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	$Id: README.misc,v 1.13 2009/09/09 23:27:04 guru Exp $

Distributed under the GNU Public License (see file ../LICENSE.TXT)

This directory contains some miscellaneous programs
that may come in handy for some users.

	dimfilter - Filtering of 2-D gridded data and
	   assisting in calculation of MAD error envelope
	gmt2kml - Convert GMT tables to KML files for Google Earth
	gmtdigitize - Digitize and project coordinates from dititizer
	gmtdp - Line reduction using the Douglas-Peucker algorithm
	gmtstitch - Assemble polygons from line segments
	kml2gmt - Extract GMT tables from Google Earth KML files
	makepattern - create Sun rasterfiles from patterns
	psmageplot - blow up plots over several pages
	nc2xy - convert 1-D netCDF files to ASCII

dimfilter derives from grdfilter but allows for directional filtering
of grids (*).  The is a skeleton shell script that can
be used to set up a complete DiM analysis, including the MAD analysis.
[S-S Kim and P Wessel]

gmt2kml reads a GMT table file and creates KML output for either
points, lines, or polygons.

gmtdigitize works with a Calcomp Digiboard III digitizer and will
read coordinates from the selected port and apply inverse map projection
to recover the map coordinates.  Users with other digitizers or users
of an OS other than Linux may have to make changes.

gmtdp reads one or more files (including multisegment files)
and applies the Dougles-Peucker line reduction algorithm.  Useful for
simplifying lines or coastlines. [J Luis]

gmtstitch reads one or more files (including multisegment files)
and attempts to connect segments whose endpoints are within a
specified separation threshold.  Useful for connecting digitized
lines back to a complete whole. [P Wessel]

kml2gmt reverses the process of gmt2kml and lets you extract GMT
data from KML files, perhaps after editing the KML files in GE.

makepattern can read the user's Sun 1-bit raster files or
Sun icon files (of the type used for patterns in GMT3.0)
and colorize it into an 8-bit Sun rasterfile that can be
used for patterns in GMT 3.x (x > 1). [P Wessel]

psmegaplot takes a page-sized PS plot and magnifies it by
tiling. [P Wessel]

nc2xy lists the contents of 1-D netCDF files as columns
in ASCII format. Output is send to standard output. [R Scharroo]

(*) For details about the method, see:

Kim, S.-S., and Wessel, P. (2008), Directional Median Filtering
for Regional-Residual Separation of Bathymetry, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst.,
9(Q03005), doi:10.1029/2007GC001850.