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<TITLE>MHonArc FAQ: General Information</TITLE></HEAD>
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<H2><a name="general">General</a></H2>

<li><a href="#whatis">What is MHonArc?</a></li>
<li><a href="#mhversion">What's the latest version of MhonArc?</a></li>
<li><a href="#get">Where can I get MHonArc?</a></li>
<li><a href="#cost">What restrictions are there on MHonArc usage?</a></li>
<li><a href="#help">Where can I get help on MHonArc?</a></li>
<li><a href="#compare">How does MHonArc compare to other email archivers, like Hypermail?</a></li>
<li><a href="#vscommercial">Why I should use MHonArc over some of the Internet-based mailing list archive services?</a></li>
<li><a href="#studies">Are their "real-world" examples of MHonArc usage?</a></li>
<li><a href="#whynonperl">Why are list archives about Perl-related topics not maintained with a Perl-based program, like MHonArc?</a></li>
<li><a href="#y2k">Is MHonArc Y2K (Year 2000) compliant?</a></li>

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<h3><b><a name="whatis">What is MHonArc?</a></b></h3>

<p>MHonArc is a <A HREF="">Perl</A>
program for converting mail or news messages
into <A HREF="">HTML</A>
archives. It can also be used to convert individual
messages into HTML documents. Other capabilities include robust
<a href="">MIME</a>
support and powerful user customization features.

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<h3><b><a name="mhversion">What's the latest version of MhonArc?</a></b></h3>

<p>Latest version information is available at
<a href=""

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<h3><b><a name="get">Where can I get MHonArc?</a></b></h3>

<P>The latest information on MHonArc,
and its availability, may be obtained at
<a href=""

<p>MHonArc requires Perl to run.  If you do not have Perl, it can
be obtained from
<a href="">&lt;;</a>.

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<h3><b><a name="cost">What restrictions are there on MHonArc usage?</a></b></h3>

<P>MHonArc is free software.  MHonArc is distributed under
the <a href="../COPYING">GNU General Public License</a> (GPL).
A copy of the license is included in
the distribution.  Please read it for more information, or go
to <a href="">&lt;;</a>.
Note, that the word <em>"free"</em> means something
different than <em>"no&nbsp;cost"</em>.  See the GPL and
<a href="">&lt;;</a> for more

<p>Note, donations are welcome.  And will help insure the continued
development of MHonArc.

<p>If you do not feel comfortable with the current licensing
of MHonArc, GPL, then contact the
<a href="mailto:mhonarc&#37;">developer</a> of MHonArc if you
want to make alternate licensing arrangements.

<table class="caution" width="100%">
<tr valign="baseline">
<td width="100%"><p>MHonArc is <strong>NOT</strong>
in the public domain.  Any mention of MHonArc in the public domain
is <strong>WRONG</strong>.  Applicable copyrights still apply.

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<h3><b><a name="help">Where can I get help on MHonArc?</a></b></h3>

<P>The first place to try is the documentation that comes with
MHonArc. The documentation is quite extensive, and may
provide answers to most of your questions.  </P>

<P>Second, you can read this FAQ.

<P>Third, a mailing list, <A
--></A>, is available to
provide a discussion forum on the usage and development of
MHonArc. Appropriate topics for the list include: usage
questions, bug reports, behavioral enhancements, documentation bugs,
and general help.  </P>

<p>Information about the list, including how to subscribe and
the locations of web-accessible archives, is available at
<a href=""

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<h3><b><a name="compare">How does MHonArc compare to other email archivers, like Hypermail?</a></b></h3>

is probably the oldest major free mail archiver still in use, but over
the years, others have popped up.  Which is best depends on your
needs.  The following provides a summary of some of the free
archiving programs available:


<li><p><a href=""
    >MHonArc</a>: Distributed under the <a
    href="">GPL</a>, MHonArc is
    a Perl program for converting mail or news messages into HTML
    archives. It can also be used to convert individual messages into
    HTML documents. Other capabilities include robust MIME support
    and powerful user customization features.

<li><p><a href=""
    >mharc</a>: Part of the
    <a href=""
    >MHonArc project</a>, it is a collection of Perl scripts for
    generating and managing web-based searchable mail archives.
    mharc is designed to make it easy to setup and configure large scale
    mail archives.

<li><p><a href=""
    >Hypermail</a>: Distributed under the
    <a href="">GPL</a>.  Originally
    written Lisp, it is now a C program.  There was time when it
    was not being maintained, but it is now actively maintained and

<li><p><a href=""
    >Pipermail</a>: Written Python, it is now only being maintained
    inside the <a href="">Mailman</a> mailing
    list manager.

<li><p><a href=""
    >Eyebrowse</a>: A Java Servlet/Velocity-based browser for
    Unix mbox format mail archives.  Quoting from the project
    homepage: "Eyebrowse differs from other popular archive browsers
    in that it does not require that mailing lists be exploded into
    individual HTML files, and that the HTML rendering is done at
    serving time, rather than at the time the message is received."
    Eyebrowse is distributed under the
    <a href="">Apache License</a>.


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<h3><b><a name="vscommercial">Why I should use MHonArc over some of the Internet-based mailing list archive services?</a></b></h3>

<p>The exact "why" depends on your needs.  Here are some possible reasons
why you may want to use MHonArc over Internet-based mailing list
archive services:
<li>MHonArc is <a href="#cost">free</a> software.  Internet services
may charge a fee and/or include commercial
advertisements in your list archives.
<li>With MHonArc, you have complete control on how your archive looks
and feel, and operates.
This can be important if you want your archives to follow a specific style,
and/or you need the option to be able to change how your archives function
over time.
<li>You have mailing lists that are behind a firewall.  Therefore,
an Internet based service is not an option.
<li>You just need something for personal use.

<p>Note, there is a nice Internet-based mailing list archive service
that is available at no charge, and it uses MHonArc and the
<a href="">htDig</a> search engine.  See
<a href=""
>&lt;;</a> for more information.

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<h3><b><a name="studies">Are their "real-world" examples of MHonArc usage?</a></b></h3>

<p>Take your pick:
<li> mail archives:<br>
<a href=""
<li>WWW Mailing List Archives &amp; References:<br>
<a href=""
<li>The Mail Archive:<br>
<a href=""
<li>Mallorn Archived Email Lists:<br>
<a href=""
<li>Debian Mailing List Archives:<br>
<a href=""
<a href=""
<li>Majordomo Users Mailing List Interface:<br>
<a href=""
<li> mailing lists:<br>
<a href=""
<li> Archives:<br>
<a href=""
<li>Liblicense-L List Archives:<br>
<a href=""
<li>FVWM Archives:<br>
<a href=""
<li>Lists Archived at Kanga.Nu:<br>
<a href=""
<li>Apsfilter Archives:<br>
<a href=""
<a href=""

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<h3><b><a name="whynonperl">Why are list archives about Perl-related topics not maintained with a Perl-based program, like MHonArc?</a></b></h3>

<p>The answer is something I would like to know myself.

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<h3><b><a name="y2k">Is MHonArc Y2K (Year 2000) compliant?</a></b></h3>

<p>There is no known Y2K issues with the current release of MHonArc.
Message dates are translated to Unix <b>time(2)</b> format which are
currently valid until 2038.  If MHonArc is still in use by then,
I would be amazed.

<p>There has been no official Y2K certification of MHonArc.  Since
MHonArc is free software, I see noone paying the money for certification.
Hence, do not go looking for someone to sue if something breaks.

<p>You may want to check
<a href=""
>&lt;;</a> about Y2K
from a Perl point-of-view.

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$Date: 2005/05/25 19:51:01 $ <br>
<img align="top" src="monicon.png" alt="">
<a href=""><strong>MHonArc</strong></a><br>
Copyright &#169; 1997-2001, <a href=""
>Earl Hood</a>, <a href="mailto:mhonarc&#37;"