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<!--Converted with LaTeX2HTML 2002-2-1 (1.71)
original version by:  Nikos Drakos, CBLU, University of Leeds
* revised and updated by:  Marcus Hennecke, Ross Moore, Herb Swan
* with significant contributions from:
  Jens Lippmann, Marek Rouchal, Martin Wilck and others -->
<TITLE>1.1.5 Overview of GMT 4.4.0 [Feb-15, 2009]</TITLE>
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<H2><A NAME="SECTION00915000000000000000">
1.1.5 Overview of </A><A NAME="tex2html351"
  HREF=""><B>GMT</B></A> 4.4.0 [Feb-15, 2009]

This is a significant update of the official distribution and hence has a mix of bug fixes
and program enhancements.  We have added a new program (<A NAME="tex2html352"
  HREF="../man/greenspline.c.html"><I><B>greenspline.c</B></I></A><A NAME="3858"></A>) which
offers interpolation and gridding in 1-3 dimensions using Green's functions of various
splines.  Also, the <B>misc</B> supplement has a new tool (<A NAME="tex2html353"
  HREF="../man/gmtdp.c.html"><I><B>gmtdp.c</B></I></A><A NAME="3863"></A>) which offers
line-reduction using the Douglas-Peucker algorithm we used for the various shoreline
resolutions.  The <B>mex</B> supplement has a new Matlab/Octave function
(<A NAME="tex2html354"
  HREF="../man/imgread.m.html"><I><B>imgread.m</B></I></A><A NAME="3868"></A>) to directly read Sandwell/Smith *.img files.  The <B>x2sys</B>
supplement has three new programs: <A NAME="tex2html355"
  HREF="../man/x2sys_list.c.html"><I><B>x2sys_list.c</B></I></A><A NAME="3873"></A> can extract a subset of crossovers
from the list produced by <A NAME="tex2html356"
  HREF="../man/x2sys_cross.c.html"><I><B>x2sys_cross.c</B></I></A><A NAME="3878"></A>, <A NAME="tex2html357"
  HREF="../man/x2sys_report.c.html"><I><B>x2sys_report.c</B></I></A><A NAME="3883"></A> reports statistics
of crossovers, whereas <A NAME="tex2html358"
  HREF="../man/x2sys_solve.c.html"><I><B>x2sys_solve.c</B></I></A><A NAME="3888"></A> will
determine systematic trends from a set of crossover errors.  These programs are intended
to replace the old <B>x_system</B> tools <A NAME="tex2html359"
  HREF="../man/x_list.c.html"><I><B>x_list.c</B></I></A><A NAME="3893"></A>, <A NAME="tex2html360"
  HREF="../man/x_report.c.html"><I><B>x_report.c</B></I></A><A NAME="3898"></A> and <A NAME="tex2html361"
  HREF="../man/x_solve_dc_drift.c.html"><I><B>x_solve_dc_drift.c</B></I></A><A NAME="3903"></A>.
We have also temporarily added <TT>GMT_qsort</TT> which is a 64-bit compliant version
of <TT>qsort</TT>.  The latter is broken under OS X 64-bit and is
thus substituted on that platform only for 64-bit compilations until Apple fixes the problem.
Finally <A NAME="tex2html362"
  HREF="../man/ps2raster.c.html"><I><B>ps2raster.c</B></I></A><A NAME="3910"></A> can now be used to create geotiff images if <I>gdal</I><A NAME="3914"></A> is installed on your system.
Here is the list of bug corrections:
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html363"
  HREF="../man/gmt_customio.c.html"><I><B>gmt_customio.c</B></I></A><A NAME="3918"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Fixed sub-region access in Surfer format. This bug would 
		manifest itself mainly when doing a <A NAME="tex2html364"
  HREF="../man/grdcut.html"><I><B>grdcut</B></I></A><A NAME="3923"></A> with a N-S sub-region.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html365"
  HREF="../man/gmt_init.c.html"><I><B>gmt_init.c</B></I></A><A NAME="3928"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Modified special checks for FreeBSD by also considering _AMD64_.
	<B>-JXh</B> was misinterpreted whereas <B>-JXv</B> was OK.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html366"
  HREF="../man/gmt_io.c.html"><I><B>gmt_io.c</B></I></A><A NAME="3935"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Did not properly apply <B>PLOT_DEGREE_FORMAT</B>=ddd.x for decimal degrees.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html367"
  HREF="../man/gmt_map.c.html"><I><B>gmt_map.c</B></I></A><A NAME="3940"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Determining where parallels and meridians intersected the map
		boundary was susceptible to roundoff for very small regions.
		Added improved clipping for geographic polygons using
		the Sutherland and Hodgman algorithm when there are no map
		jumps in longitude.  Fixes problem with tiny strips of
		``land'' along map perimeter for some projections.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html368"
  HREF="../man/gmt_math.h.html"><I><B>gmt_math.h</B></I></A><A NAME="3945"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Check for macro definitions for system math functions.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html369"
  HREF="../man/gmt_plot.c.html"><I><B>gmt_plot.c</B></I></A><A NAME="3950"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Wrongly checked for map jumps for non-periodic map boundaries.
		Bug in <TT>GMT_fill_polygon</TT> that affected polygon outline.
		3D text box was computed incorrectly.  Could exceeded array size in <TT>GMT_epsinfo</TT>.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html370"
  HREF="../man/gmt_proj.c.html"><I><B>gmt_proj.c</B></I></A><A NAME="3957"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Fixed bug in Lambert conformal conic projection for southern hemisphere.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html371"
  HREF="../man/gmt_support.c.html"><I><B>gmt_support.c</B></I></A><A NAME="3962"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Function <TT>GMT_get_arc</TT> did not check for division by zero.
			The <B>-Gx</B><I>file:radius</I>[unit] option in <A NAME="tex2html372"
  HREF="../man/grdcontour.c.html"><I><B>grdcontour.c</B></I></A><A NAME="3969"></A> passed the entire
			argument as the file name. Function <TT>GMT_polygon_is_open</TT> did not test for empty polygons (n = 0).
			Avoid interpolating hue (converted from RGB) over more than 180 degrees.
			Changed <TT>GMT_rgb_to_hsv</TT> to integer logic to avoid errors on
			some compilers. As a result: much shorter code as well.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html373"
  HREF="../man/gmt_vector.c.html"><I><B>gmt_vector.c</B></I></A><A NAME="3976"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Function <TT>GMT_resample_path</TT> would add 360 to points along meridians.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html374"
  HREF="../man/pslib.c.html"><I><B>pslib.c</B></I></A><A NAME="3982"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: <TT>ps_polygon</TT> can only split line when rgb[0] == -1 not <IMG
 ALT="$&lt;$"> 0
		since -3 now means to use a fill pattern.  Redefined <I>PostScript</I>code for circle which needed a stroke (S) first, otherwise
		a line would be drawn from the previous symbol.  Updated <U></U> version.
		Image placement now in integers. Ensures that placement is consistent with e.g. box drawn with the same coordinates.
		Does not produce colormap with number of pixels and colors is the same.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html375"
  HREF="../man/gmtmath.c.html"><I><B>gmtmath.c</B></I></A><A NAME="3990"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: The <B>D2DT2</B> operator whose boundary condition yields 0 should yield NaN
		if one or more of the nearby nodes are NaN.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html376"
  HREF="../man/grdblend.c.html"><I><B>grdblend.c</B></I></A><A NAME="3995"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: A side-effect of the 2007-02-01 fix was that when the file
		is re-opened the row range is reset.  Now the possible
		offset is computed during initialization but applied when
		the file is finally opened for reading.
		Better treatment of longitude periodicity if <B>-fg</B> is selected.
		E.g., if <B>-Rg</B> is used and a grid is -30/30 in longitude the
		output grid will consider 0-30 and 330-360 correctly
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html377"
  HREF="../man/grdfilter.c.html"><I><B>grdfilter.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4002"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: <B>-D</B>5 did not initialize <I>xscale</I> so filter search box was
		set to region width which typically is much larger.  The bug
		did not affect the results but unnecessarily increased runtime.
		Complained if <B>-R</B> was used and <I>xmin</I> was less than grid <I>xmin</I> for a full 360-range grid.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html378"
  HREF="../man/grdimage.c.html"><I><B>grdimage.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4009"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Failed to determine boundary of projected grid with enough precision.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html379"
  HREF="../man/grdmath.c.html"><I><B>grdmath.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4014"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Some 2nd-order derivatives whose boundary condition yields 0 should yield NaN
		if one or more of the nearby nodes are NaN.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html380"
  HREF="../man/grdreformat.c.html"><I><B>grdreformat.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4019"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Since there is no longer a <U>share/conf/gmt_formats.conf</U> the usage message crashed.
		Did not initialize grid header structure and could get netCDF error ``Named variable does not exist in file''.  This
		could also occur in <A NAME="tex2html381"
  HREF="../man/grd2cpt.c.html"><I><B>grd2cpt.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4025"></A>, <A NAME="tex2html382"
  HREF="../man/grdedit.c.html"><I><B>grdedit.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4030"></A>, <A NAME="tex2html383"
  HREF="../man/grdtrack.c.html"><I><B>grdtrack.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4035"></A>, <A NAME="tex2html384"
  HREF="../man/grdvector.c.html"><I><B>grdvector.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4040"></A>,
		<A NAME="tex2html385"
  HREF="../man/grdview.c.html"><I><B>grdview.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4045"></A>, and <A NAME="tex2html386"
  HREF="../man/grdvolume.c.html"><I><B>grdvolume.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4050"></A>.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html387"
  HREF="../man/psbasemap.c.html"><I><B>psbasemap.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4055"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: The syntax for the <B>-L</B> option had to change since one could
		not easily use the :label: specification if the coordinates
		were given in dd:mm[:ss] format.  A new syntax has been
		implemented where one or more +?[args] strings are appended
		after the required parameters (see man page).
		Erroneously suggested that 3-D base was plotted at z=0, instead of at the bottom end of the z-axis.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html388"
  HREF="../man/pscoast.c.html"><I><B>pscoast.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4061"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: The <B>-Q</B> option incorrectly required <B>-J</B>.
		Also, see revised <B>-L</B> as for <A NAME="tex2html389"
  HREF="../man/psbasemap.c.html"><I><B>psbasemap.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4069"></A>.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html390"
  HREF="../man/pslegend.c.html"><I><B>pslegend.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4074"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Now use Unix <TT>remove</TT> function to delete script after completion;
		this avoids a Windows problem.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html391"
  HREF="../man/psmask.c.html"><I><B>psmask.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4080"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Fixed a bug for <B>-D-</B><I>file</I> which did not write multi-segment headers.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html392"
  HREF="../man/psscale.c.html"><I><B>psscale.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4086"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Logarithmic scale did not function properly when scale bar was vertical.
		When <B>-I</B> and <B>-Li</B> was used we did not draw box outlines.
		Did not check if <B>-D</B> was not given, and had wrong test for <B>-E</B>.
		Added <B>-Aa</B> and <B>-Al</B> options to move only the annotations or label to the other side of the color bar.
		Now requires <B>-Ac</B> to keep writing the vertical labels as columns.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html393"
  HREF="../man/pstext.c.html"><I><B>pstext.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4098"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: We incorrectly removed blank lines but those mark new
		paragraphs when in <B>-M</B> mode.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html394"
  HREF="../man/psxyz.c.html"><I><B>psxyz.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4104"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Did not pick up y-size for column from input data file.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html395"
  HREF="../man/xyz2grd.c.html"><I><B>xyz2grd.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4109"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: For <B>-E</B> under Windows we used <TT>fscanf</TT> with a pointer from GMT DLL
		which would fail for mysterious reasons.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html396"
  HREF="../man/meca/psmeca.c.html"><I><B>meca/psmeca.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4116"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Fixed bugs that would give strange beach balls for some input.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html397"
  HREF="../man/meca/pscoupe.c.html"><I><B>meca/pscoupe.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4121"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Fixed bugs that would give strange beach balls for some input.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html398"
  HREF="../man/misc/gmtstitch.c.html"><I><B>misc/gmtstitch.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4126"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Check to see if format was set was wrong.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html399"
  HREF="../man/mgd77/mgd77.c.html"><I><B>mgd77/mgd77.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4131"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Index array error resulting in wrong IGRF start and stop years was fixed.
		Now applies recalculation of fields requested by E77 flags
		as part of reading netcdf mgd77+ files.  However, if the
		original anomaly was NaN then we leave it as is.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html400"
  HREF="../man/mgd77/mgd77sniffer.c.html"><I><B>mgd77/mgd77sniffer.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4136"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Bitwise assignment error was deactivating other fields when
		depth field was missing from a cruise.  Another bitwise error
		was overwriting E77 nav flags when navigation was found on land
		Updated sample grid function to handle longitudes for img files.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html401"
  HREF="../man/mgd77/mgd77track.c.html"><I><B>mgd77/mgd77track.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4141"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Missing newline after last source line.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html402"
  HREF="../man/spotter/backtracker.c.html"><I><B>spotter/backtracker.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4146"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: The <B>-W</B> option always assumed the reverse rotation,
		<I>i.e.</I> from hotspot to seamount.  Now obeys the <B>-D</B> option.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html403"
  HREF="../man/x2sys/x2sys_get.c.html"><I><B>x2sys/x2sys_get.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4153"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Now handles <B>-R</B> with longitude periodicity correctly.
<DT><STRONG><A NAME="tex2html404"
  HREF="../man/xgrid/xGridEdit.c.html"><I><B>xgrid/xGridEdit.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4159"></A></STRONG></DT>
<DD>: Needed <TT>GMT_io_init</TT> to get all pieces needed to read grids.

Here is a list of the recent enhancement to various programs:


<LI><A NAME="tex2html405"
  HREF="../man/gmt_init.c.html"><I><B>gmt_init.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4165"></A> has added support for enhanced <B>-E</B> option for 3-D perspective
	views which allows the specification of a fixed point (needed for
	creating animations).  Updated all programs to use the new option
	and added updated man page and synopsis to all programs.
	Now, <B>-R</B> may take the name of an existing grid file. Then,
	the grid domain is used to set <B>-R</B> as well as the grid
	increment (and registration) for those programs that have such options.
<LI><A NAME="tex2html406"
  HREF="../man/gmt_map.c.html"><I><B>gmt_map.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4173"></A> also has added support for enhanced <B>-E</B> option for 3-D perspective views.
<LI><A NAME="tex2html407"
  HREF="../man/gmtmath.c.html"><I><B>gmtmath.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4179"></A> has added new operators <B>NOT</B> and <B>INRANGE</B>.
<LI><A NAME="tex2html408"
  HREF="../man/grd2cpt.c.html"><I><B>grd2cpt.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4184"></A> can now accept multiple grid files at once.
<LI><A NAME="tex2html409"
  HREF="../man/grdfilter.c.html"><I><B>grdfilter.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4189"></A> has new options <B>-Np</B> to honor any NaNs found so output can be NaN,
	<B>-Nr</B> to replace output node with NaN if input node is NaN, and
	<B>-Ni</B> to ignore NaNs [Default].
<LI><A NAME="tex2html410"
  HREF="../man/mapproject.c.html"><I><B>mapproject.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4197"></A> has extended the <B>-A</B> option by making the fixed point
	optional; if not given we compute azimuths between successive data points.
<LI><A NAME="tex2html411"
  HREF="../man/minmax.c.html"><I><B>minmax.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4203"></A> has optional /<I>col</I> that may be added to <B>-T</B><I>dz</I> to select another column [third].
	Added <B>-S</B> to leave space for error bars. Useful with <B>-I</B> and subsequent <A NAME="tex2html412"
  HREF="../man/psxy.html"><I><B>psxy</B></I></A><A NAME="4211"></A> <B>-E</B>.
<LI><A NAME="tex2html413"
  HREF="../man/pscoast.c.html"><I><B>pscoast.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4217"></A> has a new modifier <B>+</B> to the <B>-D</B> option, which determines the
	next lower resolution should the selected one not be available.  This enhancement also affects
	both <A NAME="tex2html414"
  HREF="../man/gmtselect.c.html"><I><B>gmtselect.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4223"></A> and <A NAME="tex2html415"
  HREF="../man/grdlandmask.c.html"><I><B>grdlandmask.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4228"></A>.
<LI><A NAME="tex2html416"
  HREF="../man/psimage.c.html"><I><B>psimage.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4233"></A> has new <B>-Gt</B> option, with assignment of color to be made transparent.
<LI><A NAME="tex2html417"
  HREF="../man/pslegend.c.html"><I><B>pslegend.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4239"></A> lets <B>N</B> (number of columns) also affect the printing of labels.
	Can now use rectangle among the symbols.
<LI><A NAME="tex2html418"
  HREF="../man/psmask.c.html"><I><B>psmask.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4244"></A> now has modifiers <B>+n</B><I>n_points</I> and <B>+q</B> to the <B>-D</B> option to limit the minimum number of
	points a polygon must have and, to suppress <I>PostScript</I> output, respectively.
<LI><A NAME="tex2html419"
  HREF="../man/pstext.c.html"><I><B>pstext.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4251"></A> has enhanced <B>-Z</B>+ option expects z-level values in 3rd column.
<LI><A NAME="tex2html420"
  HREF="../man/pslib.c.html"><I><B>pslib.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4257"></A> internals now measure paper size in double precision points instead
	of truncating to nearest integer.  To remain backwards
	compatible for <A NAME="tex2html421"
  HREF="../man/pslib.c.html"><I><B>pslib.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4262"></A> users we now initialize all plotting
	in GMT with <TT>ps_plotinit_hires</TT> instead of <TT>ps_plotinit</TT>.
	Allow transparency when plotting 8-bit images (as well as 24-bit).
	We now use a new implementation of <TT>ps_textdim</TT> to ensure proper alignment
	of texts and the optional surrounding boxes.  Finally, wehave simplified the <I>PostScript</I> code
	for symbols and removed some limitations on plotting by officially moving to <I>PostScript</I> 	language level 2.
<LI><A NAME="tex2html422"
  HREF="../man/ps2raster.c.html"><I><B>ps2raster.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4272"></A> now will scan for the optional comment <code>%%HiResBoundingBox</code>
	which takes precedence over the values in <code>%%BoundingBox</code>.
	New format <B>-TG</B> turns on transparency for PNG output, and <B>-Tb</B> selects Microsoft BMP output.
	Formats <B>b</B>, <B>g</B>, <B>j</B>, and <B>t</B> accept modifier ``-'' to produce grayscale
	images.  Added <B>-C</B><I>gs-command</I> to pass one or more
	custom switches directly to <I>ghostscript</I><A NAME="4279"></A>, and <B>-Q</B>[<B>g</B><IMG
 ALT="$\vert$"><B>t</B>]<I>bits</I> to
	set the level of anti-aliasing for graphics and text, respectively.  We also added a new
	option <B>-F</B> to force a specified output file name.  Finally, added <B>-W</B> to help create world files
	and geotiff output.  To simplify boundary annotations for such plots (which must be inside the map region)
	we added the new choice <I>inside</I> for the <B>BASEMAP_TYPE</B> default parameter.
<LI><A NAME="tex2html423"
  HREF="../man/psxy.c.html"><I><B>psxy.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4286"></A> has new option <B>-I</B><I>intens</I> to modulate fill color via a fixed illumination value.
<LI><A NAME="tex2html424"
  HREF="../man/psxyz.c.html"><I><B>psxyz.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4292"></A> has the same new option <B>-I</B><I>intens</I>.
<LI><A NAME="tex2html425"
  HREF="../man/xyz2grd.c.html"><I><B>xyz2grd.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4298"></A> has new format (<B>A</B>) for <B>-Z</B> which allows more than one floating
	point value per input record.  Cannot be used if the z-values are in dateTclock or ddd:mm:ss format.
<LI><A NAME="tex2html426"
  HREF="../man/mgd77/mgd77track.c.html"><I><B>mgd77/mgd77track.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4304"></A> has enhanced <B>-A</B> option to place cruise ID equidistantly (distance or time) along the track.
<LI><A NAME="tex2html427"
  HREF="../man/spotter/backtracker.c.html"><I><B>spotter/backtracker.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4310"></A> has new option <B>-e</B> to specify a single fixed total
	reconstruction rotation that will be applied to all input points.
<LI><A NAME="tex2html428"
  HREF="../man/x2sys/x2sys.c.html"><I><B>x2sys/x2sys.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4316"></A> internals now has automatic swabbing of index files, if required.
	Can now handle netCDF 1-D COARDS files.
<LI><A NAME="tex2html429"
  HREF="../man/x2sys/x2sys_init.c.html"><I><B>x2sys/x2sys_init.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4321"></A> Now, the distance and speed unit settings (<B>-C</B>, <B>-N</B>) are set here
	and kept with the TAG for use in other <B>x2sys</B> programs.
<LI><A NAME="tex2html430"
  HREF="../man/x2sys/x2sys_datalist.c.html"><I><B>x2sys/x2sys_datalist.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4328"></A> now has [experimental] support for using a correction
	table and can compute auxiliary data such as distance and azimuth.

Finally, we have added three new examples to demonstrate plotting of *.img grids, mixing UTM grids and geographic projections,
and using <A NAME="tex2html431"
  HREF="../man/greenspline.c.html"><I><B>greenspline.c</B></I></A><A NAME="4333"></A> for gridding on a spherical surface.

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<B> Next:</B> <A NAME="tex2html2709"
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Paul Wessel