

distrib > Fedora > 13 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 543f9d3adfc41b56a71456b397448952 > files > 1



# The version of this profile's format. DO NOT EDIT IT!
version = 0.9.7~pre20

# The default font name of vte terminal.
font_name = Monospace 12

# The default column of vte terminal.
column = 80

# The default row of vte terminal.
row = 24

# Use true opacity. Left it blank will enable it automatically
# if the window manager were composited.
use_rgba =

# Transparent Window. Only enabled when the window manager were composited.
transparent_window = 1

# The opacity of transparent Window.
window_opacity = 0.050

# Use Transparent Background.
# It will use true transparent if the window manager were composited.
transparent_background = 1

# The saturation of transparent background.
background_saturation = 0.150

# Comfirm to close multi tabs.
confirm_to_close_multi_tabs = 0

# Shows [Transparent Background], [Background Saturation]
# [Transparent Window] and [Window Opacity] on right click menu.
show_transparent_menu = 1

# Shows [Change the foreground color]
# and [Change the background color] on right click menu.
show_color_selection_menu = 1

# The normal text color used in vte terminal.
# You may use black or #000000 here.
foreground_color = white

# The background color used in vte terminal.
# You may use black or #000000 here.
background_color = black

# Shows [Increase window size], [Decrease window size],
# [Reset to default font/size] and [Reset to system font/size]
# on right click menu.
show_resize_menu = 1

# Using AntiAlias when showing fonts.
# 0: default. 1: force enable. 2: force disable.
font_anti_alias = 0

# The ratio when resizing font via function key <Ctrl><+> and <Ctrl><->.
# 0: the font size is +/- 1 when resizing.
font_resize_ratio = 0.000

# The ratio when resizing window via right click menu.
# 0: the font size is +/- 1 when resizing window.
window_resize_ratio = 1.120

# When user double clicks on a text, which character will be selected.
word_chars = -A-Za-z0-9_$.+!*(),;:@&=?/~#%[]<>

# The lines of scrollback history.
scrollback_lines = 1024

# Shows scrollbar or not.
show_scrollbar = 1

# The position of scrollbar.
# 0: scrollbar is on left; 1: scrollbar is on right.
scrollbar_position = 1

# Shows input method menu on right click menu.
show_input_method_menu = 0

# Shows get function key menu on right click menu.
show_get_function_key_menu = 1

# Shows change page name menu on right click menu.
show_change_page_name_menu = 0

# Enable hyperlink in vte terminal.
enable_hyperlink = 1

# Sets whether or not the cursor will blink in vte terminal.
cursor_blinks = 1

# Shows copy/paste menu on right click menu.
show_copy_paste_menu = 1

# Sets whether or not the terminal will beep
# when the child outputs the "bl" sequence.
audible_bell = 1

# Sets whether or not the terminal will flash
# when the child outputs the "bl" sequence.
visible_bell = 0

# Which string the terminal should send to an application
# when the user presses the Delete or Backspace keys.
erase_binding = 2

# The locales list on right click menu.
# You may use zh_TW or zh_TW.Big5 here.
# Left it blank will disable locale select menu items.
locales_list = ja_JP.EUC-JP zh_CN.GB2312 zh_TW.Big5

# Sets what type of terminal attempts to emulate.
# It will also set the TERM environment.
# Unless you are interested in this feature, always use "xterm".
emulate_term = xterm

# The environment 'VTE_CJK_WIDTH' used when init a vte terminal.
# 0: get via environment; 1: use narrow ideograph; 2: use wide ideograph


# The max character width of page name.
page_width = 16

# The page width will always use the max character width.
fixed_page_width = 1

# The position of tab bar.
# 0: Top, 1: bottom.
tabbar_position = 0

# The label of tabs will fill the tab bar.
fill_tab_bar = 0

# The page name used for a new page.
page_name = Terminal

# The page names list used for new pages, separate with <space>.
page_names = Terminal

# Reuse the page name in the page names list.
reuse_page_names = 1

# Shows a (number no) on the page name.
page_shows_number = 1

# Shows the foreground running command on the page name.
page_shows_current_cmdline = 1

# Shows the terminal's idea of what the window's title should be.
page_shows_window_title = 1

# Shows current directory on the page name.
page_shows_current_dir = 1

# Check if the running command is root privileges.
check_root_privileges = 1

# Shows current encoding on the page name.
page_shows_encoding = 1

# Bold the text of current page name.
bold_current_page_name = 1

# Bold the text of action page name.
bold_action_page_name = 1

# Shows the page name of current page on window title.
window_shows_current_page = 1

# Use colorful text on page.
use_color_page = 1

# The color used for showing Window Title on page name.
# You may use black or #000000 or #000000000000 here.
page_win_title_color = #9A6401

# The color used for showing Running Command on page name.
# You may use black or #000000 or #000000000000 here.
page_cmdline_color = #1C1CDC

# The color used for showing Current Dir on page name.
# You may use black or #000000 or #000000000000 here.
page_dir_color = #215E3E

# The color used for showing Custom Tab Name on page name.
# You may use black or #000000 or #000000000000 here.
page_custom_color = #9C0A81

# The color used for showing Root Privileges on page name.
# You may use black or #000000 or #000000000000 here.
page_root_color = #BE0020

# The color used for showing Normal Text on page name.
# You may use black or #000000 or #000000000000 here.
page_normal_color = #333333


# Disable/Enable function keys and hyperlinks for temporary.
disable_function_key = Ctrl grave

# Add a new tab.
new_tab_key = Ctrl T

# Close current tab.
close_tab_key = Ctrl Q

# Rename the page name of current tab.
edit_label_key = Ctrl E

# Switch to prev tab.
prev_tab_key = Ctrl Page_Up

# Switch to next tab.
next_tab_key = Ctrl Page_Down

# Switch to first tab.
first_tab_key = Ctrl Home

# Switch to last tab.
last_tab_key = Ctrl End

# Move current page forward.
move_tab_forward = Ctrl Left

# Move current page backward.
move_tab_backward = Ctrl Right

# Move current page to first.
move_tab_first = Ctrl Up

# Move current page to last.
move_tab_last = Ctrl Down

# Switch to 1st tab directly.
switch_to_tab_1 = Ctrl F1

# Switch to 2nd tab directly.
switch_to_tab_2 = Ctrl F2

# Switch to 3rd tab directly.
switch_to_tab_3 = Ctrl F3

# Switch to 4th tab directly.
switch_to_tab_4 = Ctrl F4

# Switch to 5th tab directly.
switch_to_tab_5 = Ctrl F5

# Switch to 6th tab directly.
switch_to_tab_6 = Ctrl F6

# Switch to 7th tab directly.
switch_to_tab_7 = Ctrl F7

# Switch to 8th tab directly.
switch_to_tab_8 = Ctrl F8

# Switch to 9th tab directly.
switch_to_tab_9 = Ctrl F9

# Switch to 10th tab directly.
switch_to_tab_10 = Ctrl F10

# Switch to 11th tab directly.
switch_to_tab_11 = Ctrl F11

# Switch to 12th tab directly.
switch_to_tab_12 = Ctrl F12

# Select all the text in the Vte Terminal box.
select_all = Ctrl O

# Copy the text to clipboard.
copy_clipboard = Ctrl X

# Paste the text in clipboard.
paste_clipboard = Ctrl V

# Increase the font size of current tab.
increase_font_size = Ctrl equal

# Decrease the font size of current tab.
decrease_font_size = Ctrl minus

# Reset the font of current tab to original size.
reset_font_size = Ctrl Return

# Try to max the window to use all avaible space on your display.
max_window = Alt F11

# Asks to place window in the fullscreen/unfullscreen state.
full_screen = Alt Return


# The main ansi color theme used in vte.
# Possible values are linux, xterm, rxvt, tango, and vte_fixed.
# or left it blank to use the default settings form libvte.
theme = vte_fixed

# The brightness for ansi colors used in terminal.
brightness = 0.200

# The brightness for ansi colors used in terminal when inactive.
# Left it blank to disable this feature.
inactive_brightness = -0.300

# The ANSI color code for Normal Black
# You may use black or #000000 or #000000000000 here.
Color0 = 

# The ANSI color code for Normal Red
# You may use black or #000000 or #000000000000 here.
Color1 = 

# The ANSI color code for Normal Green
# You may use black or #000000 or #000000000000 here.
Color2 = 

# The ANSI color code for Normal Yellow
# You may use black or #000000 or #000000000000 here.
Color3 = 

# The ANSI color code for Normal Blue
# You may use black or #000000 or #000000000000 here.
Color4 = 

# The ANSI color code for Normal Magenta
# You may use black or #000000 or #000000000000 here.
Color5 = 

# The ANSI color code for Normal Cyan
# You may use black or #000000 or #000000000000 here.
Color6 = 

# The ANSI color code for Normal White
# You may use black or #000000 or #000000000000 here.
Color7 = 

# The ANSI color code for Bright Black
# You may use black or #000000 or #000000000000 here.
Color8 = 

# The ANSI color code for Bright Red
# You may use black or #000000 or #000000000000 here.
Color9 = 

# The ANSI color code for Bright Green
# You may use black or #000000 or #000000000000 here.
Color10 = 

# The ANSI color code for Bright Yellow
# You may use black or #000000 or #000000000000 here.
Color11 = 

# The ANSI color code for Bright Blue
# You may use black or #000000 or #000000000000 here.
Color12 = 

# The ANSI color code for Bright Magenta
# You may use black or #000000 or #000000000000 here.
Color13 = 

# The ANSI color code for Bright Cyan
# You may use black or #000000 or #000000000000 here.
Color14 = 

# The ANSI color code for Bright White
# You may use black or #000000 or #000000000000 here.
Color15 = 


# method={1,2,3}
# 0: Open the hyperlink in new tab.
#    Use it if the command were using CLI, like w3m.
# 1: Open the hyperlink with gdk_spawn_on_screen_with_pipes().
#    Use it if the command were using GUI, like firefox.
# 2: Open the hyperlink in new window,
#    Use it if you not sure.
# The environs will apply to the application, separated with <tab>.
# The parameters of the application should be also separated with <tab>, if any.

# The web browser using for http(s)://
web_browser = firefox
web_method = 1
web_environ = 

# The ftp client using for ftp(s)://
ftp_client = firefox
ftp_method = 1
ftp_environ = 

# The file manager using for file://
file_manager = firefox
file_method = 1
file_VTE_CJK_WIDTH = 0
file_environ = 

# The email client using for user@host
email_client = thunderbird
email_method = 1
email_VTE_CJK_WIDTH = 0
email_environ =