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* revised and updated by:  Marcus Hennecke, Ross Moore, Herb Swan
* with significant contributions from:
  Jens Lippmann, Marek Rouchal, Martin Wilck and others -->
<TITLE>1.1.7 Overview of GMT 4.3.0 [May-1, 2008]</TITLE>
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<H2><A NAME="SECTION00917000000000000000">
1.1.7 Overview of </A><A NAME="tex2html444"
  HREF=""><B>GMT</B></A> 4.3.0 [May-1, 2008]

Changes are once again a mix of structural improvements, bug fixes, and a few enhancements.
The coastline files (now GSHHS 1.10) have seen minor modifications, the mex supplement now offers
support for <A NAME="tex2html445"
  HREF=""><I>Octave</I></A>, all source code is now fully
64-bit compliant, we have added an isolation mode option (if <B>GMT_TMPDIR</B> is defined, write
temporary and hidden files to that directory),
and the configure/make setup has been further improved (such as honoring CFLAGS and LDFLAGS set by user).
Colors may now be specified
as hexadecimal codes (e.g., #ff0000 for red), and projections can be specified by name
(similar to <A NAME="tex2html446"
  HREF=""><I>Proj4</I></A>).  Finally, binary table
data can now be COARDS-compliant netCDF files. As for documentation, we have now switched from
C shell to Bourne shell (although the <I>csh</I><A NAME="4410"></A> examples are still distributed).

The following lists specific enhancements or new program options:


<LI><A NAME="tex2html447"
  HREF="../man/gmt_grdio.c.html"><I><B>gmt_grdio.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4414"></A> is modified so the grid i/o supports the <B>GMT_[DATA<IMG
 ALT="$\vert$">GRID]DIR</B> environment settings.
<LI><A NAME="tex2html448"
  HREF="../man/gmt_init.c.html"><I><B>gmt_init.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4419"></A> was enhanced so <B>-U</B> can now interpret a justification (e.g., <I>just/dx/dy</I>
on the command line or by setting <B>UNIX_TIME_POS</B>) and we introduced a new default parameter <B>UNIX_TIME_FORMAT</B>
which controls the formatting of the timestamp.
<LI><A NAME="tex2html449"
  HREF="../man/gmt_io.c.html"><I><B>gmt_io.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4425"></A> now implements <B>-b</B>[<B>i</B><IMG
 ALT="$\vert$"><B>o</B>]<B>c</B>[<I>var1/...</I>] option to indicate input is netCDF.
<LI><A NAME="tex2html450"
  HREF="../man/gmtmath.html"><I><B>gmtmath</B></I></A><A NAME="4431"></A> recognizes new constants <B>TMIN</B>, <B>TMAX</B>, <B>TINC</B>, and <B>N</B>.
<LI><A NAME="tex2html451"
  HREF="../man/grdimage.html"><I><B>grdimage</B></I></A><A NAME="4436"></A> uses <B>-N</B> to not clip image at map boundary.
<LI><A NAME="tex2html452"
  HREF="../man/grdview.html"><I><B>grdview</B></I></A><A NAME="4442"></A> now uses <B>-Wf</B> to change the facade pen from its default value.
<LI><A NAME="tex2html453"
  HREF="../man/grdmath.html"><I><B>grdmath</B></I></A><A NAME="4448"></A> recognizes new constants <B>XMIN</B>, <B>XMAX</B>, <B>XINC</B>, <B>NX</B>, and similarly
<B>YMIN</B>, <B>YMAX</B>, <B>YINC</B>, <B>NY</B>.
<LI><A NAME="tex2html454"
  HREF="../man/mapproject.html"><I><B>mapproject</B></I></A><A NAME="4453"></A> <B>-G+</B> will compute distances between coordinates in first 4 columns.
<LI><A NAME="tex2html455"
  HREF="../man/ps2raster.html"><I><B>ps2raster</B></I></A><A NAME="4459"></A> has new option <B>-D</B> to specify alternative output directory and <B>-V</B> to report progress.
<LI><A NAME="tex2html456"
  HREF="../man/psrose.html"><I><B>psrose</B></I></A><A NAME="4466"></A> has new option <B>-F</B> to disable the plotting of the scale bar.
<LI><A NAME="tex2html457"
  HREF="../man/psxyz.html"><I><B>psxyz</B></I></A><A NAME="4472"></A> has new option <B>-D</B> to match option set in <A NAME="tex2html458"
  HREF="../man/psxy.html"><I><B>psxy</B></I></A><A NAME="4478"></A>.
<LI><A NAME="tex2html459"
  HREF="../man/mgd77/mgd77list.html"><I><B>mgd77/mgd77list</B></I></A><A NAME="4483"></A>	added <B>-Ga</B><IMG
 ALT="$\vert$"><B>b</B><I>rec</I> to limit output to a certain record range.
<LI><A NAME="tex2html460"
  HREF="../man/spotter/hotspotter.html"><I><B>spotter/hotspotter</B></I></A><A NAME="4489"></A> added <B>-S</B> to normalize output to percent of CVA maximum.
<LI><A NAME="tex2html461"
  HREF="../man/spotter/grdspotter.html"><I><B>spotter/grdspotter</B></I></A><A NAME="4495"></A> is a new program, like <A NAME="tex2html462"
  HREF="../man/hotspotter.html"><I><B>hotspotter</B></I></A><A NAME="4500"></A>, but using gridded data as input.

A long list of bugs has been squashed since the last release, the most important are listed below:

<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html463"
  HREF="../man/gmt_grdio.c.html"><I><B>gmt_grdio.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4505"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>:	Fixed 3 bugs in <TT>GMT_decode_grd_h_info</TT> that caused problems parsing <B>-D</B>
option. Explicitly exclude = sign from becoming separator.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html464"
  HREF="../man/gmt_io.c.html"><I><B>gmt_io.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4512"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Now skips blank lines that has leading whitespace.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html465"
  HREF="../man/gmt_init.c.html"><I><B>gmt_init.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4517"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: <B>c</B> for seconds was not recognized as <B>TIME_UNIT</B> (expected <B>s</B>,
which is kept for backwards compatibility). <B>-B</B> processing of labels used an internal string that was too short,
which could lead to label truncation.  Fixed ``Holiday-bug'' in <TT>GMT_parse_J_option</TT> introduced 2007-12-21.
<TT>GMT_str_tolower</TT> could run out of bounds. Probably only affected 32-bit compilers.
<TT>GMT_is_a_blank_line</TT> is now used wherever ascii input is processed.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html466"
  HREF="../man/gmt_map.c.html"><I><B>gmt_map.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4526"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Fixed bug in radial clipping. The radial clipping would sometimes add arcs using the arc that
exceeds 180 degrees.  Added new rectangular clip function using Sutherland/Hodgman algorithm
in order to fix incorrect results in <A NAME="tex2html467"
  HREF="../man/grdlandmask.html"><I><B>grdlandmask</B></I></A><A NAME="4531"></A>.  Minor bug in 4th term in conformal to geodetic lat.
Round-off could mess mapping of west/east to xmin/xmax.  Now has a safety valve for checking that this does not occur.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html468"
  HREF="../man/gmt_plot.c.html"><I><B>gmt_plot.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4536"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: 3-D basemap axis did not use <B>LABEL_OFFSET</B>.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html469"
  HREF="../man/gmt_proj.c.html"><I><B>gmt_proj.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4541"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Fixed bug in azimuthal equal area projection that had the
horizon shifted from where it ought to be.  Avoid error in <TT>GMT_lamb_sph</TT> when lat is 90 degrees.
Clip path for general perspective projection was not closed. For <B>-JS</B>: Would set slice to NaN if central meridian was not Greenwich.
For <B>-JR</B>: Longitudes beyond 180 were set to 180.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html470"
  HREF="../man/gmt_stat.c.html"><I><B>gmt_stat.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4549"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Bug in <TT>GMT_median</TT> would sometime give subtle mistakes, most noticeable
when only a few values were passed to the function. Traced to the use
of <I>size_t</I> variables in expressions that could yield a negative value.
Fixed minor issues in <TT>GMT_PvQv</TT> function.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html471"
  HREF="../man/gmt_support.c.html"><I><B>gmt_support.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4556"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Made <TT>GMT_polygon_is_open</TT> tolerant of round-off and if
polygon is not open set last to exactly equal first point.   <TT>GMT_get_annot_label</TT> did not
properly honor the <I>ddd.xx</I> setting. Now implements annotation for Gnomonic maps.
In <TT>GMT_contour</TT>, would occasionally not check internal crossings for some interior contours.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html472"
  HREF="../man/pslib.c.html"><I><B>pslib.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4564"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Bug in <TT>ps_shorten_path</TT> lead to SEGV when path resulted in a single point.
Fixed error in applying <A NAME="tex2html473"
  HREF="../man/pstext.html"><I><B>pstext</B></I></A><A NAME="4570"></A>'s <B>-Dj</B><I>dx/dy</I> shift in paragraph mode (<B>-M</B>).
Redefine rect symbol to be less prone to round-off.
Used internal <I>point_code</I> before it was initialized.  This
caused <B>PAGE_COLOR</B> not to work (wrote <IMG
 ALT="$&gt;$"> rather than C).
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html474"
  HREF="../man/gmtmath.c.html"><I><B>gmtmath.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4577"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Implemented Welford (1962) algorithm in <B>KURT</B>, <B>SKEW</B> and <B>STD</B> operators
for more precise one-pass computation of mean and sum of squares.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html475"
  HREF="../man/gmtselect.c.html"><I><B>gmtselect.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4582"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: The <B>-:o</B> option failed to reverse output order.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html476"
  HREF="../man/grd2xyz.c.html"><I><B>grd2xyz.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4588"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Do not abort when <B>-R</B> exceeds grid; simply output common region.
For gridline oriented grids: <B>-E</B> returned xll and yll one cell too large. Now writing [xy]llcenter properly.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html477"
  HREF="../man/grdblend.c.html"><I><B>grdblend.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4595"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Did not pick up node registration before calculating output grid size.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html478"
  HREF="../man/grdedit.c.html"><I><B>grdedit.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4600"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Adjust z_min and z_max when changing add_offset or scale_factor.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html479"
  HREF="../man/grdgradient.c.html"><I><B>grdgradient.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4605"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: With <B>-D</B> and <B>-S</B> the slopes were not set to NaN if data were NaN.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html480"
  HREF="../man/grdinfo.c.html"><I><B>grdinfo.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4612"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Implemented Welford (1962) algorithm for more precise one-pass
computation of mean and sum of squares.  zmin==zmax no longer forces <B>-M</B> option.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html481"
  HREF="../man/grdmask.c.html"><I><B>grdmask.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4618"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Tiny bug for determining which hemisphere (N/S) unlikely to have had any effect.
Needed to allow for some slop when comparing shrink to 0.0 since sometimes the result of <I>acos</I> is 1e-14 or thereabouts.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html482"
  HREF="../man/grdmath.c.html"><I><B>grdmath.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4623"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Implemented Welford (1962) algorithm in <B>KURT</B>, <B>SKEW</B> and <B>STD</B> operators
for more precise one-pass computation of mean and sum of squares.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html483"
  HREF="../man/grdview.c.html"><I><B>grdview.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4628"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: The facade (<B>-N</B>) outline was drawn with contour pen.
The <B>-Qc</B> option failed to set the ``build image'' flag and produced
garbage surface tiles.  Also, <B>-T</B>[<B>s</B>] produced polygons that were
not checked for wrapping at a periodic map boundary.  Clarified that <B>-T</B> cannot take <B>-JZ</B><IMG
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html484"
  HREF="../man/minmax.c.html"><I><B>minmax.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4638"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Could get confused when longitudes crossed dateline or Greenwich,
and <B>OUTPUT_DEGREE_FORMAT</B> could interfere with result.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html485"
  HREF="../man/pscontour.c.html"><I><B>pscontour.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4643"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: <B>-T</B> option was susceptible to infinite loop if bad record was found.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html486"
  HREF="../man/pshistogram.c.html"><I><B>pshistogram.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4649"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: The <B>-R</B> option was processed separately and did not understand time coordinates.
Bug in <B>-F</B> option failed to center bins.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html487"
  HREF="../man/psmask.c.html"><I><B>psmask.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4656"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: The <B>-D</B> option used the wrong output file name.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html488"
  HREF="../man/psscale.c.html"><I><B>psscale.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4662"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Inverted vertical scale, when using filled rectangles:
Colors remained in the original order. Inverted vertical or horizontal
scale, when using rectangles with gradients: Size of rectangles followed
original order, not inverted. In reverse mode, <B>-Eb</B> was plotting
foreground triangle, <B>-Ef</B> background triangle.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html489"
  HREF="../man/pstext.c.html"><I><B>pstext.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4669"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Parsing of <B>-C</B> complained about % sign.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html490"
  HREF="../man/psxy.c.html"><I><B>psxy.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4675"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: If first symbol in list with size was not circle, it got rejected.
When sizes of <B>-Sr</B> or <B>-Sj</B> were read from list, they were always assumed to be in inches.
Drawing arrows with <B>-SvS</B> and time-coordinates did not work as 2nd time coordinate did not get processed properly.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html491"
  HREF="../man/psxyz.c.html"><I><B>psxyz.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4683"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: If first symbol in list with size was not circle, it got rejected.
When sizes of <B>-Sr</B> or <B>-Sj</B> were read from list, they were always assumed to be in inches.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html492"
  HREF="../man/sample1d.c.html"><I><B>sample1d.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4690"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Calendar time knots did not get properly interpreted with <B>-N</B>.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html493"
  HREF="../man/mgg/mgd77togmt.c.html"><I><B>mgg/mgd77togmt.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4696"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Did not initialize the MGG_SHAREDIR path.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html494"
  HREF="../man/mgd77/mgd77.c.html"><I><B>mgd77/mgd77.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4701"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Wrong header order written if <A NAME="tex2html495"
  HREF="../man/mgd77convert.html"><I><B>mgd77convert</B></I></A><A NAME="4706"></A> ... <B>-Tt</B> was used.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html496"
  HREF="../man/mgd77/mgd77info.c.html"><I><B>mgd77/mgd77info.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4712"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Could get confused when longitudes crossed dateline or Greenwich,
and <B>OUTPUT_DEGREE_FORMAT</B> could interfere with result.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html497"
  HREF="../man/mgd77/mgd77sniffer.c.html"><I><B>mgd77/mgd77sniffer.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4717"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Numerous fixes and enhancements; see ChangeLog.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html498"
  HREF="../man/x2sys/x2sys.c.html"><I><B>x2sys/x2sys.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4722"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Error in determining which columns had been requested.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html499"
  HREF="../man/x2sys/x2sys_binlist.c.html"><I><B>x2sys/x2sys_binlist.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4727"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Could create bad bins because of incorrect reallocation of memory.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html500"
  HREF="../man/x2sys/x2sys_get.c.html"><I><B>x2sys/x2sys_get.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4732"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: The <B>-L</B> option did not honor any <B>-F</B> or <B>-N</B> settings.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html501"
  HREF="../man/x2sys/x2sys_put.c.html"><I><B>x2sys/x2sys_put.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4740"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Wrong test when replacing older track info lead to data base loss.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html502"
  HREF="../man/x2sys/x2sys_cross.c.html"><I><B>x2sys/x2sys_cross.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4745"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Used wrong data column order and computed speed when there is no time.


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Paul Wessel