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original version by:  Nikos Drakos, CBLU, University of Leeds
* revised and updated by:  Marcus Hennecke, Ross Moore, Herb Swan
* with significant contributions from:
  Jens Lippmann, Marek Rouchal, Martin Wilck and others -->
<TITLE>1.1 Tutorial setup</TITLE>
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<H1><A NAME="SECTION00310000000000000000">
1.1 Tutorial setup</A>

<LI>We assume that <A NAME="tex2html53"
  HREF=""><B>GMT</B></A> has been properly and fully
installed and that the <A NAME="tex2html54"
  HREF=""><B>GMT</B></A> executables are in your executable path
described in the <A NAME="tex2html55"
  HREF=""><B>GMT</B></A> <U>README</U> file.

<LI>All <A NAME="tex2html56"
  HREF=""><B>GMT</B></A> man pages, documentation, and example scripts
are available from the <A NAME="tex2html57"
  HREF=""><B>GMT</B></A> documentation web page.  It is
assumed these pages have been installed locally at your site;
if not they are always available from the main
<A NAME="tex2html58"
  HREF="">GMT home page</A>.

<LI>We recommend you create a sub-directory called <U>tutorial</U>,
cd into that directory, and copy all the tutorial files directly
there with ``<TT>cp -r $GMTHOME/tutorial/* .</TT> ''.

<LI>As we discuss <A NAME="tex2html59"
  HREF=""><B>GMT</B></A> principles it may be a good idea to
consult the <A NAME="tex2html60"
  HREF=""><B>GMT</B></A> Technical Reference and Cookbook for more
detailed explanations.

<LI>The tutorial uses the supplemental <A NAME="tex2html61"
  HREF=""><B>GMT</B></A> program
<A NAME="tex2html62"
  HREF="../man/grdraster.html"><I><B>grdraster</B></I></A><A NAME="1789"></A> to extract subsets of global gridded data
sets.  For your convenience we also supply the subsets in the
event you do not wish to install <A NAME="tex2html63"
  HREF="../man/grdraster.html"><I><B>grdraster</B></I></A><A NAME="1794"></A> and the
public data sets it can read.  Thus, run the <A NAME="tex2html64"
  HREF="../man/grdraster.html"><I><B>grdraster</B></I></A><A NAME="1799"></A>
commands if you have made the installation or ignore them if
you have not.

<LI>For all but the simplest <A NAME="tex2html65"
  HREF=""><B>GMT</B></A> jobs it is recommended that
you place all the <A NAME="tex2html66"
  HREF=""><B>GMT</B></A> (and <I>UNIX</I>) commands in a shell script
file and make it executable.  To ensure that <I>UNIX</I> recognizes
your script as a shell script it is a good habit always to start
the script with the line #!/bin/sh or #!/bin/csh, depending on the shell you prefer to use.
All the examples in this tutorial assumes you are running the bourne shell, <I>sh</I><A NAME="1811"></A>; if you are using
something different then you are on your own.

<LI>Making a script executable is accomplished using the <TT>chmod</TT>
command, e.g., the script <U></U> is made executable
with ``<TT>chmod +x</TT>''.

<LI>To view a <I>PostScript</I> file (e.g., <U></U>) on a UNIX workstation
we use <I>ghostview</I><A NAME="1817"></A> <U></U>.  On some systems there
will be similar commands, like <U>imagetool</U> and <U>pageview</U>
on Sun workstations.  In this text we will refer to
<I>ghostview</I><A NAME="1823"></A>; please substitute the relevant <I>PostScript</I> previewer
on your system.

<LI>Please cd into the directory <U>tutorial</U>.  We are
now ready to start.


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Paul Wessel