

distrib > Fedora > 13 > i386 > media > updates > by-pkgid > c1c170f6fe8d5b8121da10a862252d61 > files > 2


#This is the main, static ember config file. All of these values can be overridden by a "ember.conf" file placed in the ember home directory (i.e. ~/.ember/ember.conf on linux)

#sharedir = "/usr/local/share/forge"
#datadir = "/home/erik/opt/worldforge/share/games/ember"

#if true, all media will be preloaded upon startup, resulting in a longer startup time, but avoiding ingame stuttering when media is requested
#if true, all media catalogs will be searched recursive. This takes some time at startup, but is needed for media authoring
loadmediarecursive = true

output = surround
#determines whether the audio is enabled or not

#graphics level to use. Valid values are high, medium, low
level = high
#if set to true, and your GPU can handle it, water will be shown using pixel shaders, making for a very realistic effect
fresnelwater = false
#if set to true, the ground will be covered with foliage. Note that this requires that your card supports vertex shaders.
foliage = true

#the path to the ogre plugin directory. Ember will try to find the plugins by itself, but if it fails you can set the path here yourself.
#the plugins to load. This will differ some on windows and unix
#if set to true, the config dialog won't be shown and the settings in ogre.cfg will be used instead
suppressconfigdialog = false
#if set to true, the application will be double buffered, which means that everything is rendered into a separate backbuffer, which is then copied to the main screen buffer when appropriate. This will in some cases reduce tearing.
doublebuffered = false

#the minimum log level to activate for CEGUI. Possible values are insane|informative|standard|warnings|errors
#"standard" is recommended, anything below will cause massive amounts of logging
#if you really want to see what's happening deep within CEGUI set it to "insane" and prepare for the deluge
#note that what's finally written to the ember.log is determined by the global log level setting as set in "general:logginglevel". "verbose" includes both "insane" and "informative", "info" is "standard", "warning" is "warnings" and "failure" is "errors"
minimumlogginglevel = standard

#sets how much to scale the alpha maps for the terrain, resulting in smoother terrain splatting, but requiring more memory
#must be an integer 1 or 2 or 4 or 8 or 16 etc.
scalealphamap = 1

#if true, debug LOD colours will be used on the terrain to better see how the LOD system works
usedebuglodcolors = false

#the preferred terrain technique. Available values are: ShaderNormalMapped, Shader, Base
preferredtechnique = Shader

#a colour value (rgba) for how much the ambient light should be multiplied
sunambientmultiplier="0.7 0.7 0.7 1"
#a colour value (rgba) for how much the diffuse light should be multiplied
sundiffusemultiplier="2 2 1.7 1"
#a colour value (rgba) for how much the specular light should be multiplied
sunspecularmultiplier="5 5 5 1"

cloudspeed="0.0005 -0.0009"

#how long the chat bubbles will be shown
timeshown = 30
#how far away the chat bubbles will be shown
distanceshown = 30

#if set to true, ember will autogenerate the trees
#the current implementation requires a very powerful GPU
#not currently used though
usedynamictrees = false

#how many degrees per second the camera should pitch and yaw
cameradegreespersecond = 180
#if true, the pitch of the camera will be inverted. Useful for people that are used to flight simulators
invertcamera = false
#sets the default walk speed. Note that the server ultimately places restrictions on how fast you are allowed to move
walkspeed = 2
#sets the default run speed. Note that the server ultimately places restrictions on how fast you are allowed to move
runspeed = 5
#if true, the camera will be adjusted to the terrain so that it never dips below the surface
adjusttoterrain = true
#when moving something on the terrain and the camera is moved, Ember only performs a new intersection check after a certain interval, as expressed here in milliseconds

#if true, the lua debug library will be loaded
debug = true

#if set to true, Ember will connect to the Meta Server at startup
#the hostname of the Meta Server

#if true, Ember will use wfut to download updated media at startup
#the path to the wfut repository
#the name of the media channel

#if true, the startup help window will be shown at startup
#determines how many milliseconds to wait between updates of the avatar's rotation is sent to the server
#this is not done instantly to prevent swamping of data to the server
#set this lower if you experience too jerky game play
#the level of logging, either verbose|info|warning|failure|critical
logginglevel = info
#the latest version
# default chat logging to on
# saved usernames/passwords are stored relative to home dir

#these bindings apply all the time
f6 = "/toggle_cameraattached"
f7 = "/toggle_rendermode"
f8 = "/toggle_fullscreen"
f10 = "/toggle_gui"
print = "/screenshot"
caps = "/toggle_inputmode"

#these bindings apply when in movement mode
s = "+character_move_backward"
w = "+character_move_forward"
a = "+character_strafe_left"
d = "+character_strafe_right"
r = "+character_move_upwards"
f = "+character_move_downwards"
tab = "/console_focus"
return = "/console_focus"

i = "/show_inventory"

#down = "+camera_zoom_out"
#left = "+camera_rotate_left"
#page_down = "+camera_elevate_up"
#page_up = "+camera_elevate_down"
#right = "+camera_rotate_right"
#up = "+camera_zoom_in"

left_shift = "+run"
right_shift = "+run"

#these bindings apply when in gui mode
tab = "/console_focus"