

distrib > Fedora > 13 > x86_64 > media > updates > by-pkgid > 676848616d1e3613746948a27cb25eac > files > 4


--- 2011.01.26 ---

Request #240:
Minimize height of waypoint dialog

Request #241:
Double click point in track edit moves map

Request #242:
Add distance to start and end to track point information

Request #243:
Add all other data fields to waypoint information

Request #244:
Add better support for waypoint icons larger than 15x15

Request #246:
Add direction arrow to route

Request #247:
Add direction arrow to distance polyline

Request #248:
Make distance polyline bullets an option

Request #249:
Add hide and show to distance polyline

Request #250:
Add info dialog for map collections (qmap)

Request #251:
Add resize and move to map area selection (\*.qmap)

--- 2010.12.27 ---

Request #237:
Add timeout to route calculation

Request #238:
Add order to selected waypoints to create a route

Request #239:
Add Garmin BirdsEye support (display only)

--- 2010.12.06 ---

Request #231:
Make anti-aliasing an option

Bug     #232:
Photos in the south eastern hemisphere are referenced badly

Request #233:
Make tracks and routes semi-transparent

Request #234:
Add legend for Garmin maps

Request #235:
Fixes and improvements for NMEA support

Request #236:
Move map with Alt+mouse move

--- 2010.11.15 ---

Request #218:
Add "description" as additional field to waypoints.

Request #219:
Make routing language a selection

Bug     #220:
Fixed: Garmin Custom Maps fail on maps with lon/lat projection

Bug     #221:
Fixed: Crash when exporting maps with bad or missing mdr file

Request #222:
Make baudrate selectable for NMEA device.

Request #223:
Update Spanish translation

Request #224:
Update italian transaltion

Request #225:
Update dutch translation

Request #226:
Add location search via OpenRouteService

Request #227:
Add most important web links to help menu

Bug     #228:
Fixed: Add big endian fixes for OS X

Request #229:
Distance over time graph

Bug     #230:
Fixed: Strings for 20bit type polylines and polygons are decoded badly

--- 2010.11.02 ---

Bug     #217:
Forgot to do a commit before the release

--- 2010.11.02 ---

Request #210:
Make UI fit for GNOME

Request #211:
Add tooltip (optional) for items below cursor on Garmin maps

Request #212:
Make zoom level and track maxima labels optional

Request #213:
Prepare route object for autorouting information

Request #214:
Add autorouting via openroute service

Request #215:
Use secondary (autorouted) route for gpx export

Request #216:
Use secondary (autorouted) route for garmin device upload

--- 2010.09.26 ---

Request #170:
Show extended data of tracks

Bug     #202:
Various user supplied bugfixes.

Request #203:
Pimp up map canvas

Request #204:
Add min/max elevation markers to highlighted track

Bug     #205:
File dialog for screenshot, save track stat plot and save canvas behaves strange.

Request #206:
GeoDB: add summary about item as tooltip rather than the real comment.

Request #208:
Add track profile preview on canvas

Request #209:
Make scale and wind rose optional

--- 2010.09.11 ---

Request #195:
Export raster maps to KMZ

Request #196:
Export raster maps as Garmin Custom Map tiles

Request #197:
Make folder system of geo database a bit more flexible

Bug     #198:
Optimize geo database access and fix many glitches.

Bug     #199:
Some tiles on OSM maps are not selectable

Bug     #200:
Fix glitches in track profile/ edit/ toolview interaction

Request #201:
Enhance guideline and snap algorithm for drawing distance polylines

--- 2010.08.15 ---

Bug     #192:
Fixed Garmin map: Small vertical or horizontal lines are not drawn

Request #193:
Use SQLite database for user data

Request #194:
Add project explorer for the database

--- 2010.07.28 ---

Request #184:
Detect proxy from environment variable

Request #185:
Get elevation data for artificial tracks from

Request #186:
Improove snap to line for distance polyline

Bug     #187:
Fix: endian bugs in Garmin label decoding

Request #188:
Split track in segements of size N

Request #189:
Sort tracks by name and time

Request #190:
Copy-n-paste for distance polyline.

Request #191:
Combine several distance polyline overlays

--- 2010.07.04 ---

Request #177:
Keep on adding points when adding points to start or end of distance polyline

Bug     #178:
Fix: End points are deleted when moving around is aborted.

Request #179:
Add speed and estimated time to distance polyline

Request #180:
Select items for export/upload

Bug     #181:
Fix: Proximity circles are not drawn if waypoint leaves viewport

Request #182:
Make distance polyline follow lines in vector map

Bug     #183:
Change shortcut description from Del to Ctrl + Del in left hand tool widgets

--- 2010.06.06 ---

Bug     #172:
Fixed: typ file not working on device.

Request #173:
Sort waypoints by name, icon or position

Request #174:
Make track bubbles an option

Request #175:
Fine tune reference offset for raster maps

Bug     #176:
Fix performance stall when loading large quantity (>2000) of waypoints

--- 2010.05.10 ---

Request #167:
Dutch translation

Request #168:
Add gpsd support

Request #169:
Optimize map rendering for Garmin maps

Request #171:
Add selection for typ file if there are several

--- 2010.04.03 ---

Bug     #157:
Fixed: Bad zoom factor for "zoom to fit"

Request #158:
Sort list entries in tool views

Request #159:
Accept more formats for waypoint coords and related.

Bug     #160:
Fixed: Typ file is not used in gmapsupp.img

Request #161:
Code map set name into gmapsupp.img

Request #162:
Allow use of *.hgt files to import elevation data

Bug     #163:
Fixed: GDAL tools not found on OS X port

Bug     #164:
Fixed: Endless loop on profile over time for tracks with no timestamp.

Request #165:
Revert track

Request #166:
Speed up loading of Garmin tiles.

--- 2010.03.04 ---

Bug     #141:
Fix: Raster map search does not work with map files containing multiple '.' 

Bug     #142:
Fix: Raster map search does not work with lon/lat WGS84 projection

Request #143:
Delete map while active/shown

Request #144:
Make scalebar work for maps with lat/lon projection

Bug     #145:
Fix: Zoom to area does not work when using lon/lat DEM and Garmin maps

Bug     #146:
Fix: qlb and sticky waypoint handling for qt4.6

Request #147:
Hide / show tracks

Request #148:
Add zoom to fit for multiple selected tracks

Request #149:
Add zoom to fit for multiple selected waypoints

Request #150:
Rewrite 3D view

Request #151:
Add first person view to 3D view

Request #152:
Add point of view on track to 3D view

Request #153:
Add compass to 3D view

Request #154:
Add elevation meter to 3D view

Request #155:
Add artificial horizont to 3D view

Request #156:
Add zoom to fit for multiple selected overlays

--- 2010.02.06 ---

Bug     #134:
Fix: GPX has bad <extension/> tag

Bug     #135:
Fix: Missing polylines in openmtbmap

Request #136:
Update language files

Bug     #137:
Fix bad syntax that makes GCC 4.5 to fail

Bug     #138:
Fix: QLandkarte GT crashing on copy-n-paste track. (+ enhance copy-n-paste)

Bug     #139:
Fix overflow in retrieving GPS position from exif data

Request #140:
Unify behavior when moving a waypoint and distance polyline point

--- 2010.01.24 ---

Bug     #123:
Fixes for big endian systems

Bug     #124:
Fixes for OSX build system

Request #125:
Add Garmin custom icons

Request #126:
Add live log support for NMEA devices

Request #127:
Make character set selectable for Garmin devices

Request #128:
Rewrite TYP decoding

Request #129:
Rewrite render engine for Garmin maps to match better TYP decoding.

Request #130:
Add checkbox for Garmin night vision to statusbar

Request #131:
Move detail selection to statusbar for Garmin maps

Request #132:
Pimp up elevation plots

Request #133:
Fix GUI glitches

--- 2009.12.21 ---

Request #92:
Rework gpx saving/loading to be standard compliant.

Request #116:
Add drag-n-drop for gpx et al

Request #117:
Add map names as tooltips in map list

Request #118:
Add list of recent loaded/saved geo data files

Request #119:
Add Spanish translation

Request #120:
Add track filter to change timestamps and to weed out track points.

Request #121:
Add download of routes to Garmin devices

Request #122:
Add command line options (use qlandkartegt --help for more information)

--- 2009.10.26 ---

Request #113:
Add direction arrow to tracks

Request #114:
Add barcode to waypoint edit dialog

Bug     #115:
Crash when deleting purged trackpoints

--- 2009.09.18 ---

Request #107:
Remove copy of original track when splitting a track

Bug     #108:
Purgeing trackpoints by del key is no toggle function anymore

Request #109:
Save 3D view as image file

Request #110:
Add device screenshot feature

Request #111:
Tweak rendering for Garmin maps to display latest OSM maps nicely

Request #112:
Accept any bitmap file type for referencing.

--- 2009.08.17 ---

Bug     #100:
Make arrow keys work on track edit again.

Request #101:
Add support for new Garmin map formats (latest ones still missing)

Request #102:
Save viewport and graphs as bitmap

Request #104:
Add waypoint support to 3D view (add, del, edit)

Request #105:
Add deselect for track

Request #106:
Open multiple files with geo data

--- 2009.06.22 ---

Bug     #99:
Fix corrupted Russian ts file

--- 2009.06.22 ---

Bug     #99:
Fix corrupted Russian ts file

--- 2009.06.22 ---

Bug     #91:
Crash with track cutting tool if last track point is selected.

Request #93:
Add klm to list of supported formats (via gpsbabel)

Request #94:
Convert track to distance polyline

Request #96:
Add waypoints from geo tagged images.

Request #97:
Restructure menus to be more flexible.

--- 2009.05.20 ---

Request #85:
Garmin Maps: Draw lines with bitmaps form \*typ file

Request #86:
Add feature selection for Garmin maps. (context menu in the map list)

Bug     #87:
Many small fixes for typ file icon decoding

Bug     #88:
Crash on missing map

Request #89:
Map switching: Keep center of map if it is within the area of the new map.

Request #90:
Garmin maps: show type ids for polygons and points in info box

--- 2009.05.05 ---

Request #70:
Waypoint tool view: convert multiple waypoints to route

Request #77:
Add support for 32bit RGB(A) raster maps.

Request #78:
move opened raster maps to center instead of top left corner

Bug     #79:
Zoom snaps back to previous zoom level when zooming via F2 followed by mouse wheel

Request #80:
Add quadratic zoom as option to raster maps (single file and *qmap)

Request #81:
Convert distance polyline to track: make interval of track points selectable

Request #82:
Convert distance polyline to route

Request #83:
Upload tracks to Garmin device

Request #84:
Add route upload for Garmin devices

--- 2009.04.14 ---

Request #69:
Italian translation

Request #71:
Add track graphs over distance and time

Request #72:
Group edit proximity distance

Request #73:
Load geo data (gpx, loc ...) from command line

Request #74:
Russian translation

Bug     #75:
Length does not change while deleting points in distance polyline

Bug     #76:
Loading single raster map file with long/lat projection gives bad coord. in status bar

--- 2009.03.09 ---

Bug     #60:
Distance line function wheel: remove lock when wheel is on and new line is added.

Request #61:
Distance line function wheel: add icons to add point at start/end of line

Request #62:
Add GUI to create GDAL WMS definition files

Request #63:
Make trackedit sortable

Request #64:
Add German translation

Request #65:
Add French translation

Request #66:
Add support for OSM tile server

Bug     #67:
Map crashes on maps with polyline types > 0x2B

Request #68:
3D view: fill complete skybox area with map

--- 2009.02.06 ---

Request #54:
Garmin: Decode point icons of encoding type 0x20

Request #55:
Delete waypoints by group

Request #56:
Optimize function wheel for distance points

Request #57:
Add zoom by area

Request #58:
Add real lightning to 3D view with variable light source

Request #59:
Add simple support for WMS maps via GDAL_WMS XML file (see

--- 2009.01.01 ---

Request #51:
Garmin: Show labels of urban points on all zoom levels

Request #52:
Garmin: fine tune detail level 

Request #53:
Add false lightning to 3D via 2D map shading

--- 2008.12.23 ---

Request #44:
Garmin: add typ file polygon type 7

Bug     #45:
Garmin: Crash with typ files that have empty sections

Request #46:
Garmin: Collect points/pois and polylines in SQLite database.

Request #47:
Garmin: search polylines and points by name

Bug     #48:
Search and fix memory leaks.

Request #49:
Add clouds to 3D view.

Request #50:
Optimize 3D view creation for speed.

--- 2008.12.05 ---

Request #37:
Garmin maps: Add text to polylines

Request #38:
Optimze DEM interpolation for faster 3D view.

Request #39:
Add positon bars to profile graph et al

Request #40:
Optimize track render

Bug     #41:
Garmin maps: some intermediate maplevels are missing

Request #42:
Add sky to 3D view

Request #43:
Remove side information from QLandkarteGT.conf when deleting Garmin maps.

--- 2008.11.24 ---

Request #33:
Garmin typ file support

Request #34:
Change render engine for Garmin maps to allow skinnig

Request #35:
Add typ file support to Garmin map upload

Bug     #36:
Fixed: Garmin maps with same tdb name get same alias in map tool view

--- 2008.11.13 ---

Request #27:
Restructure DEM data handling

Request #28:
Change map tool view to apply DEM data to all maps

Request #29:
Stack vector maps as overlay

Request #30:
Export Garmin maps to gmapsupp.img

Request #31:
Upload maps to Garmin devices

Request #32:
Add lefthand menu and eye candy to 3D view

--- 2008.10.29 ---

Request #22:
Search for symbols on raster maps (\*.qmap)

Request #23:
3D OpenGL track view

Request #24:
3D OpenGL landscape model

Request #25:
Add Garmin map (\*tdb) support.

Request #26:
Load \*loc and \*gdb files via GPSBabel

--- 2008.09.30 ---

Request #12:
Add icon wheel to search results

Request #13:
Reorganize track statistics graphs

Request #14:
Add shortterm average speed to track and graph

Request #15:
Read Garmin \*tcx

Bug     #16:
Fix QT bug for floating point attributes in XML

Request #17:
Select trackpoints by rectangle on map

Request #18:
Add waypoint icons to profile graph

Request #19:
Add zoom to track statistic graphs

Request #20:
Combine tracks sorted either by timestamp or list order

Bug     #21:
Fixed bug in "cut track" marker

--- 2008.09.01 ---

Request #6:
Add distance polyline to olverlays

Request #7:
Convert distance overlay to track

Request #8:
Save / load distance overlay as qlb and qpx

Request #9:
Add device quick selection to left hand tool view.

Request #10:
Add track upload (QLandkarte M only)

Request #11:
Add icon wheel to select function to waypoints

--- 2008.07.14 ---

Request #1:
Restart project management after crash

Request #2:
Add geo-referenced text box to overlays

Request #3:
Add "no map" to list of known maps

Request #4:
Add unit converter to use other units than metric

Request #5:
Add nautic units

--- 2008.06.13 ---

Request #50:
Add ascend and descend values to secondary track information 

Request #51:
Add eleveation from DEM data to elevation plot as reference

Request #52:
Add Mercator projection to NoMap to display overlays without map

Request #53:
Make mouse wheel direction an option

Bug     #54:
fixed bug in coord. calc. for W1° < lon < 0, S1° < lat < 0

Request #55:
Add handler for simple graphical elements (overlays)

Request #56:
Add a fixed text box to overlays

--- 2008.05.30 ---

Request #41:
Add live log

Bug     #42:
Fixed installer script for Win32, take FWTools out of binary

Request #43:
Improve map export for further needs

Request #46:
Buffer map to perform faster drawing operations on top of it

Bug     #44:
Fixed bad track timestamps for Garmin devices

Bug     #45:
Fixed bad total time for tracks longer a day

Request #47:
Clean up code, move drawing of overlays into DB objects

Request #48:
Convert search result to waypoint and copy to clipboard

Request #49:
Update elevation of a waypoint when moved (and DEM data is present)

--- 2008.05.16 ---

Request #23:
Split a track

Request #36:
Add support for Garmin device driver plugins

Request #37:
Add down-/upload of waypoints to Garmin device

Request #38:
Add track download to Garmin device

Request #39:
Combine multiple tracks

Request #40:
Add "upload/download all" function

--- 2008.05.06 ---

Request #28:
Printing diary: rotate map to fit the portrait page 

Bug     #29:
Empty diary is not detected as empty

Request #30:
Add elevation plot for tracks

Request #31:
Add speed plot for tracks

Request #32:
Support gray scale bitmaps

Request #33:
Allow the user to change the file name of a referenced file.

Request #34:
Load a single GeoTiff file (w/o \*.qmap)

Request #35:
Add win32 binary installer

--- 2008.04.24 ---

Bug     #24:
Modify flag was set when loading geo data with diary content.

Request #25:
Add project summary to left hand side splitter

Bug     #26:
Add geo data erased diary with new data

Request #27:
Generate diary from loaded geo data

--- 2008.04.19 ---

Request #11:
Suppress scalebar for bitmaps without georeferenceing information. 

Request #12:
Implement sticky waypoints.

Request #13:
Add projection wizard to GeoTiff creation.

Request #14:
Add http link to waypoint

Request #15:
Add waypoint edit/copy position/delete to canvas context menu

Request #16:
Add move and add waypoint to context menu

Request #17:
Add edit track and copy trackpoint position to context menu

Request #18:
Probe for GDAL tools

Request #19:
Add a diary editor to document maps, tracks and waypoints.

Request #20:
Add loaded geo data file to title bar

Request #21:
Add modify flag to title bar

Request #22:
Ask user to save modified data before it is destroyed.

--- 2008.03.28 ---

Bug     #4:
Saving \*gcp with extension failed. Fixed.

Bug     #5:
Keep selection marker for selected track points when selecting multiple points by mouse click.

Request #6:
Add start and end timestamp to track list label

Request #7:
Reset the track counter on clear all and load geo data

Request #8:
Add scalebar

Request #9:
Add waypoint projection.

Bug     #10:
Fixed bad calculation of proximity circle size

--- 2007.12.11 ---

Request #1:
Initial release