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<title>How to implement an Effector</title>
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<p><font size="6"><i><b>How to implement an Effector</b></i></font></p>
<p><font size="4">In this HowTo we will focus on creating an effector. An Effector 
  allows an agent to somehow modify/interact with the virtual world. Implementing 
  an Effector is similar to <a href="howto_perceptor.html">implementing a Perceptor</a>. 
  All effectors derive from a common base class, kerosin::Effector, and must implement 
  the Perform() function. It's signature looks like this:</font></p>
<pre><span class="key">virtual </span><span class="typ">bool </span>Perform(boost::shared_ptr&lt;BaseNode&gt; &amp;base, <span class="typ">float </span>deltaTime);<span class="dir"></span>
<p><font size="4">The first parameter of this call is the node, which the effector 
  should act upon and the second parameter is the amount of time, which is to 
  be simulated (in miliseconds). The function returns true, if the operation was 
  successful and false if not. That's all there really is to it. A small question 
  yet remains: How can one pass parameters to an Effector? This is usually done 
  by other external functions. Let's look at the ForceEffector (lib/kerosin/agentaspect/forceeffector.h/cpp). 
  It applies an accumulated force vector to a Body object in its Perform() function. 
  The amount of force to apply is accumulated via the AddForce()-function. This 
  modifies the internal state of the ForceEffector instance. Its Perform() function 
  looks like this:</font></p>
<pre><span class="typ">bool </span>ForceEffector::Perform(boost::shared_ptr&lt;BaseNode&gt; &amp;base, <span class="typ">float </span>deltaTime)
  <span class="key">if </span>(!base) <span class="key">return false</span>;

  <span class="com">// base should be a transform, or some other node, which has a Body-child
</span>  shared_ptr&lt;Body&gt; body = shared_static_cast&lt;Body&gt;(base-&gt;GetChildOfClass(<span class="str">&quot;Body&quot;</span>));

  <span class="key">if </span>(!body) <span class="key">return false</span>;

  <span class="key">if </span>(mForce.Length() &gt; mMaxForce) mForce = mMaxForce/mForce.Length()*mForce;

  dBodyAddForce(body-&gt;GetODEBody(), mForce.x(), mForce.y(), mForce.z());

  mForce.Set(<span class="num">0</span>,<span class="num">0</span>,<span class="num">0</span>);
  <span class="key">return true</span>;

<span class="typ">void </span>ForceEffector::AddForce(<span class="typ">const </span>salt::Vector3f&amp; force)
  mForce += force;
<p><font size="4">First, it checks if base is valid. Then it retrieves the Body 
  object belonging to the base object and then applies the accumulated force via 
  an ODE function.</font></p>