

distrib > Fedora > 14 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 4d7a9279463756f7190ca149c079c791 > files > 700


* Windows Version Warning *

Note that this is an alpha version!

While the Windows version is basically identical to the Linux version, 
it has not been tested as thouroughly. Also, as some of the components Gourmet relies on
are not available for Windows, some features (mainly plugins) are not (yet) available. Specifically, the
* Printing & PDF Export,
* Spell Checking, and
* Python Shell 
plugins are currently not working.

Furthermore, there seem to be some errors related to the
* Nutritional Information and
* Unit Display Preferences
plugins, in particular when deactivating them again, and to the
* Browse Recipes plugin.

We're currently working on resolving these issues.
If you experience any other issues, please report them at Gourmet's bug tracking system 
at -- by doing so, you can help us improve Gourmet!

* Introduction *

Gourmet Recipe Manager is a manager, editor, and organizer for
recipes. It has a plugin architecture which allows you to enable
extensions to Gourmet's base functionality. For example, there is a
nutritional plugin that allows Gourmet to help you calculate
nutritional information for any recipe. There are also a wide variety
of import and export plugins that let Gourmet read and write recipes
in various formats.

This program aspires to meet the GNOME Human Interface
Guidelines. Please let me know if you see any ways the interface could
become more GNOME HIG compliant (or just improve in general).

* Minimum Requirements *

1. Python 2.4
2. PyGTK>2.3.9 and PyGNOME 
   (Note: with pygtk > 2.5, pygnome bindings have been split up.
    To print, you'll need e.g. the python-gnome2-extras package as
    well as the the python-gnome2 package).
3. libglade
4. sqlalchemy
5. distutils (to install). Provided by python-dev package.
6. Python Imaging Libraries (PIL)

* Extra Requirements *

1. Python Reportlab (python-reportlab) - for PDF export.

2. For RTF support, you will need the PyRTF library available

* Install *

As root, issue a python install.

That should be all you need. You can now simply issue


from the commandline. Alternatively, use the nifty launcher
installed in /usr/share/applications/

Gourmet also has commandline options, most of which should not be
needed by an average user. Issuing gourmet --help will get you help
for those options.

* Warning *

No warantee, etc. Please inform me of bugs/problems/feature
requests and I'll respond as quickly as I can. I can be reached


If you find this program useful, or have any comments or questions,
please e-mail to let me know at