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<!-- $Id: gmt_man.html,v 1.7 2009/09/14 04:03:30 guru Exp $ -->
<TITLE>GMT Online Man Pages</TITLE>
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<CENTER><H2>GMT Online Man Pages</H2></CENTER><P>
These man pages are html-versions of the Unix man pages for GMT.  They
are grouped both alphabetically or by function.<BR><HR>
<H3><A NAME="anchor_theme">Thematic listing of GMT Unix man pages</H3>
For alphabetical order, click <A HREF="#anchor_alpha">here</A>.
<LI><A HREF="man/GMT.html"> GMT</A> A Wrapper for GMT programs
<LI><A HREF="man/blockmean.html"> blockmean</A> L2 (x,y,z) data filter/decimator
<LI><A HREF="man/blockmedian.html"> blockmedian</A> L1 (x,y,z) data filter/decimator
<LI><A HREF="man/blockmode.html"> blockmode</A> Mode-estimating (x,y,z) data filter/decimator
<LI><A HREF="man/filter1d.html"> filter1d</A> Filter 1-D data (time series)
<LI><A HREF="man/grdfilter.html"> grdfilter</A> Filter 2-D data in space domain
<H3>PLOTTING OF 1-D and 2-D DATA:</H3>
<LI><A HREF="man/grdcontour.html"> grdcontour</A> Contouring of 2-D gridded data
<LI><A HREF="man/grdimage.html"> grdimage</A> Produce images from 2-D gridded datar
<LI><A HREF="man/grdvector.html"> grdvector</A> Plot vector fields from 2-D gridded data
<LI><A HREF="man/grdview.html"> grdview</A> 3-D perspective imaging of 2-D gridded data
<LI><A HREF="man/psbasemap.html"> psbasemap</A> Create a basemap frame
<LI><A HREF="man/psclip.html"> psclip</A> Use polygon files as clipping paths
<LI><A HREF="man/pscoast.html"> pscoast</A> Plot coastlines, filled continents, rivers, and political borders
<LI><A HREF="man/pscontour.html"> pscontour</A> Direct contouring or imaging of xyz-data by triangulation
<LI><A HREF="man/pshistogram.html"> pshistogram</A> Plot a histogram
<LI><A HREF="man/psimage.html"> psimage</A> Plot Sun rasterfiles on a map
<LI><A HREF="man/pslegend.html"> pslegend</A> Plot legend on a map
<LI><A HREF="man/psmask.html"> psmask</A> Create overlay to mask specified regions of a map
<LI><A HREF="man/psrose.html"> psrose</A> Plot sector or rose diagrams
<LI><A HREF="man/psscale.html"> psscale</A> Plot grayscale or colorscale
<LI><A HREF="man/pstext.html"> pstext</A> Plot textstrings
<LI><A HREF="man/pswiggle.html"> pswiggle</A> Draw anomalies along track
<LI><A HREF="man/psxy.html"> psxy</A> Plot symbols, polygons, and lines in 2-D
<LI><A HREF="man/psxyz.html"> psxyz</A> Plot symbols, polygons, and lines in 3-D
<LI><A HREF="man/greenspline.html"> greenspline</A> Gridding using Green's function splines
<LI><A HREF="man/nearneighbor.html"> nearneighbor</A> Nearest-neighbor gridding scheme
<LI><A HREF="man/surface.html"> surface</A> Continuous curvature gridding algorithm
<LI><A HREF="man/triangulate.html"> triangulate</A> Perform optimal Delauney triangulation on xyz data
<LI><A HREF="man/grdsample.html"> grdsample</A> Resample a 2-D gridded data onto new grid
<LI><A HREF="man/grdtrack.html"> grdtrack</A> Sampling of 2-D data along 1-D track
<LI><A HREF="man/sample1d.html"> sample1d</A> Resampling of 1-D data
<LI><A HREF="man/grdproject.html"> grdproject</A> Project gridded data onto new coordinate system
<LI><A HREF="man/mapproject.html"> mapproject</A> Transformation of coordinate systems
<LI><A HREF="man/project.html"> project</A> Project data onto lines/great circles
<LI><A HREF="man/gmtcolors.html"> gmtcolors</A> Information on how to specify colors in GMT
<LI><A HREF="man/gmtdefaults.html"> gmtdefaults</A> List the current default settings
<LI><A HREF="man/gmtset.html"> gmtset</A> Edit parameters in the .gmtdefaults file
<LI><A HREF="man/grdinfo.html"> grdinfo</A> Get information about grd files
<LI><A HREF="man/minmax.html"> minmax</A> Report extreme values in table datafiles
<LI><A HREF="man/gmt2rgb.html"> gmt2rgb</A> Convert Sun raster or grdfile to red, green, blue component grids
<LI><A HREF="man/gmtconvert.html"> gmtconvert</A> Convert table data from one format to another
<LI><A HREF="man/gmtmath.html"> gmtmath</A> Reverse Polish calculator for table data
<LI><A HREF="man/gmtselect.html"> gmtselect</A> Select table subsets based on multiple spatial criteria
<LI><A HREF="man/grd2xyz.html"> grd2xyz</A> Convert 2-D gridded data to table
<LI><A HREF="man/grdcut.html"> grdcut</A> Cut a sub-region from a grd file
<LI><A HREF="man/grdpaste.html"> grdpaste</A> Paste together grdfiles along common edge
<LI><A HREF="man/grdreformat.html"> grdreformat</A> Convert from one grdformat to another
<LI><A HREF="man/splitxyz.html"> splitxyz</A> Split xyz files into several segments
<LI><A HREF="man/xyz2grd.html"> xyz2grd</A> Convert table to 2-D grd file
<LI><A HREF="man/makecpt.html"> makecpt</A> Create GMT color palette tables
<LI><A HREF="man/spectrum1d.html"> spectrum1d</A> Compute spectral estimates from time-series
<LI><A HREF="man/triangulate.html"> triangulate</A> Perform optimal Delauney triangulation on xyz data
<LI><A HREF="man/fitcircle.html"> fitcircle</A> Finds best-fitting great or small circles
<LI><A HREF="man/grdtrend.html"> grdtrend</A> Fits polynomial trends to grdfiles (z = f(x,y))
<LI><A HREF="man/trend1d.html"> trend1d</A> Fits polynomial or Fourier trends to y = f(x) series
<LI><A HREF="man/trend2d.html"> trend2d</A> Fits polynomial trends to z = f(x,y) series
<LI><A HREF="man/grd2cpt.html"> grd2cpt</A> Make color palette table from grdfile
<LI><A HREF="man/grdblend.html"> grdblend</A> Blend several gridded data sets into one
<LI><A HREF="man/grdclip.html"> grdclip</A> Limit the z-range in gridded data sets
<LI><A HREF="man/grdedit.html"> grdedit</A> Modify grd header information
<LI><A HREF="man/grdfft.html"> grdfft</A> Operate on grdfiles in frequency domain
<LI><A HREF="man/grdgradient.html"> grdgradient</A> Compute directional gradient from grdfiles
<LI><A HREF="man/grdhisteq.html"> grdhisteq</A> Histogram equalization for grdfiles
<LI><A HREF="man/grdlandmask.html"> grdlandmask</A> Creates mask grdfile from coastline database
<LI><A HREF="man/grdmask.html"> grdmask</A> Set nodes outside a clip path to a constant
<LI><A HREF="man/grdmath.html"> grdmath</A> Reverse Polish calculator for grdfiles
<LI><A HREF="man/grdvolume.html"> grdvolume</A> Calculating volume under a surface within a contour
<LI><A HREF="man/ps2raster.html"> ps2raster</A> Crop and convert PostScript to raster image, EPS and PDF
<LI><A HREF="man/pslib.html"> pslib</A> Reference manual for libpsl.a

<H3><A NAME="anchor_alpha">Alphabetical listing of GMT Unix man pages</H3>
For a thematic listing, click <A HREF="#anchor_theme">here</A>.
<LI><A HREF="man/blockmean.html"> blockmean</A> L2 (x,y,z) data filter/decimator
<LI><A HREF="man/blockmedian.html"> blockmedian</A> L1 (x,y,z) data filter/decimator
<LI><A HREF="man/blockmode.html"> blockmode</A> Mode-estimating (x,y,z) data filter/decimator
<LI><A HREF="man/filter1d.html"> filter1d</A> Filter 1-D data (time series)
<LI><A HREF="man/fitcircle.html"> fitcircle</A> Finds best-fitting great or small circles
<LI><A HREF="man/gmt2rgb.html"> gmt2rgb</A> Convert Sun raster or grdfile to red, green, blue component grids
<LI><A HREF="man/gmtcolors.html"> gmtcolors</A> Information on how to specify colors in GMT
<LI><A HREF="man/gmtconvert.html"> gmtconvert</A> Convert table data from one format to another
<LI><A HREF="man/gmtdefaults.html"> gmtdefaults</A> List the current default settings
<LI><A HREF="man/gmtmath.html"> gmtmath</A> Reverse Polish calculator for table data
<LI><A HREF="man/gmtselect.html"> gmtselect</A> Select table subsets based on multiple spatial criteria
<LI><A HREF="man/gmtset.html"> gmtset</A> Edit parameters in the .gmtdefaults file
<LI><A HREF="man/grd2cpt.html"> grd2cpt</A> Make color palette table from grdfile
<LI><A HREF="man/grd2xyz.html"> grd2xyz</A> Convert 2-D gridded data to table
<LI><A HREF="man/grdblend.html"> grdblend</A> Blend several gridded data sets into one
<LI><A HREF="man/grdclip.html"> grdclip</A> Limit the z-range in gridded data sets
<LI><A HREF="man/grdcontour.html"> grdcontour</A> Contouring of 2-D gridded data
<LI><A HREF="man/grdcut.html"> grdcut</A> Cut a sub-region from a grd file
<LI><A HREF="man/grdedit.html"> grdedit</A> Modify grd header information
<LI><A HREF="man/grdfft.html"> grdfft</A> Operate on grdfiles in frequency domain
<LI><A HREF="man/grdfilter.html"> grdfilter</A> Filter 2-D data in space domain
<LI><A HREF="man/grdgradient.html"> grdgradient</A> Compute directional gradient from grdfiles
<LI><A HREF="man/grdhisteq.html"> grdhisteq</A> Histogram equalization for grdfiles
<LI><A HREF="man/grdimage.html"> grdimage</A> Produce images from 2-D gridded datar
<LI><A HREF="man/grdinfo.html"> grdinfo</A> Get information about grd files
<LI><A HREF="man/grdlandmask.html"> grdlandmask</A> Creates mask grdfile from coastline database
<LI><A HREF="man/grdmask.html"> grdmask</A> Set nodes outside a clip path to a constant
<LI><A HREF="man/grdmath.html"> grdmath</A> Reverse Polish calculator for grdfiles
<LI><A HREF="man/grdpaste.html"> grdpaste</A> Paste together grdfiles along common edge
<LI><A HREF="man/grdproject.html"> grdproject</A> Project gridded data onto new coordinate system
<LI><A HREF="man/grdreformat.html"> grdreformat</A> Convert from one grdformat to another
<LI><A HREF="man/grdsample.html"> grdsample</A> Resample a 2-D gridded data onto new grid
<LI><A HREF="man/grdtrack.html"> grdtrack</A> Sampling of 2-D data along 1-D track
<LI><A HREF="man/grdtrend.html"> grdtrend</A> Fits polynomial trends to grdfiles (z = f(x,y))
<LI><A HREF="man/grdvector.html"> grdvector</A> Plot vector fields from 2-D gridded data
<LI><A HREF="man/grdview.html"> grdview</A> 3-D perspective imaging of 2-D gridded data
<LI><A HREF="man/grdvolume.html"> grdvolume</A> Calculating volume under a surface within a contour
<LI><A HREF="man/greenspline.html"> greenspline</A> Gridding using Green's function splines
<LI><A HREF="man/makecpt.html"> makecpt</A> Create GMT color palette tables
<LI><A HREF="man/mapproject.html"> mapproject</A> Transformation of coordinate systems
<LI><A HREF="man/minmax.html"> minmax</A> Report extreme values in table datafiles
<LI><A HREF="man/nearneighbor.html"> nearneighbor</A> Nearest-neighbor gridding scheme
<LI><A HREF="man/project.html"> project</A> Project data onto lines/great circles
<LI><A HREF="man/ps2raster.html"> ps2raster</A> Crop and convert PostScript to raster image, EPS and PDF
<LI><A HREF="man/psbasemap.html"> psbasemap</A> Create a basemap frame
<LI><A HREF="man/psclip.html"> psclip</A> Use polygon files as clipping paths
<LI><A HREF="man/pscoast.html"> pscoast</A> Plot coastlines, filled continents, rivers, and political borders
<LI><A HREF="man/pscontour.html"> pscontour</A> Direct contouring or imaging of xyz-data by triangulation
<LI><A HREF="man/pshistogram.html"> pshistogram</A> Plot a histogram
<LI><A HREF="man/psimage.html"> psimage</A> Plot Sun rasterfiles on a map
<LI><A HREF="man/pslegend.html"> pslegend</A> Plot legend on a map
<LI><A HREF="man/psmask.html"> psmask</A> Create overlay to mask specified regions of a map
<LI><A HREF="man/psrose.html"> psrose</A> Plot sector or rose diagrams
<LI><A HREF="man/psscale.html"> psscale</A> Plot grayscale or colorscale
<LI><A HREF="man/pstext.html"> pstext</A> Plot textstrings
<LI><A HREF="man/pswiggle.html"> pswiggle</A> Draw anomalies along track
<LI><A HREF="man/psxy.html"> psxy</A> Plot symbols, polygons, and lines in 2-D
<LI><A HREF="man/psxyz.html"> psxyz</A> Plot symbols, polygons, and lines in 3-D
<LI><A HREF="man/sample1d.html"> sample1d</A> Resampling of 1-D data
<LI><A HREF="man/spectrum1d.html"> spectrum1d</A> Compute spectral estimates from time-series
<LI><A HREF="man/splitxyz.html"> splitxyz</A> Split xyz files into several segments
<LI><A HREF="man/surface.html"> surface</A> Continuous curvature gridding algorithm
<LI><A HREF="man/trend1d.html"> trend1d</A> Fits polynomial or Fourier trends to y = f(x) series
<LI><A HREF="man/trend2d.html"> trend2d</A> Fits polynomial trends to z = f(x,y) series
<LI><A HREF="man/triangulate.html"> triangulate</A> Perform optimal Delauney triangulation on xyz data
<LI><A HREF="man/triangulate.html"> triangulate</A> Perform optimal Delauney triangulation on xyz data
<LI><A HREF="man/xyz2grd.html"> xyz2grd</A> Convert table to 2-D grd file
For a thematic listing of GMT man pages, click <A HREF="#anchor_theme">here</A>.
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