

distrib > Fedora > 14 > i386 > by-pkgid > 738a8ae93904ebd339c2165a2e379a61 > files > 12


# demo_template --  Full-screen data entry template demo
# Notes:   Perl4 - Requires curseperl
#          Perl5 - Requires William Setzer's "Curses" extension
#          Demonstrates data entry using templates (template file is
#          "template_data" in the current directory)
# Author:  Steven L. Kunz
#          Networked Applications
#          Iowa State University Computation Center
#          Ames, IA  50011
#          Email:
# Date:    February 1997

# Perl5+Curses ONLY!
# Comment these lines for use with Perl4/curseperl
BEGIN { $Curses::OldCurses = 1; }
use Curses;                     # PerlMenu needs "Curses"
use perlmenu;                   # Main menu package (Perl5 only)
require "./";        # For "pause" and "print_nl" routines.

# Perl4/curseperl ONLY!
# Uncomment these lines for use with Perl4/curseperl
# (Did you remember to run ""?)
#require "./";           # Main menu package (Perl4 only)
#require "./";       # For "pause" and "print_nl" routines.

$| = 1;				# Flush after every write to stdout

@input_data = ();	# Place to put data entered on screen
@defaults = ();		# Default data
@protect = ();		# Protected markers
@required = ();		# Required field markers
$bell = "\007";		# Ascii bell character
$row = $col = 0;	# Storage for row/col used by

# Since we are not using menus in this example, we need to call "menu_init"
# to initialize the curses environment.  Not necessary if you have at
# least one menu display (which will include a menu_init) first.

# Activate left and right markers, both in standout rendition.
&menu_template_prefs("*"," ",1,"*"," ",1);

# Load the template from in-line code (ending at "END_OF_TEMPLATE" in this
# source file).  Data entry fields denoted by underscores ("_") or
# back-slashes ("\");
# To demonstate loading the template from the data file, comment out all
# statements from "&menu_load_template_array(...)" to (and including) the
# "END_OF_TEMPLATE" statement and ADD the following line instead:
#        &menu_load_template("./template_data");
# This will load the template from the datafile "./template_data" instead
# of from the in-line source.
&menu_load_template_array(split("\n", <<'END_OF_TEMPLATE'));

                        Template Entry Demonstration

   Address Data Example                    Record # ___

   Name: [_____________________________________________]
   Addr: [_____________________________________________]
   City: [__________________]  State: [__]  Zip: [\\\\\] 

   Phone: (\\\) \\\-\\\\            Password: [^^^^^^^^]

   Enter all information available.
   Edit fields with left/right arrow keys or "delete".
   Switch fields with "Tab" or up/down arrow keys.
   Indicate completion by pressing "Return".
   Refresh screen with "Control-L".
   Abort this demo here with "Control-X".

&menu_overlay_template(0,28,"Perl Menu Version 4.0",1,1);
	"Fields marked with a \"*\" are required.",1);

# Define "Control X" as "abort data input"

# Set defaults for all records the same in this example.
# For record updating you would set the defaults to the existing values
# from an old record.
$defaults[0] = 0;			# Record number
$defaults[1] = "Sample name";		# Name
$defaults[2] = "Sample address";	# Addr
$defaults[3] = "Sample city";		# City
$defaults[4] = "IA";			# State
$defaults[5] = "";			# Zip
$defaults[6] = "";			# Phone - area code
$defaults[7] = "";			# Phone - first three digits
$defaults[8] = "";			# Phone - last four digits
$defaults[9] = "Barney";		# Password

# Set protected fields for all records in this example.
# This lets us supply a record number as a default in the first field but
# not allow the user to change it.
$protect[0] = 1;	# Record number (protected, filled in by call parm)
$protect[1] = 0;	# All remaining fields are unprotected
$protect[2] = 0;
$protect[3] = 0;
$protect[4] = 0;
$protect[5] = 0;
$protect[6] = 0;
$protect[7] = 0;
$protect[8] = 0;
$protect[9] = 0;

# Set required fields for records in this example.
# Note that the offset value is "2" to prevent overlaying the "["
# on the template.
$required[0] = 0;
$required[1] = 2;	# Name
$required[2] = 0;
$required[3] = 0;
$required[4] = 0;
$required[5] = 0;
$required[6] = 0;
$required[7] = 0;
$required[8] = 0;
$required[9] = 2;	# Password

# Input three records
for ($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) {

  $defaults[0] = $i;	# Set the record number in the protected field

  # IMPORTANT: Note the use of pointers to arrays here
  last if (&menu_getexit() eq "\cX");

  # Demonstrate a template overlay the first time
  if ($i == 1) {
    @bad_data = @input_data; # Reload the data we just got
    &menu_overlay_template($LINES-5,10,"This is a template overlay.$bell");
    &menu_overlay_template($LINES-4,10,"(It could be an error message)");
	"Note that the data is from the previous screen.");
    # Let them reenter data
    last if (&menu_getexit() eq "\cX");

  # Display what we got the last time
  &print_nl("Record #$i",1);
  &print_nl("Here is what was returned in \@input_data:",2); 
  for ($j = 0; $j <= $#input_data; $j++) {
    &print_nl("\$input_data[$j]: $input_data[$j]",1);


# TEMPLATE_EXIT - Exit routine for "menu_display_template"
sub template_exit {
  local($direction,$last_index,$next_index,$still_required) = @_;

# Return now if they are skipping between fields
  if ($direction) { return($next_index); }

# Check for forced exit (aborted data entry).
# Note that this routine uses a "-2" return code, which means "ignore
# required fields checking".
  if (&menu_getexit() eq "\cX") { return(-2); }

# User says they are done (they pressed "Return").
  &menu_overlay_clear(); # Clear any old overlays

# Put out message if there are still required fields.
  if ($still_required) {
	"Fields marked with a \"*\" are STILL required.",1);
    return(-1);		# Still need required field(s) - auto-position

# Let them be done.