +
+     (build-re '(above afterwards begin below by case cleanup create
+     define end else elseif finally for from if in let local otherwise rename
+     select signal then to unless until use variable virtual when while
+   */
+  /=>|\b(a(bove|fterwards)|b(e(gin|low)|y)|c(ase|leanup|reate)\
+|rename|s(elect|ignal)|t(hen|o)|u(n(less|til)|se)|wh(en|ile))\b/ {
+    keyword_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    keyword_face (false);
+  }
+  /* ':'-names, Emacs highlights these, so do we. */
+  /([ \t])([!\$%&\*\/:<=>\?~_^a-zA-Z0-9.+\-]*:)/ {
+    language_print ($1);
+    reference_face (true);
+    language_print ($2);
+    reference_face (false);
+  }
+  /* Function faces */
+  /([ \t]*)(\w+[^:])([ \t]*\([ \t]*)/ {
+    language_print ($1);
+    function_name_face(true);
+    face_on(face_bold_italic);
+    language_print ($2);
+    face_off(face_bold_italic);
+    function_name_face(false);
+    language_print ($3);
+  }
+Local variables:
+mode: c
diff -up enscript- enscript-
--- enscript-	2010-05-20 15:28:08.148580599 +0200
+++ enscript-	2010-05-20 15:28:08.148580599 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+ * Name: eiffel
+ * Description: Eiffel programming language.
+ * Author: Julien Lemoine <>
+ *         Brent Fulgham <>
+ */
+eiffel_types =
+/* Types */
+eiffel_keywords =
+/* Keywords */
+  /\b(agent|a(ll|lias)|and|as(|sign)|check|class|convert|create|Current|debug\
+state eiffel extends HighlightEntry
+  /* One line comments. */
+  /\-\-/ {
+    comment_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    call (eat_one_line);
+    comment_face (false);
+  }
+  /* Keywords. */
+  eiffel_keywords {
+    keyword_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    keyword_face (false);
+  }
+  /* Types. */
+  eiffel_types {
+    type_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    type_face (false);
+  } 
+  /* String constants. */
+  /\"/ {
+    string_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    call (c_string);
+    string_face (false);
+  }
+  /* Character constants. */
+  /'.'|'\\\\.'/ {
+    string_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    string_face (false);
+  }
+  /* Symbols, etc. */
+  /:=|==|<=|>=|=|!=|\/=|!|!!/ {
+    reference_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    reference_face (false);
+  }
+  /* Type declarations */
+  /([ \t])*([a-zA-Z]+[, \ta-zA-Z0-9_]*):[^=]/ {
+    reference_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    reference_face (false);
+  }
+  /*
+   * Function definitions, with args
+   * fct_name (args...) is
+   */
+  /^([ \t]*[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*[ \t]*)(\([ \t]*[ \ta-z,A-Z_0-9]+)(:[ \ta-zA-Z0-9_\[\]]+)?(\)[ \t]*)(:[ \ta-zA-Z0-9_\[\]]+)?([ \t]+is)[ \t]*$/ {
+    function_name_face (true);
+    face_on(face_bold_italic);
+    language_print ($1);
+    face_off(face_bold_italic);
+    function_name_face (false);
+    language_print ($2);
+    type_face (true);
+    language_print ($3);
+    type_face (false);
+    language_print ($4);
+    type_face (true);
+    language_print ($5);
+    type_face (false);
+    keyword_face (true);
+    language_print ($6);
+    keyword_face (false);
+    language_print ($7);
+  }
+  /*
+   * Function definitions, without args
+   * fct_name is
+   */
+  /^([ \t]*[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)([ \t]*)(is)[ \t]*$/ {
+    function_name_face (true);
+    face_on(face_bold_italic);
+    language_print ($1);
+    face_off(face_bold_italic);
+    function_name_face (false);
+    language_print(" ");
+    keyword_face (true);
+    language_print ($3);
+    keyword_face (false);
+  }
diff -up enscript- enscript-
--- enscript-	2009-12-28 00:57:12.000000000 +0100
+++ enscript-	2010-05-20 15:28:08.148580599 +0200
@@ -472,24 +472,31 @@ namerules
   /\.m$/					matlab;
   /\.(mpl|mp|maple)$/				maple;
   /\.(scm|scheme)$/				scheme;
+  /\.e$/					eiffel;
+  /\.erl$/					erlang;
   /\b\.emacs$|\.el$/				elisp;
   /\.ad(s|b|a)$/				ada;
   /\.[Ss]$/					asm;
+  /\.sml$/					sml;
   /\.st$/					states;
+  /\.lua$/					lua;
   /(M|m)akefile.*/				makefile;
   /\.(MOD|DEF|mi|md)$/				modula_2;
+  /\.oz$/					oz;
   /\.tcl$/					tcl;
   /\.(v|vh)$/					verilog;
-  /\.html?$/					html;
+  /\.x?html?$/					html;
   /\bChangeLog$/				changelog;
   /\.(vhd|vhdl)$/				vhdl;
   /\.(scr|.syn|.synth)$/			synopsys;
   /\.idl$/					idl;
   /\.(hs|lhs|gs|lgs)$/				haskell;
   /\.(pm|pl)$/					perl;
+  /\.php[34]?$/					php;
   /\.(eps|EPS|ps|PS)$/				postscript;
   /\.py$/					python;
   /\.pyx$/					pyrex;
+  /\.rbw?$/					ruby;
   /\.js$/					javascript;
   /\.java$/					java;
   /\.([Pp][Aa][Ss]|[Pp][Pp]|[Pp])$/		pascal;
@@ -529,6 +536,10 @@ startrules
   /-\*- [Ii][Dd][Ll] -\*-/				idl;
   /-\*- [Pp][Ee][Rr][Ll] -\*-/				perl;
   /^#![ \t]*\/.*\/perl/					perl;
+  /-\*- [Pp][Hh][Pp] -\*-/				php;
+  /^<\?php/						php;
+  /-\*- [Rr][Uu][Bb][Yy] -\*-/				ruby;
+  /^#![ \t]*\/.*\/ruby/					ruby;
   /^From:/						mail;
   /^#![ \t]*(\/usr)?\/bin\/[ngmt]?awk/			awk;
   /^#![ \t]*(\/usr)?\/bin\/sh/				sh;
diff -up enscript- enscript-
--- enscript-	2010-05-20 15:28:08.148580599 +0200
+++ enscript-	2010-05-20 15:28:08.148580599 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+  * Name: erlang
+  * Description: Erlang programming language.
+  * Author: Sean Hinde 
+  */
+/* Erlang atom: ([a-z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*|\'[^\n]*\') */
+state erlang extends HighlightEntry
+   /* Comments */
+   /%/ {
+     comment_face (true);
+     language_print ($0);
+     call (eat_one_line);
+     comment_face (false);
+   }
+   /* String constants. */
+   /\"/ {
+     string_face (true);
+     language_print ($0);
+     call (c_string);
+     string_face (false);
+   }
+   /* Special -record(rec_name, {}).  pre-processor case */
+   /(-record)(\([ \t]*)([a-z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*|\'[^\n]*\')/ {
+     reference_face (true);
+     language_print ($1);
+     reference_face (false);
+     language_print ($2);
+     type_face (true);
+     language_print ($3);
+     type_face (false);
+   }
+   /* Special -define(Alter, "Hello").  pre-processor case */
+   /(-define)(\([ 
+\t]*)([a-z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*|\'[^\n]*\'|[A-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)/ {
+     reference_face (true);
+     language_print ($1);
+     reference_face (false);
+     language_print ($2);
+     builtin_face (true);
+     language_print ($3);
+     builtin_face (false);
+   }
+   /* Pre-processor lines. */
+   /^-([a-z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)/ {
+     reference_face (true);
+     language_print ($0);
+     reference_face (false);
+   }
+   /* Defines */
+   /(\?)([a-z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*|\'[^\n]*\'|[A-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)/ {
+     language_print ($1);
+     builtin_face (true);
+     language_print ($2);
+     builtin_face (false);
+   }
+   /* Records */
+   /(#)([a-z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*|\'[^\n]*\')/ {
+     language_print ($1);
+     type_face (true);
+     language_print ($2);
+     type_face (false);
+   }
+   /* Keywords.
+      '(after begin case try catch end fun if of receive when)
+      Regexp taken from emacs Erlang mode R9C
+   */
+   /\b(a(fter|ndalso)|begin|c(atch|ase)\
+|query)\b/ {
+     keyword_face (true);
+     language_print ($0);
+     keyword_face (false);
+   }
+   /* Guards.
+    Regexp taken from emacs Erlang mode R9C
+   */
+   /\b((is_)*(atom|function|binary|constant|float\
+|re(ference|cord)|tuple))\b/ {
+     builtin_face (true);
+     language_print ($0);
+     builtin_face (false);
+   }
+   /* Built in functions */
+|un(link|register)|whereis)\b/ {
+     keyword_face (true);
+     language_print ($0);
+     keyword_face (false);
+   }
+   /*
+    * Function definitions.
+    */
+   /^([a-z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*|'[^\n]*')/ {
+     function_name_face (true);
+     language_print ($1);
+     function_name_face (false);
+     language_print ($2);
+   }
+   /* Atom like strings */
+   /('[^\n]*')/ {
+     string_face (true);
+     language_print ($0);
+     string_face (false);
+   }
+   /* Characters */
+   /(\$.)/ {
+     string_face (true);
+     language_print ($0);
+     string_face (false);
+   }
+   /* Variable Names */
+   /*  /([\{\(\,\[ \t]+)([A-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)/ { */
+   /([^a-z0-9_\"])([A-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)/ {
+     language_print ($1);
+     variable_name_face (true);
+     language_print ($2);
+     variable_name_face (false);
+   }
+Local variables:
+mode: erlang
diff -up enscript- enscript-
--- enscript-	2010-05-20 15:28:08.148580599 +0200
+++ enscript-	2010-05-20 15:28:08.148580599 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+ * Name: forth
+ * Description: Forth Programming Language.
+ * Author: Brent Fulgham <>
+ */
+forth_builtins =
+/* builtins */
+  /\b(abort|bye|c(atch|o(ld|ntext))|d(rop|up)|f(d(rop|up)|nip|o(r(get|th)|ver)|rot\
+forth_types =
+/* types */
+  /\b(base|c(ell|har)|decimal|float|hex)\b/;
+forth_keywords =
+/* keywords */
+  /\b(a(bs|gain|head|lso|nd)|begin|c(ase|onstant)|d(abs|efinitions|m(ax|in)|negate|o(|ne))\
+state forth extends HighlightEntry
+  /* Comments. */
+  /\\\\/ {
+    comment_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    call (eat_one_line);
+    comment_face (false);
+  }
+  /* keywords. */
+  forth_keywords {
+    keyword_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    keyword_face (false);
+  }
+  /* Types. */
+  forth_types {
+    type_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    type_face (false);
+  }
+  /* Builtins support */
+  forth_builtins {
+    reference_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    reference_face (false);
+  } 
+  /* String constants. */
+  /\"/ {
+    string_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    call (c_string);
+    string_face (false);
+  }
+  /* character constants. */
+  /'.'|'\\\\.'/ {
+    string_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    string_face (false);
+  }
+  /* symbols, etc. */
+  />|>=|<=|<>|!|\+|\-|\^|\/|\*|\|/ {
+    reference_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    reference_face (false);
+  }
+  /*
+   * function definitions, with args
+   * fct_name (args...) is
+   */
+  /^(:[ \t]+)([^ ^\t]+)([ \t]*)/ {
+    keyword_face (true);
+    language_print ($1);
+    keyword_face (false);
+    function_name_face (true);
+    face_on(face_bold_italic);
+    language_print ($2);
+    face_off(face_bold_italic);
+    function_name_face (false);
+    language_print ($3);
+  }
diff -up enscript- enscript-
--- enscript-	2010-05-20 15:28:08.148580599 +0200
+++ enscript-	2010-05-20 15:28:08.148580599 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+ * Name: icon
+ * Description: Icon Programming Language.
+ * Author: Brent Fulgham <>
+ */
+icon_builtins =
+/* Builtins */
+  /\b(break|create|default|fail|initial|l(ink|ocal)|not|s(tatic|uspend))\b/;
+icon_types =
+/* Types */
+  /\b(char|error|function|integer|proc|procedure|real|variable)\b/;
+icon_keywords =
+/* Keywords */
+  /\b(a(bs|cos|ny|rgs|sin|tan)|b(al|y)|c(a(llout|se)|enter|hdir|lose|o(llect|py|s)|set)\
+state icon extends HighlightEntry
+  /* Comments. */
+  /#/ {
+    comment_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    call (eat_one_line);
+    comment_face (false);
+  }
+  /* Keywords. */
+  icon_keywords {
+    keyword_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    keyword_face (false);
+  }
+  /* Types. */
+  icon_types {
+    type_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    type_face (false);
+  }
+  /* Structure support */
+  icon_builtins {
+    reference_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    reference_face (false);
+  } 
+  /* String constants. */
+  /\"/ {
+    string_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    call (c_string);
+    string_face (false);
+  }
+  /* Character constants. */
+  /'.'|'\\\\.'/ {
+    string_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    string_face (false);
+  }
+  /* Symbols, etc. */
+  />|>=|:=|<=|#|=+|!|::|\+|\-|\^|\/|\*|\|/ {
+    reference_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    reference_face (false);
+  }
+  /*
+   * Function definitions, with args
+   * fct_name (args...) is
+   */
+  /([ \t]*procedure[ \t]+)(\w+)([ \t]*)/ {
+    keyword_face (true);
+    language_print ($1);
+    keyword_face (false);
+    function_name_face (true);
+    face_on(face_bold_italic);
+    language_print ($2);
+    face_off(face_bold_italic);
+    function_name_face (false);
+    language_print ($3);
+  }
diff -up enscript- enscript-
--- enscript-	2010-05-20 15:28:08.148580599 +0200
+++ enscript-	2010-05-20 15:28:08.148580599 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+ * Name: lua
+ * Description: Lua Programming Language template for Enscript.
+ * Author: Brent Fulgham <>
+ */
+lua_builtins =
+/* Builtins */
+  /\b(assert|call|foreach|globals|print|require|to(number|string))\b/;
+lua_keywords =
+/* Keywords */
+  /\b(and|break|do|e(nd|lse(|if))|f(alse|or|unction)|i(f|n)|local\
+state lua extends HighlightEntry
+  /* One line comments. */
+  /\-\-|^#!/ {
+    comment_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    call (eat_one_line);
+    comment_face (false);
+  }
+  /* Keywords. */
+  lua_keywords {
+    keyword_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    keyword_face (false);
+  }
+  /* Types. */
+  lua_builtins {
+    type_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    type_face (false);
+  } 
+  /* String constants. */
+  /\"/ {
+    string_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    call (c_string);
+    string_face (false);
+  }
+  /* Character constants. */
+  /'.'|'\\\\.'/ {
+    string_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    string_face (false);
+  }
+  /* Symbols, etc. */
+  /+|-|\*|=|!=|==|<|>|<=|>=|~=|!/ {
+    reference_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    reference_face (false);
+  }
+  /* Class references */
+  /([ \t])*([a-zA-Z]+[, \ta-zA-Z0-9_]*):[^=]/ {
+    reference_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    reference_face (false);
+  }
+  /*
+   * Function definitions, with args
+   * function fct_name (args...)
+   */
+  /^([ \t]*function[ \t]+)([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_:0-9]*)([ \t]*)(\([^)]*\)[ \t]*)[ \t]*$/ {
+    keyword_face (true);
+    language_print ($1);
+    keyword_face (false);
+    function_name_face (true);
+    face_on(face_bold_italic);
+    language_print ($2);
+    face_off(face_bold_italic);
+    function_name_face (false);
+    language_print(" ");
+    language_print ($3);
+    keyword_face (true);
+    language_print ($4);
+    keyword_face (false);
+  }
diff -up enscript- enscript-
--- enscript-	2009-01-24 21:59:34.000000000 +0100
+++ enscript-	2010-05-20 15:28:08.148580599 +0200
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ state mail_header extends Highlight
   END {
     comment_face (true);
-  /:/ {
+  /[ \t:]/ {
     language_print ($0);
diff -up enscript- enscript-
--- enscript-	2010-03-06 13:59:56.000000000 +0100
+++ enscript-	2010-05-20 15:29:46.656051228 +0200
@@ -36,9 +36,10 @@ ksh.	\	\	\ \
 hldir = $(pkgdatadir)/hl
 dist_hl_DATA = $(misc) $(styles) $(languages) $(highlightings)
-EXTRA_DIST = ChangeLog.old
\ No newline at end of file
+EXTRA_DIST = ChangeLog.old
diff -up enscript- enscript-
--- enscript-	2010-05-20 15:28:08.148580599 +0200
+++ enscript-	2010-05-20 15:28:08.148580599 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+ * Name: oberon2
+ * Description: Oberon 2 Programming Language.
+ * Author: Brent Fulgham <>
+ */
+oberon2_builtins =
+/* Builtins */
+  /\b(CONST|IMPORT)\b/;
+oberon2_types =
+/* Types */
+oberon2_keywords =
+/* Keywords */
+  /\b(A(BS|ND|SH)|BEGIN|C(A(P|SE)|HR)|D(O|EC|IV)\
+state oberon2_comment extends Highlight
+  /\*\)/ {
+    language_print ($0);
+    return;
+  }
+state oberon2 extends HighlightEntry
+  /* Comments. */
+  /\(\*/ {
+    comment_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    call (oberon2_comment);
+    comment_face (false);
+  }
+  /* Keywords. */
+  oberon2_keywords {
+    keyword_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    keyword_face (false);
+  }
+  /* Types. */
+  oberon2_types {
+    type_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    type_face (false);
+  }
+  /* Structure support */
+  oberon2_builtins {
+    reference_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    reference_face (false);
+  } 
+  /* String constants. */
+  /\"/ {
+    string_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    call (c_string);
+    string_face (false);
+  }
+  /* Character constants. */
+  /'.'|'\\\\.'/ {
+    string_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    string_face (false);
+  }
+  /* Symbols, etc. */
+  /\->|>|>=|:=|<=|#|=|!|::|\+|\-|\^|\/|\*|\|/ {
+    reference_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    reference_face (false);
+  }
+  /*
+   * Function definitions, with args
+   * fct_name (args...) is
+   */
+  /([ \t]*PROCEDURE[ \t]+)(\w+)([ \t]*)/ {
+    keyword_face (true);
+    language_print ($1);
+    keyword_face (false);
+    function_name_face (true);
+    face_on(face_bold_italic);
+    language_print ($2);
+    face_off(face_bold_italic);
+    function_name_face (false);
+    language_print ($3);
+  }
+  /([ \t]*END[ \t]+)(\w+)([ \t]*[;\.])/ {
+    keyword_face (true);
+    language_print ($1);
+    keyword_face (false);
+    function_name_face (true);
+    face_on(face_bold_italic);
+    language_print ($2);
+    face_off(face_bold_italic);
+    function_name_face (false);
+    language_print ($3);
+  }
diff -up enscript- enscript-
--- enscript-	2010-05-20 15:28:08.148580599 +0200
+++ enscript-	2010-05-20 15:28:08.148580599 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+ * Name: oz
+ * Description: Mozart/Oz Programming Language.
+ * Author: Brent Fulgham <>
+ */
+oz_builtins =
+/* Builtins */
+  /\b(export|import|local|require)\b/;
+oz_types =
+/* Types */
+  /\b(attr|c(lass|atch)|f(eat|unctor)|nil|prop|raise|try)\b/;
+oz_keywords =
+/* Keywords */
+  /\b(at|c(ase|hoice|ond)|d(e(clare|fine)|o|is)|e(lse(|case|if|of)|nd)\
+state oz extends HighlightEntry
+  /* Comments. */
+  /%/ {
+    comment_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    call (eat_one_line);
+    comment_face (false);
+  }
+  /* Keywords. */
+  oz_keywords {
+    keyword_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    keyword_face (false);
+  }
+  /* Types. */
+  oz_types {
+    type_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    type_face (false);
+  }
+  /* Structure support */
+  oz_builtins {
+    reference_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    reference_face (false);
+  } 
+  /* String constants. */
+  /\"/ {
+    string_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    call (c_string);
+    string_face (false);
+  }
+  /* Character constants. */
+  /'.'|'\\\\.'/ {
+    string_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    string_face (false);
+  }
+  /* Symbols, etc. */
+  /\.\.|=[=]|<\-|\\=|\|/ {
+    reference_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    reference_face (false);
+  }
+  /*
+   * Function definitions, with args
+   * fct_name (args...) is
+   */
+  /([ \t]*\{)(\w+)([\. \t]*)/ {
+    language_print ($1);
+    function_name_face (true);
+    face_on(face_bold_italic);
+    language_print ($2);
+    face_off(face_bold_italic);
+    function_name_face (false);
+    language_print ($3);
+  }
diff -up enscript- enscript-
--- enscript-	2009-01-24 21:59:34.000000000 +0100
+++ enscript-	2010-05-20 15:28:08.148580599 +0200
@@ -60,6 +60,11 @@ state perl_bquot_string extends Highligh
 state perl extends HighlightEntry
+  /* stuff after $# is a variable, not a comment */
+  /\$#\w+/ {
+    language_print ($0);
+  }
   /* Comments. */
   /#.*$/ {
     comment_face (true);
@@ -127,7 +132,6 @@ state perl extends HighlightEntry
   /* Variables */
   /[$%@&]+\w+/ {
-    keyword_face (false);
     language_print ($0);
diff -up enscript- enscript-
--- enscript-	2010-05-20 15:28:08.148580599 +0200
+++ enscript-	2010-05-20 15:28:08.148580599 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+ * Name: Smalltalk
+ * Description: Smalltalk Programming Language.
+ * Author: Brent Fulgham <>
+ */
+smalltalk_keywords =
+/* Keywords */
+  /\b(class|false|inspect|isNil|new|nil|not(|Nil)|out|s(elf|uper)|true\
+|for)\b/ ;
+state smalltalk_quot_string extends Highlight
+  /\\\\./ {
+    language_print ($0);
+  }
+  /[\']/ {
+    language_print ($0);
+    return;
+  }
+state smalltalk extends HighlightEntry
+  /* Comments. */
+  /\"/ {
+    comment_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    call (c_string);
+    comment_face (false);
+  }
+  /* Keywords. */
+  smalltalk_keywords {
+    keyword_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    keyword_face (false);
+  }
+  /* Declarations */
+  /[ \t]*\|.*\|/ {
+    type_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    type_face (false);
+  }
+  /* String constants. */
+  /[\']/ {
+    string_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    call (smalltalk_quot_string);
+    string_face (false);
+  } 
+  /* Symbols, etc. */
+  /:=|>|>=|==|<=|<>|=|!|::|@|\+|\-|\^|\/|\*|\||\[|\]/ {
+    reference_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    reference_face (false);
+  }
+  /*
+   * Function definitions, with args
+   * fct_name (args...) is
+   */
+  /([ \t]*)(\w+)(:[ \t]*)/ {
+    keyword_face (true);
+    language_print ($1);
+    keyword_face (false);
+    function_name_face (true);
+    face_on(face_bold);
+    language_print ($2);
+    face_off(face_bold);
+    function_name_face (false);
+    language_print ($3);
+  }
diff -up enscript- enscript-
--- enscript-	2010-05-20 15:28:08.148580599 +0200
+++ enscript-	2010-05-20 15:28:08.148580599 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+ * Name: sml
+ * Description: Standard ML Programming Language.
+ * Author: Brent Fulgham <>
+ */
+sml_builtins =
+/* Builtins */
+  /\b(functor|lambda|s(ig(|nature)|truct(|ure))|NONE|SOME)\b/;
+sml_types =
+/* Types */
+  /\b(\'(a|b|c|d)|array|bool|char|int|list|real|string|unit|vector|word)\b/;
+sml_keywords =
+/* Keywords */
+  /\b(a(bs(traction|type)|nd(|also)|s|toi)|before|c(ase|oncat)|d(o|atatype)\
+|t(hen|ype)|val|w(h(ere|ile)|ith(|type)))\b/ ;
+state sml_comment extends Highlight
+  /\*\)/ {
+    language_print ($0);
+    return;
+  }
+state sml extends HighlightEntry
+  /* Comments. */
+  /\(\*/ {
+    comment_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    call (sml_comment);
+    comment_face (false);
+  }
+  /* Keywords. */
+  sml_keywords {
+    keyword_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    keyword_face (false);
+  }
+  /* Types. */
+  sml_types {
+    type_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    type_face (false);
+  }
+  /* Structure support */
+  sml_builtins {
+    reference_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    reference_face (false);
+  } 
+  /* String constants. */
+  /\"/ {
+    string_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    call (c_string);
+    string_face (false);
+  }
+  /* Character constants. */
+  /'.'|'\\\\.'/ {
+    string_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    string_face (false);
+  }
+  /* Symbols, etc. */
+  /:=|>|>=|==|<=|<>|=|!|::|@|\+|\-|\^|\/|\*|\||\b(quot|rem|div|mod\
+|hd|tl)\b/ {
+    reference_face (true);
+    language_print ($0);
+    reference_face (false);
+  }
+  /*
+   * Function definitions, with args
+   * fct_name (args...) is
+   */
+  /([ \t]*f[u]n[ \t]+)(\w+)([ \t]*)/ {
+    keyword_face (true);
+    language_print ($1);
+    keyword_face (false);
+    function_name_face (true);
+    face_on(face_bold_italic);
+    language_print ($2);
+    face_off(face_bold_italic);
+    function_name_face (false);
+    language_print ($3);
+  }
diff -up enscript- enscript-
--- enscript-	2009-01-24 21:59:34.000000000 +0100
+++ enscript-	2010-05-20 15:28:08.148580599 +0200
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ state tcl extends HighlightEntry