

distrib > Fedora > 14 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 589c4678490cf43c273146cc4b8fa271 > files > 2


# Sat Apr 26 11:47:04 CEST 2008
# This file will be used as a config file by
# all gnash processes.
# At time of writing, the plugin will first parse the
# systemwide 'gnashrc' file, then the user '.gnashrc'
# file, then the systemwide 'gnashpluginrc' file and
# finally user '.gnashpluginrc'.

# Display a splash screen when starting.
# Default: on
#set splashScreen off

# Only access remote content from our local domain 
# Default: off
#set localdomain on

# Only access content from our local host
# Default: off
#set localhost on

# If whitelist is non-empty, only SWF from the given domains
# are allowed to be loaded.
# Default: empty
#set whitelist
#append whiteList

# If whitelist is empty, these are the only domains from 
# which loading SWFs will be forbidden.
# Default: empty
#set blacklist
#append blacklist

# The delay between frame advance,
# 0 to use what's specified in the SWF.
# Default: 0
#set delay 50

# Gnash verbosity level:
#  0: no output
#  1: user traces, internal errors, unimplemented messages
#  2: debug messages
# Default: 0
#set verbosity 1

# Print a lot of info about ActionScript processing
# Default: off
#set actionDump on

# Print a lot of info about SWF parsing
# Default: off
#set parserDump on

# File to send logs to (if writelog is on)
# Default: gnash-dbg.log (in current working dir)
#set debuglog /tmp/gnash-dbg.log

# Write a debug log to disk
# Default: off
#set writelog on

# Version string to pass to ActionScript
# Default: LNX 10,1,999,0
# When modifying this consider also exporting
# GNASH_PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION to match the version.
# Javascript based version detectors expect something like:
# "Shockwave Flash 10.1 r999"
#set flashVersionString GSH 9,0,99,0

# Enable the ActionScript debugger (if compile-time support was enabled)
# Default: off
#set debugger on

# Activate sound
# Default: on
#set sound off

# Activate sound when called as a plugin
# NOTE: this is a deprecated directive, should
#       use the gnashpluginrc file for plugin-specific
#       settings
# Default: on
#set pluginSoUND off

# Enable Gnash extensions (custom ActionScript classes in the player API)
# You shouldn't enable this unless you really know what you're doing
# Default: off
#set enableExtensions on

# Start the gui in STOP mode
# This is a commonly wanted feature for plugin
# runs, better override in gnashpluginrc
# Default: off
#set startStopped on

# Allow unverified SSL connections
# Default: false
#set insecureSSL on

# Timeout in seconds for stream download
# The download will timeout after the given seconds
# of inactivity. Every activity resets the timer.
# 0 means never timeout.
# Default: 60
#set streamsTimeout 0

# A space-separated list of directories you want movies
# to have access to.
# Note that the directory from which your swf was loaded
# (if loaded from local filesystem) will be always appended
# to the list.
# Default: empty
#set localSandboxPath /tmp/flashsandbox
#append localSandboxPath /tmp/flashsandbox2

# Use the following command format to open urls if 
# no host-request FD was given.
# The '%u' label will be substituted with the url
# to open.
# NOTE that the NPAPI plugin provides an host request FD
# to send url opening requests to.
# Default: firefox -remote 'openurl(%u)'
#set urlOpenerFormat lynx %u

# Directory to store SharedObject files 
# If the directory doens't exist SharedObject won't work.
# Default: ~/.gnash/SharedObjects
#set SOLSafeDir /dev/null

# Never write SharedObject (kind of cookies), only read them
# Default: false
#set SOLReadOnly true

# Enable LocalConnection ActionScript class
# Default: false
#set LocalConnection on

# This is the shared memory key for your system
#set LCShmKey 3711621821

# Enable support for the X Video extension. Note that this requires a
# kernel/X11 driver, and compile-time gstreamer or ffmpeg and libXv.
# Default: false
#set XVideo true

# Force rendering quality to "BEST".
# Possible values:
#	-1 : let SWF code drive it
#	 0 : low quality
#	 1 : medium quality
#	 3 : high quality
#	 4 : best quality
# Default: -1 
#set quality 4

# SSL settings. These are the default values currently used.

# Set the default CA file name
#set RootCert rootcert.pem

# Set the default client certificate currently used,
#set CertFile client.pem

# Set the default directory used for certificates
#set CertDir /etc/pki/tls

# By default gnash ignores changes to Stage.showMenu which limits what appears
# in the context menu (right click menu). Set to false to allow the swf author
# to suppress some menu settings
# Default: true
#set ignoreShowMenu false