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<h1 align=center>X_SYSTEM</h1>

<a href="#NAME">NAME</a><br>
<a href="#x_system PHILOSOPHY">x_system PHILOSOPHY</a><br>
<a href="#HOW TO DO IT">HOW TO DO IT</a><br>
<a href="#SEE ALSO">SEE ALSO</a><br>
<a href="#AUTHOR">AUTHOR</a><br>


<a name="NAME"></a>

<p style="margin-left:11%; margin-top: 1em"><b>x_system</b>
&minus; A Cross-Over Error Analysis Tool</p>

<a name="INTRODUCTION"></a>

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<p valign="top">The <b>x_system</b> was developed to aid in
the task of gridding geophysical track data, e.g. gravity,
magnetics, or bathymetry. It has long been recognized that
although the data quality along track may be quite good, one
usually finds discrepancies at the points where two tracks
intersect. These cross-over errors (COE) can be large enough
to cause artificial features in the final gridded dataset,
which would render geological interpretations of such a map
questionable. Also, notoriously bad cruises will generate
high COEs along their tracks, and should ideally be removed
from the data base before gridding is attempted. The reasons
why COEs arise are many and will not be dealt with here.
Although originally intended to be used for marine gravity
data only, <b>x_system</b> has been designed to handle
magnetics and bathymetry as well. (For an overview of
gravity COEs, see Wessel and Watts [1988]). In most cases,
marine gravity COEs can be explained by a simple model
having only 2 parameters. These are a d.c.-shift and a
drift-rate that apply for the duration of the cruise. The
goal of the COE analysis is thus to determine the dc-shifts
and drift-rates for each leg that will minimize the COEs in
a least squares sense, and at the same time flag cruises
that exhibit unreasonably high COEs (even after correction
for d.c.-shift/drift). Furthermore, we can also assign a
&rsquo;quality index&rsquo; for each cruise by looking at
the standard deviation of the COEs. The d.c.-shift/drift
rate model may not be as meaningful for magnetics and
bathymetry as it is for gravity. However, looking for high
COEs is still one of the best ways of identifying systematic
errors in the magnetic/bathymetric data sets.</p></td>

<a name="x_system PHILOSOPHY"></a>
<h2>x_system PHILOSOPHY</h2>

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<p valign="top">Since the d.c.-shift/drift corrections for
a given cruise depend entirely on the values of the COEs
generated at intersections with other cruises, there is no
such thing as a &rsquo;final correction&rsquo; as long as we
keep on adding data to the data base. This means that the
system must be able to incorporate new data and compute a
new set of d.c.-shifts/drift-rates that takes the new COEs
into account. <b>x_system</b> is made modular so that one
program computes the actual COEs, one program archives the
COE information, and the remaining programs do various tasks
like reporting statistics (to flag bad cruises), extracting
a subset of the COE database, and solving for the best
fitting d.c.-shift/drift corrections. This way only the new
COEs generated need to be computed and added to the database
before a new correction solution is sought.</p></td>
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<p valign="top">All the 8 programs that make up the
<b>x_system</b> package have been written in the C
programming language and are intended to be run on a UNIX
machine. Thus, it is assumed that the user has access to
UNIX tools like <i>awk, grep</i>, and <i>sort</i>, and that
the operating system provides a means for redirecting
input/output. Likewise, it is assumed that all the
geophysical data are stored in the GMT-format as outlined in
the <b><A HREF="GMT.html">GMT</A></b> MGG supplements man pages, and that the 1 by
1 degree bin information files (gmtindex.b and gmtlegs.b)
have been created and are being maintained by the database
librarian.</p> </td>

<a name="HOW TO DO IT"></a>
<h2>HOW TO DO IT</h2>

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<p valign="top">To illustrate how one would set things up,
we will go through the necessary steps and point out usage,
useful tricks, and pitfalls. (A more complete description of
what exactly each program does can be found in the man pages
for each program). We will assume that we initially have N
cruises in our GMT data bank, and that we just have received
the <b>x_system</b> package. The first thing to do is to run
<b><A HREF="x_init.html">x_init</A></b> which will create an empty data base system.
This will normally be done only once. With N cruises on our
hands we will in the worst case have to compare the
N*(N+1)/2 possible pairs. This is where <b><A HREF="x_setup.html">x_setup</A></b> comes
in handy. It will read the 1 by 1 degree bin information
files and print out a list of pairs that need to be checked.
The two cruises that make up a pair will at least once
occupy the same 1 by 1 degree bin, and may thus intersect.
Those combinations which do not have any bins in common
obviously don&rsquo;t have to be checked. Let&rsquo;s call
this list of pairs xpairs.lis.</p></td>
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<p valign="top"><b><A HREF="x_over.html">x_over</A></b> is the main program in the
package as it is responsible for locating and computing the
COEs For details on algorithm, see Wessel [1989]. It takes
two cruise names as arguments and writes out all the COEs
generated between them (if any). Since xpairs.lis may
contain quite a few pairs, the most efficient way of running
<b><A HREF="x_over.html">x_over</A></b> is to create an executable command (batch)
file that starts <b><A HREF="x_over.html">x_over</A></b> for each pair. Using awk to
do this, we would say:</p></td>
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<p valign="top">pratt% awk &rsquo;{ printf &quot;x_over
-&lt;options&gt; %s %s\n&quot;, $1, $2}&rsquo; xpairs.lis
&gt; xjob</p></td>
<td width="31%"></td>
<td width="8%"></td>
<td width="46%">
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<p valign="top">pratt% chmod +x xjob</p></td>
<td width="31%"></td>
<td width="8%"></td>
<td width="46%">

<p valign="top">(make it executable)</p></td>
<tr valign="top" align="left">
<td width="8%"></td>
<td width="7%">

<p valign="top">pratt% xjob &gt; xjob.d &amp;</p></td>
<td width="31%"></td>
<td width="8%"></td>
<td width="46%">

<p style="margin-left:11%; margin-top: 1em">and relax while
xjob is crunching the numbers. This is the time-consuming
part of the COE analysis, and on a SUN-3 computer with
Floating Point Accelerator installed we average about 10,000
pairs of cruises/day. It may pay off to split a huge xjob
file into smaller parts, and call the output files xjob.d1,
xjob.d2 etc. Most of the run-time is taken up by reading the
GMT files; when in memory the actual computations are
remarkably fast. The output file xjob.d will now have all
the COE information in ASCII form. For each pair of legs
there will be a header record stating the names of the
cruises and their starting years. The following records up
to the next header record (or End-Of-File) will contain lat,
lon, time, value, etc. for each COE found. This is a
temporary file, but it is wise to back it up to tape just in

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<p valign="top">When the <b><A HREF="x_over.html">x_over</A></b> part is done, time
has come to archive the data more efficiently than ASCII
files. This is done by <b><A HREF="x_update.html">x_update</A></b> which rearranges the
data and updates the binary data base system. After this
step the xjob.d files can be deleted (presuming they have
been backed up to tape). At this stage we have several
options available. We can list some of the COEs by running
<b><A HREF="x_list.html">x_list</A></b>, which will extract COEs that match the
options we pass, e.g. we might ask for all the internal COEs
for cruise c2104, and only print out time and gravity COE.
See the man pages for more details. <b><A HREF="x_report.html">x_report</A></b> can be
run, and will output statistics for separate cruises, i.e.
mean and standard deviation of the COEs for different data
sets (gravity/magnetics/bathymetry). To solve for the best
fitting corrections we would run <b><A HREF="x_solve_dc_drift.html">x_solve_dc_drift</A></b>.
This program will solve for the d.c.-shift/drift-rates for
all cruises, update that information in the data base
system, and create correction tables (ASCII and/or binary).
We have now completed the COE analysis for our initial GMT
data bank.</p></td>
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<p valign="top">At some later time, however, we will get a
new batch of cruises. We will then follow the the same
recipe and go back and run <b><A HREF="x_setup.html">x_setup</A></b>, but this time we
will use the <b>&minus;L</b> option so that only the pairs
involving new cruises are returned. Then we would run the
remaining programs exactly as described above.</p></td>

<a name="SEE ALSO"></a>
<h2>SEE ALSO</h2>

<p style="margin-left:11%; margin-top: 1em"><i><A HREF="GMT.html">GMT</A></i>(1),</p>

<a name="AUTHOR"></a>

<p style="margin-left:11%; margin-top: 1em">Paul Wessel,
Dept. of Geology and Geophysics, SOEST, University of Hawaii
at Manoa. Wessel, P. XOVER: A Cross-over Error Detector for
Track Data, <i>Computers &amp; Geosciences, 15</i>,

<p style="margin-left:11%; margin-top: 1em">Wessel, P. and
A. B. Watts, On the Accuracy of Marine Gravity Measurements,
<i>J. Geophys. Res., 93</i>, 393-413, 1988.</p>