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     kinit - obtain and cache Kerberos ticket-granting ticket

          [<B>-V</B>] [<B>-l</B> <I>lifetime</I>] [<B>-s</B> <I>start</I>_<I>time</I>] [<B>-r</B> <I>renewable</I>_<I>life</I>]
          [<B>-p</B> | <B>-P</B>] [<B>-f</B> | <B>-F</B>] [<B>-a</B>] [<B>-A</B>] [<B>-C</B>] [<B>-E</B>] [<B>-v</B>] [<B>-R</B>] [<B>-k</B>
          [<B>-t</B> <I>keytab</I>_<I>file</I>]] [<B>-c</B> <I>cache</I>_<I>name</I>] [<B>-S</B> <I>service</I>_<I>name</I>][<B>-T</B>
          <I>armor</I>_<I>ccache</I>] [<B>-X</B> <I>attribute</I>[=<I>value</I>]] [<I>principal</I>]

     <I>kinit</I> obtains and caches an initial  ticket-granting  ticket
     for <I>principal</I>.

     -<B>V</B>   display verbose output.

     <B>-l</B> <I>lifetime</I>
          requests a ticket  with  the  lifetime  <I>lifetime</I>.   The
          value  for <I>lifetime</I> must be followed immediately by one
          of the following delimiters:

             <B>s</B>  seconds
             <B>m</B>  minutes
             <B>h</B>  hours
             <B>d</B>  days

          as in "kinit -l 90m".  You cannot mix units; a value of
          `3h30m' will result in an error.

          If the -<B>l</B> option is not specified, the  default  ticket
          lifetime (configured by each site) is used.  Specifying
          a ticket lifetime longer than the maximum ticket  life-
          time (configured by each site) results in a ticket with
          the maximum lifetime.

     <B>-s</B> <I>start</I>_<I>time</I>
          requests  a  postdated  ticket,   valid   starting   at
          <I>start</I>_<I>time</I>.   Postdated  tickets  are  issued  with the
          <I>invalid</I> flag set, and need to be fed back  to  the  kdc
          before use.

     <B>-r</B> <I>renewable</I>_<I>life</I>
          requests renewable tickets, with a  total  lifetime  of
          <I>renewable</I>_<I>life</I>.   The duration is in the same format as
          the -<B>l</B> option, with the same delimiters.

     -<B>f</B>   request forwardable tickets.

     -<B>F</B>   do not request forwardable tickets.

     -<B>p</B>   request proxiable tickets.
     -<B>P</B>   do not request proxiable tickets.

     -<B>a</B>   request tickets with the local address[es].

     -<B>A</B>   request address-less tickets.

     -<B>C</B>   requests canonicalization of the principal name.

     -<B>E</B>   treats the principal name as an enterprise name.

     -<B>v</B>   requests that the ticket granting ticket in  the  cache
          (with  the  <I>invalid</I>  flag set) be passed to the kdc for
          validation.  If the ticket is within its requested time
          range, the cache is replaced with the validated ticket.

     -<B>R</B>   requests renewal of the ticket-granting  ticket.   Note
          that  an  expired ticket cannot be renewed, even if the
          ticket is still within its renewable life.

     <B>-k</B> [<B>-t</B> <I>keytab</I>_<I>file</I>]
          requests a host ticket, obtained  from  a  key  in  the
          local host's <I>keytab</I> file.  The name and location of the
          keytab file may be specified with  the  -<B>t</B>  <I>keytab</I>_<I>file</I>
          option; otherwise the default name and location will be

     <B>-T</B> <I>armor</I>_<I>ccache</I>
          Specifies the name of a credential cache  that  already
          contains  a  ticket.  This ccache will be used to armor
          the request.   Ideally,  an  attacker  should  have  to
          attack both the armor ticket and the key of the princi-

     <B>-c</B> <I>cache</I>_<I>name</I>
          use <I>cache</I>_<I>name</I> as the Kerberos 5  credentials  (ticket)
          cache  name  and  location; if this option is not used,
          the default cache name and location are used.

          The default credentials cache may vary between systems.
          If  the  <B>KRB5CCNAME</B>  environment  variable  is set, its
          value is used to name the default  ticket  cache.   Any
          existing contents of the cache are destroyed by <I>kinit</I>.

     <B>-S</B> <I>service</I>_<I>name</I>
          specify an alternate service name to use  when  getting
          initial tickets.

     <B>-X</B> <I>attribute</I>[=<I>value</I>]
          specify a pre-authentication attribute and value to  be
          passed  to  pre-authentication plugins.  The acceptable
          <I>attribute</I> and <I>value</I> values vary from pre-authentication
          plugin   to  plugin.   This  option  may  be  specified
          multiple times to specify multiple attributes.   If  no
          <I>value</I> is specified, it is assumed to be "yes".

          The following attributes are recognized by the OpenSSL pkinit
          pre-authentication mechanism:
                specify where to find user's X509 identity information
                specify where to find trusted X509 anchor information
                specify use of RSA, rather than the default Diffie-Hellman protocol

     <B>Kinit</B> uses the following environment variables:

     KRB5CCNAME      Location  of  the  Kerberos  5   credentials
                     (ticket) cache.

     /tmp/krb5cc_[uid]  default location of  Kerberos  5  creden-
                        tials  cache ([uid] is the decimal UID of
                        the user).

     /etc/krb5.keytab   default location  for  the  local  host's
                        <B>keytab</B> file.

     <B>klist(1)</B>, <B>kdestroy(1)</B>, <B>kerberos(1)</B>

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