

distrib > Fedora > 13 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > e4bbdaa133bf14de79621d7fdfa39df4 > files > 96


.. _releases-0.9:
 Transifex version 0.9.x release notes
Transifex 0.9 (Mojo)
Welcome to Transifex 0.9, codenamed Mojo_.
  19 July 2010

Transifex 0.9 'Mojo' is a production release of Transifex. It is targeted for
new installations of Transifex and parties who choose to migrate to a new major
version and enjoy the new features.

Transifex 0.9 is an interim release, sorts of. It does ship a number of new
features and a multitude of important bugfixes. It also prepares the ground for
the next major release, which will include some huge changes in Transifex's
codebase. Stay tuned for more, but until then, let's enjoy the fresh air
Transifex 0.9 brings to our daily multilingual life.

Here's a 40K-foot view of the release major features and numbers:

- Add-ons engine
- Project Team Sharing
- More i18n directory structures
- Widgets
- Improved file ownership
- More pre-submit checks
- Improved handling of VCS Exceptions
- Improved searching

.. code-block:: bash

    336 changesets recorded
    38 tickets resolved
    798 files changed, 132258 insertions(+), 87223 deletions(-)

Being served hot at

Transifex 0.9 is a release of the open-source, community-powered Transifex
flavor. It is suitable for very large projects with their own existing
translation community, such as the Fedora Project, the GNOME Desktop etc.

Transifex is also offered as a Software-as-a-Service, at
www.transifex.net_, ready to serve your translations with a few clicks. is a one-stop, batteries-included hosted service serving more
than 870 independent projects and businesses which don't want to worry about
deploying their own Transifex instance. is managed by Indifex_, the company sponsoring the development
of Transifex itself.

.. figure:: ../../screenshots/
   :class: alcenter shot2
For a hassle-free translation management platform, visit Transifex.net_.

What's new in Transifex 0.9

Let's see what's fresh!

Extension engine

Transifex 0.9 sports a brand-new extension engine called django-addons_, which
allows developers to write plug-and-play extensions (or plug-ins) which extend
or override parts of the core functionality. django-addons_ was developed by
the Transifex team and is now shipped as a reusable Django application.

.. _django-addons:

Here are some of the benefits of this support:

- **Extensibility**: By creating hooks and connectors in the Transifex core code,
  extra code can be decoupled and stored in separate directories. This allows
  more functionality to be added when needed with less hassle. 
- **Reduced code complexity**: By storing code in more and smaller files, the code
  is more readable and manageable.
- **Scalability**: Addons can be enabled and disabled on the production web-server,
  and the addons which fully support this functionality can simply be
  deactivated if needed (for example, when high traffic hits your site).
- **Friendlier code**: New developers are more free to experiment with new features
  without having to mess with Transifex internals which might seem complex in
  first sight.

A number of Transifex applications have been converted to addons, which may be
disabled if needed. Here's a list of them::

    $ ./ addons
    Available addons:
     * charts - Google Charts for Transifex
     * locks - Locking mechanism for Transifex
     * presubmit_checks
     * repowatch - Repository watching
     * timeline - Timeline for Transifex
     * txcron - Transifex Cronjobs
     * widgets - Transifex Widgets
Finally, for the Django developers out there, here are some of the features
supported by django-addons:

- Automatic URL discovery of addons: No need to tweak your main project's
  '' file.
- Automatic signal connecting of addons
- Support for 'default settings' per addon
- Template hooking system (inject code from addons to your main project)
- Support for 'django-staticfiles' to serve site media from each addon
- Automatic registration of 'django-notification_' notice types
- Support for storing and loading localization from inside each addon
- Disable addons using a management command: ``./ addons``
- Addons overview page, allowing admins to learn what addons are currently

For a full list of features and code examples, please refer to the
`django-addons documentation`_ itself.

.. figure:: ../../screenshots/0.9/addons.png
   :class: alcenter shot2

Project Team Sharing

A great new feature is the ability to share translation teams between projects.
A Transifex project can now 'outsource' its language teams to another one,
effectively trusting and re-using the other project's community to translate
its own resources.

Why is this useful? Open source software projects tend to group together in
larger communities. Good examples of such project collections are desktop
environments, such as GNOME and KDE, or distributions, such as Fedora and
Moblin. Since Transifex supports per-project translation teams, these
communities requested the ability to re-use the collection's translation teams
instead of managing their own.

This control can accessed by Project Maintainers under the tab "Access Control".
Note that this project's fine-grained permission and team controls are disabled
once the project outsources its access control.

.. figure:: ../../screenshots/0.9/outsource.png
   :class: alcenter shot2

The Teams Outsourcing feature is the major lever behind the very influential
website There, the MeeGo project, a common effort
between Intel, Nokia and the Linux Foundation, hosts the translations of a large
number of projects, all being translated by the same community: The MeeGo
Localization Community.


Starting with this version, each Transifex project now has its own Widgets.
You may now display your project's translation statistics on your website
as a simple image. Perfect for embedding in wiki pages, Trac instances, emails.
The chart will always reflect your live Transifex numbers.

Widgets are publicly accessible from a tab on the Project Details page.
Additional widgets may be available in the next releases in the same place.

.. figure:: ../../screenshots/0.9/chart.png
   :class: alcenter shot2

Improved file ownership

The file locking feature has been greatly improved in this version. The new
functionality more closely resembles "file ownership". Here's a list of the
improvements which have taken place:

- The download button has been replaced with the message "Download for viewing",
  indicating that this action will not also assign the translation to the person
  clicking it.
- Submit access has been restricted to the person holding the lock.
- Editing in Lotte now automatically assigns the file to the user.
- Users are only allowed to lock 2 files and locks expire by default in 2 days,
  signifying the importance of the file ownerships. Both these settings are
  configurable by the Transifex administrator.
- When a file ownership is about to expire (e.g. 12 hours before), a
  notification is sent to the owner.
- Users can submit part of their job and continue working on their files by
  extending the lock upon file submission.
- The owner of a file is allowed to “Extend lock for 2 more days” by clicking
  the related icon next to the file.
- Language coordinators are able to remove ownership from other people's files
  for the language files they are responsible for.

.. figure:: ../../screenshots/0.9/lock.png
   :class: alcenter shot2

More i18n directory structures

Transifex 0.9 introduces an overhaul of the ``guess_language`` method using
regular expressions (tickets #541, #542), adding support for a number of i18n
directory structures and shows improved extensibility.

This method is run whenever the statistics are refreshed, so approximately once
per day. The new code has no visible overhead (when run against 30.000 files, it
takes 0.30 seconds, compared to 0.14 seconds it took before).

The standard directory structures supported now are the following:

#. PO files inside a po directory named with the language code
   (``/po/<lang>.po``). Depending on the i18n method, a POT file might be
   available or not.

#. The LC_MESSAGES locale standard (``/<lang>/LC_MESSAGES/something.po``).

#. Grouped language files (``/po/el/foo.po``)

#. Suffixed language files (``/po/foo.el.po``)
#. The Publican standard structure. The languages are discovered by the
   presence of the 'pot' directory in the tree. A 'pot' directory is needed to
   allow the language discovery.

More pre-submit checks

Transifex now supports more validation checks for a submission. This helps
avoiding wrong submissions and can reduce the maintenance overhead for the
developer and Transifex administrator. Here is a list of the checks added:

- Reject empty files (0% translations)
- Reject access to POT files
- Warn in the presence of DOS language endings in the file
- Option to disallow anything other than UTF-8 header encoding
- Check the existence of a 'Plurals-Form' header in a file

Various improvements and bugfixes

Improved searching

The search box now also crawls in project names and descriptions, components,
repository URLs. Now, users can search for projects having specific keywords
in their description, projects hosted on a particular hosting website such as
gitorious, etc.

Improved handling of VCS Errors

Transifex now shows in the UI what's going on with the related VCS backend
whenever something goes wrong. This will allow project developers to better
understand what's wrong with their project repository URL and fix it

Under-the-hood Improvements

- Local repo URIs are now allowed on DEBUG mode
- Added ':pserver:' as a prefix for CVS repos
- Do not delete POFiles when cleaning cache. This fixes a problem when cleaning
  and refreshing the component cache. This patch allows Tx to continue
  cleaning/refresh the component cache but without deleting the POFiles. They are
  set as enabled=False and hidden from the UI. A project or component deletion
  still removes the POFiles that belong to it.
- Added Tx repository revision into the footer. Helpful to identify the exactly
  revision used to run a Tx instance using a devel branch.
- Added projects lookup for django-ajax-select queries.
- Restrict a bit more the regex for URLS that contain filenames.
- Splitted Catalan into two languages: 'ca' and 'ca@valencia' (#613).
- Add template escaping on all firstof tags.
- Added support for intltool multi-domain projects.
- Disable Lotte for broken pofiles.
- Show i18n method on component page (#349).

Improved Mercurial Backend

- Mercurial backend now updates whenever a pull is done, avoiding the creation
  of local new heads in the repo history
- After some scrutiny tests we realized that using 'tip'
  as the default branch might be troublesome for repos that have
  named branches, so it was reverted back to 'default'.
- The 'commands.push' command doesn't use a 'revs' argument, so
  we turned it into 'branch' argument.


- Fixed issues with Dutch language (#537)
- Fix for the "DoesNotExist: ObservedItem matching query does not exist."
  exception. Whenever a component has its cache cleaned, all the related POFile
  objects are now deleted. This way, other objects that use those POfiles are
  also deleted in cascade. The repowatch app does not use the POFile object and
  'cascade' is not applied.
- Fixed permission check for components with multiple PO files
- Calling correct method on the component get_stats method
- Fixed Lotte data session wizard craziness when changing pages (#552)
- Fixed URL for components with multiple po files per language
- Handling user object on the svn lib with more properties (#565)
- Fixed registration problem, occurring after merging.
- Added a dependency into a projects app migration script
- Fixed permission check for team coordinators
- Converted exception output into a string before using it
- Missing JS lib for the component multiple POFiles page
- Fix wrapping of multi-line messages on top of page.
- Made form errors more visible
- Fixed get_or_none method for the Team class (#531)
- Fixed some permission checks on the component_submit_file view
- Fixed multiple copies of same event on timeline lists (#528)
- Fix an issue in run commands where no env was passed via kwargs.
- Bugfix: the rev kwarg should not be passed to hg pull cause we do not pull
  specific revision numbers!
- Improved get_log templatetag for the actionlog app
- Fix SITE_URL_PREIFX generation with request.build_absolute_uri("") call
- Added option to enable django-contact app URL
- Added option to setup up the Django admin panel URL
- BUGFix: Variable intialization was missing in settings file.
- Fix initializers of test_svn.
- Minor cleanup on the bzr repositories.
- Added empty file on modules that didn't have one.
- When skip_stats was in effect the pofiles was equal to None.
- Improved debugging for the stats calculation process
- Fixed stats calc whenever a POT changes (#583, #587)
- Added django-staticfiles context processors
- Do not delete POFiles when cleaning cache
- Clear unlocking of files
- Added a permission check for lock info
- Added Tx repository revision into the footer
- txstatsrefresh command has been setup to correctly register addon handlers.
- A simple templatetag to wrap the size_human utility method.
- Fixed file locking through Lotte (#593): When a user now tries to open up
  Lotte for a file locked by someone else, a message is shown explaining that
  only submission through a review are allowed.


- A S Alam -- Punjabi (pa)
- Bruce Cowan -- English (United Kingdom) (en_GB)
- Cheng-Chia Tseng -- Chinese (Taiwan)
- David King -- British English
- Diego Búrigo Zacarão -- Portuguese (Brazilian) (pt_BR)
- Dimitris Glezos -- Greek (el)
- Emmanuel Trillaud -- French (fr)
- Guido Grazioli -- Italian (it)
- Harald Servat -- Catalan (Valencian) (ca)
- Héctor Daniel Cabrera -- Spanish (Castilian) (es)
- Jake Li -- Chinese (China) (zh_CN)
- Jannis Leidel -- German (de)
- Jari Rahkonen -- Finnish (fi)
- Jens -- German (de)
- Jeroen Hellingman -- Dutch (Netherlands) (nl)
- Lauri Võsandi -- Estonian (et)
- Leandro Regueiro -- Galician (gl)
- Nikolas Slivka -- Hungarian
- Nikos Tsirakis -- Greek (el)
- Pavel Maryanov -- Russian (ru)
- Péter Sulyok -- Hungarian (hu)
- Petr Novák -- Czech (cs)
- Piotr Drąg -- Polish (pl)
- Sankarshan Mukhopadhyay -- Bengali (India)
- Sérgio Marques -- Portuguese (pt)
- Silvio Pierro -- Italian (it)
- Teguh Dwicaksana -- Indonesian (id)
- Thomas De Rocker -- Dutch (Netherlands) (nl)
- Thorsten -- German (de)
- Tim Gerundt -- German (de)
- Tomáš Virgl -- Slovak (sk)
- Valerij Krjuchko -- Russian (ru)
- Veeven -- Telugu (te)
- Vladimir Stupin -- Russian (ru)
- Yaron Shahrabani -- Hebrew (he)
- Yuri Chornoivan -- Ukrainian (uk)
- వీవెన్ వీరపనేని -- Telugu (te)

Getting Transifex 0.9

You can experience Transifex 0.9 live at the upstream instance hosted by
Indifex, at 

Project and community managers who want to deploy Transifex for their 
own community can get Transifex in a variety of ways. A tarball is available
from the following locations:

* The Download section:
* The Python Packaging Index (Cheeseshop):

RPM packages for the latest versions of Fedora may soon be available
via yum. The same applies for RHEL 5, CentOS 5, and Scientific Linux 5, from
the `Fedora EPEL`_ yum repository::

    yum install transifex transifex-extras 

Information about installing Transifex can be found in the
:ref:`Installation documentation <intro-install>`.

The Transifex Appliance

If you want to play with the latest Transifex code, you may want to use our
development images for the Transifex Appliance. Following the stand-alone,
"batteries included" model of software appliances, you get a complete
Transifex system with all dependencies and services pre-configured so that
you can start experimenting with it right away. Choose from ISO, VMware or EC2
images, for both x86 and x86_64 architectures to run on a virtual machine,
dedicated server or using a virtualization software.

.. image:: ../../screenshots/0.7/0.7_appliance_front_page.png
   :class: shot2 alcenter

Your appliances can be updated using its own web based management system by
pointing your browser to the appliance’s IP using port 8003. Login with the
credentials 'admin' and 'password'. Make sure to change the password once
you’ve successfully logged in.

This appliance version is based on the latest branch of Transifex, where a
couple of projects have already been created for you to play with. Log in using
either guest/guest or editor/editor as your user name and password combination
and tinker to your heart’s content!

Make sure to read the documentation and file issues/send us your feedback.

Transifex Appliance web site:

Stable and development images:

Upgrading to this version

To upgrade the code, update your package distribution as usual:

- If you installed from your package distribution, check if there's been a
  package upgrade and go for it.
- If you used ``easy_install``, run ``easy_install -U`` to upgrade.
- Fresh tarballs are available, if you installed from a release zipfile.
- Finally, if you're of the daredevil kind and feed straight from the source,
  an ``hg update <version>`` should do the trick for you.


The following dependencies were *added* in this version:

- Django = 1.1.2
- South >= 0.7
- django-threadedcomments >= 0.9
- django-addons
- django-staticfiles
- pygooglechart

Instructions on how to install them can be found at the
:ref:`Installation docs <intro-install>`. You'll need to complete this step
before actually doing the database upgrade.

Database migration

Transifex includes a script which will automatically migrate your database to
the new schema from the previous version. All you need to do, from a clean
schema of the previous version, is run the following:

.. code-block:: bash

    ./ syncdb
    ./ migrate
    ./ build_static
    cd transifex/site_media/
    mv userprofile media/userprofile
    mv reviews_files media/reviews_files


The following people have contributed to this release, with one way or another:

- Andreas Loupasakis
- Diego Búrigo Zacarão
- Dimitris Glezos
- Jannis Leidel
- Lauri Võsandi
- Margie Foster
- Nikos Korkakakis
- Og Maciel
- Seraphim Mellos

For a list of our awesome translators, refer to the `Translations`_ section.

Transifex 0.9.1

  24 September 2010
This release includes an important command called 'txcreatemap', which is
necessary to upgrade to 1.0::

    $ ./ txcreatemap --help
    Usage: ./ txcreatemap [options] <project_slug project_slug ...>
        Create a JSON formatted mapping of the POT files and theirs translations
        (PO) for projects, converting components into resources. Each project
        component has it own mapping which is stored in the database within the
        ``jsonmap.models.JSONMap`` model.
        This mapping can be used by the CLI app of Transifex as the ``.tx/txdata``
        file content in the remote repository.
        Project slugs can be passed by argument to map specific projects. If no
        argument is passed the mapping will happen for all the projects in the
        This mapping is used to migrate versions <= 0.9.x to the 1.0 version of

Transifex 0.9 Development Releases

- Alpha: 21 May 2010
- Beta: 4 June 2010
- Final: 19 July 2010

Please refer to the full `Transifex 0.9 changelog`_ for more information on
what has changed between the development releases and final one.

.. _Indifex:
.. _Fedora EPEL:

.. _Mojo:
.. _Transifex 0.9 changelog:
.. _`django-notification`:
.. _`django-addons documentation`: