

distrib > Fedora > 13 > x86_64 > media > updates > by-pkgid > 71563285fd5be16015e596171fe1c109 > files > 25


 Upgrading Turba

:Last update:   $Date: 2009-09-25 15:24:25 $
:Revision:      $Revision: $

These are instructions to upgrade from earlier Turba versions. Please backup
your existing data before running any of the steps described below. You can't
use the updated data with your old Turba version anymore.

Upgrading Turba from 2.3.x to 2.3.3

Share Table Updates

The SQL script for PostgreSQL used a wrong column type for the share
tables. If you have many users or shares, this could cause an overrun at some
point. Execute the provided SQL script to update your database if you are
using the native SQL share driver on PostgresSQL::

   psql <db name> < scripts/upgrades/2.3_to_2.3.3.pgsql.sql

Upgrading Turba from 2.2.1 to 2.3

Share Table Updates

Some fields in the SQL share driver tables have been changed. Execute the
provided SQL script to update your database if you are using the native SQL
share driver::

   mysql --user=root --password=<MySQL-root-password>  <db name> < scripts/upgrades/2.2.1_to_2.3.sql

New fields

Examples for a few new fields have been added to
``config/attributes.php.dist`` and ``config/sources.php.dist``. These field
require Horde 3.3 or later though, so they are disabled by default. If you
update your ``attributes.php`` and ``sources.php`` files and are using a
sufficiently recent Horde version, you may want to uncomment those
examples. These are the ``photo``, ``phototype``, ``logo``, ``logotype``,
``pgpPublicKey`` and ``smimePublicKey`` fields.

Upgrading to Turba 2.2

These are notes on upgrading from Turba 2.1.x to Turba 2.2.x.

.. Important:: These upgrade instructions assume that you are upgrading from
               at least Turba 2.1.  If you have an older version of Turba,
               follow the upgrade steps described in `Upgrading to Turba 2.1`_

New Default Schema

The default database address book schema has been changed to better match
other address book applications and to ease synchronization with those.

You can still use your old address book schema without any restrictions, but
if you want to migrate existing address books to the new default scheme, you
can use the provided upgrade script. This script assumes that you use the old
default schema from Turba 2.1 and doesn't permanently change any data unless
you edit it.

To run the script you have to open it in any text editor and change the three
variables at the top of the script ``$db_user``, ``$db_pass`` and
``$db_table`` to fit your current Turba installation. You can then run the
script to see how the data //would// be changed::

   php scripts/upgrades/2.1_to_2.2_sql_schema.php

If you are happy with the results, you can edit the script again and change
the ``$for_real`` variable::

   $for_real = true;

As always make sure you have a recent backup before running the script once
more, this time the changes will be permanent. Don't forget to update your
configuration files or to re-create them from the ``.php.dist`` examples.

A few advanced attribute definitions have been commented out in
``config/attributes.php`` by default because they require Horde 3.2 or later
to be installed. If you have a sufficiently recent Horde version you can
uncomment those lines in ``attributes.php``.

As part of the new default schema, the various address fields have been split
into individual fields (such as homeStreet, homeProvince etc...). If you still
wish to display an individual composite address field (which will give you the
map links) you must add a composite field (such as homeAddress). There is an
example entry in the sources.php.dist file.

The new schema also uses the "phone" field type that has been introduced with
Horde 3.2. If you still run earlier Horde versions, change the phone field
types in ``attributes.php`` to anything that fits your needs, e.g "cellphone"
or "text".

New Beta SQL Share Driver Support

A new beta-level SQL Horde_Share driver has been added in Horde 3.2. This
driver offers significant performance improvements over the existing Datatree
driver but it has not received the same level of testing, thus the beta
designation.  In order to make use of this driver, you must be running Horde
3.2-RC3 or later. To add the new SQL tables for this driver, execute the sql
script ``2.1_to_2.2_add_sql_share_tables`` that is appropriate for your
RDBMS. You then must execute the ``convert_datatree_shares_to_sql.php``
upgrade script to migrate your existing share data.  Both of these scripts can
be found in the ``scripts/upgrades`` folder.

Flattened Horde Shares

Shared address books are now stored in a flat namespace in order
to remove dependency on the hierarchal properties of the Horde_Share api.  You
must run the upgrade script ``scripts/upgrades/2007-06-17_flatten_shares.php``.

.. Important:: You must run these scripts BEFORE any user logs in to your
               upgraded installation to avoid the creation of any duplicate

All user preferences related to address books will be checked and updated by
Turba transparently during each user's first login after the update.

Additionally, if you are currently using the configuration setting,
``Name of Client Address Book`` and have it set to a share enabled source, you
will most likely have to change the entry.  The correct share key to enter here
is the share name and can be found by browsing the datatree via the
administration UI if using datatree shares, or by looking in the turba_shares
table if using SQL based shares.

IMSP Driver and Share Support

Share support has been added to the IMSP driver.  This support requires at
least a Horde 3.2 install.  With this change, any IMSP address books the user
has rights to will be represented internally as a Horde share.  Permissions
changed on the share will be reflected back to the IMSP server.  If you set
the configuration setting ``Name of source for creating new shares`` to
``imsp`` then any shares created by the user will result in a new IMSP address
book being created on the IMSP server.  Likewise, any IMSP address book
deleted in Turba will be removed from the IMSP server.

To enable this support, make sure you are using at least Horde 3.2, set the
``use_shares`` attribute to true, and uncomment the IMSP
``_horde_hook_share_*`` functions in ``horde/config/hooks.php``.

With this change, the ``IMSP Address Book Administration`` option page has
been removed, as the creation/deletion of address books is now handled with

.. Important:: IMSP contacts contained in contact groups that are not from an
               IMSP source may not be visible within that group when migrating
               an IMSP source to a share.

Application Hooks

All hooks that are specific to Turba have been moved from the
``horde/config/hooks.php`` file. Move your existing Turba Hooks from there to

Upgrading to Turba 2.1

These are notes on upgrading from Turba 2.0.x to Turba 2.1.

.. Important:: These upgrade instructions assume that you are upgrading from
               at least Turba 2.0.  If you have an older version of Turba,
               follow the upgrade steps described in `Upgrading to Turba 2.0`_

Synchronization Support

Synchronization with SyncML capable devices is possible now if you have at
least Horde 3.1.  You need to create a History backend with
``horde/scripts/sql/horde_histories.sql`` to allow synchronization.  You also
need to create default history entries for existing contacts by running the
script ``scripts/upgrades/create_default_histories.php``.

New Hook Parameters

The ``_turba_hook_encode_{attribute}`` and ``_turba_hook_decode_{attribute}``
functions are now passed an additional parameter - the object that is being
loaded/saved. This enables you to create more powerful custom hooks that build
a field from several other field's values (the opposite of composite fields),
or otherwise modify a value based on other properties of the object.

Share Support

Share support has been added to Turba.  This allows the sharing, adding, and
deleting of addressbooks for those sources that support it.  Currently, this
is supported by the SQL driver.  With this change, the ``public`` attribute of
the params array has been removed in favor of the ``use_share`` attribute.  If
you are currently using a SQL source as a public source, you must run the
upgrade script ``scripts/upgrades/public_to_horde_share.php``.  Be sure to
read the script comments and backup all data before conversion.  This script
will create a new share that is viewable by all users.  If you choose not to
use shares, set the ``use_shares`` attribute to ``false`` and the SQL driver
will behave as in previous versions, that is, a seperate, private addressbook
for each user.

.. Important:: If you are currently using two seperate ``turba_objects`` tables
               - one for personal address books and one for a public address
               book, you should run the upgrade script on the public table,
               then merge the public table into the private table and enable
               share support on the private table.  There is no longer any
               need for maintaining the two seperate tables. If you desire not
               to enable share support, you may still use seperate tables and
               set permissions via the administration interface.

Upgrading to Turba 2.0

These are instructions to upgrade from Turba 1.2.x to Turba 2.0.  Please
backup your existing data before running any of the steps described below.
You can't use the updated data with your old Turba version anymore.

.. Important:: These upgrade instructions assume that you are upgrading from
               at least Turba 1.2.  If you have an older version of Turba,
               follow the upgrade steps described in `Upgrading to Turba 1.2`_

SQL Backends

Four new fields have been added to the default SQL table layout, one being
mandatory.  The new ``object_uid`` field provides a global unique ID to

Execute the provided SQL script to update your data to the new Turba version::

   mysql --user=root --password=<MySQL-root-password> <db name> < 1.2_to_2.0.sql
   psql <db name> -f 1.2_to_2.0.sql


The contacts history is now being maintained by the global Horde History
backend.  To create default history entries execute the provided PHP script::

   php scripts/upgrades/create_default_histories.php

Upgrading to Turba 1.2

These are instructions to upgrade from Turba 1.1 to Turba 1.2.  Please backup
your existing data before running any of the steps described below.  You will
no longer be able to use your data with older versions of Turba.

SQL Backends

The SQL schema for the SQL address book has changed. Please update your SQL
table to the new schema after you update to Turba 1.2.  The fields
``object_type`` and ``object_members`` have been added (needed for
distribution lists) and the fields ``object_homeaddress``,
``object_workaddress``, ``object_homephone``, ``object_workphone`` and
``object_cellphone`` have changed to all lowercase.

If you are using a MySQL or PostgreSQL database you can also use the update
script available in ``scripts/upgrades/1.1_to_1.2.sql``.

LDAP Backends

The LDAP schema for the shared LDAP address book has changed. Please update
your LDAP directory to use the new schema after you update to Turba 1.2, and
also update ``config/sources.php`` accordingly.

The ``objectclass`` entry for LDAP address book definitions in
``config/sources.php`` is respected in Turba 1.2 but wasn't before, so you
should make sure that you use a correct setting here.

IMP Integration

If you were using IMP_ 3.1 you should also upgrade to IMP 3.2; distribution
list support in Turba 1.2/IMP 3.2 is not compatible with how the contacts
window in IMP 3.1 worked. However, IMP 3.0 did not have this window, and will
probably play nicely with Turba 1.2.

.. _IMP: