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<head><title>AIDE Manual version 0.14</title>
<meta name="cvsheader" content="
$Id: manual.html,v 1.12 2010/03/16 18:52:56 rvdb Exp $
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<h1>The AIDE manual</h1>
<a name="about"></a>
<h2>About this document</h2>
<strong>This manual is by no means complete, usable, readable, comprihensible,
or error free.<br>
If you have any corrections, additions or constructive comments, please
report them as bugs, patches or feature requests
<a href="">here</a>.
This document was originally written by Rami Lehti 
<a href="">&lt;;</a> 
with additions made by Marc Haber
<a href="">&lt;;</a> 
and Richard van den Berg
<a href="">&lt;;</a> 

<a name="toc"></a>
<h2>Table of Contents</h2>
<li><a href="#about">About this document</a>
<li><a href="#toc">Table of Contents</a>
<li><a href="#whatisAIDE">What is AIDE?</a>
<li><a href="#compilation">Compiling AIDE</a>
<li><a href="#config">Configuration</a>
<li><a href="#usage">Usage</a>
<li><a href="#signing">Database and config signing</a>
<li><a href="#general">General guidelines for security</a>

<a name="whatisAIDE"></a>
<h2>What is AIDE?</h2>
AIDE (Advanced intrusion detection environment) is an intrusion
detection program. More specifically a file integrity checker.
AIDE constructs a database of the files specified in AIDE.conf, AIDE's configuration file. 
The AIDE database  stores various file attributes including:
permissions, inode number, user, group, file size, mtime and ctime,
atime, growing size, number of links and link name.
AIDE also creates a cryptographic checksum or hash of each file using
one or a combination of the following message digest algorithms: sha1,
sha256, sha512, md5, rmd160, tiger (gost and whirlpool can be compiled
in if mhash support is available). 
Additionaly, the extended attributes acl, xattr and selinux can be used when
expliticly enabled during compile time.
Typically, a system administrator will create an AIDE database on a
new system before it is brought onto the network. This first AIDE
database is a snapshot of the system in it's normal state and the
yardstick by which all subsequent updates and changes will be
measured. The database should contain information about key system
binaries, libraries, header files, all files  
that are expected to remain the same over time.  The database probably
should not contain information about files which change frequently
like log files, mail spools, proc filesystems, user's home
directories, or temporary directories.
After a break-in, an administrator may begin by examinining the system
using system tools like ls, ps, netstat, and who ---  
 the very tools most likely to be trojaned. Imagine that ls has been
doctored to not show 
any file named "sniffedpackets.log" and that ps and netstat have been
rewritten to not show any information for a  process named
Even an administrator who had previously printed out on paper the
dates and sizes of these key system files can not be certain by
comparison that they have not been modified in some way. File dates
and sizes can be manipulated, some better root-kits make this trivial.
While it is possible to manipulate file dates and sizes, it is much
more difficult to manipulate a single cryptographic checksum like md5,
and exponentially more difficult to manipulate each of the entire
array of checksums that AIDE supports. By rerunning AIDE after a
break-in, a system administrator can quickly identify changes to key
files and have a fairly high degree of confidence as to the accuracy
of these findings.  
Unfortunately, AIDE can not provide absolute sureness about change in
files.  Like any other system files, AIDE's binary and/or database can
also be altered.

<a name=compilation></a>
<h2>Compiling AIDE</h2>
<h3>I'm in a hurry. Bottomline about compilation.</h3>
After you have installed all the necessary sofware do
<code>./configure;make;make install</code> in the main AIDE  
directory of the unpacked source tree. <b>You should carefully think
about the configuration and what a possible hacker can do if
he/her/they/it has root access.</b></p>

<h3>Getting all that is needed</h3>
Before you can compile AIDE you must have certain things.
<li>ANSI C-compiler (<a href="">GCC</a>
will do just fine) 
<li><a href="">GNU Flex</a>
<li><a href="">GNU Bison</a>
<li><a href="">GNU Make</a>
<li><a href="">AIDE source code</a>
<li><a href="">Mhash library</a>
<li>And if you want to use postgres sql for database storage you must have the 
<a href="">postgres sql developer
library</a> installed 
Please check to see if there are mirrors available.</p>
Once you have the source code of AIDE you should unpack it. If you
have GNU tar then the command is <code>tar zxvf
aide-version.tar.gz</code> .
<h3>Compile-time configuration</h3>
Next you must use the configure script found in AIDE's source code
package to configure the compilation process.</p><p>
There are several options you can give to configure. You can find out
what options are available with <code>./configure --help</code> 
command. Most of the time you do not need to give any options.
You can just use configure without any parameters.</p><p>

If you want to use the bundled gnu regular expression package
you can give the <code>--with-gnu-regexp</code> option. Some OS's that 
a buggy regexp implementation you must use this option.</p><p>

If you want to change the directory where AIDE is installed you can 
use --prefix option. For example <code>./configure --prefix=/usr
<h3>Compilation and installation</h3>
The compilation is done by simply typing <code>make</code>. You can
now type <code>make install</code> to install the binary and the
manual pages. The binary however should be installed on read-only
media or in some other tamperproof place. Also the databases should 
be kept somewhere where a possible intruder cannot change them.</p>

<a name=config></a>
Next you have to create a configuration file. You can find
more documentation for this in aide.conf(5) manual page.
There are three types of lines in aide.conf:
<li>configuration lines - used to set configuration parameters and
define/undefine  variables   
<li>selection lines - indicate which files will be added to the database 
<li>macro lines - define or undefine variables within the the config file 
Lines beginning with # are ignored as comments.
Here is an example configuration.</p>

#AIDE conf

   # Here are all the things we can check - these are the default rules 
   #p:      permissions
   #i:      inode
   #n:      number of links
   #l:      link name
   #u:      user
   #g:      group
   #s:      size
   #b:      block count
   #m:      mtime
   #a:      atime
   #c:      ctime
   #S:      check for growing size
   #I:      ignore changed filename
   #md5:    md5 checksum
   #sha1:   sha1 checksum
   #sha256: sha256 checksum
   #sha512: sha512 checksum
   #rmd160: rmd160 checksum
   #tiger:  tiger checksum
   #haval:  haval checksum
   #crc32:  crc32 checksum
   #R:      p+i+l+n+u+g+s+m+c+acl+selinux+xattrs+md5
   #L:      p+i+l+n+u+g+acl+selinux+xattrs
   #E:      Empty group
   #>:      Growing logfile p+l+u+g+i+n+S+acl+selinux+xattrs
   #The following are available if you have mhash support enabled:
   #gost:   gost checksum
   #whirlpool: whirlpool checksum
   #The following are available when explicitly enabled using configure:
   #acl:    access control list
   #selinux SELinux security context
   #xattrs:  extended file attributes

   # You can alse create custom rules - my home made rule definition goes like this 
   MyRule = p+i+n+u+g+s+b+m+c+md5+sha1 

   # Next decide what directories/files you want in the database

   /etc p+i+u+g     #check only permissions, inode, user and group for etc
   /bin MyRule      # apply the custom rule to the files in bin 
   /sbin MyRule     # apply the same custom rule to the files in sbin 
   /var MyRule		
   !/var/log/.*     # ignore the log dir it changes too often
   !/var/spool/.*   # ignore spool dirs as they change too often
   !/var/adm/utmp$  # ignore the file /var/adm/utmp


<p>Here we include files in /etc, /bin and /sbin.  We also include
/var but ignore /var/log, /var/spool and a single file /var/adm/utmp. 
It is generally a good idea to ignore directories that frequently
change, unless you want to read long reports.  
It is good practice to exclude tmp directories, mail spools, log
directories, proc filesystems, user's home directories, web content
directories, anything that changes regularly.  It is also good practice to
include all system binaries, libraries, include files, system source
files.  It will also be a good idea to include directories you don't
often look in like /dev /usr/man/.*usr/.  Of course you'll want to
include as many files as practical, but think about what you include.        
One example: If
you have a block device whose owner is changing frequently, you can
configure aide to just 
check the attributes that do not normally change (inode, number of
links, ctime).
Note that if you are referring to a single file you should add $ to
the end of the regexp. This matches to the name of the file exactly
and does not include any other files that might have the same
beginning. In the example, all filenames beginning with
/var/adm/utmp would be ignored if there were no dollar sign at the 
end of the last line. An intruder could then create a
directory called  /var/adm/utmp_root_kit and place all the files
he/she/they wanted there and they would be ignored by AIDE.
There are two special group definitions to tweak what attributes are
printed in the report. First report_attributes lists those attributes
that are always printed from changed files. For example, if you say
report_attributes = u+g
and the size of a file changes, it's user and group id will also be printed
in the report. Secondly, ignore_list defines which attributes to ignore from
the report. For example, if you define
ignore_list = b
and this size of a file changes, it's block count will not be printed in the
report, even if it did change as well. Ignore_list overrules
report_attributes where they conflict.
<h3>Troubleshooting your config</h3>
<p>Making a config file is a lot of hard work and must be done on a case
by case  bases. Don't give up simply because you don't get it right
the first time around. This section gives you a few hints howto debug
your config. 
You can use <code>aide --verbose=255</code> to generate a lot of debug 
output to help you see which files get added and which are discarded. 
The following section gives some more information about
AIDE's rule matching algorithm.
<h4>Understanding AIDE rule matching</h4>
Before reading this you should have basic understanding of how regular
expressions work. There are several good books about this. Several
Perl-books have also decent explanations about this subject. Just
remember that Perl has some extensions to the standard regexps.
There are also some differences in how different platforms handle
regexps if you are using your platforms own regexp implementation.
For example GNU regexps have their own extensions. Try reading the
manual page of your system in this case. It might be a pain to read
but it is worth it.
As you already know, aide has three types of selection lines:
<li>Regular selection lines, beginning with "/".</li>
<li>Equals selection lines, beginning with "=".</li>
<li>Negative selection lines, beginning with "!".</li>
The string following the first character is taken as a regular
expression matching to a complete filename, including the path. In a
regular selection rule, the slash is included in the regular
expression. An implicit ^ is added in front of each rule. A group
definition follows the regular expression.
When reading the configuration file, aide internally builds a tree
that roughly resembles the directory tree to be checked. Each node
corresponds to a directory, and each node has one rule list for the
associated regular selection lines, one for the associated negative
selection lines and one for the associated equals selection lines. If
there is no associated rule, the respective list may be empty.
aide tries to place a rule as far down in the tree as possible while
still assuring that it is above all files that it matches. This is
determined by the first "special" regexp character in the rule. For
example, <code>!/proc</code> would be placed in the root node,
<code>!/proc/.*</code> would be placed in the /proc node,
<code>!/var/log/syslog*</code> is placed in the /var/log node and,
finally, <code>!/home/[a-z0-9]+/.bashrc$</code> is placed in the /home
The algorithm that aide uses for rule matching is described in the
following paragraphs. The pseudocode is an adaption from src/gen_list.c.
	if (first_time)
        	check(equals list for this node)

	check(regular list for this node)

	if (node is not the root node)
		check_node_for_match(nodes parent,filename,false)

	if (this file is about to be added)
		check(negative list for this node)

	return (info about whether this file should be added or not and how)
When aide needs to determine whether a file found in the file system is
to be checked, it first determines the deepest possible node x to
match the current file against (that algorithm is not part of the
pseudocode above), and then calls check-node_for_match(x, filename,
true). So, the recursion starts at the deepest possible match.
As it can also be seen, equals selection lines are only checked in the
first recursion step, thus providing some kind of speed optimization
by reducing the number of necessary regular expression evaluations,
which is a quite expensive operation.
There are some side-effects from this algorithm that might seem
strange at first. For example if you have the following rules:
/ R
=/etc R+a
The result would be that /etc and all files in it and in /etc/ppp
except /etc/ppp/logs would be added to the database. This is perfectly
normal. This happens because the =/etc matches not only /etc but all
the files under it. Remember that regexps match always just the part
they are referring to. The rest of the line is included by default.
So <code>=/etc$ R+a</code> would be the correct form. If you don't
have the <code>!/etc/ppp/logs</code> you would get the results that
you are looking for because there is no node /etc in the regexp
tree and there for it is not checked when AIDE constructs the list of
files to add to the database. But when you have the negative rules the
nodes /etc and /etc/ppp get created and they get checked when the file
list is generated. So the =/etc is used to find a match in those nodes
and it succeeds.
Consider the following rules:
/ R
=/var/log/messages$ R+a
This is what you might write if you want to check /var/log/messages
but not /var/log/messages.0 and /var/log/messages.1 etc. However since
the negative selection rules are checked last and .* can match to an
empty string /var/log/messages is not added to the database. The
following is a more correct way of doing it.
/ R
=/var/log/messages$ R+a
Now only messages files ending in number 0-9 and not included in the
database. Note an intruder could disguise a rootkit by creating a
directory called messages.9. If messages.9 does not already exist that
Consider the following rules:
/ n+p+l+i+u+g+s+b+m+c+md5+sha1+rmd160+haval+gost+crc32+tiger
/etc$ n+p+l+i+u+g
/etc/resolv.conf$ n+p+l+u+g
This way, changing /etc/resolv.conf will also report /etc as having
their mtime and ctime changed, even if /etc is configured not to be
checked for mtime and ctime. The reason is that aide only uses a
deepest-match algorithm to find the tree node to search, but a
first-match algorithm inside the node. Since /etc is in the /
directory, /etc will match the rule for the root directory and ignore
the specialized /etc rule.
Rearranging the configuration like this
/etc/resolv.conf$ n+p+l+u+g
/etc$ n+p+l+i+u+g
/ n+p+l+i+u+g+s+b+m+c+md5+sha1+rmd160+haval+gost+crc32+tiger
will solve the issue. It is generally a good idea to write the most
general rules last.
<a name=usage></a>
First you must create a database against which future checks are
performed. This should be done immediately after the operating system
and applications have been installed, before the machine is plugged
into a network. You can do this by giving the command 
<code>aide --init</code>. 
This creates a database that contains all of the files that you
selected in your config file. The newly created database should now be 
moved to a secure location such as read-only media. You should also
place the configuration file and the AIDE binary and preferably the
manual pages and this manual on that media also. Please remember to
edit the configuration file so that the input database is read from
that read-only media. The config file should not be kept on the 
target machine. The attacker could read the config file and alter it
or even if he does alter it he could place his rootkit to place that
AIDE does not check. So the read-only media should be accessible only 
during the check.</p>
Now you are all set to go. You can now check the integrity of the
files. This can be done by giving the command
<code>aide --check</code>.
AIDE now reads the database and compares it to the files found on
disk. AIDE may find changes in places that might not expect. For
instance tty devices often change owners and permissions. You may want
to read long reports and that is up to you to decide. But most of us
do not have the time or the inclination read through tons of garbage
every day. So you should trim the config file to include only the
files and attributes of certain files that should not change. But keep
in mind that you should not ignore too much as that leaves you open
for an attack. An intruder might place his/her/its/their root kit in a
directory that you have ignored completely. One good example is
/var/spool/lp or something similar. This is the place that lp daemon
stores its temporary files. You should not ignore it completely
however. You should only ignore the format of files that you lp daemon
keeps creating. And remember to use the $-sign at the end of your
regexps. This stops someone from creating a directory that is ignored
along with its contents.</p>
Now that you have trimmed your config file you should update the
database this can be done 
<code>aide --update</code>
command. The update command also does the same thing as check but it
also creates a new database. This database should now be placed on
that read-only media along with the new config file. The check, trim,
update cycle should be repeated as long as necessary. I recommend that
the config file should be reviewed once in a while. The definition of 
"a while" depends on your paranoia. Some might want do it daily after
each check. Some might want to do it weekly.</p>
There is usually some drift in the databases. What I mean by drift is
that new files are created, config files of applications are edited,
tons of small changes pile up until the report becomes
unreadable. This can be avoided by updating the database once in a
while. I myself run the update every night. But, I don't replace the
input database nearly as often. The replacement of the input datbase
should always be a manual operation. This should not be automated.
There is also an alternative way of doing this. This method may be
preferable for people that have lots of machines that run aide.
You can run 
<code>aide --init</code> 
on all of the hosts and move the generated databases to a central host
where you compare different versions of the databases with 
<code>aide --compare</code>
This has the benefit of freeing up resources on the monitored

<a name=signing></a>
<h2>Database and config signing</h2>
The security of AIDE can be increased by signing the configuration and/or
database. When a database is signed, and it is changed manually, AIDE will
refuse to use it. Likewise, if a configuration is signed, AIDE will not use
it until the embedded hash is updated as well.

To make use of the signing features, use these options to the configure
                          Hash type to use for checking config. Valid values
                          are md5 and sha1.
                          HMAC hash key to use for checking config. Must be a
                          base64 encoded byte stream. Maximum string length is
                          31 chars.
                          Hash type to use for checking db. Valid values are
                          md5 and sha1.
                          HMAC hash key to use for checking db. Must be a base64
                          encoded byte stream. Maximum string lentgth is 31

The base64 encoding was chosen so that the keys are not limited to printable
characters. You can use a local base64 tool or an
<a href="">online
base64 encoder</a>
to convert the keys to the right format. Then run configure, for example:

./configure --with-confighmactype=sha1
-with-confighmackey="YWlkZSBhaWRlIGFpZGUgYWlkZQo=" --with-dbhmactype=sha1

To make the presence of a valid signature mandatory, the following configure
options can be used:

                          Forces the file/pipe database's to have checksum.
                          Forces the config to have checksum. Also disables

It is also possible to edit the <code>config.h</code> file by hand, and
changing the values of the <code>FORCEDBMD</code> and
<code>FORCECONFIGMD</code> macros.

Creating the hash for the aide.db database is done by running <code>aide
--init</code> or <code>aide --update</code>. The hash for the aide.conf
configuration file can be obtained by running <code>aide

$ aide --config-check
Config checked. Use the following to patch your config file.
> @@begin_config 27GF0+oKj1CvP4tltuibhu8YGIU=
> @@end_config

The <code>@@begin_config</code> and <code>@@end_config</code> can be added
to the aide.conf file manually, or the output of <code>aide
--config-check</code> can be directly piped into <code>patch</code>:

$ aide --config-check | patch
can't find file to patch at input line 2
Perhaps you should have used the -p or --strip option?
The text leading up to this was:
|Config checked. Use the following to patch your config file.
File to patch: /etc/aide.conf
patching file /etc/aide.conf

Using <code>forced_configmd</code> will make AIDE refuse to use unsigned
configuration files. This also disables the <code>--config-check</code>
option. This only makes sense if you already have a signed configuration, or
if you have an AIDE executable on another machine that can create the signed
configurations for you.

<a name=misc></a>
The AIDE database can be used to find the real names and places of
files that have been moved to lost+found directory by fsck.
<a name=general></a>
<h2>General guidelines for security</h2>
<li>Do not assume anything
<li>Trust no-one,nothing
<li>Nothing is secure
<li>Security is a trade-off with usability 
<li>Paranoia is your friend
