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<!--Converted with LaTeX2HTML 2002-2-1 (1.71)
original version by:  Nikos Drakos, CBLU, University of Leeds
* revised and updated by:  Marcus Hennecke, Ross Moore, Herb Swan
* with significant contributions from:
  Jens Lippmann, Marek Rouchal, Martin Wilck and others -->
<TITLE>1.1.12 Overview of GMT 4.1.2 [May-15, 2006]</TITLE>
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<H2><A NAME="SECTION009112000000000000000">
1.1.12 Overview of </A><A NAME="tex2html684"
  HREF=""><B>GMT</B></A> 4.1.2 [May-15, 2006]

On the surface, changes in <A NAME="tex2html685"
  HREF=""><B>GMT</B></A> 4.1.2 are relatively minor.  Most of the work has involved
realignment of code and parsing of arguments to simplify the upcoming port to <A NAME="tex2html686"
  HREF=""><B>GMT</B></A> 5;
a brief listing of more visible changes include


<LI>Coastline files have been updated to use GSHHS version 1.4 which fixes minor inconsistencies
in the coastline database.
<LI>All coastline files are now stored in a new subdirectory <U>coast</U> under the
<U>share</U> directory, and the tar archives for coastlines now have their own version numbers
as they do not change as frequently as the source code.  Current coastline version number is 4.1.
<LI>The archives have been reorganized so that <U>GMT_share.*</U> contains all files needed
at runtime whereas the standard coastline files are in the new <U>GMT_coast.*</U> archive.
The <U>GMT_progs.*</U> archive has been renamed <U>GMT_src.*</U>.
<LI>CPT files can now have <I>z</I>-values that are date-time strings.
<LI>Optionally append <B>z</B> to the <B>-Jp</B> projection to annotate depths (<I>i.e.</I>, ``north-y'') rather than radius.
<LI>Two new tools added to the <I>misc</I><A NAME="5852"></A> supplement for digitizing lines (<A NAME="tex2html687"
  HREF="../man/gmtdigitize.html"><I><B>gmtdigitize</B></I></A><A NAME="5856"></A>) and
to stitch digitized lines into continuous lines or polygons (<A NAME="tex2html688"
  HREF="../man/gmtstitch.html"><I><B>gmtstitch</B></I></A><A NAME="5861"></A>).
<LI>Extended <B>-M</B> option to take optional modifiers <B>i</B> or <B>o</B> for input or output.
<LI>Added support for custom grd format AGC from Atlantic Geoscience Center, assigned the code <B>af</B> [21].

A few programs or options have received minor updates and new features, such as

<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html689"
  HREF="../man/blockmean.html"><I><B>blockmean</B></I></A><A NAME="5867"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Added <B>-E</B> for reporting standard deviation, min, and max values per block.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html690"
  HREF="../man/blockmedian.html"><I><B>blockmedian</B></I></A><A NAME="5873"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Added <B>-E</B> for reporting L1 scale, min, and max values per block.
Also added <B>-T</B> to specify a particular quartile [Default <I>q</I> = 0.5 = median].
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html691"
  HREF="../man/blockmode.html"><I><B>blockmode</B></I></A><A NAME="5880"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Added <B>-E</B> for reporting LMS scale, min, and max values per block.
<DT><STRONG><I>configure</I><A NAME="5885"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Added explicit options to bypass the installation of supplements
that require Matlab (-disable-mex) and X11 (-disable-xgrid).
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html692"
  HREF="../man/gmtconvert.html"><I><B>gmtconvert</B></I></A><A NAME="5889"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Added <B>-D</B> option to write segments to individual output files.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html693"
  HREF="../man/gmtdefaults.html"><I><B>gmtdefaults</B></I></A><A NAME="5895"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Support for new default <B>PS_VERBOSE</B> which controls the
writing of comments to <I>PostScript</I> files.  <B>COLOR_MODEL</B> can now accept a prefix ``+'' which
forces color interpolation in the selected system (RGB or HSV only).  Default remains RGB.
<B>PS_COLOR</B> has been extended to accept HSV as well (only applies to
polygon, symbol, pen, and text colors, not images.).  New parameter <B>POLAR_CAP</B> which
controls the number of gridlines that converge on the poles for azimuthal and some other projections.
Added new default <B>HISTORY</B> [TRUE] which controls whether or not we maintain a common command option
history via .gmtcommands4 files.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html694"
  HREF="../man/gmtmath.html"><I><B>gmtmath</B></I></A><A NAME="5901"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Added option <B>-M</B> to indicate the program can now handle multisegment files.
Added <B>CPOISS</B> for cumulative Poisson distribution.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html695"
  HREF="../man/grdmath.html"><I><B>grdmath</B></I></A><A NAME="5907"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Added <B>CPOISS</B> for cumulative Poisson distribution.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html696"
  HREF="../man/minmax.html"><I><B>minmax</B></I></A><A NAME="5912"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: <B>-D</B> made obsolete by improved range checking for longitudes (but available for
backwards compatibility).
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html697"
  HREF="../man/psscale.html"><I><B>psscale</B></I></A><A NAME="5918"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Enhanced <B>-I</B> option for asymmetrical intensity ranges from <I>low</I> to <I>high</I>.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html698"
  HREF="../man/psxy.html"><I><B>psxy</B></I></A><A NAME="5924"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Added <B>-SW</B> for wedges defined by azimuths rather than directions.  Polygons of large
longitudinal extent now clip correctly.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html699"
  HREF="../man/splitxyz.html"><I><B>splitxyz</B></I></A><A NAME="5930"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: New option <B>-Q</B> to specify the output columns and their order.

Below is a list of previous problems
that we have identified and corrected in the current release:

<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html700"
  HREF="../man/gmt_plot.c.html"><I><B>gmt_plot.c</B></I></A><A NAME="5936"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: The 3-D perspective plotting of text was not scaled correctly.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html701"
  HREF="../man/gmt_support.c.html"><I><B>gmt_support.c</B></I></A><A NAME="5941"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Parsing of <B>-L</B> option used in <A NAME="tex2html702"
and <A NAME="tex2html703"
failed to get correct unit when ddd:mm:ss syntax was used for the position. Corner boundary conditions for grids (needed
by <A NAME="tex2html704"
  HREF="../man/grdtrack.html"><I><B>grdtrack</B></I></A><A NAME="5953"></A>, <A NAME="tex2html705"
  HREF="../man/grdsample.html"><I><B>grdsample</B></I></A><A NAME="5958"></A>, <A NAME="tex2html706"
  HREF="../man/grdview.html"><I><B>grdview</B></I></A><A NAME="5963"></A>, and <A NAME="tex2html707"
  HREF="../man/grdgradient.html"><I><B>grdgradient</B></I></A><A NAME="5968"></A>) had the wrong sign.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html708"
  HREF="../man/gmt2rgb.html"><I><B>gmt2rgb</B></I></A><A NAME="5973"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Did not check name template properly, and did not initialize region.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html709"
  HREF="../man/gmtselect.html"><I><B>gmtselect</B></I></A><A NAME="5978"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Option <B>-F</B> insisted on using spherical testing for Cartesian <I>x,y</I> data.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html710"
  HREF="../man/grd2xyz.html"><I><B>grd2xyz</B></I></A><A NAME="5984"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: The <B>-E</B> option had the <I>y</I>-direction reversed.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html711"
  HREF="../man/grdfilter.html"><I><B>grdfilter</B></I></A><A NAME="5990"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Needed the <B>-f</B> option to process <B>-R</B>ddd:mm syntax.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html712"
  HREF="../man/grdimage.html"><I><B>grdimage</B></I></A><A NAME="5997"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Would hang in <I>stdin</I> if <B>-C</B> not given when one grid is plotted.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html713"
  HREF="../man/grdmask.html"><I><B>grdmask</B></I></A><A NAME="6003"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Did not explicitly close polygons before using them.  Test for polar caps applied to the opposite pole.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html714"
  HREF="../man/grdmath.html"><I><B>grdmath</B></I></A><A NAME="6008"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Command <B>INSIDE</B> for Cartesian data had bug (passed <I>y</I> where <I>x</I> was expected).
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html715"
  HREF="../man/grdsample.html"><I><B>grdsample</B></I></A><A NAME="6013"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Failed when <B>-I</B> was specified.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html716"
  HREF="../man/grdview.html"><I><B>grdview</B></I></A><A NAME="6019"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Bug in plotting north facade (<B>-N</B>).  Also tried to free unallocated memory if <B>-G</B> was used.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html717"
  HREF="../man/project.html"><I><B>project</B></I></A><A NAME="6026"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Cartesian projections gave incorrect results for <I>p,w,r,s</I>.
Removed 0-360 restriction on azimuth.  Option <B>-G</B> was susceptible to round-off and thus
sometimes reissued the final point.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html718"
  HREF="../man/psxy.html"><I><B>psxy</B></I></A><A NAME="6032"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: <B>-SV</B> and <B>-SE</B> for <B>-JX</B> did not convert azimuths to directions.
The <B>-Sq</B> option would get confused when distances between successive labels were smaller than the line's point spacing.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html719"
  HREF="../man/mgd77/mgd77manage.html"><I><B>mgd77/mgd77manage</B></I></A><A NAME="6041"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Did not properly close the file after ingesting E77 information.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html720"
  HREF="../man/pslib.c.html"><I><B>pslib.c</B></I></A><A NAME="6046"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: <TT>ps_load_raster</TT> did not use open mode <B>rb</B> and hence failed under Windows.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html721"
  HREF="../man/xyz2grd.html"><I><B>xyz2grd</B></I></A><A NAME="6052"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: The <B>-E</B> option had the <I>y</I>-direction reversed.
A few bug-fixes applies to the supplements as well:
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html722"
  HREF="../man/x2sys_get.html"><I><B>x2sys_get</B></I></A><A NAME="6058"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: <B>-N</B> did not work properly (now fixed and tested).

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Paul Wessel