

distrib > Fedora > 13 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > dca38874971b641136e1f4133a68e3ac > files > 4


   The Three-D Athena Toolkit (Xaw3d)

   This is Release 1.5E of the Xaw3d toolkit (dated March 8, 2003), an
   update that fixes some bugs, and adds many features. There were no
   public releases of 1.5A through 1.5D.

   I am not Kaleb Keithley. Kaleb has moved on, and no longer supports
   Xaw3d; it's my baby now. This distribution is not a fork - it is the
   latest update of the One True Xaw3d.

   While not as insistant as Kaleb was, I do suggest you include this
   file, as is, with any product that includes Xaw3d, in whole or in
   part, in any form. This file is the authoritative documentation for

   If you discover bugs not already known, do not contact Kaleb; he's had
   no part in this effort. Feel free to contact me; I'll try to respond
   in kind. If you're new to the Athena toolkit, understand that it is
   highly configurable, and some resources will interact (or not) with
   undesirable results. Some of these are bugs, but many are just the
   nature of the beast.

   D. J. Hawkey Jr.


   This release of Xaw3d is based on X.Org's X11R6.3 Athena toolkit, with
   bits and pieces thrown in from other sources. It is intended to be a
   general-purpose replacement for the Athena (Xaw) toolkit.

   In general, you should be able to link almost any Athena-based
   application to this Xaw3d Athena toolkit, for a three-dimensional
   appearance on most of the widgets. On systems with shared libraries,
   you might be able replace your shared libXaw.* with libXaw3d.* to
   obtain the appearance without even relinking, but the odds of this
   working is slim, and not recommended.

   Applications written for Xaw3d might have to test the library for a
   particular feature (see the "Xaw3d build options" section below). To
   accomodate this, a private header is installed which reflects the
   library's capabilities. Xaw3dP.h contains four definitions that may be
   used for this purpose. For example:


   Xaw3dP.h need not be included by the application source, as the public
   headers that reference any 3D features include this header. The
   default configuration is set up to match the capabilities of X.Org's
   Xaw toolkit.

   The use of most shadow resources should be intuitive enough, and may
   be set or read conventionally (e.g., resource files, editres,
   programatically, etc.). The userData resource may be used to "hang"
   application-specific data on a widget, but this is accessable to
   programs only. Other resources and less-than-obvious features are
   documented throughout this file.

   The default resource values present a not-as-pretty-as-it-could-be
   appearance, due to stippled shadows (as opposed to allocated colors)
   in order to conserve colormap space, and by allowing non-rectangular
   pushbuttons, which are not shadowed. To specify otherwise, set these

       *beNiceToColormap:  False
       *shapeStyle:        Rectangle

   You might also want to remove the borders from some widgets:

       *Text.borderWidth:           0
       *SimpleMenu.borderWidth:     0
       *Paned.internalBorderWidth:  0

   To revert to reverse-video highlighting in menus:

       *SmeBSB.shadowWidth:  0

   Note that shadows "grow outward" in the SimpleMenu and Text widgets,
   increasing these widgets' sizes, "grow inward" in the Viewport and
   Scrollbar widgets, decreasing the size of the clip widget and thumb,
   respectively, and "grow inward" in the Label (and superclasses of) and
   SmeBSB widgets, encroaching on their label parts. Fat shadows will
   probably mean some futzing with size or margin resources for a proper

   Xaw3d build requirements:

   Many header files have changed since Release 1.5. This means that any
   installed Xaw3d headers must be removed before building this
   distribution, to see that these source files include these header
   files. Renaming the directory that the existing headers live in is

   Xaw3d build options:

   Like Xaw, the default Xaw3d does not accomodate multi-plane pixmaps.
   However, at the top of this distribution's Imakefile are the lines:

       XCOMM For color pixmaps, define MULTIPLANE_PIXMAPS:

   If you want color pixmaps, and have Arnaud Le Hors's XPM library
   installed, change the "#undef" to "#define". You may then specify
   either XPM or XBM files for any Xaw3d bitmap resource, whether by
   resource files, with editres, programmatically, etc.. And yes, the
   transparency of XPM files is honored.

   Note that this enables the use of structures and functions in the XPM
   library; the XPM library include file (xpm.h) must be available when
   building Xaw3d, and the XPM library must then be linked to any and all
   applications that use Xaw3d. This makes Xaw3d dependant on the XPM
   library, so think twice about it.

   The default stippled shadows used when the beNiceToColormap resource
   is True work well enough, except for widgets that have black or white
   backgrounds. So, at the top of this distribution's Imakefile, are the

       XCOMM For grayed stipple shadows, define GRAY_BLKWHT_STIPPLES:

   This makes Xaw3d allocate a gray colorcell, and use it in stippled
   shadows when 1) widgets have black or white backgrounds and 2) the
   beNiceToColormap resource is True and 3) the display allows it. This
   option was disabled in previous Xaw3d releases.

   The default Xaw3d does not use arrow scrollbars. At the top of this
   distribution's Imakefile are the lines:

       XCOMM For scrollbars with arrows, define ARROW_SCROLLBARS:
       #undef ARROW_SCROLLBARS

   If you want arrow-style scrollbars, change the "#undef" to "#define".
   Note that the Scrollbar widget's translations and actions will change

   Building Xaw3d within an X11 source tree:

   This distribution expects a configured X11R6.[1-6] source tree (by
   "configured", I mean that the imake infrastructure has been built).
   You can use the source from X.Org, XFree86, or the X Project Team.

   Change to the directory containing /xc, and issue these commands:

       # gunzip -c Xaw3d-1.5E.tar.gz | tar -xpf -
       # cd xc/lib/Xaw3d
       # ../../config/imake/imake -I../../config/cf \
         -DTOPDIR=../.. -DCURDIR=lib/Xaw3d
       # make includes; make depend; make; make install

   The Imakefile uses the Xaw symbols in /xc/config/cf, so if you have
   debug, shared, profile, etc. libraries specified for Xaw, Xaw3d will
   have them as well.

   Building Xaw3d without an X11 source tree:

   Near the top of this distribution's Imakefile are the lines:

       XCOMM When building outside an X11 source tree:

   Uncomment the second line by deleting the "XCOMM ". Then, while still
   in /xc/lib/Xaw3d, issue these commands:

       # mkdir X11; cd X11; ln -fs .. Xaw3d; cd ..
       # xmkmf; make depend; make; make install

   If this works for you, great. If not, well, happy hacking.

   Building Xaw3d under X11R5:

   I don't know that Xaw3d will build within an X11R5 source tree, so try
   the "Building Xaw3d without an X11 source tree" instructions. If the
   "make" command results in nothing being built, find these lines about
   half-way into this distribution's Imakefile:

       XCOMM At least one X11R5 distribution needs this:
       XCOMM #include "Imakefrag.X11R5"

   Uncomment the second line by deleting the "XCOMM ", and re-issue the
   "xmkmf; make depend; make; make install" commands. This line will
   insert the quoted file into the Makefile, and is for when the imake
   configuration files don't create the appropriate rules.

   Xaw3d and Internationalization:

   The Imakefile depends on a conventional system-wide definition for
   including or omitting I18n support (i.e., "XawI18nDefines"). If the
   Imakefile erroneously disables support for I18n (see the generated
   Xaw3dP.h file), I can only suggest searching your imake configuration
   files for a definition that enables support for "wide characters" (try
   `egrep 'WCHAR|WCTYPE|XMBTOWC|ISW_FUNCS' *`), and then, about half-way
   into this distribution's Imakefile, find these lines:

       #ifdef XawI18nDefines
       HEADERS = $(BASE_HDRS) $(I18N_HDRS)
       SRCS = $(BASE_SRCS) $(I18N_SRCS)
       OBJS = $(BASE_OBJS) $(I18N_OBJS)

   Change the label in the first line to the label of the definition you
   found. If no suitable definition is found, and I18n really is
   supported, it's likely implemented in such a way that Xaw3d probably
   won't include I18n support without some hacking at the Imakefile or

   New in 1.5A:

   The SimpleMenu widget now supports scrolling through entries too
   numerous to fit on the screen, with a new resource supporting a scroll
   jump value. The record variable is simple_menu.jump_val, resourced as
   XtNjumpScroll, and classed as XtCJumpScroll. Adapted from an early
   neXtaw toolkit.

   Added 3D support to the SimpleMenu, Text, and Viewport widgets.

   Four minor changes in ThreeD.c and SmeThreeD.c to have the widgets use
   the app's colormap, rather than the screen's default, for those apps
   that create their own.

   Added the deletion of laygram.h to the Imakefile.

   Created Xaw3dP.c, for functions shared by other modules that have no
   other appropriate home.

   A new directory containing sample resource files for a few apps. See
   the README.AD file in that directory.

   New in 1.5B:

   Made Imakefile a bit more friendly to build options. Makefile now
   defines the build options in Xaw3dP.h during the build.

   Added to the key translation tables in Panner.c and TextTr.c, and some
   rules to Imakefile, to make this distribution X11R5 compliant. Tested
   on exactly one X11R5 system; your mileage may vary.

   Made internationalization support conditional, for systems lacking or
   broken. Tested on exactly two systems, one with and one without; your
   mileage may vary.

   New in 1.5C:

   Enabled multi-plane pixmap support with a new Xt resource type
   converter. The "Xaw3d build options" section has more information.

   Added private Pixmap resources to the Label and SmeBSB widgets for
   stippled copies of the public Pixmap resources (record variables
   label.stippled, label.right_stippled, sme_bsb.left_stippled, and
   sme_bsb.right_stippled, respectively). Insensitive pixmaps are now
   rendered properly.

   New in 1.5D:

   Added two resources to the SimpleMenu widget for setting margins. The
   SmeBSB widgets have a tighter relationship with their parent and
   siblings; menus and their entries now respond properly to changes in
   themselves or their parent. See the section "The SimpleMenu widget and
   margins" below for a detailed explanation.

   New in 1.5E:

   Enabled a new resource in the ThreeD widget to specify one of five
   shadow types. The record variable is threeD.relief (the record part is
   transparent), resourced as XtNRelief and classed as XtCRelief. It
   accepts as values XtReliefNone, XtReliefRaised, XtReliefSunken,
   XtReliefRidge, and XtReliefGroove. Note that the Text, SimpleMenu,
   Scrollbar, and Viewport widgets ignore this resource, and display only
   raised or sunken shadows. Built on the unfinished work of an early
   neXtaw toolkit.

   Added support for sub-menus in the SimpleMenu widget. Inspired by the
   xfig application, adapted from XFree86's X11R6.6 "Xaw7" toolkit, and
   made better than both. See the section "The SimpleMenu widget and
   sub-menus" below for usage.

   Added a resource to the SmeBSB widget to specify an underlined
   character in the label. The record variable is sme_bsb.underline,
   resourced as XtNunderline, and classed as XtCUnderline. It accepts an
   integer as an index to the character; a value less than zero or
   greater than or equal to the label length inhibits underlining.
   Adapted from a recent distribution of the xfig application.

   Made the SmeThreeD widget sensitive to the GRAY_BLKWHT_STIPPLES build
   option (see the "Xaw3d build options" section for what this is and

   Added support for "tooltips". Inspired by the xfig application and
   adapted from XFree86's X11R6.6 "Xaw7" toolkit. See the section "The
   Tip widget" below for usage.

   Fixed some geometry and positioning bugs in the Label widget. It's
   internalHeight and internalWidth resources are now used to enforce a
   minimum size when it's resize resource is True. The Label (and
   superclasses of) widget now resizes properly to changes in label parts
   and internal margins (subject to any constraints placed on the
   widgets, of course).

   Swapped the top and bottom colors in the stippled pixmap shadows.

   Fixed a shadow drawing bug in the Command widget, when the shape is

   Fixed the shadow state bug in the SmeBSB widget.

   Dropped support for Linux shared a.out libraries.

   Bugs and deficiencies:

   You may not be be able to replace shared libXaw.* libraries with
   libXaw3d.* libraries on systems with SVR3-style shared libraries.

   The lexer in the Layout widget doesn't work well when a program that
   uses the Layout widget is linked with GNU's malloc(). This is a
   problem on older releases of Linux, where the libc malloc() is is GNU
   malloc(). It's also a problem on older releases of FreeBSD if
   "ExtraLibraries -lgnumalloc" is specified in imake's
   configuration file (this may be a problem on other BSDs too, but I
   don't know this as fact). The solution under FreeBSD is to delete the
   "ExtraLibraries" line(s) in the configuration file, or edit
   the Makefile to not link with "-lgnumalloc". I don't have a solution
   for older Linux distributions, nor do I have the time (or inclination)
   to figure one out. If you discover a fix, you're more than welcome to
   send it in.

   The samples in Layout.h are wrong and don't work. Example programs
   written by Keith Packard that use the Layout widget are available at

   If an application subclasses Athena's Simple or Sme classes, or
   subclasses thereof, there is a high probability that Xaw3d isn't
   source compatible. Sorry, I have no plans (or ideas) on how to fix

   Xaw3d pixel allocation may not behave well when beNiceToColormap is
   False and the colormap (default or application) is full.

   Non-rectangular Command widgets are not rendered with shadows.

   All geometry management routines should fully account for shadow
   widths, but some don't, and it can show.

   A few bugs and ambiguities in the Athena toolkit from which this
   distribution is derived have been resolved. While trying to be true to
   Athena documentation, these changes may make Xaw3d behave oddly for
   some applications. Nothing that can't be fixed by tweaking the
   appropriate resources, I'll wager.

   A comment that appears in the xterm source:

       * ...There be serious and nasty dragons here.

   xterm is, well, xterm. The auto-scroll with arrow-style scrollbars
   won't work in xterm because it relies on timeouts. xterm, perhaps for
   speed, circumvents XtAppNextEvent() by using XNextEvent() to get its X
   events, with the unfortunate side effect of completely ignoring "other
   sources", like timeouts. At this time there is no patch to fix the
   X11R6 xterm, but there is a patch for the X11R5 xterm at; it shouldn't be too hard to
   integrate it into the X11R6 sources.

   The SimpleMenu widget and margins:

   Two resources have been added to the SimpleMenu widget for margin
   management. The record variables are simple_menu.left_whitespace and
   simple_menu.right_whitespace, resourced as XtNleftWhitespace and
   XtNrightWhitespace, and classed as - yup - XtCLeftWhitespace and
   XtCRightWhitespace. They can be also be referenced together by the
   class XtCHorizontalWhitespace.

   To illustrate, the leftMargin resource can be different values in each
   SmeBSB widget, and SimpleMenu will oblige. If a pixmap wider than the
   margin is specified in any SmeBSB widget, the result is less than
   desirable (refer to ORA X, Vol 5 Sec 6, SmeBSB.*Bitmap and
   SmeBSB.*Margin). Set the leftWhitespace resource in the parent
   SimpleMenu widget, and SimpleMenu will set all children SmeBSB
   leftMargins to that value. Specify a pixmap of any width for any
   SmeBSB child, and SimpleMenu will separate the elements (menu edge,
   pixmap, and text) of all SmeBSB children with that minimum distance as
   it vertically aligns their text elements.

   The SimpleMenu widget now resizes not only to the above, but also to
   changes in these SmeBSB traits: Labels and fonts, pixmaps, and

   Implementation notes: The SimpleMenu *Whitespace resources override
   and replace the values of SmeBSB *Margin resources. To nullify this
   behavior, a *Whitespace resource must first be set to zero, and the
   corresponding *Margin resources then set appropriately. The *Margin
   resources remain unchanged in and of themselves; they behave just as
   always when the *Whitespace resources are not used.

   The SimpleMenu widget and sub-menus:

   Resources have been added to the SimpleMenu and SmeBSB widgets to
   support sub-menus. The record variables are simple_menu.sub_menu and
   simple_menu.state (neither are public), and sme_bsb.menu_name, which
   is resourced as XtNmenuName, and classed as XtCMenuName. It's the
   latter resource that is used by an application, and by default it is
   NULL; menus behave as they always have. When this resource is set to a
   menu name, the parent SimpleMenu widget will use the SmeBSB widget as
   the entry point to a child SimpleMenu widget, managing it's visibility
   and location. No constraints are placed on focus or the pointer.
   Consider this code fragment:

       /* create a menu button */
       opsbutton = XtCreateManagedWidget("ops", menuButtonWidgetClass,
                                         parent, NULL, 0);

       /* create a menu for the button */
       opsmenu = XtCreatePopupShell("opsMenu", simpleMenuWidgetClass,
                                    opsbutton, NULL, 0);
       XtSetArg(args[0], XtNmenuName, "fileMenu");
       XtSetArg(args[1], XtNrightBitmap, rightArrow);
       filebutton = XtCreateManagedWidget("file", smeBSBObjectClass,
                                          opsmenu, args, 2);
       XtSetArg(args[0], XtNmenuName, "pageMenu");
       XtSetArg(args[1], XtNrightBitmap, rightArrow);
       pagebutton = XtCreateManagedWidget("page", smeBSBObjectClass,
                                          opsmenu, args, 2);
       quitbutton = XtCreateManagedWidget("quit", smeBSBObjectClass,
                                          opsmenu, NULL, 0);

       /* create a sub-menu for the first menu item */
       filemenu = XtCreatePopupShell("fileMenu", simpleMenuWidgetClass,
                                     opsmenu, NULL, 0);
       openbutton = XtCreateManagedWidget("open", smeBSBObjectClass,
                                          filemenu, NULL, 0);
       printbutton = XtCreateManagedWidget("print", smeBSBObjectClass,
                                           filemenu, NULL, 0);

       /* create a sub-menu for the second menu item */
       pagemenu = XtCreatePopupShell("pageMenu", simpleMenuWidgetClass,
                                     opsmenu, NULL, 0);
       prevbutton = XtCreateManagedWidget("prev", smeBSBObjectClass,
                                          pagemenu, NULL, 0);
       nextbutton = XtCreateManagedWidget("next", smeBSBObjectClass,
                                          pagemenu, NULL, 0);

   The SimpleMenu widget named "opsMenu" will inherit the SimpleMenu
   widgets named "fileMenu" and "pageMenu" as children sub-menus. It will
   position the first sub-menu next to the SmeBSB widget named "file",
   and the second next to the SmeBSB widget named "page". A sub-menu will
   be mapped (or unmapped) when the pointer enters (or leaves) the
   superior SmeBSB widget. Note that a sub-menu's parent must be the
   superior SimpleMenu widget, not the superior SmeBSB widget. The other
   resources of SmeBSB widgets are unaffected by the menuName resource.

   The Tip widget:

   This Tip widget is not compatable with XFree86's "Xaw7" Tip widget. I
   couldn't grok how it links the specified widgets to a Tip widget, nor
   how their labels are set. Perhaps it's all done with an "Xaw7"
   DisplayList, I don't know. So, this XawTipEnable() function requires a
   second parameter, to set the label:

       /* create a menu button */
       opsbutton = XtCreateManagedWidget("ops", menuButtonWidgetClass,
                                         parent, NULL, 0);

       /* add a tooltip */
       XawTipEnable(opsbutton, "Application functions");


       /* for some reason, disable the tooltip */

   The XawTipEnable() function creates a Tip widget (one per screen, as
   required), and links the specified widget and label to the correct Tip
   widget. Nothing else is required of the application; Tip widgets
   manage themselves. The XawTipDisable() function removes the timeout
   and event handler, and unmaps the Tip window if necessary, but does
   not destroy the widget or its linked list.

   Note that the labels of Tip widgets are set individually, but the
   font, colors, margins, etc., can only be set globally, for all Tip
   widget instances. For example, a resource file might contain:

       *Tip.font:         7x13bold
       *Tip.background:   yellow
       *Tip.foreground:   blue
       *Tip.borderColor:  blue

   Note also that the *Margin resources of XFree86's "Xaw7" Tip widget
   are not in this Tip widget; they have been reduced to internalHeight
   and internalWidth resources, like those of the Label widget.

   Authors and contributors, in alphabetical order:

   Uri Blumenthal <>
   Dimitrios P. Bouras <>
   David Flanagan <>
   D. J. Hawkey Jr. <>, current maintainer
   Achille Hui <>
   Kaleb S. Keithley <>, developed and maintained Xaw3d
   Alfredo Kojima
   Gustaf Neumann <>
   Keith Packard <>
   Mark Rawling <>
   Heiko Schroeder <>
   Mike Schulze <>
   Brian V. Smith <>
   Malcolm Strickland <>
   Frank Terhaar-Yonkers <>
   Tim Theisen <>
   Mitch Trachtenberg <>
   Jerry Whelan <>
   Robert Withrow <>
   Jamie Zawinski <>

   And, of course, all the people at X.Org and XFree86.