

distrib > Fedora > 14 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 662105e6f5d7e052fbdf1cb42b3d45d5 > files > 36


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                           Allegro Dialogs Made Easy

                                   Wish List

                               by Sven Sandberg

============ Wish List ============

These are features that might be useful to add to Adime. However, I
have very little time for working on Adime myself, and it has low
priority for me. So if you want some feature, it's better to write it
yourself and send a patch.

   Write makefile for generic Unix, and for all future ports of

   Make all gui functions be function pointers so that the user can
   hook the dialog procs and give them different looks.

   Datafiles should have an option for ability to select nothing.

   The following format specifiers:

      %gridfloat, %cgridfloat,
      %griddouble, %cgriddouble,
      %gridint, %cgridint,
      %griduint, %cgriduint,
         Lets the user edit a two dimensional grid of numbers/texts.

         A color. Next argument should be an `int *'.

         A color in a palette. Next argument should be an `int *' (for
         the color), and the argument after that should be an `RGB *'
         for the palette, or `NULL' to use current palette.

         A slider control where the user can drag a handle to select
         an integer. Next argument should be an `int *' in which the
         result will be stored. `max' specifies the max value of the
         slider, inclusive. Min value is always 0, inclusive.

         Almost like %list/%vlist, but will display as a set of radio
         buttons rather than as a list. Also, this doesn't take the
         `lines' modifier that %list takes.

   Automatic scroll bars if the window gets too high. Currently the
   objects will just be invisible and unreachable which isn't exactly

   An example on using the "Adime Metrics" and "Adime Colors" to get a
   different style.

   Currently, nested dialogs behave a bit weird when ok'ing a
   sub-dialog and then cancelling a parent dialog: the sub-dialog will
   continue being ok'ed. However, this is much harder to fix than it
   may sound so I don't know if it's worth the effort.

   Movable windows. (Merge code from BGUI?)

   Make adime_dialogf() etc actually use our enhanced edit boxes -
   just need a new adime_d_edit_proc().

   Make the %wstrlist, %wlist, %wdatafile formats look like a combo
   box rather than being an own window.

   Write a better suited calculator?

   A completely new function that does the same as Allegro's
   `alert()', but with automatic line breaking and with a format
   string for the buttons would be useful to have.

   It would be nice to support generating chm docs with hhm,
   ( if/when
   it can do that. This is the only part that has to be done with
   non-free tools right now.