

distrib > Fedora > 13 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 804ceebdc833f00d3c58b464ac018080 > files > 2


# The Python templates in /usr/share/anjuta/project can not be byte-compiled.
%global _python_bytecompile_errors_terminate_build 0

Summary:	A GNOME development IDE for C/C++
Name:		anjuta
Epoch:		1
Release:	1%{?dist}
License:	GPLv2+
Group:		Development/Tools
BuildRoot:	%(mktemp -ud %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-XXXXXX)

Obsoletes:	gnome-build <= 2.24.1-1.fc10
Provides:	perl(GBF::Make) = %{version}-%{release}

Requires:	GConf2
Requires:	autogen
Requires:	ctags
Requires:	git
Requires:	glade3-libgladeui >= 3.6.0
Requires:	gnome-icon-theme
Requires:	hicolor-icon-theme
Requires:	libgda-sqlite >= 4.0.0
Requires(pre):	GConf2
Requires(post):	GConf2
Requires(post):	/sbin/ldconfig
Requires(preun):  GConf2
Requires(postun): /sbin/ldconfig

BuildRequires:	GConf2-devel
BuildRequires:	ORBit2-devel
BuildRequires:	autogen
BuildRequires:	dbus-glib-devel
BuildRequires:	desktop-file-utils
BuildRequires:	devhelp-devel >= 0.22
BuildRequires:	gettext
BuildRequires:	glade3-libgladeui-devel >= 3.6.0
BuildRequires:	gnome-doc-utils
BuildRequires:	gtksourceview2-devel >= 2.9.7
BuildRequires:	intltool
BuildRequires:	libgda-devel >= 4.0.0
BuildRequires:	libgdl-devel >= 2.27.1
BuildRequires:	libuuid-devel
BuildRequires:	neon-devel
BuildRequires:	perl(Locale::gettext)
BuildRequires:	perl(XML::Parser)
BuildRequires:	scrollkeeper
BuildRequires:	subversion-devel
BuildRequires:	unique-devel >= 1.0.0
BuildRequires:	vala-devel >= 0.7.8
BuildRequires:	vte-devel

Anjuta DevStudio is a versatile Integrated Development Environment (IDE) on
GNOME Desktop Environment and features a number of advanced programming
facilities. These include project management, application and class wizards,
an on-board interactive debugger, powerful source editor, syntax highlighting,
intelligent auto-completions, symbol navigation, version controls, integrated
GUI designing and other tools.

The documentation for this package is in %{name}-doc. Some extra
plug-ins are in %{name}-extras.

%package devel
Summary:	Development files for %{name}
Group:		Development/Libraries

Requires:	gtk-doc
Requires:	%{name} = %{?epoch:%{epoch}:}%{version}-%{release}

%description devel
This package contains development files for %{name}.

%package doc
Summary:	Documentation for Anjuta DevStudio
Group:		Documentation

Requires:	%{name} = %{?epoch:%{epoch}:}%{version}-%{release}

BuildArch:	noarch

%description doc
Documentation for Anjuta DevStudio provided in DocBook format.

%setup -q

%if %{__isa_bits} == 64
  sed --in-place 's/\/usr\/lib\/pkgconfig/\/usr\/lib64\/pkgconfig/g' \

# Filter unwanted Provides.
cat << \EOF > %{name}-prov
%{__perl_provides} $* |\
  sed -e '/perl(Make)/d' \
  -e '/perl(Make::Target)/d' \
  -e '/perl(Make::Rule::Vars)/d' \
  -e '/perl(Make::Rule)/d'

%define __perl_provides %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{version}/%{name}-prov
chmod +x %{__perl_provides}

# Filter unwanted Requires.
cat << \EOF > %{name}-req
%{__perl_requires} $* |\
  sed -e '/perl(Make)/d' \
  -e '/perl(Make::Target)/d' \
  -e '/perl(Make::Rule::Vars)/d' \
  -e '/perl(Make::Rule)/d'

%define __perl_requires %{_builddir}/%{name}-%{version}/%{name}-req
chmod +x %{__perl_requires}

# Suppress rpmlint error.
chmod 644 `find . -name "*.c" -perm /111 -print`
chmod 644 `find . -name "*.h" -perm /111 -print`
iconv --from-code ISO8859-1 --to-code UTF-8 ./THANKS \
  --output THANKS.utf-8 && mv THANKS.utf-8 ./THANKS

# Remove rpaths.
sed -i.libdir_syssearch --expression \
  '/sys_lib_dlsearch_path_spec/s|/usr/lib |/usr/lib /usr/lib64 /lib /lib64 |' \
sed -i.gecko --expression 's|-R\$GECKO_HOME||' configure

# pangox.pc contains rpath linkage on PPC64.
mkdir -p ./PKGCONFIG
sed --expression 's|-R/usr/lib64||' %{_libdir}/pkgconfig/pangox.pc > \

%configure --disable-schemas-install --disable-silent-rules --disable-static \
  --enable-gtk-doc --enable-plugin-devhelp --enable-plugin-glade \
  --enable-plugin-sourceview --enable-plugin-subversion \
  --enable-scrollkeeper \
  --docdir=%{_docdir}/%{name}-%{version} \

# Omit unused direct shared library dependencies.
sed --in-place --expression 's! -shared ! -Wl,--as-needed\0!g' libtool

make %{?_smp_mflags}

# Strip unneeded translations from .mo files:
pushd ./po
  grep --invert-match \
    ".*[.]desktop[.]in[.]in$\|.*[.]server[.]in[.]in$" \ > POTFILES.keep
  mv POTFILES.keep
  intltool-update --pot
  for p in *.po; do
    msgmerge $p %{name}.pot > $p.out
    msgfmt -o `basename $p .po`.gmo $p.out

mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/libglade/2.0

# Installs zero-length files necessary for proper behaviour.
make install INSTALL="%{__install} -p" DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT
find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT -type f -name "*.la" -delete

# Use %%doc instead.
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_docdir}/%{name}

# Some plugins (eg., Git and Subversion) need this.
pushd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/libglade/2.0
  ln -s ../../

%find_lang %{name}

desktop-file-install --remove-key Encoding --vendor fedora --delete-original \
  --dir $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/applications \


%gconf_schema_prepare file-manager
%gconf_schema_prepare %{name}-build-basic-autotools-plugin
%gconf_schema_prepare %{name}-cvs-plugin
%gconf_schema_prepare %{name}-debug-manager
%gconf_schema_prepare %{name}-document-manager
%gconf_schema_prepare %{name}-editor-sourceview
%gconf_schema_prepare %{name}-language-cpp-java
%gconf_schema_prepare %{name}-message-manager-plugin
%gconf_schema_prepare %{name}-symbol-db
%gconf_schema_prepare %{name}-terminal-plugin
%gconf_schema_prepare preferences


%gconf_schema_upgrade file-manager
%gconf_schema_upgrade %{name}-build-basic-autotools-plugin
%gconf_schema_upgrade %{name}-cvs-plugin
%gconf_schema_upgrade %{name}-debug-manager
%gconf_schema_upgrade %{name}-document-manager
%gconf_schema_upgrade %{name}-editor-sourceview
%gconf_schema_upgrade %{name}-language-cpp-java
%gconf_schema_upgrade %{name}-message-manager-plugin
%gconf_schema_upgrade %{name}-symbol-db
%gconf_schema_upgrade %{name}-terminal-plugin
%gconf_schema_upgrade preferences

if [ -x %{_bindir}/update-desktop-database ]; then
  update-desktop-database &> /dev/null || :

if [ -x %{_bindir}/update-mime-database ];then
  update-mime-database %{_datadir}/mime &> /dev/null || :

touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/gnome &>/dev/null || :
touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || :

%gconf_schema_remove file-manager
%gconf_schema_remove %{name}-build-basic-autotools-plugin
%gconf_schema_remove %{name}-cvs-plugin
%gconf_schema_remove %{name}-debug-manager
%gconf_schema_remove %{name}-document-manager
%gconf_schema_remove %{name}-editor-sourceview
%gconf_schema_remove %{name}-language-cpp-java
%gconf_schema_remove %{name}-message-manager-plugin
%gconf_schema_remove %{name}-symbol-db
%gconf_schema_remove %{name}-terminal-plugin
%gconf_schema_remove preferences


if [ -x %{_bindir}/update-desktop-database ]; then
  update-desktop-database &> /dev/null || :

if [ -x %{_bindir}/update-mime-database ];then
  update-mime-database %{_datadir}/mime &> /dev/null || :

if [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then
  touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/gnome &>/dev/null
  touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null
  gtk-update-icon-cache %{_datadir}/icons/gnome &>/dev/null || :
  gtk-update-icon-cache %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || :

gtk-update-icon-cache %{_datadir}/icons/gnome &>/dev/null || :
gtk-update-icon-cache %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || :

%files -f %{name}.lang
%doc NEWS
%doc %{_mandir}/man1/%{name}.1*
%doc %{_mandir}/man1/%{name}-launcher.1*
# No soname.
# Symlink to*.

%dir %{_datadir}/%{name}

%dir %{_datadir}/pixmaps/%{name}

%dir %{_libdir}/%{name}

%files devel
%defattr (-,root,root,-)
%doc doc/ScintillaDoc.html

%dir %{_datadir}/gtk-doc/html/libanjuta
%doc %{_datadir}/gtk-doc/html/libanjuta/*

%dir %{_includedir}/libanjuta-1.0

%files doc

%dir %{_datadir}/gnome/help/%{name}-build-tutorial

%dir %{_datadir}/gnome/help/%{name}-faqs

%dir %{_datadir}/gnome/help/%{name}-manual

%dir %{_datadir}/omf/%{name}-manual

* Wed Aug 04 2010 Debarshi Ray <> - 1:
- Version bump to
  * Drag and drop of multiple source files. (GNOME Bugzilla #620664)
  * Document manager plugin:
    + Open .ui files. (GNOME Bugzilla #616739)
  * File wizard plugin:
    + Create the corresponding header for a C source file. (GNOME Bugzilla
  * Language support (C, C++, Java) plugin:
    + Support more Vim modelines.
    + Race condition leading to crash while editing. (GNOME Bugzilla #618314)
    + Smart brace completion is no longer smart. (GNOME Bugzilla #618955)
  * Language support (Javascript) plugin:
    + Do not abort when working on a project with Javascript files. (GNOME
      Project #617734)
  * Symbol-db plugin:
    + Wrong return type recognition. (GNOME Bugzilla #616780)

* Thu May 27 2010 Debarshi Ray <> - 1:
- Version bump to
  * Do not free the same string twice. (GNOME Bugzilla #615718)
  * Duplicated shortcut nodes. (GNOME Bugzilla #616740)
  * Document manager plugin:
    + Close documents by middle click. (GNOME Bugzilla #600083)
  * GTodo plugin:
    + Deselecting "Hide completed items" does not show completed items. (GNOME
      Bugzilla #614751)
  * Language support (C, C++, Java) plugin:
    + Javascript plugins use incorrect LDFLAGS and end up having versioned
      shared object files, links, etc.. (GNOME Bugzilla #615341)
    + Completion for . and -> does not work with prefixed &, %, etc.. (GNOME
      Bugzilla #615596)
  * Project manager plugin:
    + Consider Vala files as sources. (GNOME Bugzilla #616503)
  * Symbol-db plugin:
    + Improved symbol icons for members. (GNOME Bugzilla #611834)
- Updated the GConf scriptlet snippets according to Fedora packaging

* Thu May 20 2010 Rakesh Pandit <> - 1:
- Bump (to fix a nuisance I created)

* Thu May 20 2010 Rakesh Pandit <> - 1:
- Bump to consume latest

* Mon Apr 29 2010 Debarshi Ray <> - 1:
- The Python templates in /usr/share/anjuta/project/python can not be
  byte-compiled. Try not to abort the build on byte-compilation errors.
- Updated the icon cache and scrollkeeper scriptlet snippets according to
  Fedora packaging guidelines.

* Mon Apr 29 2010 Debarshi Ray <> - 1:
- Version bump to
  * Completion for ., -> and :: in C/C++.
  * PackageKit integration.
  * Support for a simple 'Directory' project.
  * Support for Javascript.
  * Support for Vala symbols in the symbol-db.
  * Fixed shortcut grabbing. (GNOME Bugzilla #567689)
  * Loading file from command line should not put starter page in front of
    file. (GNOME Bugzilla #582726)
  * Send special keys to the terminal. (GNOME Bugzilla #559925)
  * Smaller icons in plugin list. (GNOME Bugzilla #550715)
  * Build (basic Autotools) plugin:
    + Underline warnings/errors using user-selected message colors. (GNOME
      Bugzilla #567029)
    + Missing call to fclose. (GNOME Bugzilla #599532)
    + Allow project path to contain space. (GNOME Bugzilla #604954)
    + Do not crash when trying to compile a file without an open project.
      (GNOME Bugzilla #612959)
  * Debug manager plugin:
    + Easier addition of watches. (GNOME Bugzilla #596009)
    + Single-step highlighting works only for the first opened project. (GNOME
      Bugzilla #605060)
  * File manager:
    + Saving a file duplicates its entry. (GNOME Bugzilla #605050)
  * GDB plugin:
    + Can not attach to a process to debug it. (GNOME Bugzilla #606069)
  * GtkSourceView editor plugin:
    + Parenthesis in strings confuse auto-indentation. (GNOME Bugzilla #586457)
    + Tooltip evaluation does not respect mouse position. (GNOME Bugzilla
  * Language support (C, C++, Java) plugin:
    + Do not auto-complete inside string or comment. (GNOME Bugzilla #566982)
    + Better expression parsing. (GNOME Bugzilla #608499)
  * Message view plugin:
    + Do not print garbage for messages in bold font. (GNOME Bugzilla #566194)
  * Project manager plugin:
    + Allow Python source to be added to a project. (GNOME Bugzilla #559876)
    + Fixed 'add project target'. (GNOME Bugzilla #565191)
    + Do not create random directories when importing. (GNOME Bugzilla #607415)
- Added 'BuildRequires: dbus-glib-devel vala-devel'.
- Dropped patch to fix build failures due to missing libxml cflags/libs.
  (GNOME Bugzilla #567029)
- Force verbose build output with '--disable-silent-rules'.

* Tue Feb 16 2010 Debarshi Ray <> - 1:
- Version bump to
  * Class generator plugin:
    + C++ keywords should not be translated. (GNOME Bugzilla #606801)
  * Git plugin:
    + Fixed failure while importing. (GNOME Bugzilla #601567)
  * Symbol-db plugin:
    + Editing some text while searching should not lead to an inconsistent
      state. (GNOME Bugzilla #566209)

* Thu Nov 05 2009 Debarshi Ray <> - 1:
- Bumped to consume new libgdl soname.

* Thu Oct 29 2009 Debarshi Ray <> - 1:
- Version bump to
  * Debug manager plugin:
    + Report error when location is < 0 for markers. (GNOME Bugzilla #593954)
  * File loader plugin:
    + Improved drag-and-drop behaviour. (GNOME Bugzilla #567363)
  * GtkSourceView editor plugin:
    + Improved drag-and-drop behaviour. (GNOME Bugzilla #355151)
  * Subversion plugin:
    + Removed duplicate IDs from the Glade file. (GNOME Bugzilla #596001)
  * Symbol-db plugin:
    + Fixed crash when loading a project. (GNOME Bugzilla #597113)
  * Terminal plugin:
    + Prevented it from crashing and freezing X. (GNOME Bugzilla #597318)
- Added 'BuildRequires: GConf2-devel ORBit2-devel' and removed
  'BuildRequires: binutils-devel graphviz-devel libgnomeui-devel pcre-devel'.

* Sat Sep 12 2009 Tom "spot" Callaway <> - 1:
- Version bump to, rebuild for broken deps.
  * A better Git plugin and working C++ auto-completion.
- Fixed build failures due to missing libxml cflags/libs. (GNOME
  Bugzilla #600407)

* Mon Aug 10 2009 Ville Skyttä <> - 1:
- Use bzipped upstream tarball.

* Fri Jul 24 2009 Release Engineering <> - 1:
- Rebuilt for

* Tue Jul 14 2009 Debarshi Ray <> - 1:
- Version bump to
  * The Graphviz, profiler, Scintilla, ScratchBox and Valgrind plugins
    are now part of Anjuta Extras. They are no longer shipped with
    this package.
  * Improvements in auto-completion speed.
  * Improvements in Git and Subversion plugins.
  * Ported to GtkBuilder. (GNOME Bugzilla #530740)
  * Git plugin:
    + Commit dialog should have the "amend" option. (GNOME Bugzilla #580340)
  * GTodo plugin:
    + Use g_timeout_add_seconds to reduce wakeups. (GNOME Bugzilla #582710)
  * Language support (C, C++, Java) plugin:
    + Fixed crash when dismissing auto-completion popup and deleting some
      characters. (GNOME Bugzilla #582464)
  * Project wizard plugin:
    + Infer project name from project path. (GNOME Bugzilla #568779)
    + wxWidget projects should not depend on libglade and Gtk+. (GNOME
      Bugzilla #581074)
  * Scintilla editor plugin:
    + Fixed position of tooltips. (GNOME Bugzilla #577721)
  * Search plugin:
    + Point to correct line number. (GNOME Bugzilla #576959)
- Do not drop schemas translations from po files.
- Replaced 'BuildRequires: e2fsprogs-devel' with
  'BuildRequires: libuuid-devel'.
- Removed 'Requires: libglade2 >= 2.6.3-2'.

* Tue Jul 14 2009 Debarshi Ray <> - 1:
- Added patch against class generator plugin to fix wrong copyright and
  license notices. (GNOME Bugzilla #575147)

* Tue Jul 14 2009 Debarshi Ray <> - 1:
- Fixed the value of PACKAGE_DOC_DIR. (GNOME Bugzilla #588506)

* Tue Jul 14 2009 Debarshi Ray <> - 1:
- Version bump to
  * Git plugin:
    + Fixed a crash. (GNOME Bugzilla #584347)
  * Project manager plugin:
    + Fixed segmentation fault when adding a file to a project. (GNOME
      Bugzilla #579118)
    + Make gbf-am-parse work with subdirectory targets. (GNOME Bugzilla
  * Subversion plugin:
    + Do not show a commit number in the info pane if no files are given.
    + Do not crash if no paths are selected for committing.
  * Symbol-db plugin:
    + Fixed viewing of local symbols.
    + Plugged a memory leak that broke completion. (GNOME Bugzilla #585498)
  * Tools plugin:
    + Handle patch files with whitespaces in their names. (GNOME Bugzilla
- Explicitly set docdir to /usr/share/doc/anjuta-

* Wed Apr 15 2009 Debarshi Ray <> - 1:
- Version bump to
  * New animation to identify running builds.
  * File manager plugin:
    + Show tooltips in the Files view only when full name does not fit. (GNOME
      Bugzilla #564002)

* Mon Apr 13 2009 Debarshi Ray <> - 1:
- Added 'Requires: ctags libgda-sqlite >= 3.99.7'. (Red Hat Bugzilla #494423)
- Removed 'Requires: libglade2-devel >= 2.6.3-2 libgnomeui-devel pkgconfig'
  from anjuta-devel.

* Sat Apr 11 2009 Debarshi Ray <> - 1:
- Replaced 'Obsoletes: gnome-build <= 2.24.1-1' with
  'Obsoletes: gnome-build <= 2.24.1-1.fc10'. (Red Hat Bugzilla #485452).
- Explicitly passed '--enable-scrollkeeper' to configure.

* Tue Apr 07 2009 Debarshi Ray <> - 1:
- Version bump to
  * Get rid of libgnomecanvas. (GNOME Bugzilla #571740)
  * Huge improvements in the tooltip area.
  * Prevent hang when pressing backspace in the editor.
  * Git plugin:
    + Fixed crash.
  * GtkSourceView editor plugin:
    + Actually save modified files on exit. (GNOME Bugzilla #574376)
  * Language support (C, C++, Java) plugin:
    + Showing calltips should not hinder editing. (GNOME Bugzilla #574802)
  * Scintilla editor plugin:
    + Use line endings correctly. (GNOME Bugzilla #574607)
  * Search plugin:
    + Should point to correct line number. (GNOME Bugzilla #576959)
  * Translation updates: pt_BR, en_GB, da, fi, fr, gl, el, it, ca, pt, sv, es,
    tr, hu, vi, de, sl, ru, ja, mr, ar, th and pl.
- configure fixes accepted by upstream.
- Stripped redundant translations from .mo files. (GNOME Bugzilla #474987)

* Tue Mar 10 2009 Debarshi Ray <> - 1:2.25.903.0-1
- Version bump to 2.25.903.0.
  * Fixed Glade and version control integration.
  * Updated documentation.
  * Automatically select program to run if the project has only one
    executable. (GNOME Bugzilla #564306)
  * Build (basic Autotools) plugin:
    + Save configuration options for build configuration. (GNOME Bugzilla
    + Fixed Valgrind violations. (GNOME Bugzilla #565170)
  * GtkSourceView editor plugin:
    + Make swapping of .h and .c work for C header files. (GNOME Bugzilla
    + Should not crash when closing unsaved file. (GNOME Bugzilla #559806)
    + Fixed crash when closing a read-only file that threw an exception while
      running a program in the debugger. (GNOME Bugzilla #564891)
  * Scintilla editor plugin:
    + Make auto-complete box vanish on backspace. (GNOME Bugzilla #567068)
  * Search plugin:
    + Repaired Find & Replace. (GNOME Bugzilla #571760)
    + Fixed crash when clicking on the results of 'Find in files ...'. (GNOME
      Bugzilla #572608)
  * Symbol-db plugin:
    + Fixed Valgrind violations. (GNOME Bugzilla #572637)
- Fixed configure to correctly handle --enable-plugin-scintilla.
- Upstream no longer installs /usr/bin/benchmark.

* Sun Mar 08 2009 Rakesh Pandit <> - 1:2.25.902-6
- Bumped to consume new WebKit soname.

* Wed Feb 27 2009 Debarshi Ray <> - 1:2.25.902-5
- Added 'Provides: perl(GBF::Make)'. Imported from gnome-build. (Red Hat
  Bugzilla #486530)

* Wed Feb 25 2009 Debarshi Ray <> - 1:2.25.902-4
- Removed 'BuildRequires: libgnomeprintui22-devel'.
- Enabled Glade3 plugin, and added 'Requires: glade3-libglade3ui >= 3.5.7' and
  'BuildRequires: glade3-libgladeui-devel >= 3.5.7'.
- Added 'BuildArch: noarch' to anjuta-doc for
- Excluded /usr/bin/benchmark.

* Wed Feb 25 2009 Alex Lancaster <alexlan[AT]> - 1:2.25.902-3
- Added 'BuildRequires: libgnomeui-devel unique-devel'.

* Mon Feb 23 2009 Release Engineering <> - 1:2.25.902-2
- Autorebuild for

* Sat Feb 21 2009 Debarshi Ray <> - 1:2.25.902-1
- Version bump to 2.25.902.
  * Updated code completion, searching and project management.
  * Fixed crash on enabling or disabling a plugin. (GNOME Bugzilla #566785)
  * Fixed plugin description parser. (GNOME Bugzilla #571233)
  * Git plugin:
    + Initialize widgets before adding watches. (GNOME Bugzilla #570929)
  * GtkSourceView editor plugin:
    + Fixed multiple crashes. (GNOME Bugzilla #570492)
    + Fixed crash after clicking Edit/Preferences with an open file. (GNOME
      Bugzilla #571114)
  * Language support (C, C++, Java) plugin:
    + Code completion of symbols. (GNOME Bugzilla #566693)
    + Correctly tab indent function parameters automatically. (GNOME Bugzilla
    + Indent multi-line function declarations correctly. (GNOME Bugzilla
  * Project manager plugin:
    + Enable removal of project variables. (GNOME Bugzilla #556148)
  * Search plugin:
    + Trailing backslashes missing from the find pane. (GNOME Bugzilla #539580)
    + Fixed duplicate matches in search results. (GNOME Bugzilla #565015)
    + Handle find and replace in files containing multi-byte UTF-8 sequences.
      (GNOME Bugzilla #566531)
  * Symbol-db plugin:
    + Display tooltip with prototype when calling a function in the same
      project. (GNOME Bugzilla #566987).
    + Scan user-added packages. (GNOME Bugzilla #570877)
  * Terminal plugin:
    + Fixed multiple crashes. (GNOME Bugzilla #570492)
  * Tools plugin:
    + Fixed crash due to a double free. (GNOME Bugzilla #571143)
- Removed unwanted Perl Provides and Requires. Imported from gnome-build.

* Thu Feb 12 2009 Rakesh Pandit <> - 1:2.25.901-2
- Added 'BuildRequires: perl(Locale::gettext)'.

* Thu Feb 12 2009 Rakesh Pandit <> - 1:2.25.901-1
- Version bump to 2.25.901.
  * Absorbed gnome-build code. Added 'Obsoletes: gnome-build <= 2.24.1-1'.
  * New starter plugin for fast access to common actions.
  * Improved searching and HIG fixes.
  * Scintilla updated to 1.77.
  * Ported to GLib VFS. (GNOME Bugzilla #511589)
  * Get rid of libgnome(ui) partially. (GNOME Bugzilla #513156)
  * GNOME Goal: removed deprecated GLib symbols. (GNOME Bugzilla #560857)
  * Added Scratchbox2 support. (GNOME Bugzilla #565320)
  * Improved auto-completion and symbol-db.
  * Improved file status display.
  * Ported to GtkPrint. (GNOME Bugzilla #564659)
  * Fixed crash when replacing all in open buffers. (GNOME Bugzilla #570223)
  * Build (basic Autotools) plugin:
    + Build does not start with unsaved files. (GNOME Bugzilla #567206)
  * File loader plugin:
    + Support opening PHP, Ruby, etc. scripts. (GNOME Bugzilla #309664)
  * File manager plugin:
    + Added option to hide unversioned files. (GNOME Bugzilla #570136)
    + Detect modified files. (GNOME Bugzilla #570264)
  * File wizard plugin:
    + Support creation of corresponding header file. (GNOME Bugzilla #562754)
  * GDB plugin:
    + Support remote debugging using GDBServer. (GNOME Bugzilla #503764)
  * Glade plugin:
    + Google Summer of Code 2008: merged integration work. (GNOME Bugzilla
  * GtkSourceView editor plugin:
    + Added go to matching brace, and start/end of block commands. (GNOME
      Bugzilla #563499)
    + Go to tag definition should support symbols ending in a digit. (GNOME
      Bugzilla #567049)
    + Autocomplete box should vanish on backspace. (GNOME Bugzilla #567068)
  * Project wizard plugin:
    + Expand tilde to $HOME. (GNOME Bugzilla #562623)
    + Autogenerated Gtk/GNOME program should exit. (GNOME Bugzilla #564308)
  * Scintilla editor plugin:
    + Spurious reload messages. (GNOME Bugzilla #491491)
  * Subversion plugin:
    + Differentiate between versioned and non-versioned files. (GNOME Bugzilla
    + Added revert command. (GNOME Bugzilla #564988)
    + Diffs should be done from the project root directory. (GNOME Bugzilla
  * Symbol-db plugin:
    + This is now the default. The old CTags and symbol-browser plugins have
      been removed.
    + Go to declaration/definition should support macros. (GNOME Bugzilla
    + Do not hang if project is closed while scanning symbols. (GNOME Bugzilla
    + Allow jumping to declarations in external package header. (GNOME Bugzilla
    + Go to tag definition should support an enum, a global variable, a struct
      or a typedef. (GNOME Bugzilla #567058)
    + Go to declaration/implementation should prefer the current file. (GNOME
      Bugzilla #568028)
    + Scan system packages. (GNOME Bugzilla #568119)
    + Do not freeze when moving around large portions of code. (GNOME Bugzilla
  * Translation updates: es, fr, sv, fi, he, ru, pt_BR and pl.
- Patch against Devhelp plugin is now upstream.
- Disabled Glade3 plugin because glade3-3.5.7 is not yet available.

* Sun Jan 04 2009 Debarshi Ray <> - 1:2.24.2-1
- Version bump to 2.24.2. (Red Hat Bugzilla #478684)
  * Debug manager plugin:
    + Missing debugger menu. (GNOME Bugzilla #559800)
  * Translation updates: pt_BR and si.

* Sat Jan 03 2009 Debarshi Ray <> - 1:2.24.1-3
- Added patch against the Devhelp plugin from GNOME to make it work with the
  new WebKit-based Devhelp >= 0.22. (GNOME Bugzilla #560311, and Red Hat
  Bugzilla #478578)

* Sun Nov 09 2008 Debarshi Ray <> - 1:2.24.1-2
- Added 'Requires: libglade2 >= 2.6.3-2' and a symlink to for
  some plugins to work. (Red Hat Bugzilla #467894)

* Tue Oct 28 2008 Debarshi Ray <> - 1:2.24.1-1
- Version bump to 2.24.1.
  * Build (basic Autotools) plugin:
    + Could not find the .glade file while executing a binary. (GNOME Bugzilla
  * Document manager plugin:
    + Do not disable save when closing file tabs. (GNOME Bugzilla #556053)
  * Translation updates: ar, de, ru, bg, fi, pl, he and da.
- Makefile problems fixed by upstream.
- Added 'Requires: git' and 'BuildRequires: e2fsprogs-devel intltool'.
- has been dropped.

* Sat Sep 20 2008 Debarshi Ray <> - 1:2.4.2-1
- Version bump to 2.4.2.
- Enabled Valgrind plugin and added 'BuildRequires: binutils-devel'.

* Sat May 24 2008 Debarshi Ray <> - 1:2.4.1-1
- Version bump to 2.4.1. (Red Hat Bugzilla #446242)
- Spurious file modification messages from Scintilla fixed by upstream. (Red
  Hat Bugzilla #447090)

* Tue May 13 2008 Debarshi Ray <> - 1:2.2.3-8
- Added missing header to fix build failure on ia64. (Red Hat Bugzilla #446020)

* Fri Apr 11 2008 Debarshi Ray <> - 1:2.2.3-7
- Restored empty files. (Red Hat Bugzilla #440087)

* Sun Apr 06 2008 Debarshi Ray <> - 1:2.2.3-6
- Added 'Requires: autogen'. (Red Hat Bugzilla #441036)

* Thu Mar 27 2008 Debarshi Ray <> - 1:2.2.3-5
- Fixed Source0 URL according to Fedora packaging guidelines.
- Removed 'BuildRequires: chrpath' and use better ways of removing rpaths.
- Added Scintilla documentation to anjuta-devel.

* Fri Feb 29 2008 Debarshi Ray <> - 1:2.2.3-4
- Restored 'BuildRequires: chrpath' for removing rpaths.
- Added 'Requires: gtk-doc' for anjuta-devel.

* Fri Feb 29 2008 Debarshi Ray <> - 1:2.2.3-3
- Fixed (Red Hat Bugzilla #228351)
- Enabled Devhelp plugin on Fedora 7.
- Removed 'BuildRequires: chrpath' and use better ways of removing rpaths.
- Removed 'ExcludeArch: ppc64'.
- Fixed post scriplet for the doc subpackage.

* Mon Feb 18 2008 Debarshi Ray <> - 1:2.2.3-2
- Added 'BuildRequires: libgnomeui-devel' to prevent failure on Fedora 7.
- Disabled Devhelp plugin to prevent failure on Fedora 7.

* Sun Jan 27 2008 Debarshi Ray <> - 1:2.2.3-1
- Initial build. Imported SPEC from Rawhide and renamed as anjuta-doc from
  anjuta-docs according to Fedora naming guidelines.