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<title>GNU Radio 3.2.2 C++ API: gri_wavfile.h Source File</title>
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<h1>gri_wavfile.h</h1><a href="gri__wavfile_8h.html">Go to the documentation of this file.</a><div class="fragment"><pre class="fragment"><a name="l00001"></a>00001 <span class="comment">/* -*- c++ -*- */</span>
<a name="l00002"></a>00002 <span class="comment">/*</span>
<a name="l00003"></a>00003 <span class="comment"> * Copyright 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.</span>
<a name="l00004"></a>00004 <span class="comment"> *</span>
<a name="l00005"></a>00005 <span class="comment"> * This file is part of GNU Radio</span>
<a name="l00006"></a>00006 <span class="comment"> *</span>
<a name="l00007"></a>00007 <span class="comment"> * GNU Radio is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify</span>
<a name="l00008"></a>00008 <span class="comment"> * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by</span>
<a name="l00009"></a>00009 <span class="comment"> * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)</span>
<a name="l00010"></a>00010 <span class="comment"> * any later version.</span>
<a name="l00011"></a>00011 <span class="comment"> *</span>
<a name="l00012"></a>00012 <span class="comment"> * GNU Radio is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,</span>
<a name="l00013"></a>00013 <span class="comment"> * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of</span>
<a name="l00014"></a>00014 <span class="comment"> * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the</span>
<a name="l00015"></a>00015 <span class="comment"> * GNU General Public License for more details.</span>
<a name="l00016"></a>00016 <span class="comment"> *</span>
<a name="l00017"></a>00017 <span class="comment"> * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License</span>
<a name="l00018"></a>00018 <span class="comment"> * along with GNU Radio; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to</span>
<a name="l00019"></a>00019 <span class="comment"> * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,</span>
<a name="l00020"></a>00020 <span class="comment"> * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.</span>
<a name="l00021"></a>00021 <span class="comment"> */</span>
<a name="l00022"></a>00022 
<a name="l00023"></a>00023 <span class="comment">// This file stores all the RIFF file type knowledge for the gr_wavfile_*</span>
<a name="l00024"></a>00024 <span class="comment">// blocks.</span>
<a name="l00025"></a>00025 
<a name="l00026"></a>00026 <span class="preprocessor">#include &lt;cstdio&gt;</span>
<a name="l00027"></a>00027 <span class="comment"></span>
<a name="l00028"></a>00028 <span class="comment">/*!</span>
<a name="l00029"></a>00029 <span class="comment"> * \brief Read signal information from a given WAV file.</span>
<a name="l00030"></a>00030 <span class="comment"> *</span>
<a name="l00031"></a>00031 <span class="comment"> * \p fp File pointer to an opened, empty file.</span>
<a name="l00032"></a>00032 <span class="comment"> * \p sample_rate Stores the sample rate [S/s]</span>
<a name="l00033"></a>00033 <span class="comment"> * \p nchans      Number of channels</span>
<a name="l00034"></a>00034 <span class="comment"> * \p bytes_per_sample Bytes per sample, can either be 1 or 2 (corresponding to</span>
<a name="l00035"></a>00035 <span class="comment"> *         8 or 16 bit samples, respectively)</span>
<a name="l00036"></a>00036 <span class="comment"> * \p first_sample_pos Number of the first byte containing a sample. Use this</span>
<a name="l00037"></a>00037 <span class="comment"> *         with fseek() to jump from the end of the file to the first sample</span>
<a name="l00038"></a>00038 <span class="comment"> *         when in repeat mode.</span>
<a name="l00039"></a>00039 <span class="comment"> * \p samples_per_chan Number of samples per channel</span>
<a name="l00040"></a>00040 <span class="comment"> * \p normalize_fac The normalization factor with which you need to divide the</span>
<a name="l00041"></a>00041 <span class="comment"> *         integer values of the samples to get them within [-1;1]</span>
<a name="l00042"></a>00042 <span class="comment"> * \p normalize_shift The value by which the sample values need to be shifted</span>
<a name="l00043"></a>00043 <span class="comment"> *         after normalization (reason being, 8-bit WAV files store samples as</span>
<a name="l00044"></a>00044 <span class="comment"> *         unsigned char and 16-bit as signed short int)</span>
<a name="l00045"></a>00045 <span class="comment"> * \return True on a successful read, false if the file could not be read or is</span>
<a name="l00046"></a>00046 <span class="comment"> *         not a valid WAV file.</span>
<a name="l00047"></a>00047 <span class="comment"> */</span>
<a name="l00048"></a>00048 <span class="keywordtype">bool</span>
<a name="l00049"></a>00049 gri_wavheader_parse(FILE *fp,
<a name="l00050"></a>00050                     <span class="keywordtype">unsigned</span> <span class="keywordtype">int</span> &amp;sample_rate,
<a name="l00051"></a>00051                     <span class="keywordtype">int</span> &amp;nchans,
<a name="l00052"></a>00052                     <span class="keywordtype">int</span> &amp;bytes_per_sample,
<a name="l00053"></a>00053                     <span class="keywordtype">int</span> &amp;first_sample_pos,
<a name="l00054"></a>00054                     <span class="keywordtype">unsigned</span> <span class="keywordtype">int</span> &amp;samples_per_chan);
<a name="l00055"></a>00055 
<a name="l00056"></a>00056 <span class="comment"></span>
<a name="l00057"></a>00057 <span class="comment">/*!</span>
<a name="l00058"></a>00058 <span class="comment"> * \brief Read one sample from an open WAV file at the current position.</span>
<a name="l00059"></a>00059 <span class="comment"> *</span>
<a name="l00060"></a>00060 <span class="comment"> * Takes care of endianness.</span>
<a name="l00061"></a>00061 <span class="comment"> */</span>
<a name="l00062"></a>00062 <span class="keywordtype">short</span> <span class="keywordtype">int</span>
<a name="l00063"></a>00063 <a class="code" href="gri__wavfile_8h.html#a4049ce9c5f244b2af799636158c84191" title="Read one sample from an open WAV file at the current position.">gri_wav_read_sample</a>(FILE *fp, <span class="keywordtype">int</span> bytes_per_sample);
<a name="l00064"></a>00064 
<a name="l00065"></a>00065 <span class="comment"></span>
<a name="l00066"></a>00066 <span class="comment">/*!</span>
<a name="l00067"></a>00067 <span class="comment"> * \brief Write a valid RIFF file header</span>
<a name="l00068"></a>00068 <span class="comment"> *</span>
<a name="l00069"></a>00069 <span class="comment"> * Note: Some header values are kept blank because they&#39;re usually not known</span>
<a name="l00070"></a>00070 <span class="comment"> * a-priori (file and chunk lengths). Use gri_wavheader_complete() to fill</span>
<a name="l00071"></a>00071 <span class="comment"> * these in.</span>
<a name="l00072"></a>00072 <span class="comment"> */</span>
<a name="l00073"></a>00073 <span class="keywordtype">bool</span>
<a name="l00074"></a>00074 <a class="code" href="gri__wavfile_8h.html#a457a6b5e6e4934144dcc6e580f9addd6" title="Write a valid RIFF file header.">gri_wavheader_write</a>(FILE *fp,
<a name="l00075"></a>00075                  <span class="keywordtype">unsigned</span> <span class="keywordtype">int</span> sample_rate,
<a name="l00076"></a>00076                  <span class="keywordtype">int</span> nchans,
<a name="l00077"></a>00077                  <span class="keywordtype">int</span> bytes_per_sample);
<a name="l00078"></a>00078 <span class="comment"></span>
<a name="l00079"></a>00079 <span class="comment">/*!</span>
<a name="l00080"></a>00080 <span class="comment"> * \brief Write one sample to an open WAV file at the current position.</span>
<a name="l00081"></a>00081 <span class="comment"> *</span>
<a name="l00082"></a>00082 <span class="comment"> * Takes care of endianness.</span>
<a name="l00083"></a>00083 <span class="comment"> */</span>
<a name="l00084"></a>00084 <span class="keywordtype">void</span>
<a name="l00085"></a>00085 <a class="code" href="gri__wavfile_8h.html#a5359e09acd4dd5538da95b74f3824845" title="Write one sample to an open WAV file at the current position.">gri_wav_write_sample</a>(FILE *fp, <span class="keywordtype">short</span> <span class="keywordtype">int</span> sample, <span class="keywordtype">int</span> bytes_per_sample);
<a name="l00086"></a>00086 
<a name="l00087"></a>00087 <span class="comment"></span>
<a name="l00088"></a>00088 <span class="comment">/*!</span>
<a name="l00089"></a>00089 <span class="comment"> * \brief Complete a WAV header</span>
<a name="l00090"></a>00090 <span class="comment"> *</span>
<a name="l00091"></a>00091 <span class="comment"> * Note: The stream position is changed during this function. If anything</span>
<a name="l00092"></a>00092 <span class="comment"> * needs to be written to the WAV file after calling this function (which</span>
<a name="l00093"></a>00093 <span class="comment"> * shouldn&#39;t happen), you  need to fseek() to the end of the file (or </span>
<a name="l00094"></a>00094 <span class="comment"> * whereever).</span>
<a name="l00095"></a>00095 <span class="comment"> *</span>
<a name="l00096"></a>00096 <span class="comment"> * \p fp File pointer to an open WAV file with a blank header</span>
<a name="l00097"></a>00097 <span class="comment"> * \p byte_count Length of all samples written to the file in bytes.</span>
<a name="l00098"></a>00098 <span class="comment"> */</span>
<a name="l00099"></a>00099 <span class="keywordtype">bool</span>
<a name="l00100"></a>00100 <a class="code" href="gri__wavfile_8h.html#a61f4b77f1e9185a281ec473f8a078a26" title="Complete a WAV header.">gri_wavheader_complete</a>(FILE *fp, <span class="keywordtype">unsigned</span> <span class="keywordtype">int</span> byte_count);
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