

distrib > Fedora > 13 > x86_64 > by-pkgid > 530f96d50567a9c95f3bd1e1a6fa1806 > files > 7


Installation instructions:

rpm installation
    rpm -ta mod_auth_shadow-<version>.tar.gz
    rpm -i <rpm file>.rpm
    Edit httpd.conf (see below) and restart the webserver.
manual installation
There are three pieces to mod_auth_shadow:

    2. validate
    3. the web server configuration

They can be built, installed and configured as follows:

1. As root, type 'make all' to build,
    and validate.  (See testvalidate.c for testing instructions,
    if you want to test validate's compatibility with your
    system.) apxs is used to build which is
    put into the .libs sub-directory.

2. Typing 'make install' will then:
    - install validate into /usr/sbin/
    - install into apache modules directory
      using apxs.
    - add this line to your webserver config file (httpd.conf):

	LoadModule auth_shadow_module modules/

      AddModule is not required in Apache 2 but can be used 
      to add information to be displayed by the server-info

3. To configure a directory to be readable only by valid users
   of the system, the following could be added to httpd.conf:

    <Directory /path/to/directory>
        AuthName whateveryoulike
        AuthShadow on
        AuthType Basic
        require valid-user

    The "AuthShadow on" directive tells the authentication handler to
    take effect.  If AuthShadow is set to off, mod_auth_shadow will
    decline to authenticate the user.

    mod_auth_shadow also supports the "require user" and "require
    group" directives.  "require user" restricts access to the named
    (space separated) users.  "require group" restricts access to
    users who are a member of the listed groups.

4. Restart the web server for the changes to take effect.