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User specification

Source: Webové služby rozhraní ISDS pro správu datových schránkek, verzion 2.6
    (2009-11-18) [DataBox_ws.pdf]

User types

Symbol              Description
PRIMARY_USER        User who owns the box (FO and PFO type boxes have one
                    owner, OVM box one or none owners, PO box any number)
ENTRUSTED_USER      User with limited access to the box. Such user is
                    delegated by primary user or administrator for the
                    purpose of message reading or sending.
ADMINISTRATOR       User who can add/remove/update other users to a box, but
                    who is not a owner of the box.

User authorizations

Each user has set of permissions to operate on given box.

Symbol                      Num Description
PRIVIL_READ_NON_PERSONAL    1   Permission to read incoming messages 
PRIVIL_READ_ALL             2   Permission to read messages addresses only to
                                concrete person
PRIVIL_CREATE_DM            4   Permission to sent mesages, to download outgoing
PRIVIL_VIEW_INFO            8   Permission to download list of messages, to
                                download data about delivery (`Dodejka') and
                                acceptance (`Doručenka')
PRIVIL_SEARCH_DB            16  Permission to search boxes
PRIVIL_OWNER_ADM            32  Permission to maintane a box (add users etc.)
PRIVIL_READ_VAULT           64  Permission to read messages from data safe
PRIVIL_ERASE_VAULT          128 Permission to delete messages from data safe

User type ADMINSTRATOR has implicit non-revokable permission PRIVIL_OWNER_ADM.
Administrator can add other permissions to anybody, even to himselv.

User type PRIMARY_USER has implicit (non-revokable?) permissions 1–32.

In addition, internal users can have following permissions (to manage
(= create, update) boxes or request for box updates):

Symbol                  Num         Description
PRIVIL_OR               256         Manage PO type boxes
PRIVIL_INSSPR           512         Manage PFO_INSSPR type boxes
PRIVIL_NOTAR            1024        Manage OVM_NOTAR type boxes
PRIVIL_EXEKUT           2048        Manage OVM_EXEK type boxes
PRIVIL_ADVOK            4096        Manage PFO_ADVOK type boxes
PRIVIL_DANPOR           8192        Manage PFO_DANPOR type boxes
PRIVIL_PFO              16384       Manage PFO* type boxes
PRIVIL_OVMPOZAK         65536       Manage OVM, PO_ZAK and OVM_REQ type boxes
PRIVIL_VAZBA            131072      Report imprisoning of a person etc.
PRIVIL_MV               32768       Ministery of interiors officer
                                    who processes request (Service module)
PRIVIL_CZP              262144      Czech POINT officer who processes requests
                                    (only for FO, PFO, PO_REQ box types)
PRIVIL_ADMADM           1048576     Manage internal users
PRIVIL_AD_DELIV         2097152     Store timestamp about credentials delivery
                                    by off-line chanel
PRIVIL_ACTIVATE         8388608     Activate credentials on-line
PRIVIL_POST             524288      Access to help desk IS of Czech POST
PRIVIL_VAULT            33554432    Manage safe and commercial message switcher
PRIVIL_BILLING          67108864    Access to billing data
PRIVIL_CONFIG           4194304     Low level configuration allowed (see
                                    `Administrator manual for ISDS application
                                    server' for more details)
PRIVIL_SUPERVISOR       16777216    Permission to start and stop application