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  <p>Routes is a Python re-implementation of the Rails routes system for
  mapping URLs to application actions, and conversely to generate URLs. Routes
  makes it easy to create pretty and concise URLs that are RESTful with little
  <p>Routes allows conditional matching based on domain, cookies, HTTP method,
  or a custom function.  Sub-domain support is built in.  Routes comes with an
  extensive unit test suite.</p>

  <p>Buzzword Compliance: <em>REST</em>, <em>DRY</em></p>

<h2 style="clear: both;">New features</h2>

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<p>Version 1.12 (2010-02-28)</p>

    <li>Explicit method of calling Mapper.routematch directly</li>
    <li>Submapper improvements for better resource handling</li>
    <li>Various bug fixes</li>

<p>Version 1.11 (2009-09-28)</p>

    <li>Completely new manual</li>
    <li>Add a group of routes under a common URL prefix</li>


<p><a href="changes.html">Full changelog</a></p>

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      <p class="biglink"><a class="biglink" href="genindex.html">General Index</a><br/>
         <span class="linkdescr">all functions, classes, terms</span></p>
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         <span class="linkdescr">quick access to all documented modules</span></p>
  <p>Download <a href="">Routes PDF documentation</a>.</p>

  <h2>Developers / Source Code</h2>
  <p>Routes' Mercurial repository can be found at
    <a href=""><tt></tt></a>.</p>
    <p>To check it out:</p>
      <pre>hg clone</pre>

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<h3>Download Routes 1.12</h3>
<p>Get Routes from the <a href="">Python Package
Index</a>, or install it with:</p>
<pre>easy_install -U Routes</pre>

<h3>Bugs? Suggestions?</h3>

<p>Report them at the Bitbucket 
  <a href="">tracker</a>.</p>
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